
1100 lines
36 KiB

package tunnel
import (
homedir ""
const (
sentryDSN = ""
// ha-Connections specifies how many connections to make to the edge
haConnectionsFlag = "ha-connections"
// sshPortFlag is the port on localhost the cloudflared ssh server will run on
sshPortFlag = "local-ssh-port"
// sshIdleTimeoutFlag defines the duration a SSH session can remain idle before being closed
sshIdleTimeoutFlag = "ssh-idle-timeout"
// sshMaxTimeoutFlag defines the max duration a SSH session can remain open for
sshMaxTimeoutFlag = "ssh-max-timeout"
// bucketNameFlag is the bucket name to use for the SSH log uploader
bucketNameFlag = "bucket-name"
// regionNameFlag is the AWS region name to use for the SSH log uploader
regionNameFlag = "region-name"
// secretIDFlag is the Secret id of SSH log uploader
secretIDFlag = "secret-id"
// accessKeyIDFlag is the Access key id of SSH log uploader
accessKeyIDFlag = "access-key-id"
// sessionTokenIDFlag is the Session token of SSH log uploader
sessionTokenIDFlag = "session-token"
// s3URLFlag is the S3 URL of SSH log uploader (e.g. don't use AWS s3 and use google storage bucket instead)
s3URLFlag = "s3-url-host"
// hostKeyPath is the path of the dir to save SSH host keys too
hostKeyPath = "host-key-path"
// uiFlag is to enable launching cloudflared in interactive UI mode
uiFlag = "ui"
LogFieldCommand = "command"
LogFieldExpandedPath = "expandedPath"
LogFieldPIDPathname = "pidPathname"
LogFieldTmpTraceFilename = "tmpTraceFilename"
LogFieldTraceOutputFilepath = "traceOutputFilepath"
tunnelCmdErrorMessage = `You did not specify any valid additional argument to the cloudflared tunnel command.
If you are trying to run a Quick Tunnel then you need to explicitly pass the --url flag.
Eg. cloudflared tunnel --url localhost:8080/.
Please note that Quick Tunnels are meant to be ephemeral and should only be used for testing purposes.
For production usage, we recommend creating Named Tunnels. (
var (
graceShutdownC chan struct{}
buildInfo *cliutil.BuildInfo
routeFailMsg = fmt.Sprintf("failed to provision routing, please create it manually via Cloudflare dashboard or UI; "+
"most likely you already have a conflicting record there. You can also rerun this command with --%s to overwrite "+
"any existing DNS records for this hostname.", overwriteDNSFlag)
deprecatedClassicTunnelErr = fmt.Errorf("Classic tunnels have been deprecated, please use Named Tunnels. (")
func Flags() []cli.Flag {
return tunnelFlags(true)
func Commands() []*cli.Command {
subcommands := []*cli.Command{
// for compatibility, allow following as tunnel subcommands
return []*cli.Command{
// for compatibility, allow following as top-level subcommands
func buildTunnelCommand(subcommands []*cli.Command) *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "tunnel",
Action: cliutil.ConfiguredAction(TunnelCommand),
Category: "Tunnel",
Usage: "Use Cloudflare Tunnel to expose private services to the Internet or to Cloudflare connected private users.",
ArgsUsage: " ",
Description: ` Cloudflare Tunnel allows to expose private services without opening any ingress port on this machine. It can expose:
A) Locally reachable HTTP-based private services to the Internet on DNS with Cloudflare as authority (which you can
then protect with Cloudflare Access).
B) Locally reachable TCP/UDP-based private services to Cloudflare connected private users in the same account, e.g.,
those enrolled to a Zero Trust WARP Client.
You can manage your Tunnels via This approach will only require you to run a single command
later in each machine where you wish to run a Tunnel.
Alternatively, you can manage your Tunnels via the command line. Begin by obtaining a certificate to be able to do so:
$ cloudflared tunnel login
With your certificate installed you can then get started with Tunnels:
$ cloudflared tunnel create my-first-tunnel
$ cloudflared tunnel route dns my-first-tunnel
$ cloudflared tunnel run --hello-world my-first-tunnel
You can now access and be served an example page by your local cloudflared process.
