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package cache
import ""
// isDNSSEC returns true if r is a DNSSEC record. NSEC,NSEC3,DS and RRSIG/SIG
// are DNSSEC records. DNSKEYs is not in this list on the assumption that the
// client explicitly asked for it.
func isDNSSEC(r dns.RR) bool {
switch r.Header().Rrtype {
case dns.TypeNSEC:
return true
case dns.TypeNSEC3:
return true
case dns.TypeDS:
return true
case dns.TypeRRSIG:
return true
case dns.TypeSIG:
return true
return false
// filterRRSlice filters rrs and removes DNSSEC RRs when do is false. In the returned slice
// the TTLs are set to ttl. If dup is true the RRs in rrs are _copied_ into the slice that is
// returned.
func filterRRSlice(rrs []dns.RR, ttl uint32, do, dup bool) []dns.RR {
j := 0
rs := make([]dns.RR, len(rrs))
for _, r := range rrs {
if !do && isDNSSEC(r) {
if r.Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeOPT {
r.Header().Ttl = ttl
if dup {
rs[j] = dns.Copy(r)
} else {
rs[j] = r
return rs[:j]