import logging import os import platform import subprocess from contextlib import contextmanager from time import sleep import pytest import requests import yaml import json from retrying import retry from constants import METRICS_PORT, MAX_RETRIES, BACKOFF_SECS LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def select_platform(plat): return pytest.mark.skipif( platform.system() != plat, reason=f"Only runs on {plat}") def fips_enabled(): env_fips = os.getenv("COMPONENT_TESTS_FIPS") return env_fips is not None and env_fips != "0" nofips = pytest.mark.skipif( fips_enabled(), reason=f"Only runs without FIPS (COMPONENT_TESTS_FIPS=0)") def write_config(directory, config): config_path = directory / "config.yml" with open(config_path, 'w') as outfile: yaml.dump(config, outfile) return config_path def start_cloudflared(directory, config, cfd_args=["run"], cfd_pre_args=["tunnel"], new_process=False, allow_input=False, capture_output=True, root=False, skip_config_flag=False, expect_success=True): config_path = None if not skip_config_flag: config_path = write_config(directory, config.full_config) cmd = cloudflared_cmd(config, config_path, cfd_args, cfd_pre_args, root) if new_process: return run_cloudflared_background(cmd, allow_input, capture_output) # By setting check=True, it will raise an exception if the process exits with non-zero exit code return, check=expect_success, capture_output=capture_output) def cloudflared_cmd(config, config_path, cfd_args, cfd_pre_args, root): cmd = [] if root: cmd += ["sudo"] cmd += [config.cloudflared_binary] cmd += cfd_pre_args if config_path is not None: cmd += ["--config", str(config_path)] cmd += cfd_args"Run cmd {cmd} with config {config}") return cmd @contextmanager def run_cloudflared_background(cmd, allow_input, capture_output): output = subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else subprocess.DEVNULL stdin = subprocess.PIPE if allow_input else None cfd = None try: cfd = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=stdin, stdout=output, stderr=output) yield cfd finally: if cfd: cfd.terminate() if capture_output:"cloudflared log: {}") def get_quicktunnel_url(): quicktunnel_url = f'http://localhost:{METRICS_PORT}/quicktunnel' with requests.Session() as s: resp = send_request(s, quicktunnel_url, True) hostname = resp.json()["hostname"] assert hostname, \ f"Quicktunnel endpoint returned {hostname} but we expected a url" return f"https://{hostname}" def wait_tunnel_ready(tunnel_url=None, require_min_connections=1, cfd_logs=None): try: inner_wait_tunnel_ready(tunnel_url, require_min_connections) except Exception as e: if cfd_logs is not None: _log_cloudflared_logs(cfd_logs) raise e @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_RETRIES, wait_fixed=BACKOFF_SECS * 1000) def inner_wait_tunnel_ready(tunnel_url=None, require_min_connections=1): metrics_url = f'http://localhost:{METRICS_PORT}/ready' with requests.Session() as s: resp = send_request(s, metrics_url, True) ready_connections = resp.json()["readyConnections"] assert ready_connections >= require_min_connections, \ f"Ready endpoint returned {resp.json()} but we expect at least {require_min_connections} connections" if tunnel_url is not None: send_request(s, tunnel_url, True) def _log_cloudflared_logs(cfd_logs): log_file = cfd_logs if os.path.isdir(cfd_logs): files = os.listdir(cfd_logs) if len(files) == 0: return log_file = os.path.join(cfd_logs, files[0]) with open(log_file, "r") as f: LOGGER.warning("Cloudflared Tunnel was not ready:") for line in f.readlines(): LOGGER.warning(line) @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_RETRIES, wait_fixed=BACKOFF_SECS * 1000) def check_tunnel_not_connected(): url = f'http://localhost:{METRICS_PORT}/ready' try: resp = requests.get(url, timeout=BACKOFF_SECS) assert resp.status_code == 503, f"Expect {url} returns 503, got {resp.status_code}" assert resp.json()[ "readyConnections"] == 0, "Expected all connections to be terminated (pending reconnect)" # cloudflared might already terminate except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: LOGGER.warning(f"Failed to connect to {url}, error: {e}") def get_tunnel_connector_id(): url = f'http://localhost:{METRICS_PORT}/ready' try: resp = requests.get(url, timeout=1) return resp.json()["connectorId"] # cloudflared might already terminated except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: LOGGER.warning(f"Failed to connect to {url}, error: {e}") # In some cases we don't need to check response status, such as when sending batch requests to generate logs def send_requests(url, count, require_ok=True): errors = 0 with requests.Session() as s: for _ in range(count): resp = send_request(s, url, require_ok) if resp is None: errors += 1 sleep(0.01) if errors > 0: LOGGER.warning( f"{errors} out of {count} requests to {url} return non-200 status") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_RETRIES, wait_fixed=BACKOFF_SECS * 1000) def send_request(session, url, require_ok): resp = session.get(url, timeout=BACKOFF_SECS) if require_ok: assert resp.status_code == 200, f"{url} returned {resp}" return resp if resp.status_code == 200 else None