4592 lines
153 KiB
4592 lines
153 KiB
// Code generated by capnpc-go. DO NOT EDIT.
package tunnelrpc
import (
context "golang.org/x/net/context"
strconv "strconv"
capnp "zombiezen.com/go/capnproto2"
text "zombiezen.com/go/capnproto2/encoding/text"
schemas "zombiezen.com/go/capnproto2/schemas"
server "zombiezen.com/go/capnproto2/server"
type Authentication struct{ capnp.Struct }
// Authentication_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Authentication.
const Authentication_TypeID = 0xc082ef6e0d42ed1d
func NewAuthentication(s *capnp.Segment) (Authentication, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3})
return Authentication{st}, err
func NewRootAuthentication(s *capnp.Segment) (Authentication, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3})
return Authentication{st}, err
func ReadRootAuthentication(msg *capnp.Message) (Authentication, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return Authentication{root.Struct()}, err
func (s Authentication) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xc082ef6e0d42ed1d, s.Struct)
return str
func (s Authentication) Key() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s Authentication) HasKey() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s Authentication) KeyBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s Authentication) SetKey(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
func (s Authentication) Email() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.Text(), err
func (s Authentication) HasEmail() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s Authentication) EmailBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s Authentication) SetEmail(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
func (s Authentication) OriginCAKey() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.Text(), err
func (s Authentication) HasOriginCAKey() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s Authentication) OriginCAKeyBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s Authentication) SetOriginCAKey(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(2, v)
// Authentication_List is a list of Authentication.
type Authentication_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewAuthentication creates a new list of Authentication.
func NewAuthentication_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Authentication_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}, sz)
return Authentication_List{l}, err
func (s Authentication_List) At(i int) Authentication { return Authentication{s.List.Struct(i)} }
func (s Authentication_List) Set(i int, v Authentication) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
func (s Authentication_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xc082ef6e0d42ed1d, s.List)
return str
// Authentication_Promise is a wrapper for a Authentication promised by a client call.
type Authentication_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p Authentication_Promise) Struct() (Authentication, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return Authentication{s}, err
type TunnelRegistration struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelRegistration_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelRegistration.
const TunnelRegistration_TypeID = 0xf41a0f001ad49e46
func NewTunnelRegistration(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelRegistration, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 4})
return TunnelRegistration{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelRegistration(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelRegistration, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 4})
return TunnelRegistration{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelRegistration(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelRegistration, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelRegistration{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelRegistration) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xf41a0f001ad49e46, s.Struct)
return str
func (s TunnelRegistration) Err() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s TunnelRegistration) HasErr() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelRegistration) ErrBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s TunnelRegistration) SetErr(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
func (s TunnelRegistration) Url() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.Text(), err
func (s TunnelRegistration) HasUrl() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelRegistration) UrlBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s TunnelRegistration) SetUrl(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
func (s TunnelRegistration) LogLines() (capnp.TextList, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return capnp.TextList{List: p.List()}, err
func (s TunnelRegistration) HasLogLines() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelRegistration) SetLogLines(v capnp.TextList) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(2, v.List.ToPtr())
// NewLogLines sets the logLines field to a newly
// allocated capnp.TextList, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s TunnelRegistration) NewLogLines(n int32) (capnp.TextList, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewTextList(s.Struct.Segment(), n)
if err != nil {
return capnp.TextList{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(2, l.List.ToPtr())
return l, err
func (s TunnelRegistration) PermanentFailure() bool {
return s.Struct.Bit(0)
func (s TunnelRegistration) SetPermanentFailure(v bool) {
s.Struct.SetBit(0, v)
func (s TunnelRegistration) TunnelID() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
return p.Text(), err
func (s TunnelRegistration) HasTunnelID() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelRegistration) TunnelIDBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s TunnelRegistration) SetTunnelID(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(3, v)
func (s TunnelRegistration) RetryAfterSeconds() uint16 {
return s.Struct.Uint16(2)
func (s TunnelRegistration) SetRetryAfterSeconds(v uint16) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(2, v)
// TunnelRegistration_List is a list of TunnelRegistration.
type TunnelRegistration_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelRegistration creates a new list of TunnelRegistration.
func NewTunnelRegistration_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelRegistration_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 4}, sz)
return TunnelRegistration_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelRegistration_List) At(i int) TunnelRegistration {
return TunnelRegistration{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelRegistration_List) Set(i int, v TunnelRegistration) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelRegistration_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xf41a0f001ad49e46, s.List)
return str
// TunnelRegistration_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelRegistration promised by a client call.
type TunnelRegistration_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelRegistration_Promise) Struct() (TunnelRegistration, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelRegistration{s}, err
type RegistrationOptions struct{ capnp.Struct }
// RegistrationOptions_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type RegistrationOptions.
const RegistrationOptions_TypeID = 0xc793e50592935b4a
func NewRegistrationOptions(s *capnp.Segment) (RegistrationOptions, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 16, PointerCount: 7})
return RegistrationOptions{st}, err
func NewRootRegistrationOptions(s *capnp.Segment) (RegistrationOptions, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 16, PointerCount: 7})
return RegistrationOptions{st}, err
func ReadRootRegistrationOptions(msg *capnp.Message) (RegistrationOptions, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return RegistrationOptions{root.Struct()}, err
func (s RegistrationOptions) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xc793e50592935b4a, s.Struct)
return str
func (s RegistrationOptions) ClientId() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) HasClientId() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s RegistrationOptions) ClientIdBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetClientId(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
func (s RegistrationOptions) Version() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.Text(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) HasVersion() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s RegistrationOptions) VersionBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetVersion(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
func (s RegistrationOptions) Os() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.Text(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) HasOs() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s RegistrationOptions) OsBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetOs(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(2, v)
func (s RegistrationOptions) ExistingTunnelPolicy() ExistingTunnelPolicy {
return ExistingTunnelPolicy(s.Struct.Uint16(0))
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetExistingTunnelPolicy(v ExistingTunnelPolicy) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, uint16(v))
func (s RegistrationOptions) PoolName() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
return p.Text(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) HasPoolName() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s RegistrationOptions) PoolNameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetPoolName(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(3, v)
func (s RegistrationOptions) Tags() (Tag_List, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(4)
return Tag_List{List: p.List()}, err
func (s RegistrationOptions) HasTags() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(4)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetTags(v Tag_List) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(4, v.List.ToPtr())
// NewTags sets the tags field to a newly
// allocated Tag_List, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s RegistrationOptions) NewTags(n int32) (Tag_List, error) {
l, err := NewTag_List(s.Struct.Segment(), n)
if err != nil {
return Tag_List{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(4, l.List.ToPtr())
return l, err
func (s RegistrationOptions) ConnectionId() uint8 {
return s.Struct.Uint8(2)
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetConnectionId(v uint8) {
s.Struct.SetUint8(2, v)
func (s RegistrationOptions) OriginLocalIp() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(5)
return p.Text(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) HasOriginLocalIp() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(5)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s RegistrationOptions) OriginLocalIpBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(5)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetOriginLocalIp(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(5, v)
func (s RegistrationOptions) IsAutoupdated() bool {
return s.Struct.Bit(24)
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetIsAutoupdated(v bool) {
s.Struct.SetBit(24, v)
func (s RegistrationOptions) RunFromTerminal() bool {
return s.Struct.Bit(25)
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetRunFromTerminal(v bool) {
s.Struct.SetBit(25, v)
func (s RegistrationOptions) CompressionQuality() uint64 {
return s.Struct.Uint64(8)
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetCompressionQuality(v uint64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(8, v)
func (s RegistrationOptions) Uuid() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(6)
return p.Text(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) HasUuid() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(6)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s RegistrationOptions) UuidBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(6)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetUuid(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(6, v)
func (s RegistrationOptions) NumPreviousAttempts() uint8 {
return s.Struct.Uint8(4)
func (s RegistrationOptions) SetNumPreviousAttempts(v uint8) {
s.Struct.SetUint8(4, v)
// RegistrationOptions_List is a list of RegistrationOptions.
type RegistrationOptions_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewRegistrationOptions creates a new list of RegistrationOptions.
func NewRegistrationOptions_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (RegistrationOptions_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 16, PointerCount: 7}, sz)
return RegistrationOptions_List{l}, err
func (s RegistrationOptions_List) At(i int) RegistrationOptions {
return RegistrationOptions{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s RegistrationOptions_List) Set(i int, v RegistrationOptions) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s RegistrationOptions_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xc793e50592935b4a, s.List)
return str
// RegistrationOptions_Promise is a wrapper for a RegistrationOptions promised by a client call.
type RegistrationOptions_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p RegistrationOptions_Promise) Struct() (RegistrationOptions, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return RegistrationOptions{s}, err
type CapnpConnectParameters struct{ capnp.Struct }
// CapnpConnectParameters_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type CapnpConnectParameters.
const CapnpConnectParameters_TypeID = 0xa78f37418c1077c8
func NewCapnpConnectParameters(s *capnp.Segment) (CapnpConnectParameters, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 5})
return CapnpConnectParameters{st}, err
func NewRootCapnpConnectParameters(s *capnp.Segment) (CapnpConnectParameters, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 5})
return CapnpConnectParameters{st}, err
func ReadRootCapnpConnectParameters(msg *capnp.Message) (CapnpConnectParameters, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return CapnpConnectParameters{root.Struct()}, err
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xa78f37418c1077c8, s.Struct)
return str
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) OriginCert() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return []byte(p.Data()), err
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) HasOriginCert() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) SetOriginCert(v []byte) error {
return s.Struct.SetData(0, v)
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) CloudflaredID() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return []byte(p.Data()), err
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) HasCloudflaredID() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) SetCloudflaredID(v []byte) error {
return s.Struct.SetData(1, v)
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) NumPreviousAttempts() uint8 {
return s.Struct.Uint8(0)
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) SetNumPreviousAttempts(v uint8) {
s.Struct.SetUint8(0, v)
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) Tags() (Tag_List, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return Tag_List{List: p.List()}, err
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) HasTags() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) SetTags(v Tag_List) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(2, v.List.ToPtr())
// NewTags sets the tags field to a newly
// allocated Tag_List, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) NewTags(n int32) (Tag_List, error) {
l, err := NewTag_List(s.Struct.Segment(), n)
if err != nil {
return Tag_List{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(2, l.List.ToPtr())
return l, err
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) CloudflaredVersion() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
return p.Text(), err
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) HasCloudflaredVersion() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) CloudflaredVersionBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) SetCloudflaredVersion(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(3, v)
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) IntentLabel() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(4)
return p.Text(), err
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) HasIntentLabel() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(4)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) IntentLabelBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(4)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s CapnpConnectParameters) SetIntentLabel(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(4, v)
// CapnpConnectParameters_List is a list of CapnpConnectParameters.
