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package aws
import (
// UseServiceDefaultRetries instructs the config to use the service's own
// default number of retries. This will be the default action if
// Config.MaxRetries is nil also.
const UseServiceDefaultRetries = -1
// RequestRetryer is an alias for a type that implements the request.Retryer
// interface.
type RequestRetryer interface{}
// A Config provides service configuration for service clients. By default,
// all clients will use the defaults.DefaultConfig structure.
// // Create Session with MaxRetries configuration to be shared by multiple
// // service clients.
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// MaxRetries: aws.Int(3),
// }))
// // Create S3 service client with a specific Region.
// svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{
// Region: aws.String("us-west-2"),
// })
type Config struct {
// Enables verbose error printing of all credential chain errors.
// Should be used when wanting to see all errors while attempting to
// retrieve credentials.
CredentialsChainVerboseErrors *bool
// The credentials object to use when signing requests. Defaults to a
// chain of credential providers to search for credentials in environment
// variables, shared credential file, and EC2 Instance Roles.
Credentials *credentials.Credentials
// An optional endpoint URL (hostname only or fully qualified URI)
// that overrides the default generated endpoint for a client. Set this
// to `nil` or the value to `""` to use the default generated endpoint.
// Note: You must still provide a `Region` value when specifying an
// endpoint for a client.
Endpoint *string
// The resolver to use for looking up endpoints for AWS service clients
// to use based on region.
EndpointResolver endpoints.Resolver
// EnforceShouldRetryCheck is used in the AfterRetryHandler to always call
// ShouldRetry regardless of whether or not if request.Retryable is set.
// This will utilize ShouldRetry method of custom retryers. If EnforceShouldRetryCheck
// is not set, then ShouldRetry will only be called if request.Retryable is nil.
// Proper handling of the request.Retryable field is important when setting this field.
EnforceShouldRetryCheck *bool
// The region to send requests to. This parameter is required and must
// be configured globally or on a per-client basis unless otherwise
// noted. A full list of regions is found in the "Regions and Endpoints"
// document.
// See for AWS
// Regions and Endpoints.
Region *string
// Set this to `true` to disable SSL when sending requests. Defaults
// to `false`.
DisableSSL *bool
// The HTTP client to use when sending requests. Defaults to
// `http.DefaultClient`.
HTTPClient *http.Client
// An integer value representing the logging level. The default log level
// is zero (LogOff), which represents no logging. To enable logging set
// to a LogLevel Value.
LogLevel *LogLevelType
// The logger writer interface to write logging messages to. Defaults to
// standard out.
Logger Logger
// The maximum number of times that a request will be retried for failures.
// Defaults to -1, which defers the max retry setting to the service
// specific configuration.
MaxRetries *int
// Retryer guides how HTTP requests should be retried in case of
// recoverable failures.
// When nil or the value does not implement the request.Retryer interface,
// the client.DefaultRetryer will be used.
// When both Retryer and MaxRetries are non-nil, the former is used and
// the latter ignored.
// To set the Retryer field in a type-safe manner and with chaining, use
// the request.WithRetryer helper function:
// cfg := request.WithRetryer(aws.NewConfig(), myRetryer)
Retryer RequestRetryer
// Disables semantic parameter validation, which validates input for
// missing required fields and/or other semantic request input errors.
DisableParamValidation *bool
// Disables the computation of request and response checksums, e.g.,
// CRC32 checksums in Amazon DynamoDB.
DisableComputeChecksums *bool
// Set this to `true` to force the request to use path-style addressing,
// i.e., ``. By default, the S3 client
// will use virtual hosted bucket addressing when possible
// (``).
// Note: This configuration option is specific to the Amazon S3 service.
// See
// for Amazon S3: Virtual Hosting of Buckets
S3ForcePathStyle *bool
// Set this to `true` to disable the SDK adding the `Expect: 100-Continue`
// header to PUT requests over 2MB of content. 100-Continue instructs the
// HTTP client not to send the body until the service responds with a
// `continue` status. This is useful to prevent sending the request body
// until after the request is authenticated, and validated.
// 100-Continue is only enabled for Go 1.6 and above. See `http.Transport`'s
// `ExpectContinueTimeout` for information on adjusting the continue wait
// timeout.
// You should use this flag to disable 100-Continue if you experience issues
// with proxies or third party S3 compatible services.
