412 lines
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412 lines
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package proxy
import (
tunnelpogs "github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/tunnelrpc/pogs"
const (
// TagHeaderNamePrefix indicates a Cloudflared Warp Tag prefix that gets appended for warp traffic stream headers.
TagHeaderNamePrefix = "Cf-Warp-Tag-"
LogFieldCFRay = "cfRay"
LogFieldRule = "ingressRule"
LogFieldOriginService = "originService"
LogFieldFlowID = "flowID"
LogFieldConnIndex = "connIndex"
trailerHeaderName = "Trailer"
// Proxy represents a means to Proxy between cloudflared and the origin services.
type Proxy struct {
ingressRules ingress.Ingress
warpRouting *ingress.WarpRoutingService
management *ingress.ManagementService
tags []tunnelpogs.Tag
log *zerolog.Logger
// NewOriginProxy returns a new instance of the Proxy struct.
func NewOriginProxy(
ingressRules ingress.Ingress,
warpRouting ingress.WarpRoutingConfig,
tags []tunnelpogs.Tag,
log *zerolog.Logger,
) *Proxy {
proxy := &Proxy{
ingressRules: ingressRules,
tags: tags,
log: log,
if warpRouting.Enabled {
proxy.warpRouting = ingress.NewWarpRoutingService(warpRouting)
log.Info().Msgf("Warp-routing is enabled")
return proxy
func (p *Proxy) applyIngressMiddleware(rule *ingress.Rule, r *http.Request, w connection.ResponseWriter) (error, bool) {
for _, handler := range rule.Handlers {
result, err := handler.Handle(r.Context(), r)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("error while processing middleware handler %s", handler.Name())), false
if result.ShouldFilterRequest {
w.WriteRespHeaders(result.StatusCode, nil)
return fmt.Errorf("request filtered by middleware handler (%s) due to: %s", handler.Name(), result.Reason), true
return nil, true
// ProxyHTTP further depends on ingress rules to establish a connection with the origin service. This may be
// a simple roundtrip or a tcp/websocket dial depending on ingres rule setup.
func (p *Proxy) ProxyHTTP(
w connection.ResponseWriter,
tr *tracing.TracedHTTPRequest,
isWebsocket bool,
) error {
defer decrementConcurrentRequests()
req := tr.Request
cfRay := connection.FindCfRayHeader(req)
lbProbe := connection.IsLBProbeRequest(req)
_, ruleSpan := tr.Tracer().Start(req.Context(), "ingress_match",
trace.WithAttributes(attribute.String("req-host", req.Host)))
rule, ruleNum := p.ingressRules.FindMatchingRule(req.Host, req.URL.Path)
logFields := logFields{
cfRay: cfRay,
lbProbe: lbProbe,
rule: ruleNum,
connIndex: tr.ConnIndex,
p.logRequest(req, logFields)
ruleSpan.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("rule-num", ruleNum))
if err, applied := p.applyIngressMiddleware(rule, req, w); err != nil {
if applied {
rule, srv := ruleField(p.ingressRules, ruleNum)
p.logRequestError(err, cfRay, "", rule, srv)
return nil
return err
switch originProxy := rule.Service.(type) {
case ingress.HTTPOriginProxy:
if err := p.proxyHTTPRequest(
); err != nil {
rule, srv := ruleField(p.ingressRules, ruleNum)
p.logRequestError(err, cfRay, "", rule, srv)
return err
return nil
case ingress.StreamBasedOriginProxy:
dest, err := getDestFromRule(rule, req)
if err != nil {
return err
rws := connection.NewHTTPResponseReadWriterAcker(w, req)
if err := p.proxyStream(tr.ToTracedContext(), rws, dest, originProxy); err != nil {
rule, srv := ruleField(p.ingressRules, ruleNum)
p.logRequestError(err, cfRay, "", rule, srv)
return err
return nil
case ingress.HTTPLocalProxy:
originProxy.ServeHTTP(w, req)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized service: %s, %t", rule.Service, originProxy)
// ProxyTCP proxies to a TCP connection between the origin service and cloudflared.
