
555 lines
13 KiB

package testrunner
import (
colorable ""
type TestRunner struct {
Suite testsuite.TestSuite
compiled bool
compilationTargetPath string
numCPU int
parallelStream bool
timeout time.Duration
goOpts map[string]interface{}
additionalArgs []string
stderr *bytes.Buffer
CoverageFile string
func New(suite testsuite.TestSuite, numCPU int, parallelStream bool, timeout time.Duration, goOpts map[string]interface{}, additionalArgs []string) *TestRunner {
runner := &TestRunner{
Suite: suite,
numCPU: numCPU,
parallelStream: parallelStream,
goOpts: goOpts,
additionalArgs: additionalArgs,
timeout: timeout,
stderr: new(bytes.Buffer),
if !suite.Precompiled {
runner.compilationTargetPath, _ = filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(suite.Path, suite.PackageName+".test"))
return runner
func (t *TestRunner) Compile() error {
return t.CompileTo(t.compilationTargetPath)
func (t *TestRunner) BuildArgs(path string) []string {
args := make([]string, len(buildArgs), len(buildArgs)+3)
copy(args, buildArgs)
args = append(args, "-o", path, t.Suite.Path)
if t.getCoverMode() != "" {
args = append(args, "-cover", fmt.Sprintf("-covermode=%s", t.getCoverMode()))
} else {
if t.shouldCover() || t.getCoverPackage() != "" {
args = append(args, "-cover", "-covermode=atomic")
boolOpts := []string{
for _, opt := range boolOpts {
if s, found := t.goOpts[opt].(*bool); found && *s {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("-%s", opt))
intOpts := []string{
for _, opt := range intOpts {
if s, found := t.goOpts[opt].(*int); found {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("-%s=%d", opt, *s))
stringOpts := []string{
for _, opt := range stringOpts {
if s, found := t.goOpts[opt].(*string); found && *s != "" {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("-%s=%s", opt, *s))
return args
func (t *TestRunner) CompileTo(path string) error {
if t.compiled {
return nil
if t.Suite.Precompiled {
return nil
args := t.BuildArgs(path)
cmd := exec.Command("go", args...)
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if len(output) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to compile %s:\n\n%s", t.Suite.PackageName, output)
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to compile %s", t.Suite.PackageName)
if len(output) > 0 {
if !fileExists(path) {
compiledFile := t.Suite.PackageName + ".test"
if fileExists(compiledFile) {
// seems like we are on an old go version that does not support the -o flag on go test
// move the compiled test file to the desired location by hand
err = os.Rename(compiledFile, path)
if err != nil {
// We cannot move the file, perhaps because the source and destination
// are on different partitions. We can copy the file, however.
err = copyFile(compiledFile, path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to copy compiled file: %s", err)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to compile %s: output file %q could not be found", t.Suite.PackageName, path)
t.compiled = true
return nil
func fileExists(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
return err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err)
// copyFile copies the contents of the file named src to the file named
// by dst. The file will be created if it does not already exist. If the
// destination file exists, all it's contents will be replaced by the contents
// of the source file.
func copyFile(src, dst string) error {
srcInfo, err := os.Stat(src)
if err != nil {
return err
mode := srcInfo.Mode()
in, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return err
defer in.Close()
out, err := os.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
closeErr := out.Close()
if err == nil {
err = closeErr
_, err = io.Copy(out, in)
if err != nil {
return err
err = out.Sync()
if err != nil {
return err
return out.Chmod(mode)
func (t *TestRunner) Run() RunResult {
if t.Suite.IsGinkgo {
if t.numCPU > 1 {
if t.parallelStream {
return t.runAndStreamParallelGinkgoSuite()
} else {
return t.runParallelGinkgoSuite()
} else {
return t.runSerialGinkgoSuite()
} else {
return t.runGoTestSuite()
func (t *TestRunner) CleanUp() {
if t.Suite.Precompiled {
func (t *TestRunner) runSerialGinkgoSuite() RunResult {
ginkgoArgs := config.BuildFlagArgs("ginkgo", config.GinkgoConfig, config.DefaultReporterConfig)
return, os.Stdout, 1), nil)
func (t *TestRunner) runGoTestSuite() RunResult {
return[]string{"-test.v"}, os.Stdout, 1), nil)
func (t *TestRunner) runAndStreamParallelGinkgoSuite() RunResult {
completions := make(chan RunResult)
writers := make([]*logWriter, t.numCPU)
server, err := remote.NewServer(t.numCPU)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to start parallel spec server")
defer server.Close()
for cpu := 0; cpu < t.numCPU; cpu++ {
config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelNode = cpu + 1
config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelTotal = t.numCPU
config.GinkgoConfig.SyncHost = server.Address()
ginkgoArgs := config.BuildFlagArgs("ginkgo", config.GinkgoConfig, config.DefaultReporterConfig)
writers[cpu] = newLogWriter(os.Stdout, cpu+1)
cmd := t.cmd(ginkgoArgs, writers[cpu], cpu+1)
server.RegisterAlive(cpu+1, func() bool {
if cmd.ProcessState == nil {
return true
return !cmd.ProcessState.Exited()
go, completions)
res := PassingRunResult()
for cpu := 0; cpu < t.numCPU; cpu++ {
res = res.Merge(<-completions)
for _, writer := range writers {
if t.shouldCombineCoverprofiles() {
return res
func (t *TestRunner) runParallelGinkgoSuite() RunResult {
result := make(chan bool)
completions := make(chan RunResult)
writers := make([]*logWriter, t.numCPU)
reports := make([]*bytes.Buffer, t.numCPU)