type CapnpConnectParameters_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewCapnpConnectParameters creates a new list of CapnpConnectParameters.
func NewCapnpConnectParameters_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (CapnpConnectParameters_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 5}, sz)
return CapnpConnectParameters_List{l}, err
func (s CapnpConnectParameters_List) At(i int) CapnpConnectParameters {
return CapnpConnectParameters{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s CapnpConnectParameters_List) Set(i int, v CapnpConnectParameters) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s CapnpConnectParameters_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xa78f37418c1077c8, s.List)
return str
// CapnpConnectParameters_Promise is a wrapper for a CapnpConnectParameters promised by a client call.
type CapnpConnectParameters_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p CapnpConnectParameters_Promise) Struct() (CapnpConnectParameters, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return CapnpConnectParameters{s}, err
type ConnectResult struct{ capnp.Struct }
type ConnectResult_result ConnectResult
type ConnectResult_result_Which uint16
const (
ConnectResult_result_Which_err ConnectResult_result_Which = 0
ConnectResult_result_Which_success ConnectResult_result_Which = 1
func (w ConnectResult_result_Which) String() string {
const s = "errsuccess"
switch w {
case ConnectResult_result_Which_err:
return s[0:3]
case ConnectResult_result_Which_success:
return s[3:10]
return "ConnectResult_result_Which(" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(w), 10) + ")"
// ConnectResult_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ConnectResult.
const ConnectResult_TypeID = 0xff8d9848747c956a
func NewConnectResult(s *capnp.Segment) (ConnectResult, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 1})
return ConnectResult{st}, err
func NewRootConnectResult(s *capnp.Segment) (ConnectResult, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 1})
return ConnectResult{st}, err
func ReadRootConnectResult(msg *capnp.Message) (ConnectResult, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return ConnectResult{root.Struct()}, err
func (s ConnectResult) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xff8d9848747c956a, s.Struct)
return str
func (s ConnectResult) Result() ConnectResult_result { return ConnectResult_result(s) }
func (s ConnectResult_result) Which() ConnectResult_result_Which {
return ConnectResult_result_Which(s.Struct.Uint16(0))
func (s ConnectResult_result) Err() (ConnectError, error) {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 0 {
panic("Which() != err")
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return ConnectError{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s ConnectResult_result) HasErr() bool {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 0 {
return false
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ConnectResult_result) SetErr(v ConnectError) error {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 0)
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewErr sets the err field to a newly
// allocated ConnectError struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ConnectResult_result) NewErr() (ConnectError, error) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 0)
ss, err := NewConnectError(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return ConnectError{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
func (s ConnectResult_result) Success() (ConnectSuccess, error) {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 1 {
panic("Which() != success")
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return ConnectSuccess{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s ConnectResult_result) HasSuccess() bool {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 1 {
return false
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ConnectResult_result) SetSuccess(v ConnectSuccess) error {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 1)
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewSuccess sets the success field to a newly
// allocated ConnectSuccess struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ConnectResult_result) NewSuccess() (ConnectSuccess, error) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 1)
ss, err := NewConnectSuccess(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return ConnectSuccess{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// ConnectResult_List is a list of ConnectResult.
type ConnectResult_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewConnectResult creates a new list of ConnectResult.
func NewConnectResult_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (ConnectResult_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return ConnectResult_List{l}, err
func (s ConnectResult_List) At(i int) ConnectResult { return ConnectResult{s.List.Struct(i)} }
func (s ConnectResult_List) Set(i int, v ConnectResult) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
func (s ConnectResult_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xff8d9848747c956a, s.List)
return str
// ConnectResult_Promise is a wrapper for a ConnectResult promised by a client call.
type ConnectResult_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p ConnectResult_Promise) Struct() (ConnectResult, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return ConnectResult{s}, err
func (p ConnectResult_Promise) Result() ConnectResult_result_Promise {
return ConnectResult_result_Promise{p.Pipeline}
// ConnectResult_result_Promise is a wrapper for a ConnectResult_result promised by a client call.
type ConnectResult_result_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p ConnectResult_result_Promise) Struct() (ConnectResult_result, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return ConnectResult_result{s}, err
func (p ConnectResult_result_Promise) Err() ConnectError_Promise {
return ConnectError_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
func (p ConnectResult_result_Promise) Success() ConnectSuccess_Promise {
return ConnectSuccess_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
type ConnectError struct{ capnp.Struct }
// ConnectError_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ConnectError.
const ConnectError_TypeID = 0xb14ce48f4e2abb0d
func NewConnectError(s *capnp.Segment) (ConnectError, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 16, PointerCount: 1})
return ConnectError{st}, err
func NewRootConnectError(s *capnp.Segment) (ConnectError, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 16, PointerCount: 1})
return ConnectError{st}, err
func ReadRootConnectError(msg *capnp.Message) (ConnectError, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return ConnectError{root.Struct()}, err
func (s ConnectError) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xb14ce48f4e2abb0d, s.Struct)
return str
func (s ConnectError) Cause() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s ConnectError) HasCause() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ConnectError) CauseBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s ConnectError) SetCause(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
func (s ConnectError) RetryAfter() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(0))
func (s ConnectError) SetRetryAfter(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(0, uint64(v))
func (s ConnectError) ShouldRetry() bool {
return s.Struct.Bit(64)
func (s ConnectError) SetShouldRetry(v bool) {
s.Struct.SetBit(64, v)
// ConnectError_List is a list of ConnectError.
type ConnectError_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewConnectError creates a new list of ConnectError.
func NewConnectError_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (ConnectError_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 16, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return ConnectError_List{l}, err
func (s ConnectError_List) At(i int) ConnectError { return ConnectError{s.List.Struct(i)} }
func (s ConnectError_List) Set(i int, v ConnectError) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
func (s ConnectError_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xb14ce48f4e2abb0d, s.List)
return str
// ConnectError_Promise is a wrapper for a ConnectError promised by a client call.
type ConnectError_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p ConnectError_Promise) Struct() (ConnectError, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return ConnectError{s}, err
type ConnectSuccess struct{ capnp.Struct }
// ConnectSuccess_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ConnectSuccess.
const ConnectSuccess_TypeID = 0x8407e070e0d52605
func NewConnectSuccess(s *capnp.Segment) (ConnectSuccess, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2})
return ConnectSuccess{st}, err
func NewRootConnectSuccess(s *capnp.Segment) (ConnectSuccess, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2})
return ConnectSuccess{st}, err
func ReadRootConnectSuccess(msg *capnp.Message) (ConnectSuccess, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return ConnectSuccess{root.Struct()}, err
func (s ConnectSuccess) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0x8407e070e0d52605, s.Struct)
return str
func (s ConnectSuccess) ServerLocationName() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s ConnectSuccess) HasServerLocationName() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ConnectSuccess) ServerLocationNameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s ConnectSuccess) SetServerLocationName(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
func (s ConnectSuccess) ClientConfig() (ClientConfig, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return ClientConfig{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s ConnectSuccess) HasClientConfig() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ConnectSuccess) SetClientConfig(v ClientConfig) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(1, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewClientConfig sets the clientConfig field to a newly
// allocated ClientConfig struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ConnectSuccess) NewClientConfig() (ClientConfig, error) {
ss, err := NewClientConfig(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return ClientConfig{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(1, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// ConnectSuccess_List is a list of ConnectSuccess.
type ConnectSuccess_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewConnectSuccess creates a new list of ConnectSuccess.
func NewConnectSuccess_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (ConnectSuccess_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2}, sz)
return ConnectSuccess_List{l}, err
func (s ConnectSuccess_List) At(i int) ConnectSuccess { return ConnectSuccess{s.List.Struct(i)} }
func (s ConnectSuccess_List) Set(i int, v ConnectSuccess) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
func (s ConnectSuccess_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0x8407e070e0d52605, s.List)
return str
// ConnectSuccess_Promise is a wrapper for a ConnectSuccess promised by a client call.
type ConnectSuccess_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p ConnectSuccess_Promise) Struct() (ConnectSuccess, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return ConnectSuccess{s}, err
func (p ConnectSuccess_Promise) ClientConfig() ClientConfig_Promise {
return ClientConfig_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(1)}
type ClientConfig struct{ capnp.Struct }
// ClientConfig_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ClientConfig.