For exposing local TCP/UDP services by IP to your privately connected users, check out:
$ cloudflared tunnel route ip --help
See for more info.`,
Subcommands: subcommands,
Flags: tunnelFlags(false),
func TunnelCommand(c *cli.Context) error {
sc, err := newSubcommandContext(c)
if err != nil {
return err
// Run a adhoc named tunnel
// Allows for the creation, routing (optional), and startup of a tunnel in one command
// --name required
// --url or --hello-world required
// --hostname optional
if name := c.String("name"); name != "" {
hostname, err := validation.ValidateHostname(c.String("hostname"))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Invalid hostname provided")
url := c.String("url")
if url == hostname && url != "" && hostname != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("hostname and url shouldn't match. See --help for more information")
return runAdhocNamedTunnel(sc, name, c.String(CredFileFlag))
// Run a quick tunnel
// A unauthenticated named tunnel hosted on <random>.<quick-tunnels-service>.com
// We don't support running proxy-dns and a quick tunnel at the same time as the same process
shouldRunQuickTunnel := c.IsSet("url") || c.IsSet(ingress.HelloWorldFlag)
if !c.IsSet("proxy-dns") && c.String("quick-service") != "" && shouldRunQuickTunnel {
return RunQuickTunnel(sc)
// If user provides a config, check to see if they meant to use `tunnel run` instead
if ref := config.GetConfiguration().TunnelID; ref != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Use `cloudflared tunnel run` to start tunnel %s", ref)
// Classic tunnel usage is no longer supported
if c.String("hostname") != "" {
return deprecatedClassicTunnelErr
if c.IsSet("proxy-dns") {
if shouldRunQuickTunnel {
return fmt.Errorf("running a quick tunnel with `proxy-dns` is not supported")
// NamedTunnelProperties are nil since proxy dns server does not need it.
// This is supported for legacy reasons: dns proxy server is not a tunnel and ideally should
// not run as part of cloudflared tunnel.
return StartServer(sc.c, buildInfo, nil, sc.log)
return errors.New(tunnelCmdErrorMessage)
func Init(info *cliutil.BuildInfo, gracefulShutdown chan struct{}) {
buildInfo, graceShutdownC = info, gracefulShutdown
// runAdhocNamedTunnel create, route and run a named tunnel in one command
func runAdhocNamedTunnel(sc *subcommandContext, name, credentialsOutputPath string) error {
tunnel, ok, err := sc.tunnelActive(name)
if err != nil || !ok {
// pass empty string as secret to generate one
tunnel, err = sc.create(name, credentialsOutputPath, "")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create tunnel")
} else {
sc.log.Info().Str(LogFieldTunnelID, tunnel.ID.String()).Msg("Reusing existing tunnel with this name")
if r, ok := routeFromFlag(sc.c); ok {
if res, err := sc.route(tunnel.ID, r); err != nil {
sc.log.Err(err).Str("route", r.String()).Msg(routeFailMsg)
} else {
if err :=; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error running tunnel")
return nil
func routeFromFlag(c *cli.Context) (route cfapi.HostnameRoute, ok bool) {
if hostname := c.String("hostname"); hostname != "" {
if lbPool := c.String("lb-pool"); lbPool != "" {
return cfapi.NewLBRoute(hostname, lbPool), true
return cfapi.NewDNSRoute(hostname, c.Bool(overwriteDNSFlagName)), true
return nil, false
func StartServer(
c *cli.Context,
info *cliutil.BuildInfo,
namedTunnel *connection.NamedTunnelProperties,
log *zerolog.Logger,
) error {
err := sentry.Init(sentry.ClientOptions{
Dsn: sentryDSN,
Release: c.App.Version,
if err != nil {
return err
var wg sync.WaitGroup
listeners := gracenet.Net{}
errC := make(chan error)
// Only log for locally configured tunnels (Token is blank).