S3Disable100Continue *bool
// Set this to `true` to enable S3 Accelerate feature. For all operations
// compatible with S3 Accelerate will use the accelerate endpoint for
// requests. Requests not compatible will fall back to normal S3 requests.
// The bucket must be enable for accelerate to be used with S3 client with
// accelerate enabled. If the bucket is not enabled for accelerate an error
// will be returned. The bucket name must be DNS compatible to also work
// with accelerate.
S3UseAccelerate *bool
// S3DisableContentMD5Validation config option is temporarily disabled,
// For S3 GetObject API calls, #1837.
// Set this to `true` to disable the S3 service client from automatically
// adding the ContentMD5 to S3 Object Put and Upload API calls. This option
// will also disable the SDK from performing object ContentMD5 validation
// on GetObject API calls.
S3DisableContentMD5Validation *bool
// Set this to `true` to have the S3 service client to use the region specified
// in the ARN, when an ARN is provided as an argument to a bucket parameter.
S3UseARNRegion *bool
// Set this to `true` to enable the SDK to unmarshal API response header maps to
// normalized lower case map keys.
// For example S3's X-Amz-Meta prefixed header will be unmarshaled to lower case
// Metadata member's map keys. The value of the header in the map is unaffected.
LowerCaseHeaderMaps *bool
// Set this to `true` to disable the EC2Metadata client from overriding the
// default http.Client's Timeout. This is helpful if you do not want the
// EC2Metadata client to create a new http.Client. This options is only
// meaningful if you're not already using a custom HTTP client with the
// SDK. Enabled by default.
// Must be set and provided to the session.NewSession() in order to disable
// the EC2Metadata overriding the timeout for default credentials chain.
// Example:
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig()
// .WithEC2MetadataDisableTimeoutOverride(true)))
// svc := s3.New(sess)
EC2MetadataDisableTimeoutOverride *bool
// Instructs the endpoint to be generated for a service client to
// be the dual stack endpoint. The dual stack endpoint will support
// both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.
// Setting this for a service which does not support dual stack will fail
// to make requests. It is not recommended to set this value on the session
// as it will apply to all service clients created with the session. Even
// services which don't support dual stack endpoints.
// If the Endpoint config value is also provided the UseDualStack flag
// will be ignored.
// Only supported with.
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
// svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{
// UseDualStack: aws.Bool(true),
// })
UseDualStack *bool
// SleepDelay is an override for the func the SDK will call when sleeping
// during the lifecycle of a request. Specifically this will be used for
// request delays. This value should only be used for testing. To adjust
// the delay of a request see the aws/client.DefaultRetryer and
// aws/request.Retryer.
// SleepDelay will prevent any Context from being used for canceling retry
// delay of an API operation. It is recommended to not use SleepDelay at all
// and specify a Retryer instead.
SleepDelay func(time.Duration)
// DisableRestProtocolURICleaning will not clean the URL path when making rest protocol requests.
// Will default to false. This would only be used for empty directory names in s3 requests.
// Example:
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// DisableRestProtocolURICleaning: aws.Bool(true),
// }))
// svc := s3.New(sess)
// out, err := svc.GetObject(&s3.GetObjectInput {
// Bucket: aws.String("bucketname"),
// Key: aws.String("//foo//bar//moo"),
// })
DisableRestProtocolURICleaning *bool
// EnableEndpointDiscovery will allow for endpoint discovery on operations that
// have the definition in its model. By default, endpoint discovery is off.
// To use EndpointDiscovery, Endpoint should be unset or set to an empty string.
// Example:
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// EnableEndpointDiscovery: aws.Bool(true),
// }))
// svc := s3.New(sess)
// out, err := svc.GetObject(&s3.GetObjectInput {
// Bucket: aws.String("bucketname"),
// Key: aws.String("/foo/bar/moo"),
// })
EnableEndpointDiscovery *bool
// DisableEndpointHostPrefix will disable the SDK's behavior of prefixing
// request endpoint hosts with modeled information.
// Disabling this feature is useful when you want to use local endpoints
// for testing that do not support the modeled host prefix pattern.
