
34 lines
992 B

package vars
import (
// Report reports the metrics data associated with request. This function is exported because it is also
// called from core/dnsserver to report requests hitting the server that should not be handled and are thus
// not sent down the plugin chain.
func Report(server string, req request.Request, zone, rcode, plugin string, size int, start time.Time) {
// Proto and Family.
net := req.Proto()
fam := "1"
if req.Family() == 2 {
fam = "2"
if req.Do() {
RequestDo.WithLabelValues(server, zone).Inc()
qType := qTypeString(req.QType())
RequestCount.WithLabelValues(server, zone, net, fam, qType).Inc()
RequestDuration.WithLabelValues(server, zone).Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
ResponseSize.WithLabelValues(server, zone, net).Observe(float64(size))
RequestSize.WithLabelValues(server, zone, net).Observe(float64(req.Len()))
ResponseRcode.WithLabelValues(server, zone, rcode, plugin).Inc()