if config.GetConfiguration().Source() == "" && c.String(TunnelTokenFlag) == "" {
if c.IsSet("trace-output") {
tmpTraceFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "trace")
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to create new temporary file to save trace output")
traceLog := log.With().Str(LogFieldTmpTraceFilename, tmpTraceFile.Name()).Logger()
defer func() {
if err := tmpTraceFile.Close(); err != nil {
traceLog.Err(err).Msg("Failed to close temporary trace output file")
traceOutputFilepath := c.String("trace-output")
if err := os.Rename(tmpTraceFile.Name(), traceOutputFilepath); err != nil {
Str(LogFieldTraceOutputFilepath, traceOutputFilepath).
Msg("Failed to rename temporary trace output file")
} else {
err := os.Remove(tmpTraceFile.Name())
if err != nil {
traceLog.Err(err).Msg("Failed to remove the temporary trace file")
if err := trace.Start(tmpTraceFile); err != nil {
traceLog.Err(err).Msg("Failed to start trace")
return errors.Wrap(err, "Error starting tracing")
defer trace.Stop()
logClientOptions(c, log)
// this context drives the server, when it's cancelled tunnel and all other components (origins, dns, etc...) should stop
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
go waitForSignal(graceShutdownC, log)
if c.IsSet("proxy-dns") {
dnsReadySignal := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
errC <- runDNSProxyServer(c, dnsReadySignal, ctx.Done(), log)
// Wait for proxy-dns to come up (if used)
connectedSignal := signal.New(make(chan struct{}))
go notifySystemd(connectedSignal)
if c.IsSet("pidfile") {
go writePidFile(connectedSignal, c.String("pidfile"), log)
// update needs to be after DNS proxy is up to resolve equinox server address
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
autoupdater := updater.NewAutoUpdater(
c.Bool("no-autoupdate"), c.Duration("autoupdate-freq"), &listeners, log,
errC <- autoupdater.Run(ctx)
// Serve DNS proxy stand-alone if no tunnel type (quick, adhoc, named) is going to run
if dnsProxyStandAlone(c, namedTunnel) {
// no grace period, handle SIGINT/SIGTERM immediately
return waitToShutdown(&wg, cancel, errC, graceShutdownC, 0, log)
logTransport := logger.CreateTransportLoggerFromContext(c, logger.EnableTerminalLog)
observer := connection.NewObserver(log, logTransport)
// Send Quick Tunnel URL to UI if applicable
var quickTunnelURL string
if namedTunnel != nil {
quickTunnelURL = namedTunnel.QuickTunnelUrl
if quickTunnelURL != "" {
tunnelConfig, orchestratorConfig, err := prepareTunnelConfig(c, info, log, logTransport, observer, namedTunnel)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Couldn't start tunnel")
return err
var clientID uuid.UUID
if tunnelConfig.NamedTunnel != nil {
clientID, err = uuid.FromBytes(tunnelConfig.NamedTunnel.Client.ClientID)
if err != nil {
// set to nil for classic tunnels
clientID = uuid.Nil
localRules := []ingress.Rule{}
if features.Contains(features.FeatureManagementLogs) {
mgmt := management.New(c.String("management-hostname"), logger.ManagementLogger.Log, logger.ManagementLogger)
localRules = []ingress.Rule{ingress.NewManagementRule(mgmt)}
orchestrator, err := orchestration.NewOrchestrator(ctx, orchestratorConfig, tunnelConfig.Tags, localRules, tunnelConfig.Log)