const ClientConfig_TypeID = 0xf0a143f1c95a678e
func NewClientConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (ClientConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 4})
return ClientConfig{st}, err
func NewRootClientConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (ClientConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 4})
return ClientConfig{st}, err
func ReadRootClientConfig(msg *capnp.Message) (ClientConfig, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return ClientConfig{root.Struct()}, err
func (s ClientConfig) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xf0a143f1c95a678e, s.Struct)
return str
func (s ClientConfig) Version() uint64 {
return s.Struct.Uint64(0)
func (s ClientConfig) SetVersion(v uint64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(0, v)
func (s ClientConfig) SupervisorConfig() (SupervisorConfig, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return SupervisorConfig{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s ClientConfig) HasSupervisorConfig() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ClientConfig) SetSupervisorConfig(v SupervisorConfig) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewSupervisorConfig sets the supervisorConfig field to a newly
// allocated SupervisorConfig struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ClientConfig) NewSupervisorConfig() (SupervisorConfig, error) {
ss, err := NewSupervisorConfig(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return SupervisorConfig{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
func (s ClientConfig) EdgeConnectionConfig() (EdgeConnectionConfig, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return EdgeConnectionConfig{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s ClientConfig) HasEdgeConnectionConfig() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ClientConfig) SetEdgeConnectionConfig(v EdgeConnectionConfig) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(1, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewEdgeConnectionConfig sets the edgeConnectionConfig field to a newly
// allocated EdgeConnectionConfig struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ClientConfig) NewEdgeConnectionConfig() (EdgeConnectionConfig, error) {
ss, err := NewEdgeConnectionConfig(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return EdgeConnectionConfig{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(1, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
func (s ClientConfig) DohProxyConfigs() (DoHProxyConfig_List, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return DoHProxyConfig_List{List: p.List()}, err
func (s ClientConfig) HasDohProxyConfigs() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ClientConfig) SetDohProxyConfigs(v DoHProxyConfig_List) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(2, v.List.ToPtr())
// NewDohProxyConfigs sets the dohProxyConfigs field to a newly
// allocated DoHProxyConfig_List, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ClientConfig) NewDohProxyConfigs(n int32) (DoHProxyConfig_List, error) {
l, err := NewDoHProxyConfig_List(s.Struct.Segment(), n)
if err != nil {
return DoHProxyConfig_List{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(2, l.List.ToPtr())
return l, err
func (s ClientConfig) ReverseProxyConfigs() (ReverseProxyConfig_List, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
return ReverseProxyConfig_List{List: p.List()}, err
func (s ClientConfig) HasReverseProxyConfigs() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(3)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ClientConfig) SetReverseProxyConfigs(v ReverseProxyConfig_List) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(3, v.List.ToPtr())
// NewReverseProxyConfigs sets the reverseProxyConfigs field to a newly
// allocated ReverseProxyConfig_List, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ClientConfig) NewReverseProxyConfigs(n int32) (ReverseProxyConfig_List, error) {
l, err := NewReverseProxyConfig_List(s.Struct.Segment(), n)
if err != nil {
return ReverseProxyConfig_List{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(3, l.List.ToPtr())
return l, err
// ClientConfig_List is a list of ClientConfig.
type ClientConfig_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewClientConfig creates a new list of ClientConfig.
func NewClientConfig_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (ClientConfig_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 4}, sz)
return ClientConfig_List{l}, err
func (s ClientConfig_List) At(i int) ClientConfig { return ClientConfig{s.List.Struct(i)} }
func (s ClientConfig_List) Set(i int, v ClientConfig) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
func (s ClientConfig_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xf0a143f1c95a678e, s.List)
return str
// ClientConfig_Promise is a wrapper for a ClientConfig promised by a client call.
type ClientConfig_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p ClientConfig_Promise) Struct() (ClientConfig, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return ClientConfig{s}, err
func (p ClientConfig_Promise) SupervisorConfig() SupervisorConfig_Promise {
return SupervisorConfig_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
func (p ClientConfig_Promise) EdgeConnectionConfig() EdgeConnectionConfig_Promise {
return EdgeConnectionConfig_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(1)}
type SupervisorConfig struct{ capnp.Struct }
// SupervisorConfig_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type SupervisorConfig.
const SupervisorConfig_TypeID = 0xf7f49b3f779ae258
func NewSupervisorConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (SupervisorConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 24, PointerCount: 0})
return SupervisorConfig{st}, err
func NewRootSupervisorConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (SupervisorConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 24, PointerCount: 0})
return SupervisorConfig{st}, err
func ReadRootSupervisorConfig(msg *capnp.Message) (SupervisorConfig, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return SupervisorConfig{root.Struct()}, err
func (s SupervisorConfig) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xf7f49b3f779ae258, s.Struct)
return str
func (s SupervisorConfig) AutoUpdateFrequency() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(0))
func (s SupervisorConfig) SetAutoUpdateFrequency(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(0, uint64(v))
func (s SupervisorConfig) MetricsUpdateFrequency() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(8))
func (s SupervisorConfig) SetMetricsUpdateFrequency(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(8, uint64(v))
func (s SupervisorConfig) GracePeriod() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(16))
func (s SupervisorConfig) SetGracePeriod(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(16, uint64(v))
// SupervisorConfig_List is a list of SupervisorConfig.
type SupervisorConfig_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewSupervisorConfig creates a new list of SupervisorConfig.
func NewSupervisorConfig_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (SupervisorConfig_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 24, PointerCount: 0}, sz)
return SupervisorConfig_List{l}, err
func (s SupervisorConfig_List) At(i int) SupervisorConfig { return SupervisorConfig{s.List.Struct(i)} }
func (s SupervisorConfig_List) Set(i int, v SupervisorConfig) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s SupervisorConfig_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xf7f49b3f779ae258, s.List)
return str
// SupervisorConfig_Promise is a wrapper for a SupervisorConfig promised by a client call.
type SupervisorConfig_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p SupervisorConfig_Promise) Struct() (SupervisorConfig, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return SupervisorConfig{s}, err
type EdgeConnectionConfig struct{ capnp.Struct }
// EdgeConnectionConfig_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type EdgeConnectionConfig.
const EdgeConnectionConfig_TypeID = 0xc744e349009087aa
func NewEdgeConnectionConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (EdgeConnectionConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 32, PointerCount: 1})
return EdgeConnectionConfig{st}, err
func NewRootEdgeConnectionConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (EdgeConnectionConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 32, PointerCount: 1})
return EdgeConnectionConfig{st}, err
func ReadRootEdgeConnectionConfig(msg *capnp.Message) (EdgeConnectionConfig, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return EdgeConnectionConfig{root.Struct()}, err
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xc744e349009087aa, s.Struct)
return str
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) NumHAConnections() uint8 {
return s.Struct.Uint8(0)
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) SetNumHAConnections(v uint8) {
s.Struct.SetUint8(0, v)
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) HeartbeatInterval() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(8))
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) SetHeartbeatInterval(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(8, uint64(v))
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) Timeout() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(16))
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) SetTimeout(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(16, uint64(v))
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) MaxFailedHeartbeats() uint64 {
return s.Struct.Uint64(24)
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) SetMaxFailedHeartbeats(v uint64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(24, v)
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) UserCredentialPath() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) HasUserCredentialPath() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) UserCredentialPathBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig) SetUserCredentialPath(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
// EdgeConnectionConfig_List is a list of EdgeConnectionConfig.
type EdgeConnectionConfig_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewEdgeConnectionConfig creates a new list of EdgeConnectionConfig.
func NewEdgeConnectionConfig_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (EdgeConnectionConfig_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 32, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return EdgeConnectionConfig_List{l}, err
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig_List) At(i int) EdgeConnectionConfig {
return EdgeConnectionConfig{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig_List) Set(i int, v EdgeConnectionConfig) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s EdgeConnectionConfig_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xc744e349009087aa, s.List)
return str
// EdgeConnectionConfig_Promise is a wrapper for a EdgeConnectionConfig promised by a client call.
type EdgeConnectionConfig_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p EdgeConnectionConfig_Promise) Struct() (EdgeConnectionConfig, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return EdgeConnectionConfig{s}, err
type ReverseProxyConfig struct{ capnp.Struct }
type ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig ReverseProxyConfig
type ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which uint16
const (
ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which_http ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which = 0
ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which_websocket ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which = 1
ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which_helloWorld ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which = 2
func (w ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which) String() string {
const s = "httpwebsockethelloWorld"
switch w {
case ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which_http:
return s[0:4]
case ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which_websocket:
return s[4:13]
case ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which_helloWorld:
return s[13:23]
return "ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which(" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(w), 10) + ")"
// ReverseProxyConfig_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ReverseProxyConfig.
const ReverseProxyConfig_TypeID = 0xc766a92976e389c4
func NewReverseProxyConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (ReverseProxyConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 32, PointerCount: 2})
return ReverseProxyConfig{st}, err
func NewRootReverseProxyConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (ReverseProxyConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 32, PointerCount: 2})
return ReverseProxyConfig{st}, err
func ReadRootReverseProxyConfig(msg *capnp.Message) (ReverseProxyConfig, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return ReverseProxyConfig{root.Struct()}, err
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xc766a92976e389c4, s.Struct)
return str
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) TunnelHostname() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) HasTunnelHostname() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) TunnelHostnameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) SetTunnelHostname(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) OriginConfig() ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig {
return ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig(s)
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) Which() ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which {
return ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Which(s.Struct.Uint16(0))
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) Http() (HTTPOriginConfig, error) {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 0 {
panic("Which() != http")
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return HTTPOriginConfig{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) HasHttp() bool {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 0 {
return false
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) SetHttp(v HTTPOriginConfig) error {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 0)
return s.Struct.SetPtr(1, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewHttp sets the http field to a newly
// allocated HTTPOriginConfig struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) NewHttp() (HTTPOriginConfig, error) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 0)
ss, err := NewHTTPOriginConfig(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return HTTPOriginConfig{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(1, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) Websocket() (WebSocketOriginConfig, error) {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 1 {
panic("Which() != websocket")
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return WebSocketOriginConfig{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) HasWebsocket() bool {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 1 {
return false
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) SetWebsocket(v WebSocketOriginConfig) error {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 1)
return s.Struct.SetPtr(1, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewWebsocket sets the websocket field to a newly
// allocated WebSocketOriginConfig struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) NewWebsocket() (WebSocketOriginConfig, error) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 1)
ss, err := NewWebSocketOriginConfig(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return WebSocketOriginConfig{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(1, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) HelloWorld() (HelloWorldOriginConfig, error) {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 2 {
panic("Which() != helloWorld")
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return HelloWorldOriginConfig{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) HasHelloWorld() bool {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 2 {
return false
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) SetHelloWorld(v HelloWorldOriginConfig) error {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 2)
return s.Struct.SetPtr(1, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewHelloWorld sets the helloWorld field to a newly
// allocated HelloWorldOriginConfig struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig) NewHelloWorld() (HelloWorldOriginConfig, error) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 2)
ss, err := NewHelloWorldOriginConfig(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return HelloWorldOriginConfig{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(1, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) Retries() uint64 {
return s.Struct.Uint64(8)
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) SetRetries(v uint64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(8, v)
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) ConnectionTimeout() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(16))
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) SetConnectionTimeout(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(16, uint64(v))
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) CompressionQuality() uint64 {
return s.Struct.Uint64(24)
func (s ReverseProxyConfig) SetCompressionQuality(v uint64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(24, v)
// ReverseProxyConfig_List is a list of ReverseProxyConfig.
type ReverseProxyConfig_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewReverseProxyConfig creates a new list of ReverseProxyConfig.