DisableEndpointHostPrefix *bool
// STSRegionalEndpoint will enable regional or legacy endpoint resolving
STSRegionalEndpoint endpoints.STSRegionalEndpoint
// S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint will enable regional or legacy endpoint resolving
S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint endpoints.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint
// NewConfig returns a new Config pointer that can be chained with builder
// methods to set multiple configuration values inline without using pointers.
// // Create Session with MaxRetries configuration to be shared by multiple
// // service clients.
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig().
// WithMaxRetries(3),
// ))
// // Create S3 service client with a specific Region.
// svc := s3.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().
// WithRegion("us-west-2"),
// )
func NewConfig() *Config {
return &Config{}
// WithCredentialsChainVerboseErrors sets a config verbose errors boolean and returning
// a Config pointer.
func (c *Config) WithCredentialsChainVerboseErrors(verboseErrs bool) *Config {
c.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors = &verboseErrs
return c
// WithCredentials sets a config Credentials value returning a Config pointer
// for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithCredentials(creds *credentials.Credentials) *Config {
c.Credentials = creds
return c
// WithEndpoint sets a config Endpoint value returning a Config pointer for
// chaining.
func (c *Config) WithEndpoint(endpoint string) *Config {
c.Endpoint = &endpoint
return c
// WithEndpointResolver sets a config EndpointResolver value returning a
// Config pointer for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithEndpointResolver(resolver endpoints.Resolver) *Config {
c.EndpointResolver = resolver
return c
// WithRegion sets a config Region value returning a Config pointer for
// chaining.
func (c *Config) WithRegion(region string) *Config {
c.Region = &region
return c
// WithDisableSSL sets a config DisableSSL value returning a Config pointer
// for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithDisableSSL(disable bool) *Config {
c.DisableSSL = &disable
return c
// WithHTTPClient sets a config HTTPClient value returning a Config pointer
// for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *Config {
c.HTTPClient = client
return c
// WithMaxRetries sets a config MaxRetries value returning a Config pointer
// for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithMaxRetries(max int) *Config {
c.MaxRetries = &max
return c
// WithDisableParamValidation sets a config DisableParamValidation value
// returning a Config pointer for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithDisableParamValidation(disable bool) *Config {
c.DisableParamValidation = &disable
return c
// WithDisableComputeChecksums sets a config DisableComputeChecksums value
// returning a Config pointer for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithDisableComputeChecksums(disable bool) *Config {
c.DisableComputeChecksums = &disable
return c
// WithLogLevel sets a config LogLevel value returning a Config pointer for
// chaining.
func (c *Config) WithLogLevel(level LogLevelType) *Config {
c.LogLevel = &level
return c
// WithLogger sets a config Logger value returning a Config pointer for
// chaining.
func (c *Config) WithLogger(logger Logger) *Config {
c.Logger = logger
return c
// WithS3ForcePathStyle sets a config S3ForcePathStyle value returning a Config
// pointer for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithS3ForcePathStyle(force bool) *Config {
c.S3ForcePathStyle = &force
return c
// WithS3Disable100Continue sets a config S3Disable100Continue value returning
// a Config pointer for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithS3Disable100Continue(disable bool) *Config {
c.S3Disable100Continue = &disable
return c
// WithS3UseAccelerate sets a config S3UseAccelerate value returning a Config
// pointer for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithS3UseAccelerate(enable bool) *Config {
c.S3UseAccelerate = &enable
return c
// WithS3DisableContentMD5Validation sets a config
// S3DisableContentMD5Validation value returning a Config pointer for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithS3DisableContentMD5Validation(enable bool) *Config {
c.S3DisableContentMD5Validation = &enable
return c
// WithS3UseARNRegion sets a config S3UseARNRegion value and
// returning a Config pointer for chaining
func (c *Config) WithS3UseARNRegion(enable bool) *Config {
c.S3UseARNRegion = &enable
return c
// WithUseDualStack sets a config UseDualStack value returning a Config
// pointer for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithUseDualStack(enable bool) *Config {
c.UseDualStack = &enable
return c
// WithEC2MetadataDisableTimeoutOverride sets a config EC2MetadataDisableTimeoutOverride value
// returning a Config pointer for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithEC2MetadataDisableTimeoutOverride(enable bool) *Config {
c.EC2MetadataDisableTimeoutOverride = &enable
return c
// WithSleepDelay overrides the function used to sleep while waiting for the
// next retry. Defaults to time.Sleep.