if err != nil {
return err
metricsListener, err := listeners.Listen("tcp", c.String("metrics"))
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Error opening metrics server listener")
return errors.Wrap(err, "Error opening metrics server listener")
defer metricsListener.Close()
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
readinessServer := metrics.NewReadyServer(log, clientID)
metricsConfig := metrics.Config{
ReadyServer: readinessServer,
QuickTunnelHostname: quickTunnelURL,
Orchestrator: orchestrator,
errC <- metrics.ServeMetrics(metricsListener, ctx, metricsConfig, log)
reconnectCh := make(chan supervisor.ReconnectSignal, c.Int(haConnectionsFlag))
if c.IsSet("stdin-control") {
log.Info().Msg("Enabling control through stdin")
go stdinControl(reconnectCh, log)
go func() {
defer func() {
log.Info().Msg("Tunnel server stopped")
errC <- supervisor.StartTunnelDaemon(ctx, tunnelConfig, orchestrator, connectedSignal, reconnectCh, graceShutdownC)
gracePeriod, err := gracePeriod(c)
if err != nil {
return err
return waitToShutdown(&wg, cancel, errC, graceShutdownC, gracePeriod, log)
func waitToShutdown(wg *sync.WaitGroup,
cancelServerContext func(),
errC <-chan error,
graceShutdownC <-chan struct{},
gracePeriod time.Duration,
log *zerolog.Logger,
) error {
var err error
select {
case err = <-errC:
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Initiating shutdown")
case <-graceShutdownC:
log.Debug().Msg("Graceful shutdown signalled")
if gracePeriod > 0 {
// wait for either grace period or service termination
select {
case <-time.Tick(gracePeriod):
case <-errC:
// stop server context
// Wait for clean exit, discarding all errors while we wait
stopDiscarding := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-errC: // ignore
case <-stopDiscarding:
return err
func notifySystemd(waitForSignal *signal.Signal) {
daemon.SdNotify(false, "READY=1")
func writePidFile(waitForSignal *signal.Signal, pidPathname string, log *zerolog.Logger) {
expandedPath, err := homedir.Expand(pidPathname)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str(LogFieldPIDPathname, pidPathname).Msg("Unable to expand the path, try to use absolute path in --pidfile")
file, err := os.Create(expandedPath)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str(LogFieldExpandedPath, expandedPath).Msg("Unable to write pid")
defer file.Close()
fmt.Fprintf(file, "%d", os.Getpid())
func hostnameFromURI(uri string) string {
u, err := url.Parse(uri)
if err != nil {
return ""
switch u.Scheme {
case "ssh":
return addPortIfMissing(u, 22)
case "rdp":
return addPortIfMissing(u, 3389)
case "smb":
return addPortIfMissing(u, 445)
case "tcp":
return addPortIfMissing(u, 7864) // just a random port since there isn't a default in this case
return ""
func addPortIfMissing(uri *url.URL, port int) string {
if uri.Port() != "" {
return uri.Host
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", uri.Hostname(), port)
func tunnelFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
flags := configureCloudflaredFlags(shouldHide)
flags = append(flags, configureProxyFlags(shouldHide)...)
flags = append(flags, cliutil.ConfigureLoggingFlags(shouldHide)...)
flags = append(flags, configureProxyDNSFlags(shouldHide)...)