func NewReverseProxyConfig_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (ReverseProxyConfig_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 32, PointerCount: 2}, sz)
return ReverseProxyConfig_List{l}, err
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_List) At(i int) ReverseProxyConfig {
return ReverseProxyConfig{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_List) Set(i int, v ReverseProxyConfig) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s ReverseProxyConfig_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xc766a92976e389c4, s.List)
return str
// ReverseProxyConfig_Promise is a wrapper for a ReverseProxyConfig promised by a client call.
type ReverseProxyConfig_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p ReverseProxyConfig_Promise) Struct() (ReverseProxyConfig, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return ReverseProxyConfig{s}, err
func (p ReverseProxyConfig_Promise) OriginConfig() ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Promise {
return ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Promise{p.Pipeline}
// ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Promise is a wrapper for a ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig promised by a client call.
type ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Promise) Struct() (ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig{s}, err
func (p ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Promise) Http() HTTPOriginConfig_Promise {
return HTTPOriginConfig_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(1)}
func (p ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Promise) Websocket() WebSocketOriginConfig_Promise {
return WebSocketOriginConfig_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(1)}
func (p ReverseProxyConfig_originConfig_Promise) HelloWorld() HelloWorldOriginConfig_Promise {
return HelloWorldOriginConfig_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(1)}
type WebSocketOriginConfig struct{ capnp.Struct }
// WebSocketOriginConfig_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type WebSocketOriginConfig.
const WebSocketOriginConfig_TypeID = 0xf9c895683ed9ac4c
func NewWebSocketOriginConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (WebSocketOriginConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3})
return WebSocketOriginConfig{st}, err
func NewRootWebSocketOriginConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (WebSocketOriginConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3})
return WebSocketOriginConfig{st}, err
func ReadRootWebSocketOriginConfig(msg *capnp.Message) (WebSocketOriginConfig, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return WebSocketOriginConfig{root.Struct()}, err
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xf9c895683ed9ac4c, s.Struct)
return str
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) UrlString() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) HasUrlString() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) UrlStringBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) SetUrlString(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) TlsVerify() bool {
return s.Struct.Bit(0)
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) SetTlsVerify(v bool) {
s.Struct.SetBit(0, v)
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) OriginCAPool() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.Text(), err
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) HasOriginCAPool() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) OriginCAPoolBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) SetOriginCAPool(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) OriginServerName() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.Text(), err
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) HasOriginServerName() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) OriginServerNameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig) SetOriginServerName(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(2, v)
// WebSocketOriginConfig_List is a list of WebSocketOriginConfig.
type WebSocketOriginConfig_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewWebSocketOriginConfig creates a new list of WebSocketOriginConfig.
func NewWebSocketOriginConfig_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (WebSocketOriginConfig_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3}, sz)
return WebSocketOriginConfig_List{l}, err
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig_List) At(i int) WebSocketOriginConfig {
return WebSocketOriginConfig{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig_List) Set(i int, v WebSocketOriginConfig) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s WebSocketOriginConfig_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xf9c895683ed9ac4c, s.List)
return str
// WebSocketOriginConfig_Promise is a wrapper for a WebSocketOriginConfig promised by a client call.
type WebSocketOriginConfig_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p WebSocketOriginConfig_Promise) Struct() (WebSocketOriginConfig, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return WebSocketOriginConfig{s}, err
type HTTPOriginConfig struct{ capnp.Struct }
// HTTPOriginConfig_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type HTTPOriginConfig.
const HTTPOriginConfig_TypeID = 0xe4a6a1bc139211b4
func NewHTTPOriginConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (HTTPOriginConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 56, PointerCount: 3})
return HTTPOriginConfig{st}, err
func NewRootHTTPOriginConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (HTTPOriginConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 56, PointerCount: 3})
return HTTPOriginConfig{st}, err
func ReadRootHTTPOriginConfig(msg *capnp.Message) (HTTPOriginConfig, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return HTTPOriginConfig{root.Struct()}, err
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xe4a6a1bc139211b4, s.Struct)
return str
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) UrlString() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) HasUrlString() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) UrlStringBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetUrlString(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) TcpKeepAlive() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(0))
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetTcpKeepAlive(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(0, uint64(v))
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) DialDualStack() bool {
return s.Struct.Bit(64)
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetDialDualStack(v bool) {
s.Struct.SetBit(64, v)
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) TlsHandshakeTimeout() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(16))
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetTlsHandshakeTimeout(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(16, uint64(v))
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) TlsVerify() bool {
return s.Struct.Bit(65)
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetTlsVerify(v bool) {
s.Struct.SetBit(65, v)
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) OriginCAPool() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.Text(), err
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) HasOriginCAPool() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) OriginCAPoolBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetOriginCAPool(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) OriginServerName() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.Text(), err
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) HasOriginServerName() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) OriginServerNameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetOriginServerName(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(2, v)
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) MaxIdleConnections() uint64 {
return s.Struct.Uint64(24)
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetMaxIdleConnections(v uint64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(24, v)
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) IdleConnectionTimeout() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(32))
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetIdleConnectionTimeout(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(32, uint64(v))
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) ProxyConnectionTimeout() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(40))
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetProxyConnectionTimeout(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(40, uint64(v))
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) ExpectContinueTimeout() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(48))
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetExpectContinueTimeout(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(48, uint64(v))
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) ChunkedEncoding() bool {
return s.Struct.Bit(66)
func (s HTTPOriginConfig) SetChunkedEncoding(v bool) {
s.Struct.SetBit(66, v)
// HTTPOriginConfig_List is a list of HTTPOriginConfig.
type HTTPOriginConfig_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewHTTPOriginConfig creates a new list of HTTPOriginConfig.
func NewHTTPOriginConfig_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (HTTPOriginConfig_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 56, PointerCount: 3}, sz)
return HTTPOriginConfig_List{l}, err
func (s HTTPOriginConfig_List) At(i int) HTTPOriginConfig { return HTTPOriginConfig{s.List.Struct(i)} }
func (s HTTPOriginConfig_List) Set(i int, v HTTPOriginConfig) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s HTTPOriginConfig_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xe4a6a1bc139211b4, s.List)
return str
// HTTPOriginConfig_Promise is a wrapper for a HTTPOriginConfig promised by a client call.
type HTTPOriginConfig_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p HTTPOriginConfig_Promise) Struct() (HTTPOriginConfig, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return HTTPOriginConfig{s}, err
type DoHProxyConfig struct{ capnp.Struct }
// DoHProxyConfig_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type DoHProxyConfig.
const DoHProxyConfig_TypeID = 0xb167b0bebe562cd0
func NewDoHProxyConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (DoHProxyConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 2})
return DoHProxyConfig{st}, err
func NewRootDoHProxyConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (DoHProxyConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 2})
return DoHProxyConfig{st}, err
func ReadRootDoHProxyConfig(msg *capnp.Message) (DoHProxyConfig, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return DoHProxyConfig{root.Struct()}, err
func (s DoHProxyConfig) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xb167b0bebe562cd0, s.Struct)
return str
func (s DoHProxyConfig) ListenHost() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s DoHProxyConfig) HasListenHost() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s DoHProxyConfig) ListenHostBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s DoHProxyConfig) SetListenHost(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
func (s DoHProxyConfig) ListenPort() uint16 {
return s.Struct.Uint16(0)
func (s DoHProxyConfig) SetListenPort(v uint16) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, v)
func (s DoHProxyConfig) Upstreams() (capnp.TextList, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return capnp.TextList{List: p.List()}, err
func (s DoHProxyConfig) HasUpstreams() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s DoHProxyConfig) SetUpstreams(v capnp.TextList) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(1, v.List.ToPtr())
// NewUpstreams sets the upstreams field to a newly
// allocated capnp.TextList, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s DoHProxyConfig) NewUpstreams(n int32) (capnp.TextList, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewTextList(s.Struct.Segment(), n)
if err != nil {
return capnp.TextList{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(1, l.List.ToPtr())
return l, err
// DoHProxyConfig_List is a list of DoHProxyConfig.
type DoHProxyConfig_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewDoHProxyConfig creates a new list of DoHProxyConfig.
func NewDoHProxyConfig_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (DoHProxyConfig_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 2}, sz)
return DoHProxyConfig_List{l}, err
func (s DoHProxyConfig_List) At(i int) DoHProxyConfig { return DoHProxyConfig{s.List.Struct(i)} }
func (s DoHProxyConfig_List) Set(i int, v DoHProxyConfig) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
func (s DoHProxyConfig_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xb167b0bebe562cd0, s.List)
return str
// DoHProxyConfig_Promise is a wrapper for a DoHProxyConfig promised by a client call.
type DoHProxyConfig_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p DoHProxyConfig_Promise) Struct() (DoHProxyConfig, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return DoHProxyConfig{s}, err
type HelloWorldOriginConfig struct{ capnp.Struct }
// HelloWorldOriginConfig_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type HelloWorldOriginConfig.
const HelloWorldOriginConfig_TypeID = 0x8891f360e47c30d3
func NewHelloWorldOriginConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (HelloWorldOriginConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0})
return HelloWorldOriginConfig{st}, err
func NewRootHelloWorldOriginConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (HelloWorldOriginConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0})
return HelloWorldOriginConfig{st}, err
func ReadRootHelloWorldOriginConfig(msg *capnp.Message) (HelloWorldOriginConfig, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return HelloWorldOriginConfig{root.Struct()}, err
func (s HelloWorldOriginConfig) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0x8891f360e47c30d3, s.Struct)
return str
// HelloWorldOriginConfig_List is a list of HelloWorldOriginConfig.
type HelloWorldOriginConfig_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewHelloWorldOriginConfig creates a new list of HelloWorldOriginConfig.
func NewHelloWorldOriginConfig_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (HelloWorldOriginConfig_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0}, sz)
return HelloWorldOriginConfig_List{l}, err
func (s HelloWorldOriginConfig_List) At(i int) HelloWorldOriginConfig {
return HelloWorldOriginConfig{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s HelloWorldOriginConfig_List) Set(i int, v HelloWorldOriginConfig) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s HelloWorldOriginConfig_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0x8891f360e47c30d3, s.List)
return str
// HelloWorldOriginConfig_Promise is a wrapper for a HelloWorldOriginConfig promised by a client call.
