# Generate go.capnp.out with: # capnp compile -o- go.capnp > go.capnp.out # Must run inside this directory to preserve paths. @0xd12a1c51fedd6c88; annotation package(file) :Text; # The Go package name for the generated file. annotation import(file) :Text; # The Go import path that the generated file is accessible from. # Used to generate import statements and check if two types are in the # same package. annotation doc(struct, field, enum) :Text; # Adds a doc comment to the generated code. annotation tag(enumerant) :Text; # Changes the string representation of the enum in the generated code. annotation notag(enumerant) :Void; # Removes the string representation of the enum in the generated code. annotation customtype(field) :Text; # OBSOLETE, not used by code generator. annotation name(struct, field, union, enum, enumerant, interface, method, param, annotation, const, group) :Text; # Used to rename the element in the generated code. $package("capnp"); $import("zombiezen.com/go/capnproto2");