flags = append(flags, []cli.Flag{
Name: "is-autoupdated",
Usage: "Signal the new process that Cloudflare Tunnel connector has been autoupdated",
Value: false,
Hidden: true,
Name: "edge",
Usage: "Address of the Cloudflare tunnel server. Only works in Cloudflare's internal testing environment.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_EDGE"},
Hidden: true,
Name: "region",
Usage: "Cloudflare Edge region to connect to. Omit or set to empty to connect to the global region.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_REGION"},
Name: "edge-ip-version",
Usage: "Cloudflare Edge IP address version to connect with. {4, 6, auto}",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_EDGE_IP_VERSION"},
Value: "4",
Hidden: false,
Name: "edge-bind-address",
Usage: "Bind to IP address for outgoing connections to Cloudflare Edge.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_EDGE_BIND_ADDRESS"},
Hidden: false,
Name: tlsconfig.CaCertFlag,
Usage: "Certificate Authority authenticating connections with Cloudflare's edge network.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_CACERT"},
Hidden: true,
Name: "hostname",
Usage: "Set a hostname on a Cloudflare zone to route traffic through this tunnel.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_HOSTNAME"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "id",
Usage: "A unique identifier used to tie connections to this tunnel instance.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_ID"},
Hidden: true,
Name: "lb-pool",
Usage: "The name of a (new/existing) load balancing pool to add this origin to.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_LB_POOL"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "api-key",
Usage: "This parameter has been deprecated since version 2017.10.1.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_API_KEY"},
Hidden: true,
Name: "api-email",
Usage: "This parameter has been deprecated since version 2017.10.1.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_API_EMAIL"},
Hidden: true,
Name: "api-ca-key",
Usage: "This parameter has been deprecated since version 2017.10.1.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_API_CA_KEY"},
Hidden: true,
Name: "api-url",
Usage: "Base URL for Cloudflare API v4",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_API_URL"},
Value: "",
Hidden: true,
Name: "metrics-update-freq",
Usage: "Frequency to update tunnel metrics",
Value: time.Second * 5,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "tag",
Usage: "Custom tags used to identify this tunnel, in format `KEY=VALUE`. Multiple tags may be specified",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_TAG"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "heartbeat-interval",
Usage: "Minimum idle time before sending a heartbeat.",
Value: time.Second * 5,
Hidden: true,
// Note TUN-3758 , we use Int because UInt is not supported with altsrc
Name: "heartbeat-count",
Usage: "Minimum number of unacked heartbeats to send before closing the connection.",
Value: 5,
Hidden: true,
Name: "max-edge-addr-retries",
Usage: "Maximum number of times to retry on edge addrs before falling back to a lower protocol",
Value: 8,
Hidden: true,
// Note TUN-3758 , we use Int because UInt is not supported with altsrc
Name: "retries",
Value: 5,
Usage: "Maximum number of retries for connection/protocol errors.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_RETRIES"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: haConnectionsFlag,
Value: 4,
Hidden: true,
Name: "grace-period",
Usage: "When cloudflared receives SIGINT/SIGTERM it will stop accepting new requests, wait for in-progress requests to terminate, then shutdown. Waiting for in-progress requests will timeout after this grace period, or when a second SIGTERM/SIGINT is received.",
Value: time.Second * 30,
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_GRACE_PERIOD"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
// Note TUN-3758 , we use Int because UInt is not supported with altsrc
Name: "compression-quality",
Value: 0,
Usage: "(beta) Use cross-stream compression instead HTTP compression. 0-off, 1-low, 2-medium, >=3-high.",
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "use-reconnect-token",
Usage: "Test reestablishing connections with the new 'reconnect token' flow.",
Value: true,
Hidden: true,
Name: "dial-edge-timeout",
Usage: "Maximum wait time to set up a connection with the edge",
Value: time.Second * 15,
EnvVars: []string{"DIAL_EDGE_TIMEOUT"},
Hidden: true,
Name: "stdin-control",
Usage: "Control the process using commands sent through stdin",
EnvVars: []string{"STDIN_CONTROL"},
Hidden: true,
Value: false,
Name: "name",
Aliases: []string{"n"},
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_NAME"},
Usage: "Stable name to identify the tunnel. Using this flag will create, route and run a tunnel. For production usage, execute each command separately",
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: uiFlag,
Usage: "(depreciated) Launch tunnel UI. Tunnel logs are scrollable via 'j', 'k', or arrow keys.",
Value: false,
Hidden: true,
Name: "quick-service",
Usage: "URL for a service which manages unauthenticated 'quick' tunnels.",
Value: "",
Hidden: true,
Name: "max-fetch-size",
Usage: `The maximum number of results that cloudflared can fetch from Cloudflare API for any listing operations needed`,
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_MAX_FETCH_SIZE"},
Hidden: true,
Name: "post-quantum",
Usage: "When given creates an experimental post-quantum secure tunnel",
Aliases: []string{"pq"},