type HelloWorldOriginConfig_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p HelloWorldOriginConfig_Promise) Struct() (HelloWorldOriginConfig, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return HelloWorldOriginConfig{s}, err
type Tag struct{ capnp.Struct }
// Tag_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type Tag.
const Tag_TypeID = 0xcbd96442ae3bb01a
func NewTag(s *capnp.Segment) (Tag, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2})
return Tag{st}, err
func NewRootTag(s *capnp.Segment) (Tag, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2})
return Tag{st}, err
func ReadRootTag(msg *capnp.Message) (Tag, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return Tag{root.Struct()}, err
func (s Tag) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xcbd96442ae3bb01a, s.Struct)
return str
func (s Tag) Name() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s Tag) HasName() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s Tag) NameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s Tag) SetName(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
func (s Tag) Value() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.Text(), err
func (s Tag) HasValue() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s Tag) ValueBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s Tag) SetValue(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
// Tag_List is a list of Tag.
type Tag_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTag creates a new list of Tag.
func NewTag_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (Tag_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 2}, sz)
return Tag_List{l}, err
func (s Tag_List) At(i int) Tag { return Tag{s.List.Struct(i)} }
func (s Tag_List) Set(i int, v Tag) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
func (s Tag_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xcbd96442ae3bb01a, s.List)
return str
// Tag_Promise is a wrapper for a Tag promised by a client call.
type Tag_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p Tag_Promise) Struct() (Tag, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return Tag{s}, err
type ExistingTunnelPolicy uint16
// ExistingTunnelPolicy_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ExistingTunnelPolicy.
const ExistingTunnelPolicy_TypeID = 0x84cb9536a2cf6d3c
// Values of ExistingTunnelPolicy.
const (
ExistingTunnelPolicy_ignore ExistingTunnelPolicy = 0
ExistingTunnelPolicy_disconnect ExistingTunnelPolicy = 1
ExistingTunnelPolicy_balance ExistingTunnelPolicy = 2
// String returns the enum's constant name.
func (c ExistingTunnelPolicy) String() string {
switch c {
case ExistingTunnelPolicy_ignore:
return "ignore"
case ExistingTunnelPolicy_disconnect:
return "disconnect"
case ExistingTunnelPolicy_balance:
return "balance"
return ""
// ExistingTunnelPolicyFromString returns the enum value with a name,
// or the zero value if there's no such value.
func ExistingTunnelPolicyFromString(c string) ExistingTunnelPolicy {
switch c {
case "ignore":
return ExistingTunnelPolicy_ignore
case "disconnect":
return ExistingTunnelPolicy_disconnect
case "balance":
return ExistingTunnelPolicy_balance
return 0
type ExistingTunnelPolicy_List struct{ capnp.List }
func NewExistingTunnelPolicy_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (ExistingTunnelPolicy_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewUInt16List(s, sz)
return ExistingTunnelPolicy_List{l.List}, err
func (l ExistingTunnelPolicy_List) At(i int) ExistingTunnelPolicy {
ul := capnp.UInt16List{List: l.List}
return ExistingTunnelPolicy(ul.At(i))
func (l ExistingTunnelPolicy_List) Set(i int, v ExistingTunnelPolicy) {
ul := capnp.UInt16List{List: l.List}
ul.Set(i, uint16(v))
type ServerInfo struct{ capnp.Struct }
// ServerInfo_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ServerInfo.
const ServerInfo_TypeID = 0xf2c68e2547ec3866
func NewServerInfo(s *capnp.Segment) (ServerInfo, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return ServerInfo{st}, err
func NewRootServerInfo(s *capnp.Segment) (ServerInfo, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return ServerInfo{st}, err
func ReadRootServerInfo(msg *capnp.Message) (ServerInfo, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return ServerInfo{root.Struct()}, err
func (s ServerInfo) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xf2c68e2547ec3866, s.Struct)
return str
func (s ServerInfo) LocationName() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s ServerInfo) HasLocationName() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ServerInfo) LocationNameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s ServerInfo) SetLocationName(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
// ServerInfo_List is a list of ServerInfo.
type ServerInfo_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewServerInfo creates a new list of ServerInfo.
func NewServerInfo_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (ServerInfo_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return ServerInfo_List{l}, err
func (s ServerInfo_List) At(i int) ServerInfo { return ServerInfo{s.List.Struct(i)} }
func (s ServerInfo_List) Set(i int, v ServerInfo) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
func (s ServerInfo_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xf2c68e2547ec3866, s.List)
return str
// ServerInfo_Promise is a wrapper for a ServerInfo promised by a client call.
type ServerInfo_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p ServerInfo_Promise) Struct() (ServerInfo, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return ServerInfo{s}, err
type UseConfigurationResult struct{ capnp.Struct }
// UseConfigurationResult_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type UseConfigurationResult.
const UseConfigurationResult_TypeID = 0xd58a254e7a792b87
func NewUseConfigurationResult(s *capnp.Segment) (UseConfigurationResult, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 1})
return UseConfigurationResult{st}, err
func NewRootUseConfigurationResult(s *capnp.Segment) (UseConfigurationResult, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 1})
return UseConfigurationResult{st}, err
func ReadRootUseConfigurationResult(msg *capnp.Message) (UseConfigurationResult, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return UseConfigurationResult{root.Struct()}, err
func (s UseConfigurationResult) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xd58a254e7a792b87, s.Struct)
return str
func (s UseConfigurationResult) Success() bool {
return s.Struct.Bit(0)
func (s UseConfigurationResult) SetSuccess(v bool) {
s.Struct.SetBit(0, v)
func (s UseConfigurationResult) FailedConfigs() (FailedConfig_List, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return FailedConfig_List{List: p.List()}, err
func (s UseConfigurationResult) HasFailedConfigs() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s UseConfigurationResult) SetFailedConfigs(v FailedConfig_List) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.List.ToPtr())
// NewFailedConfigs sets the failedConfigs field to a newly
// allocated FailedConfig_List, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s UseConfigurationResult) NewFailedConfigs(n int32) (FailedConfig_List, error) {
l, err := NewFailedConfig_List(s.Struct.Segment(), n)
if err != nil {
return FailedConfig_List{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, l.List.ToPtr())
return l, err
// UseConfigurationResult_List is a list of UseConfigurationResult.
type UseConfigurationResult_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewUseConfigurationResult creates a new list of UseConfigurationResult.
func NewUseConfigurationResult_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (UseConfigurationResult_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return UseConfigurationResult_List{l}, err
func (s UseConfigurationResult_List) At(i int) UseConfigurationResult {
return UseConfigurationResult{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s UseConfigurationResult_List) Set(i int, v UseConfigurationResult) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s UseConfigurationResult_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xd58a254e7a792b87, s.List)
return str
// UseConfigurationResult_Promise is a wrapper for a UseConfigurationResult promised by a client call.
type UseConfigurationResult_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p UseConfigurationResult_Promise) Struct() (UseConfigurationResult, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return UseConfigurationResult{s}, err
type FailedConfig struct{ capnp.Struct }
type FailedConfig_config FailedConfig
type FailedConfig_config_Which uint16
const (
FailedConfig_config_Which_supervisor FailedConfig_config_Which = 0
FailedConfig_config_Which_edgeConnection FailedConfig_config_Which = 1
FailedConfig_config_Which_doh FailedConfig_config_Which = 2
FailedConfig_config_Which_reverseProxy FailedConfig_config_Which = 3
func (w FailedConfig_config_Which) String() string {
const s = "supervisoredgeConnectiondohreverseProxy"
switch w {
case FailedConfig_config_Which_supervisor:
return s[0:10]
case FailedConfig_config_Which_edgeConnection:
return s[10:24]
case FailedConfig_config_Which_doh:
return s[24:27]
case FailedConfig_config_Which_reverseProxy:
return s[27:39]
return "FailedConfig_config_Which(" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(w), 10) + ")"
// FailedConfig_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type FailedConfig.
const FailedConfig_TypeID = 0xea20b390b257d1a5
func NewFailedConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (FailedConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 2})
return FailedConfig{st}, err
func NewRootFailedConfig(s *capnp.Segment) (FailedConfig, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 2})
return FailedConfig{st}, err
func ReadRootFailedConfig(msg *capnp.Message) (FailedConfig, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return FailedConfig{root.Struct()}, err
func (s FailedConfig) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xea20b390b257d1a5, s.Struct)
return str
func (s FailedConfig) Config() FailedConfig_config { return FailedConfig_config(s) }
func (s FailedConfig_config) Which() FailedConfig_config_Which {
return FailedConfig_config_Which(s.Struct.Uint16(0))
func (s FailedConfig_config) Supervisor() (SupervisorConfig, error) {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 0 {
panic("Which() != supervisor")
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return SupervisorConfig{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s FailedConfig_config) HasSupervisor() bool {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 0 {
return false
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s FailedConfig_config) SetSupervisor(v SupervisorConfig) error {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 0)
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewSupervisor sets the supervisor field to a newly
// allocated SupervisorConfig struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s FailedConfig_config) NewSupervisor() (SupervisorConfig, error) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 0)
ss, err := NewSupervisorConfig(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return SupervisorConfig{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
func (s FailedConfig_config) EdgeConnection() (EdgeConnectionConfig, error) {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 1 {
panic("Which() != edgeConnection")
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return EdgeConnectionConfig{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s FailedConfig_config) HasEdgeConnection() bool {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 1 {
return false
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s FailedConfig_config) SetEdgeConnection(v EdgeConnectionConfig) error {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 1)
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewEdgeConnection sets the edgeConnection field to a newly
// allocated EdgeConnectionConfig struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s FailedConfig_config) NewEdgeConnection() (EdgeConnectionConfig, error) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 1)
ss, err := NewEdgeConnectionConfig(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return EdgeConnectionConfig{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
func (s FailedConfig_config) Doh() (DoHProxyConfig, error) {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 2 {
panic("Which() != doh")
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return DoHProxyConfig{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s FailedConfig_config) HasDoh() bool {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 2 {
return false
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s FailedConfig_config) SetDoh(v DoHProxyConfig) error {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 2)
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewDoh sets the doh field to a newly
// allocated DoHProxyConfig struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s FailedConfig_config) NewDoh() (DoHProxyConfig, error) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 2)
ss, err := NewDoHProxyConfig(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return DoHProxyConfig{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
func (s FailedConfig_config) ReverseProxy() (ReverseProxyConfig, error) {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 3 {
panic("Which() != reverseProxy")
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return ReverseProxyConfig{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s FailedConfig_config) HasReverseProxy() bool {
if s.Struct.Uint16(0) != 3 {
return false
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s FailedConfig_config) SetReverseProxy(v ReverseProxyConfig) error {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 3)
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewReverseProxy sets the reverseProxy field to a newly
// allocated ReverseProxyConfig struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s FailedConfig_config) NewReverseProxy() (ReverseProxyConfig, error) {
s.Struct.SetUint16(0, 3)
ss, err := NewReverseProxyConfig(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return ReverseProxyConfig{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
func (s FailedConfig) Reason() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.Text(), err
func (s FailedConfig) HasReason() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s FailedConfig) ReasonBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s FailedConfig) SetReason(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
// FailedConfig_List is a list of FailedConfig.