func (c *Config) WithSleepDelay(fn func(time.Duration)) *Config {
c.SleepDelay = fn
return c
// WithEndpointDiscovery will set whether or not to use endpoint discovery.
func (c *Config) WithEndpointDiscovery(t bool) *Config {
c.EnableEndpointDiscovery = &t
return c
// WithDisableEndpointHostPrefix will set whether or not to use modeled host prefix
// when making requests.
func (c *Config) WithDisableEndpointHostPrefix(t bool) *Config {
c.DisableEndpointHostPrefix = &t
return c
// MergeIn merges the passed in configs into the existing config object.
func (c *Config) MergeIn(cfgs ...*Config) {
for _, other := range cfgs {
mergeInConfig(c, other)
// WithSTSRegionalEndpoint will set whether or not to use regional endpoint flag
// when resolving the endpoint for a service
func (c *Config) WithSTSRegionalEndpoint(sre endpoints.STSRegionalEndpoint) *Config {
c.STSRegionalEndpoint = sre
return c
// WithS3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint will set whether or not to use regional endpoint flag
// when resolving the endpoint for a service
func (c *Config) WithS3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint(sre endpoints.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint) *Config {
c.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint = sre
return c
func mergeInConfig(dst *Config, other *Config) {
if other == nil {
if other.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors != nil {
dst.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors = other.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors
if other.Credentials != nil {
dst.Credentials = other.Credentials
if other.Endpoint != nil {
dst.Endpoint = other.Endpoint
if other.EndpointResolver != nil {
dst.EndpointResolver = other.EndpointResolver
if other.Region != nil {
dst.Region = other.Region
if other.DisableSSL != nil {
dst.DisableSSL = other.DisableSSL
if other.HTTPClient != nil {
dst.HTTPClient = other.HTTPClient
if other.LogLevel != nil {
dst.LogLevel = other.LogLevel
if other.Logger != nil {
dst.Logger = other.Logger
if other.MaxRetries != nil {
dst.MaxRetries = other.MaxRetries
if other.Retryer != nil {
dst.Retryer = other.Retryer
if other.DisableParamValidation != nil {
dst.DisableParamValidation = other.DisableParamValidation
if other.DisableComputeChecksums != nil {
dst.DisableComputeChecksums = other.DisableComputeChecksums
if other.S3ForcePathStyle != nil {
dst.S3ForcePathStyle = other.S3ForcePathStyle
if other.S3Disable100Continue != nil {
dst.S3Disable100Continue = other.S3Disable100Continue
if other.S3UseAccelerate != nil {
dst.S3UseAccelerate = other.S3UseAccelerate
if other.S3DisableContentMD5Validation != nil {
dst.S3DisableContentMD5Validation = other.S3DisableContentMD5Validation
if other.S3UseARNRegion != nil {
dst.S3UseARNRegion = other.S3UseARNRegion
if other.UseDualStack != nil {
dst.UseDualStack = other.UseDualStack
if other.EC2MetadataDisableTimeoutOverride != nil {
dst.EC2MetadataDisableTimeoutOverride = other.EC2MetadataDisableTimeoutOverride
if other.SleepDelay != nil {
dst.SleepDelay = other.SleepDelay
if other.DisableRestProtocolURICleaning != nil {
dst.DisableRestProtocolURICleaning = other.DisableRestProtocolURICleaning
if other.EnforceShouldRetryCheck != nil {
dst.EnforceShouldRetryCheck = other.EnforceShouldRetryCheck
if other.EnableEndpointDiscovery != nil {
dst.EnableEndpointDiscovery = other.EnableEndpointDiscovery
if other.DisableEndpointHostPrefix != nil {
dst.DisableEndpointHostPrefix = other.DisableEndpointHostPrefix
if other.STSRegionalEndpoint != endpoints.UnsetSTSEndpoint {
dst.STSRegionalEndpoint = other.STSRegionalEndpoint
if other.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint != endpoints.UnsetS3UsEast1Endpoint {
dst.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint = other.S3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint
// Copy will return a shallow copy of the Config object. If any additional
// configurations are provided they will be merged into the new config returned.
func (c *Config) Copy(cfgs ...*Config) *Config {
dst := &Config{}
for _, cfg := range cfgs {
return dst