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_POST_QUANTUM"},
Hidden: FipsEnabled,
return flags
// Flags in tunnel command that is relevant to run subcommand
func configureCloudflaredFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "config",
Usage: "Specifies a config file in YAML format.",
Value: config.FindDefaultConfigPath(),
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "origincert",
Usage: "Path to the certificate generated for your origin when you run cloudflared login.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_ORIGIN_CERT"},
Value: findDefaultOriginCertPath(),
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "autoupdate-freq",
Usage: fmt.Sprintf("Autoupdate frequency. Default is %v.", updater.DefaultCheckUpdateFreq),
Value: updater.DefaultCheckUpdateFreq,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "no-autoupdate",
Usage: "Disable periodic check for updates, restarting the server with the new version.",
EnvVars: []string{"NO_AUTOUPDATE"},
Value: false,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "metrics",
Value: "localhost:",
Usage: "Listen address for metrics reporting.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_METRICS"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "pidfile",
Usage: "Write the application's PID to this file after first successful connection.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_PIDFILE"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
func configureProxyFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
flags := []cli.Flag{
Name: "url",
Value: "http://localhost:8080",
Usage: "Connect to the local webserver at `URL`.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_URL"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.HelloWorldFlag,
Value: false,
Usage: "Run Hello World Server",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_HELLO_WORLD"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.Socks5Flag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("specify if this tunnel is running as a SOCK5 Server"),
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_SOCKS"},
Value: false,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.ProxyConnectTimeoutFlag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("HTTP proxy timeout for establishing a new connection"),
Value: time.Second * 30,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.ProxyTLSTimeoutFlag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("HTTP proxy timeout for completing a TLS handshake"),
Value: time.Second * 10,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.ProxyTCPKeepAliveFlag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("HTTP proxy TCP keepalive duration"),
Value: time.Second * 30,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.ProxyNoHappyEyeballsFlag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("HTTP proxy should disable \"happy eyeballs\" for IPv4/v6 fallback"),
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.ProxyKeepAliveConnectionsFlag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("HTTP proxy maximum keepalive connection pool size"),
Value: 100,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.ProxyKeepAliveTimeoutFlag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("HTTP proxy timeout for closing an idle connection"),
Value: time.Second * 90,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "proxy-connection-timeout",
Usage: "DEPRECATED. No longer has any effect.",
Value: time.Second * 90,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "proxy-expect-continue-timeout",
Usage: "DEPRECATED. No longer has any effect.",
Value: time.Second * 90,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.HTTPHostHeaderFlag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("Sets the HTTP Host header for the local webserver."),
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_HTTP_HOST_HEADER"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.OriginServerNameFlag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("Hostname on the origin server certificate."),
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "unix-socket",
Usage: "Path to unix socket to use instead of --url",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_UNIX_SOCKET"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: tlsconfig.OriginCAPoolFlag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("Path to the CA for the certificate of your origin. This option should be used only if your certificate is not signed by Cloudflare."),
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_ORIGIN_CA_POOL"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.NoTLSVerifyFlag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("Disables TLS verification of the certificate presented by your origin. Will allow any certificate from the origin to be accepted. Note: The connection from your machine to Cloudflare's Edge is still encrypted."),
EnvVars: []string{"NO_TLS_VERIFY"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.NoChunkedEncodingFlag,
Usage: legacyTunnelFlag("Disables chunked transfer encoding; useful if you are running a WSGI server."),
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.Http2OriginFlag,
Usage: "Enables HTTP/2 origin servers.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_ORIGIN_ENABLE_HTTP2"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Value: false,
Name: "management-hostname",
Usage: "Management hostname to signify incoming management requests",
Hidden: true,
Value: "",
return append(flags, sshFlags(shouldHide)...)
