from contextlib import contextmanager import logging import requests from retrying import retry import subprocess import yaml from time import sleep from constants import METRICS_PORT, MAX_RETRIES, BACKOFF_SECS LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def write_config(path, config): config_path = path / "config.yaml" with open(config_path, 'w') as outfile: yaml.dump(config, outfile) return config_path def start_cloudflared(path, component_test_config, cfd_args=["run"], cfd_pre_args=["tunnel"], new_process=False, classic=False, capture_output=True): if classic: config = component_test_config.classic_tunnel_config.full_config else: config = component_test_config.named_tunnel_config.full_config config_path = write_config(path, config) cmd = [component_test_config.cloudflared_binary] cmd += cfd_pre_args cmd += ["--config", config_path] cmd += cfd_args"Run cmd {cmd} with config {config}") if new_process: return run_cloudflared_background(cmd, capture_output) # By setting check=True, it will raise an exception if the process exits with non-zero exit code return, check=True, capture_output=capture_output) @contextmanager def run_cloudflared_background(cmd, capture_output): output = subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else subprocess.DEVNULL try: cfd = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=output, stderr=output) yield cfd finally: cfd.terminate() @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_RETRIES, wait_fixed=BACKOFF_SECS * 1000) def wait_tunnel_ready(): url = f'http://localhost:{METRICS_PORT}/ready' send_requests(url, 1) # In some cases we don't need to check response status, such as when sending batch requests to generate logs def send_requests(url, count, require_ok=True): errors = 0 with requests.Session() as s: for _ in range(count): ok = send_request(s, url, require_ok) if not ok: errors += 1 sleep(0.01) if errors > 0: LOGGER.warning( f"{errors} out of {count} requests to {url} return non-200 status") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_RETRIES, wait_fixed=BACKOFF_SECS * 1000) def send_request(session, url, require_ok): resp = session.get(url, timeout=BACKOFF_SECS) if require_ok: assert resp.status_code == 200, f"{url} returned {resp}" return True if resp.status_code == 200 else False