type FailedConfig_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewFailedConfig creates a new list of FailedConfig.
func NewFailedConfig_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (FailedConfig_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 2}, sz)
return FailedConfig_List{l}, err
func (s FailedConfig_List) At(i int) FailedConfig { return FailedConfig{s.List.Struct(i)} }
func (s FailedConfig_List) Set(i int, v FailedConfig) error { return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct) }
func (s FailedConfig_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xea20b390b257d1a5, s.List)
return str
// FailedConfig_Promise is a wrapper for a FailedConfig promised by a client call.
type FailedConfig_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p FailedConfig_Promise) Struct() (FailedConfig, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return FailedConfig{s}, err
func (p FailedConfig_Promise) Config() FailedConfig_config_Promise {
return FailedConfig_config_Promise{p.Pipeline}
// FailedConfig_config_Promise is a wrapper for a FailedConfig_config promised by a client call.
type FailedConfig_config_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p FailedConfig_config_Promise) Struct() (FailedConfig_config, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return FailedConfig_config{s}, err
func (p FailedConfig_config_Promise) Supervisor() SupervisorConfig_Promise {
return SupervisorConfig_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
func (p FailedConfig_config_Promise) EdgeConnection() EdgeConnectionConfig_Promise {
return EdgeConnectionConfig_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
func (p FailedConfig_config_Promise) Doh() DoHProxyConfig_Promise {
return DoHProxyConfig_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
func (p FailedConfig_config_Promise) ReverseProxy() ReverseProxyConfig_Promise {
return ReverseProxyConfig_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
type AuthenticateResponse struct{ capnp.Struct }
// AuthenticateResponse_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type AuthenticateResponse.
const AuthenticateResponse_TypeID = 0x82c325a07ad22a65
func NewAuthenticateResponse(s *capnp.Segment) (AuthenticateResponse, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3})
return AuthenticateResponse{st}, err
func NewRootAuthenticateResponse(s *capnp.Segment) (AuthenticateResponse, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3})
return AuthenticateResponse{st}, err
func ReadRootAuthenticateResponse(msg *capnp.Message) (AuthenticateResponse, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return AuthenticateResponse{root.Struct()}, err
func (s AuthenticateResponse) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0x82c325a07ad22a65, s.Struct)
return str
func (s AuthenticateResponse) PermanentErr() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.Text(), err
func (s AuthenticateResponse) HasPermanentErr() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s AuthenticateResponse) PermanentErrBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s AuthenticateResponse) SetPermanentErr(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(0, v)
func (s AuthenticateResponse) RetryableErr() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.Text(), err
func (s AuthenticateResponse) HasRetryableErr() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s AuthenticateResponse) RetryableErrBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s AuthenticateResponse) SetRetryableErr(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
func (s AuthenticateResponse) Jwt() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return []byte(p.Data()), err
func (s AuthenticateResponse) HasJwt() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s AuthenticateResponse) SetJwt(v []byte) error {
return s.Struct.SetData(2, v)
func (s AuthenticateResponse) HoursUntilRefresh() uint8 {
return s.Struct.Uint8(0)
func (s AuthenticateResponse) SetHoursUntilRefresh(v uint8) {
s.Struct.SetUint8(0, v)
// AuthenticateResponse_List is a list of AuthenticateResponse.
type AuthenticateResponse_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewAuthenticateResponse creates a new list of AuthenticateResponse.
func NewAuthenticateResponse_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (AuthenticateResponse_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 3}, sz)
return AuthenticateResponse_List{l}, err
func (s AuthenticateResponse_List) At(i int) AuthenticateResponse {
return AuthenticateResponse{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s AuthenticateResponse_List) Set(i int, v AuthenticateResponse) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s AuthenticateResponse_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0x82c325a07ad22a65, s.List)
return str
// AuthenticateResponse_Promise is a wrapper for a AuthenticateResponse promised by a client call.
type AuthenticateResponse_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p AuthenticateResponse_Promise) Struct() (AuthenticateResponse, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return AuthenticateResponse{s}, err
type TunnelServer struct{ Client capnp.Client }
// TunnelServer_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer.
const TunnelServer_TypeID = 0xea58385c65416035
func (c TunnelServer) RegisterTunnel(ctx context.Context, params func(TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) error, opts ...capnp.CallOption) TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise {
if c.Client == nil {
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(capnp.ErrorAnswer(capnp.ErrNullClient))}
call := &capnp.Call{
Ctx: ctx,
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 0,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "registerTunnel",
Options: capnp.NewCallOptions(opts),
if params != nil {
call.ParamsSize = capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}
call.ParamsFunc = func(s capnp.Struct) error { return params(TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{Struct: s}) }
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(c.Client.Call(call))}
func (c TunnelServer) GetServerInfo(ctx context.Context, params func(TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params) error, opts ...capnp.CallOption) TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise {
if c.Client == nil {
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(capnp.ErrorAnswer(capnp.ErrNullClient))}
call := &capnp.Call{
Ctx: ctx,
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 1,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "getServerInfo",
Options: capnp.NewCallOptions(opts),
if params != nil {
call.ParamsSize = capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0}
call.ParamsFunc = func(s capnp.Struct) error { return params(TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{Struct: s}) }
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(c.Client.Call(call))}
func (c TunnelServer) UnregisterTunnel(ctx context.Context, params func(TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params) error, opts ...capnp.CallOption) TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise {
if c.Client == nil {
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(capnp.ErrorAnswer(capnp.ErrNullClient))}
call := &capnp.Call{
Ctx: ctx,
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 2,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "unregisterTunnel",
Options: capnp.NewCallOptions(opts),
if params != nil {
call.ParamsSize = capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 0}
call.ParamsFunc = func(s capnp.Struct) error { return params(TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{Struct: s}) }
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(c.Client.Call(call))}
func (c TunnelServer) Connect(ctx context.Context, params func(TunnelServer_connect_Params) error, opts ...capnp.CallOption) TunnelServer_connect_Results_Promise {
if c.Client == nil {
return TunnelServer_connect_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(capnp.ErrorAnswer(capnp.ErrNullClient))}
call := &capnp.Call{
Ctx: ctx,
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 3,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "connect",
Options: capnp.NewCallOptions(opts),
if params != nil {
call.ParamsSize = capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}
call.ParamsFunc = func(s capnp.Struct) error { return params(TunnelServer_connect_Params{Struct: s}) }
return TunnelServer_connect_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(c.Client.Call(call))}
func (c TunnelServer) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, params func(TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) error, opts ...capnp.CallOption) TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_Promise {
if c.Client == nil {
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(capnp.ErrorAnswer(capnp.ErrNullClient))}
call := &capnp.Call{
Ctx: ctx,
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 4,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "authenticate",
Options: capnp.NewCallOptions(opts),
if params != nil {
call.ParamsSize = capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}
call.ParamsFunc = func(s capnp.Struct) error { return params(TunnelServer_authenticate_Params{Struct: s}) }
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(c.Client.Call(call))}
func (c TunnelServer) ReconnectTunnel(ctx context.Context, params func(TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) error, opts ...capnp.CallOption) TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_Promise {
if c.Client == nil {
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(capnp.ErrorAnswer(capnp.ErrNullClient))}
call := &capnp.Call{
Ctx: ctx,
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 5,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "reconnectTunnel",
Options: capnp.NewCallOptions(opts),
if params != nil {
call.ParamsSize = capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}
call.ParamsFunc = func(s capnp.Struct) error { return params(TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params{Struct: s}) }
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(c.Client.Call(call))}
type TunnelServer_Server interface {
RegisterTunnel(TunnelServer_registerTunnel) error
GetServerInfo(TunnelServer_getServerInfo) error
UnregisterTunnel(TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel) error
Connect(TunnelServer_connect) error
Authenticate(TunnelServer_authenticate) error
ReconnectTunnel(TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel) error
func TunnelServer_ServerToClient(s TunnelServer_Server) TunnelServer {
c, _ := s.(server.Closer)
return TunnelServer{Client: server.New(TunnelServer_Methods(nil, s), c)}
func TunnelServer_Methods(methods []server.Method, s TunnelServer_Server) []server.Method {
if cap(methods) == 0 {
methods = make([]server.Method, 0, 6)
methods = append(methods, server.Method{
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 0,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "registerTunnel",
Impl: func(c context.Context, opts capnp.CallOptions, p, r capnp.Struct) error {
call := TunnelServer_registerTunnel{c, opts, TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{Struct: p}, TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{Struct: r}}
return s.RegisterTunnel(call)
ResultsSize: capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1},
methods = append(methods, server.Method{
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 1,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "getServerInfo",
Impl: func(c context.Context, opts capnp.CallOptions, p, r capnp.Struct) error {
call := TunnelServer_getServerInfo{c, opts, TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{Struct: p}, TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{Struct: r}}
return s.GetServerInfo(call)
ResultsSize: capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1},
methods = append(methods, server.Method{
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 2,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "unregisterTunnel",
Impl: func(c context.Context, opts capnp.CallOptions, p, r capnp.Struct) error {
call := TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel{c, opts, TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{Struct: p}, TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{Struct: r}}
return s.UnregisterTunnel(call)
ResultsSize: capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0},
methods = append(methods, server.Method{
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 3,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "connect",
Impl: func(c context.Context, opts capnp.CallOptions, p, r capnp.Struct) error {
call := TunnelServer_connect{c, opts, TunnelServer_connect_Params{Struct: p}, TunnelServer_connect_Results{Struct: r}}
return s.Connect(call)
ResultsSize: capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1},
methods = append(methods, server.Method{
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 4,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "authenticate",
Impl: func(c context.Context, opts capnp.CallOptions, p, r capnp.Struct) error {
call := TunnelServer_authenticate{c, opts, TunnelServer_authenticate_Params{Struct: p}, TunnelServer_authenticate_Results{Struct: r}}
return s.Authenticate(call)
ResultsSize: capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1},
methods = append(methods, server.Method{
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xea58385c65416035,
MethodID: 5,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:TunnelServer",
MethodName: "reconnectTunnel",
Impl: func(c context.Context, opts capnp.CallOptions, p, r capnp.Struct) error {
call := TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel{c, opts, TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params{Struct: p}, TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results{Struct: r}}
return s.ReconnectTunnel(call)
ResultsSize: capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1},
return methods
// TunnelServer_registerTunnel holds the arguments for a server call to TunnelServer.registerTunnel.