func legacyTunnelFlag(msg string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"%s This flag only takes effect if you define your origin with `--url` and if you do not use ingress rules."+
" The recommended way is to rely on ingress rules and define this property under `originRequest` as per"+
func sshFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: sshPortFlag,
Usage: "Localhost port that cloudflared SSH server will run on",
Value: "2222",
EnvVars: []string{"LOCAL_SSH_PORT"},
Hidden: true,
Name: sshIdleTimeoutFlag,
Usage: "Connection timeout after no activity",
EnvVars: []string{"SSH_IDLE_TIMEOUT"},
Hidden: true,
Name: sshMaxTimeoutFlag,
Usage: "Absolute connection timeout",
EnvVars: []string{"SSH_MAX_TIMEOUT"},
Hidden: true,
Name: bucketNameFlag,
Usage: "Bucket name of where to upload SSH logs",
EnvVars: []string{"BUCKET_ID"},
Hidden: true,
Name: regionNameFlag,
Usage: "Region name of where to upload SSH logs",
EnvVars: []string{"REGION_ID"},
Hidden: true,
Name: secretIDFlag,
Usage: "Secret ID of where to upload SSH logs",
EnvVars: []string{"SECRET_ID"},
Hidden: true,
Name: accessKeyIDFlag,
Usage: "Access Key ID of where to upload SSH logs",
EnvVars: []string{"ACCESS_CLIENT_ID"},
Hidden: true,
Name: sessionTokenIDFlag,
Usage: "Session Token to use in the configuration of SSH logs uploading",
EnvVars: []string{"SESSION_TOKEN_ID"},
Hidden: true,
Name: s3URLFlag,
Usage: "S3 url of where to upload SSH logs",
EnvVars: []string{"S3_URL"},
Hidden: true,
Name: hostKeyPath,
Usage: "Absolute path of directory to save SSH host keys in",
EnvVars: []string{"HOST_KEY_PATH"},
Hidden: true,
Name: ingress.SSHServerFlag,
Value: false,
Usage: "Run an SSH Server",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_SSH_SERVER"},
Hidden: true, // TODO: remove when feature is complete
Name: config.BastionFlag,
Value: false,
Usage: "Runs as jump host",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_BASTION"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: ingress.ProxyAddressFlag,
Usage: "Listen address for the proxy.",
Value: "",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_PROXY_ADDRESS"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
// Note TUN-3758 , we use Int because UInt is not supported with altsrc
Name: ingress.ProxyPortFlag,
Usage: "Listen port for the proxy.",
Value: 0,
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_PROXY_PORT"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
func configureProxyDNSFlags(shouldHide bool) []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "proxy-dns",
Usage: "Run a DNS over HTTPS proxy server.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_DNS"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "proxy-dns-port",
Value: 53,
Usage: "Listen on given port for the DNS over HTTPS proxy server.",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_DNS_PORT"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "proxy-dns-address",
Usage: "Listen address for the DNS over HTTPS proxy server.",
Value: "localhost",
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_DNS_ADDRESS"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "proxy-dns-upstream",
Usage: "Upstream endpoint URL, you can specify multiple endpoints for redundancy.",
Value: cli.NewStringSlice("", ""),
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_DNS_UPSTREAM"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "proxy-dns-max-upstream-conns",
Usage: "Maximum concurrent connections to upstream. Setting to 0 means unlimited.",
Value: tunneldns.MaxUpstreamConnsDefault,
Hidden: shouldHide,
Name: "proxy-dns-bootstrap",
Usage: "bootstrap endpoint URL, you can specify multiple endpoints for redundancy.",
Value: cli.NewStringSlice(
EnvVars: []string{"TUNNEL_DNS_BOOTSTRAP"},
Hidden: shouldHide,
func stdinControl(reconnectCh chan supervisor.ReconnectSignal, log *zerolog.Logger) {
for {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for scanner.Scan() {
command := scanner.Text()
parts := strings.SplitN(command, " ", 2)
switch parts[0] {
case "":
case "reconnect":
var reconnect supervisor.ReconnectSignal
if len(parts) > 1 {
var err error
if reconnect.Delay, err = time.ParseDuration(parts[1]); err != nil {
log.Info().Msgf("Sending %+v", reconnect)
reconnectCh <- reconnect
log.Info().Str(LogFieldCommand, command).Msg("Unknown command")
case "help":
log.Info().Msg(`Supported command:
reconnect [delay]
- restarts one randomly chosen connection with optional delay before reconnect`)