package updater import ( "os" "runtime" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( appID = "app_idCzgxYerVD" noUpdateInShellMessage = "cloudflared will not automatically update when run from the shell. To enable auto-updates, run cloudflared as a service:" noUpdateOnWindowsMessage = "cloudflared will not automatically update on Windows systems." ) var ( publicKey = []byte(` -----BEGIN ECDSA PUBLIC KEY----- MHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAE4OWZocTVZ8Do/L6ScLdkV+9A0IYMHoOf dsCmJ/QZ6aw0w9qkkwEpne1Lmo6+0pGexZzFZOH6w5amShn+RXt7qkSid9iWlzGq EKx0BZogHSor9Wy5VztdFaAaVbsJiCbO -----END ECDSA PUBLIC KEY----- `) logger = log.CreateLogger() ) type UpdateOutcome struct { Updated bool Version string Error error } func (uo *UpdateOutcome) noUpdate() bool { return uo.Error != nil && uo.Updated == false } func checkForUpdateAndApply() UpdateOutcome { var opts equinox.Options if err := opts.SetPublicKeyPEM(publicKey); err != nil { return UpdateOutcome{Error: err} } resp, err := equinox.Check(appID, opts) switch { case err == equinox.NotAvailableErr: return UpdateOutcome{} case err != nil: return UpdateOutcome{Error: err} } err = resp.Apply() if err != nil { return UpdateOutcome{Error: err} } return UpdateOutcome{Updated: true, Version: resp.ReleaseVersion} } func Update(_ *cli.Context) error { updateOutcome := loggedUpdate() if updateOutcome.Error != nil { os.Exit(10) } if updateOutcome.noUpdate() { logger.Infof("cloudflared is up to date (%s)", updateOutcome.Version) } return updateOutcome.Error } func Autoupdate(freq time.Duration, listeners *gracenet.Net, shutdownC chan struct{}) error { tickC := time.Tick(freq) for { updateOutcome := loggedUpdate() if updateOutcome.Updated { os.Args = append(os.Args, "--is-autoupdated=true") pid, err := listeners.StartProcess() if err != nil { logger.WithError(err).Error("Unable to restart server automatically") return err } // stop old process after autoupdate. Otherwise we create a new process // after each update logger.Infof("PID of the new process is %d", pid) return nil } select { case <-tickC: case <-shutdownC: return nil } } } // Checks for an update and applies it if one is available func loggedUpdate() UpdateOutcome { updateOutcome := checkForUpdateAndApply() if updateOutcome.Updated { logger.Infof("cloudflared has been updated to version %s", updateOutcome.Version) } if updateOutcome.Error != nil { logger.WithError(updateOutcome.Error).Error("update check failed") } return updateOutcome } func IsAutoupdateEnabled(c *cli.Context) bool { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { logger.Info(noUpdateOnWindowsMessage) return false } if isRunningFromTerminal() { logger.Info(noUpdateInShellMessage) return false } return !c.Bool("no-autoupdate") && c.Duration("autoupdate-freq") != 0 } func isRunningFromTerminal() bool { return terminal.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdout.Fd())) }