package updater

import (



const (
	DefaultCheckUpdateFreq        = time.Hour * 24
	noUpdateInShellMessage        = "cloudflared will not automatically update when run from the shell. To enable auto-updates, run cloudflared as a service:"
	noUpdateOnWindowsMessage      = "cloudflared will not automatically update on Windows systems."
	noUpdateManagedPackageMessage = "cloudflared will not automatically update if installed by a package manager."
	isManagedInstallFile          = ".installedFromPackageManager"
	UpdateURL                     = ""
	StagingUpdateURL              = ""

	LogFieldVersion = "version"

var (
	version string

// BinaryUpdated implements ExitCoder interface, the app will exit with status code 11
type statusSuccess struct {
	newVersion string

func (u *statusSuccess) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("cloudflared has been updated to version %s", u.newVersion)

func (u *statusSuccess) ExitCode() int {
	return 11

// UpdateErr implements ExitCoder interface, the app will exit with status code 10
type statusErr struct {
	err error

func (e *statusErr) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("failed to update cloudflared: %v", e.err)

func (e *statusErr) ExitCode() int {
	return 10

type updateOptions struct {
	updateDisabled  bool
	isBeta          bool
	isStaging       bool
	isForced        bool
	intendedVersion string

type UpdateOutcome struct {
	Updated     bool
	Version     string
	UserMessage string
	Error       error

func (uo *UpdateOutcome) noUpdate() bool {
	return uo.Error == nil && uo.Updated == false

func Init(v string) {
	version = v

func CheckForUpdate(options updateOptions) (CheckResult, error) {
	cfdPath, err := os.Executable()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	url := UpdateURL
	if options.isStaging {
		url = StagingUpdateURL

	s := NewWorkersService(version, url, cfdPath, Options{IsBeta: options.isBeta,
		IsForced: options.isForced, RequestedVersion: options.intendedVersion})

	return s.Check()

func applyUpdate(options updateOptions, update CheckResult) UpdateOutcome {
	if update.Version() == "" || options.updateDisabled {
		return UpdateOutcome{UserMessage: update.UserMessage()}

	err := update.Apply()
	if err != nil {
		return UpdateOutcome{Error: err}

	return UpdateOutcome{Updated: true, Version: update.Version(), UserMessage: update.UserMessage()}

// Update is the handler for the update command from the command line
func Update(c *cli.Context) error {
	log := logger.CreateLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)

	if wasInstalledFromPackageManager() {
		log.Error().Msg("cloudflared was installed by a package manager. Please update using the same method.")
		return nil

	isBeta := c.Bool("beta")
	if isBeta {
		log.Info().Msg("cloudflared is set to update to the latest beta version")

	isStaging := c.Bool("staging")
	if isStaging {
		log.Info().Msg("cloudflared is set to update from staging")

	isForced := c.Bool("force")
	if isForced {
		log.Info().Msg("cloudflared is set to upgrade to the latest publish version regardless of the current version")

	updateOutcome := loggedUpdate(log, updateOptions{
		updateDisabled:  false,
		isBeta:          isBeta,
		isStaging:       isStaging,
		isForced:        isForced,
		intendedVersion: c.String("version"),
	if updateOutcome.Error != nil {
		return &statusErr{updateOutcome.Error}

	if updateOutcome.noUpdate() {
		log.Info().Str(LogFieldVersion, updateOutcome.Version).Msg("cloudflared is up to date")
		return nil

	return &statusSuccess{newVersion: updateOutcome.Version}

// Checks for an update and applies it if one is available
func loggedUpdate(log *zerolog.Logger, options updateOptions) UpdateOutcome {
	checkResult, err := CheckForUpdate(options)
	if err != nil {
		log.Err(err).Msg("update check failed")
		return UpdateOutcome{Error: err}

	updateOutcome := applyUpdate(options, checkResult)
	if updateOutcome.Updated {
		log.Info().Str(LogFieldVersion, updateOutcome.Version).Msg("cloudflared has been updated")
	if updateOutcome.Error != nil {
		log.Err(updateOutcome.Error).Msg("update failed to apply")

	return updateOutcome

// AutoUpdater periodically checks for new version of cloudflared.
type AutoUpdater struct {
	configurable     *configurable
	listeners        *gracenet.Net
	updateConfigChan chan *configurable
	log              *zerolog.Logger

// AutoUpdaterConfigurable is the attributes of AutoUpdater that can be reconfigured during runtime
type configurable struct {
	enabled bool
	freq    time.Duration

func NewAutoUpdater(updateDisabled bool, freq time.Duration, listeners *gracenet.Net, log *zerolog.Logger) *AutoUpdater {
	return &AutoUpdater{
		configurable:     createUpdateConfig(updateDisabled, freq, log),
		listeners:        listeners,
		updateConfigChan: make(chan *configurable),
		log:              log,

func createUpdateConfig(updateDisabled bool, freq time.Duration, log *zerolog.Logger) *configurable {
	if isAutoupdateEnabled(log, updateDisabled, freq) {
		log.Info().Dur("autoupdateFreq", freq).Msg("Autoupdate frequency is set")
		return &configurable{
			enabled: true,
			freq:    freq,
	} else {
		return &configurable{
			enabled: false,
			freq:    DefaultCheckUpdateFreq,

func (a *AutoUpdater) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
	ticker := time.NewTicker(a.configurable.freq)
	for {
		updateOutcome := loggedUpdate(a.log, updateOptions{updateDisabled: !a.configurable.enabled})
		if updateOutcome.Updated {
			if IsSysV() {
				// SysV doesn't have a mechanism to keep service alive, we have to restart the process
				a.log.Info().Msg("Restarting service managed by SysV...")
				pid, err := a.listeners.StartProcess()
				if err != nil {
					a.log.Err(err).Msg("Unable to restart server automatically")
					return &statusErr{err: err}
				// stop old process after autoupdate. Otherwise we create a new process
				// after each update
				a.log.Info().Msgf("PID of the new process is %d", pid)
			return &statusSuccess{newVersion: updateOutcome.Version}
		} else if updateOutcome.UserMessage != "" {

		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()
		case newConfigurable := <-a.updateConfigChan:
			a.configurable = newConfigurable
			ticker = time.NewTicker(a.configurable.freq)
			// Check if there is new version of cloudflared after receiving new AutoUpdaterConfigurable
		case <-ticker.C:

// Update is the method to pass new AutoUpdaterConfigurable to a running AutoUpdater. It is safe to be called concurrently
func (a *AutoUpdater) Update(updateDisabled bool, newFreq time.Duration) {
	a.updateConfigChan <- createUpdateConfig(updateDisabled, newFreq, a.log)

func isAutoupdateEnabled(log *zerolog.Logger, updateDisabled bool, updateFreq time.Duration) bool {
	if !supportAutoUpdate(log) {
		return false
	return !updateDisabled && updateFreq != 0

func supportAutoUpdate(log *zerolog.Logger) bool {
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		return false

	if wasInstalledFromPackageManager() {
		return false

	if isRunningFromTerminal() {
		return false
	return true

func wasInstalledFromPackageManager() bool {
	ok, _ := config.FileExists(filepath.Join(config.DefaultUnixConfigLocation, isManagedInstallFile))
	return ok

func isRunningFromTerminal() bool {
	return terminal.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdout.Fd()))

func IsSysV() bool {
	if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
		return false

	if _, err := os.Stat("/run/systemd/system"); err == nil {
		return false
	return true