type TunnelServer_registerTunnel struct {
Ctx context.Context
Options capnp.CallOptions
Params TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params
Results TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results
// TunnelServer_getServerInfo holds the arguments for a server call to TunnelServer.getServerInfo.
type TunnelServer_getServerInfo struct {
Ctx context.Context
Options capnp.CallOptions
Params TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params
Results TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results
// TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel holds the arguments for a server call to TunnelServer.unregisterTunnel.
type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel struct {
Ctx context.Context
Options capnp.CallOptions
Params TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params
Results TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results
// TunnelServer_connect holds the arguments for a server call to TunnelServer.connect.
type TunnelServer_connect struct {
Ctx context.Context
Options capnp.CallOptions
Params TunnelServer_connect_Params
Results TunnelServer_connect_Results
// TunnelServer_authenticate holds the arguments for a server call to TunnelServer.authenticate.
type TunnelServer_authenticate struct {
Ctx context.Context
Options capnp.CallOptions
Params TunnelServer_authenticate_Params
Results TunnelServer_authenticate_Results
// TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel holds the arguments for a server call to TunnelServer.reconnectTunnel.
type TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel struct {
Ctx context.Context
Options capnp.CallOptions
Params TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params
Results TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results
type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params.
const TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_TypeID = 0xb70431c0dc014915
func NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3})
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3})
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xb70431c0dc014915, s.Struct)
return str
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) OriginCert() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return []byte(p.Data()), err
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) HasOriginCert() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) SetOriginCert(v []byte) error {
return s.Struct.SetData(0, v)
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) Hostname() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.Text(), err
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) HasHostname() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) HostnameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) SetHostname(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) Options() (RegistrationOptions, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return RegistrationOptions{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) HasOptions() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) SetOptions(v RegistrationOptions) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(2, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewOptions sets the options field to a newly
// allocated RegistrationOptions struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) NewOptions() (RegistrationOptions, error) {
ss, err := NewRegistrationOptions(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return RegistrationOptions{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(2, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List is a list of TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params.
type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params creates a new list of TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params.
func NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}, sz)
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params {
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xb70431c0dc014915, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params{s}, err
func (p TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Params_Promise) Options() RegistrationOptions_Promise {
return RegistrationOptions_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(2)}
type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results.
const TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_TypeID = 0xf2c122394f447e8e
func NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xf2c122394f447e8e, s.Struct)
return str
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) Result() (TunnelRegistration, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return TunnelRegistration{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) HasResult() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) SetResult(v TunnelRegistration) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewResult sets the result field to a newly
// allocated TunnelRegistration struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) NewResult() (TunnelRegistration, error) {
ss, err := NewTunnelRegistration(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return TunnelRegistration{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List is a list of TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results.
type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results creates a new list of TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results.
func NewTunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results {
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xf2c122394f447e8e, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results{s}, err
func (p TunnelServer_registerTunnel_Results_Promise) Result() TunnelRegistration_Promise {
return TunnelRegistration_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params.
const TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_TypeID = 0xdc3ed6801961e502
func NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0})
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0})
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xdc3ed6801961e502, s.Struct)
return str
// TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List is a list of TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params.
type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params creates a new list of TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params.
func NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0}, sz)
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params {
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xdc3ed6801961e502, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params{s}, err
type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results.
const TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_TypeID = 0xe3e37d096a5b564e
func NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xe3e37d096a5b564e, s.Struct)
return str
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) Result() (ServerInfo, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return ServerInfo{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) HasResult() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) SetResult(v ServerInfo) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewResult sets the result field to a newly
// allocated ServerInfo struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) NewResult() (ServerInfo, error) {
ss, err := NewServerInfo(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return ServerInfo{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List is a list of TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results.
type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results creates a new list of TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results.
func NewTunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results {
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xe3e37d096a5b564e, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results{s}, err
func (p TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Results_Promise) Result() ServerInfo_Promise {
return ServerInfo_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params.
const TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_TypeID = 0x9b87b390babc2ccf
func NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 0})
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 0})
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0x9b87b390babc2ccf, s.Struct)
return str
func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params) GracePeriodNanoSec() int64 {
return int64(s.Struct.Uint64(0))
func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params) SetGracePeriodNanoSec(v int64) {
s.Struct.SetUint64(0, uint64(v))
// TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List is a list of TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params.
type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params creates a new list of TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params.
func NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 8, PointerCount: 0}, sz)
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params {
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0x9b87b390babc2ccf, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Params{s}, err
type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results.
const TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_TypeID = 0xa29a916d4ebdd894
func NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0})
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0})
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xa29a916d4ebdd894, s.Struct)
return str
// TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List is a list of TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results.
type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results creates a new list of TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results.
func NewTunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 0}, sz)
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results {
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xa29a916d4ebdd894, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_unregisterTunnel_Results{s}, err
type TunnelServer_connect_Params struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_connect_Params_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_connect_Params.
const TunnelServer_connect_Params_TypeID = 0xa766b24d4fe5da35
func NewTunnelServer_connect_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_connect_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_connect_Params{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_connect_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_connect_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_connect_Params{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_connect_Params(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_connect_Params, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_connect_Params{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Params) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xa766b24d4fe5da35, s.Struct)
return str
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Params) Parameters() (CapnpConnectParameters, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return CapnpConnectParameters{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Params) HasParameters() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Params) SetParameters(v CapnpConnectParameters) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewParameters sets the parameters field to a newly
// allocated CapnpConnectParameters struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Params) NewParameters() (CapnpConnectParameters, error) {
ss, err := NewCapnpConnectParameters(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return CapnpConnectParameters{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// TunnelServer_connect_Params_List is a list of TunnelServer_connect_Params.
type TunnelServer_connect_Params_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_connect_Params creates a new list of TunnelServer_connect_Params.
func NewTunnelServer_connect_Params_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_connect_Params_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return TunnelServer_connect_Params_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Params_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_connect_Params {
return TunnelServer_connect_Params{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Params_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_connect_Params) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Params_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xa766b24d4fe5da35, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_connect_Params_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_connect_Params promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_connect_Params_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_connect_Params_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_connect_Params, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_connect_Params{s}, err
func (p TunnelServer_connect_Params_Promise) Parameters() CapnpConnectParameters_Promise {
return CapnpConnectParameters_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
type TunnelServer_connect_Results struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_connect_Results_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_connect_Results.
const TunnelServer_connect_Results_TypeID = 0xfeac5c8f4899ef7c
func NewTunnelServer_connect_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_connect_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_connect_Results{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_connect_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_connect_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_connect_Results{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_connect_Results(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_connect_Results, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_connect_Results{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Results) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xfeac5c8f4899ef7c, s.Struct)
return str
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Results) Result() (ConnectResult, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return ConnectResult{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Results) HasResult() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Results) SetResult(v ConnectResult) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewResult sets the result field to a newly
// allocated ConnectResult struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Results) NewResult() (ConnectResult, error) {
ss, err := NewConnectResult(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return ConnectResult{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// TunnelServer_connect_Results_List is a list of TunnelServer_connect_Results.
type TunnelServer_connect_Results_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_connect_Results creates a new list of TunnelServer_connect_Results.
func NewTunnelServer_connect_Results_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_connect_Results_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return TunnelServer_connect_Results_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Results_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_connect_Results {
return TunnelServer_connect_Results{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Results_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_connect_Results) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_connect_Results_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xfeac5c8f4899ef7c, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_connect_Results_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_connect_Results promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_connect_Results_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_connect_Results_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_connect_Results, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_connect_Results{s}, err
func (p TunnelServer_connect_Results_Promise) Result() ConnectResult_Promise {
return ConnectResult_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
type TunnelServer_authenticate_Params struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_authenticate_Params.
const TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_TypeID = 0x85c8cea1ab1894f3
func NewTunnelServer_authenticate_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_authenticate_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3})
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Params{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_authenticate_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_authenticate_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3})
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Params{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_authenticate_Params(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_authenticate_Params, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Params{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0x85c8cea1ab1894f3, s.Struct)
return str
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) OriginCert() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return []byte(p.Data()), err
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) HasOriginCert() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) SetOriginCert(v []byte) error {
return s.Struct.SetData(0, v)
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) Hostname() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.Text(), err
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) HasHostname() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) HostnameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) SetHostname(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) Options() (RegistrationOptions, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return RegistrationOptions{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) HasOptions() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) SetOptions(v RegistrationOptions) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(2, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewOptions sets the options field to a newly
// allocated RegistrationOptions struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) NewOptions() (RegistrationOptions, error) {
ss, err := NewRegistrationOptions(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return RegistrationOptions{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(2, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_List is a list of TunnelServer_authenticate_Params.
type TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_authenticate_Params creates a new list of TunnelServer_authenticate_Params.
func NewTunnelServer_authenticate_Params_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}, sz)
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_authenticate_Params {
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Params{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_authenticate_Params) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0x85c8cea1ab1894f3, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_authenticate_Params promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_authenticate_Params, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Params{s}, err
func (p TunnelServer_authenticate_Params_Promise) Options() RegistrationOptions_Promise {
return RegistrationOptions_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(2)}
type TunnelServer_authenticate_Results struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_authenticate_Results.
const TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_TypeID = 0xfc5edf80e39c0796
func NewTunnelServer_authenticate_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_authenticate_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Results{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_authenticate_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_authenticate_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Results{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_authenticate_Results(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_authenticate_Results, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Results{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Results) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xfc5edf80e39c0796, s.Struct)
return str
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Results) Result() (AuthenticateResponse, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return AuthenticateResponse{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Results) HasResult() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Results) SetResult(v AuthenticateResponse) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewResult sets the result field to a newly
// allocated AuthenticateResponse struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Results) NewResult() (AuthenticateResponse, error) {
ss, err := NewAuthenticateResponse(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return AuthenticateResponse{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_List is a list of TunnelServer_authenticate_Results.
type TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_authenticate_Results creates a new list of TunnelServer_authenticate_Results.
func NewTunnelServer_authenticate_Results_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_authenticate_Results {
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Results{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_authenticate_Results) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xfc5edf80e39c0796, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_authenticate_Results promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_authenticate_Results, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_authenticate_Results{s}, err
func (p TunnelServer_authenticate_Results_Promise) Result() AuthenticateResponse_Promise {
return AuthenticateResponse_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
type TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params.
const TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_TypeID = 0xa353a3556df74984
func NewTunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3})
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3})
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xa353a3556df74984, s.Struct)
return str
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) Jwt() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return []byte(p.Data()), err
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) HasJwt() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) SetJwt(v []byte) error {
return s.Struct.SetData(0, v)
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) Hostname() (string, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.Text(), err
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) HasHostname() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) HostnameBytes() ([]byte, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(1)
return p.TextBytes(), err
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) SetHostname(v string) error {
return s.Struct.SetText(1, v)
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) Options() (RegistrationOptions, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return RegistrationOptions{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) HasOptions() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(2)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) SetOptions(v RegistrationOptions) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(2, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewOptions sets the options field to a newly
// allocated RegistrationOptions struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) NewOptions() (RegistrationOptions, error) {
ss, err := NewRegistrationOptions(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return RegistrationOptions{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(2, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_List is a list of TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params.
type TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params creates a new list of TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params.
func NewTunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 3}, sz)
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params {
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xa353a3556df74984, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params{s}, err
func (p TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Params_Promise) Options() RegistrationOptions_Promise {
return RegistrationOptions_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(2)}
type TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results struct{ capnp.Struct }
// TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results.
const TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_TypeID = 0xd4d18de97bb12de3
func NewTunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results{st}, err
func NewRootTunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results{st}, err
func ReadRootTunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results(msg *capnp.Message) (TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results{root.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xd4d18de97bb12de3, s.Struct)
return str
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results) Result() (TunnelRegistration, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return TunnelRegistration{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results) HasResult() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results) SetResult(v TunnelRegistration) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewResult sets the result field to a newly
// allocated TunnelRegistration struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results) NewResult() (TunnelRegistration, error) {
ss, err := NewTunnelRegistration(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return TunnelRegistration{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_List is a list of TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results.
type TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewTunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results creates a new list of TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results.
func NewTunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_List{l}, err
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_List) At(i int) TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results {
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_List) Set(i int, v TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xd4d18de97bb12de3, s.List)
return str
// TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_Promise is a wrapper for a TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results promised by a client call.
type TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_Promise) Struct() (TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results{s}, err
func (p TunnelServer_reconnectTunnel_Results_Promise) Result() TunnelRegistration_Promise {
return TunnelRegistration_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
type ClientService struct{ Client capnp.Client }
// ClientService_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ClientService.
const ClientService_TypeID = 0xf143a395ed8b3133
func (c ClientService) UseConfiguration(ctx context.Context, params func(ClientService_useConfiguration_Params) error, opts ...capnp.CallOption) ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_Promise {
if c.Client == nil {
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(capnp.ErrorAnswer(capnp.ErrNullClient))}
call := &capnp.Call{
Ctx: ctx,
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xf143a395ed8b3133,
MethodID: 0,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:ClientService",
MethodName: "useConfiguration",
Options: capnp.NewCallOptions(opts),
if params != nil {
call.ParamsSize = capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}
call.ParamsFunc = func(s capnp.Struct) error { return params(ClientService_useConfiguration_Params{Struct: s}) }
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_Promise{Pipeline: capnp.NewPipeline(c.Client.Call(call))}
type ClientService_Server interface {
UseConfiguration(ClientService_useConfiguration) error
func ClientService_ServerToClient(s ClientService_Server) ClientService {
c, _ := s.(server.Closer)
return ClientService{Client: server.New(ClientService_Methods(nil, s), c)}
func ClientService_Methods(methods []server.Method, s ClientService_Server) []server.Method {
if cap(methods) == 0 {
methods = make([]server.Method, 0, 1)
methods = append(methods, server.Method{
Method: capnp.Method{
InterfaceID: 0xf143a395ed8b3133,
MethodID: 0,
InterfaceName: "tunnelrpc/tunnelrpc.capnp:ClientService",
MethodName: "useConfiguration",
Impl: func(c context.Context, opts capnp.CallOptions, p, r capnp.Struct) error {
call := ClientService_useConfiguration{c, opts, ClientService_useConfiguration_Params{Struct: p}, ClientService_useConfiguration_Results{Struct: r}}
return s.UseConfiguration(call)
ResultsSize: capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1},
return methods
// ClientService_useConfiguration holds the arguments for a server call to ClientService.useConfiguration.
type ClientService_useConfiguration struct {
Ctx context.Context
Options capnp.CallOptions
Params ClientService_useConfiguration_Params
Results ClientService_useConfiguration_Results
type ClientService_useConfiguration_Params struct{ capnp.Struct }
// ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ClientService_useConfiguration_Params.
const ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_TypeID = 0xb9d4ef45c2b5fc5b
func NewClientService_useConfiguration_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (ClientService_useConfiguration_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Params{st}, err
func NewRootClientService_useConfiguration_Params(s *capnp.Segment) (ClientService_useConfiguration_Params, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Params{st}, err
func ReadRootClientService_useConfiguration_Params(msg *capnp.Message) (ClientService_useConfiguration_Params, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Params{root.Struct()}, err
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Params) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0xb9d4ef45c2b5fc5b, s.Struct)
return str
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Params) ClientServiceConfig() (ClientConfig, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return ClientConfig{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Params) HasClientServiceConfig() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Params) SetClientServiceConfig(v ClientConfig) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewClientServiceConfig sets the clientServiceConfig field to a newly
// allocated ClientConfig struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Params) NewClientServiceConfig() (ClientConfig, error) {
ss, err := NewClientConfig(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return ClientConfig{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_List is a list of ClientService_useConfiguration_Params.
type ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewClientService_useConfiguration_Params creates a new list of ClientService_useConfiguration_Params.
func NewClientService_useConfiguration_Params_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_List{l}, err
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_List) At(i int) ClientService_useConfiguration_Params {
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Params{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_List) Set(i int, v ClientService_useConfiguration_Params) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0xb9d4ef45c2b5fc5b, s.List)
return str
// ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_Promise is a wrapper for a ClientService_useConfiguration_Params promised by a client call.
type ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_Promise) Struct() (ClientService_useConfiguration_Params, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Params{s}, err
func (p ClientService_useConfiguration_Params_Promise) ClientServiceConfig() ClientConfig_Promise {
return ClientConfig_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
type ClientService_useConfiguration_Results struct{ capnp.Struct }
// ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_TypeID is the unique identifier for the type ClientService_useConfiguration_Results.
const ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_TypeID = 0x91f7a001ca145b9d
func NewClientService_useConfiguration_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (ClientService_useConfiguration_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Results{st}, err
func NewRootClientService_useConfiguration_Results(s *capnp.Segment) (ClientService_useConfiguration_Results, error) {
st, err := capnp.NewRootStruct(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1})
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Results{st}, err
func ReadRootClientService_useConfiguration_Results(msg *capnp.Message) (ClientService_useConfiguration_Results, error) {
root, err := msg.RootPtr()
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Results{root.Struct()}, err
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Results) String() string {
str, _ := text.Marshal(0x91f7a001ca145b9d, s.Struct)
return str
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Results) Result() (UseConfigurationResult, error) {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return UseConfigurationResult{Struct: p.Struct()}, err
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Results) HasResult() bool {
p, err := s.Struct.Ptr(0)
return p.IsValid() || err != nil
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Results) SetResult(v UseConfigurationResult) error {
return s.Struct.SetPtr(0, v.Struct.ToPtr())
// NewResult sets the result field to a newly
// allocated UseConfigurationResult struct, preferring placement in s's segment.
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Results) NewResult() (UseConfigurationResult, error) {
ss, err := NewUseConfigurationResult(s.Struct.Segment())
if err != nil {
return UseConfigurationResult{}, err
err = s.Struct.SetPtr(0, ss.Struct.ToPtr())
return ss, err
// ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_List is a list of ClientService_useConfiguration_Results.
type ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_List struct{ capnp.List }
// NewClientService_useConfiguration_Results creates a new list of ClientService_useConfiguration_Results.
func NewClientService_useConfiguration_Results_List(s *capnp.Segment, sz int32) (ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_List, error) {
l, err := capnp.NewCompositeList(s, capnp.ObjectSize{DataSize: 0, PointerCount: 1}, sz)
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_List{l}, err
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_List) At(i int) ClientService_useConfiguration_Results {
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Results{s.List.Struct(i)}
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_List) Set(i int, v ClientService_useConfiguration_Results) error {
return s.List.SetStruct(i, v.Struct)
func (s ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_List) String() string {
str, _ := text.MarshalList(0x91f7a001ca145b9d, s.List)
return str
// ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_Promise is a wrapper for a ClientService_useConfiguration_Results promised by a client call.
type ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_Promise struct{ *capnp.Pipeline }
func (p ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_Promise) Struct() (ClientService_useConfiguration_Results, error) {
s, err := p.Pipeline.Struct()
return ClientService_useConfiguration_Results{s}, err
func (p ClientService_useConfiguration_Results_Promise) Result() UseConfigurationResult_Promise {
return UseConfigurationResult_Promise{Pipeline: p.Pipeline.GetPipeline(0)}
const schema_db8274f9144abc7e = "x\xda\xc4Z}\x90\x14ez\x7f\x9e\xee\x19\x9a\x85]" +
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func init() {