stenographer := stenographer.New(!config.DefaultReporterConfig.NoColor, config.GinkgoConfig.FlakeAttempts > 1, colorable.NewColorableStdout())
aggregator := remote.NewAggregator(t.numCPU, result, config.DefaultReporterConfig, stenographer)
server, err := remote.NewServer(t.numCPU)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to start parallel spec server")
defer server.Close()
for cpu := 0; cpu < t.numCPU; cpu++ {
config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelNode = cpu + 1
config.GinkgoConfig.ParallelTotal = t.numCPU
config.GinkgoConfig.SyncHost = server.Address()
config.GinkgoConfig.StreamHost = server.Address()
ginkgoArgs := config.BuildFlagArgs("ginkgo", config.GinkgoConfig, config.DefaultReporterConfig)
reports[cpu] = &bytes.Buffer{}
writers[cpu] = newLogWriter(reports[cpu], cpu+1)
cmd := t.cmd(ginkgoArgs, writers[cpu], cpu+1)
server.RegisterAlive(cpu+1, func() bool {
if cmd.ProcessState == nil {
return true
return !cmd.ProcessState.Exited()
go, completions)
res := PassingRunResult()
for cpu := 0; cpu < t.numCPU; cpu++ {
res = res.Merge(<-completions)
//all test processes are done, at this point
//we should be able to wait for the aggregator to tell us that it's done
select {
case <-result:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
//the aggregator never got back to us! something must have gone wrong
| |
| Ginkgo timed out waiting for all parallel nodes to report back! |
| |
fmt.Println("\n", t.Suite.PackageName, "timed out. path:", t.Suite.Path)
for _, writer := range writers {
for _, report := range reports {
if t.shouldCombineCoverprofiles() {
return res
const CoverProfileSuffix = ".coverprofile"
func (t *TestRunner) cmd(ginkgoArgs []string, stream io.Writer, node int) *exec.Cmd {
args := []string{"--test.timeout=" + t.timeout.String()}
coverProfile := t.getCoverProfile()
if t.shouldCombineCoverprofiles() {
testCoverProfile := "--test.coverprofile="
coverageFile := ""
// Set default name for coverage results
if coverProfile == "" {
coverageFile = t.Suite.PackageName + CoverProfileSuffix
} else {
coverageFile = coverProfile
testCoverProfile += coverageFile
t.CoverageFile = filepath.Join(t.Suite.Path, coverageFile)
if t.numCPU > 1 {
testCoverProfile = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", testCoverProfile, node)
args = append(args, testCoverProfile)
args = append(args, ginkgoArgs...)
args = append(args, t.additionalArgs...)
path := t.compilationTargetPath
if t.Suite.Precompiled {
path, _ = filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(t.Suite.Path, fmt.Sprintf("%s.test", t.Suite.PackageName)))
cmd := exec.Command(path, args...)
cmd.Dir = t.Suite.Path
cmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(stream, t.stderr)
cmd.Stdout = stream
return cmd
func (t *TestRunner) shouldCover() bool {
return *t.goOpts["cover"].(*bool)
func (t *TestRunner) shouldRequireSuite() bool {
return *t.goOpts["requireSuite"].(*bool)
func (t *TestRunner) getCoverProfile() string {
return *t.goOpts["coverprofile"].(*string)
func (t *TestRunner) getCoverPackage() string {
return *t.goOpts["coverpkg"].(*string)
func (t *TestRunner) getCoverMode() string {
return *t.goOpts["covermode"].(*string)
func (t *TestRunner) shouldCombineCoverprofiles() bool {
return t.shouldCover() || t.getCoverPackage() != "" || t.getCoverMode() != ""
func (t *TestRunner) run(cmd *exec.Cmd, completions chan RunResult) RunResult {
var res RunResult
defer func() {
if completions != nil {
completions <- res
err := cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to run test suite!\n\t%s", err.Error())
return res
exitStatus := cmd.ProcessState.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus).ExitStatus()
res.Passed = (exitStatus == 0) || (exitStatus == types.GINKGO_FOCUS_EXIT_CODE)
res.HasProgrammaticFocus = (exitStatus == types.GINKGO_FOCUS_EXIT_CODE)
if strings.Contains(t.stderr.String(), "warning: no tests to run") {
if t.shouldRequireSuite() {
res.Passed = false
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `Found no test suites, did you forget to run "ginkgo bootstrap"?`)
return res
func (t *TestRunner) combineCoverprofiles() {
profiles := []string{}
coverProfile := t.getCoverProfile()
for cpu := 1; cpu <= t.numCPU; cpu++ {
var coverFile string
if coverProfile == "" {
coverFile = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.%d", t.Suite.PackageName, CoverProfileSuffix, cpu)
} else {
coverFile = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", coverProfile, cpu)
coverFile = filepath.Join(t.Suite.Path, coverFile)
coverProfile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(coverFile)
if err == nil {
profiles = append(profiles, string(coverProfile))
if len(profiles) != t.numCPU {
lines := map[string]int{}
lineOrder := []string{}
for i, coverProfile := range profiles {
for _, line := range strings.Split(coverProfile, "\n")[1:] {
if len(line) == 0 {
components := strings.Split(line, " ")
count, _ := strconv.Atoi(components[len(components)-1])
prefix := strings.Join(components[0:len(components)-1], " ")
lines[prefix] += count
if i == 0 {
lineOrder = append(lineOrder, prefix)
output := []string{"mode: atomic"}
for _, line := range lineOrder {
output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", line, lines[line]))
finalOutput := strings.Join(output, "\n")
finalFilename := ""
if coverProfile != "" {
finalFilename = coverProfile
} else {
finalFilename = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", t.Suite.PackageName, CoverProfileSuffix)
coverageFilepath := filepath.Join(t.Suite.Path, finalFilename)
ioutil.WriteFile(coverageFilepath, []byte(finalOutput), 0666)
t.CoverageFile = coverageFilepath