func (p *Proxy) ProxyTCP(
ctx context.Context,
rwa connection.ReadWriteAcker,
req *connection.TCPRequest,
) error {
defer decrementConcurrentRequests()
if p.warpRouting == nil {
err := errors.New(`cloudflared received a request from WARP client, but your configuration has disabled ingress from WARP clients. To enable this, set "warp-routing:\n\t enabled: true" in your config.yaml`)
return err
serveCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
tracedCtx := tracing.NewTracedContext(serveCtx, req.CfTraceID, p.log)
p.log.Debug().Str(LogFieldFlowID, req.FlowID).Uint8(LogFieldConnIndex, req.ConnIndex).Msg("tcp proxy stream started")
if err := p.proxyStream(tracedCtx, rwa, req.Dest, p.warpRouting.Proxy); err != nil {
p.logRequestError(err, req.CFRay, req.FlowID, "", ingress.ServiceWarpRouting)
return err
p.log.Debug().Str(LogFieldFlowID, req.FlowID).Uint8(LogFieldConnIndex, req.ConnIndex).Msg("tcp proxy stream finished successfully")
return nil
func ruleField(ing ingress.Ingress, ruleNum int) (ruleID string, srv string) {
srv = ing.Rules[ruleNum].Service.String()
if ing.IsSingleRule() {
return "", srv
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", ruleNum), srv
// ProxyHTTPRequest proxies requests of underlying type http and websocket to the origin service.
func (p *Proxy) proxyHTTPRequest(
w connection.ResponseWriter,
tr *tracing.TracedHTTPRequest,
httpService ingress.HTTPOriginProxy,
isWebsocket bool,
disableChunkedEncoding bool,
fields logFields,
) error {
roundTripReq := tr.Request
if isWebsocket {
roundTripReq = tr.Clone(tr.Request.Context())
roundTripReq.Header.Set("Connection", "Upgrade")
roundTripReq.Header.Set("Upgrade", "websocket")
roundTripReq.Header.Set("Sec-Websocket-Version", "13")
roundTripReq.ContentLength = 0
roundTripReq.Body = nil
} else {
// Support for WSGI Servers by switching transfer encoding from chunked to gzip/deflate
if disableChunkedEncoding {
roundTripReq.TransferEncoding = []string{"gzip", "deflate"}
cLength, err := strconv.Atoi(tr.Request.Header.Get("Content-Length"))
if err == nil {
roundTripReq.ContentLength = int64(cLength)
// Request origin to keep connection alive to improve performance
roundTripReq.Header.Set("Connection", "keep-alive")
// Set the User-Agent as an empty string if not provided to avoid inserting golang default UA
if roundTripReq.Header.Get("User-Agent") == "" {
roundTripReq.Header.Set("User-Agent", "")
_, ttfbSpan := tr.Tracer().Start(tr.Context(), "ttfb_origin")
resp, err := httpService.RoundTrip(roundTripReq)
if err != nil {
tracing.EndWithErrorStatus(ttfbSpan, err)
if err := roundTripReq.Context().Err(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Incoming request ended abruptly")
return errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared")
tracing.EndWithStatusCode(ttfbSpan, resp.StatusCode)
defer resp.Body.Close()
headers := make(http.Header, len(resp.Header))
// copy headers
for k, v := range resp.Header {
headers[k] = v
// Add spans to response header (if available)
err = w.WriteRespHeaders(resp.StatusCode, headers)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Error writing response header")
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusSwitchingProtocols {
rwc, ok := resp.Body.(io.ReadWriteCloser)
if !ok {
return errors.New("internal error: unsupported connection type")
defer rwc.Close()
eyeballStream := &bidirectionalStream{
writer: w,
reader: tr.Request.Body,
stream.Pipe(eyeballStream, rwc, p.log)
return nil
if _, err = cfio.Copy(w, resp.Body); err != nil {
return err
// copy trailers
copyTrailers(w, resp)
p.logOriginResponse(resp, fields)
return nil
// proxyStream proxies type TCP and other underlying types if the connection is defined as a stream oriented
// ingress rule.
func (p *Proxy) proxyStream(
tr *tracing.TracedContext,
rwa connection.ReadWriteAcker,
dest string,
connectionProxy ingress.StreamBasedOriginProxy,
) error {
ctx := tr.Context
_, connectSpan := tr.Tracer().Start(ctx, "stream-connect")
originConn, err := connectionProxy.EstablishConnection(ctx, dest)
if err != nil {
tracing.EndWithErrorStatus(connectSpan, err)
return err
defer originConn.Close()
encodedSpans := tr.GetSpans()
if err := rwa.AckConnection(encodedSpans); err != nil {
return err
originConn.Stream(ctx, rwa, p.log)
return nil
type bidirectionalStream struct {
reader io.Reader
writer io.Writer
func (wr *bidirectionalStream) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return wr.reader.Read(p)
func (wr *bidirectionalStream) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return wr.writer.Write(p)
func (p *Proxy) appendTagHeaders(r *http.Request) {
for _, tag := range p.tags {
r.Header.Add(TagHeaderNamePrefix+tag.Name, tag.Value)
type logFields struct {
cfRay string
lbProbe bool
rule interface{}
flowID string
connIndex uint8
func copyTrailers(w connection.ResponseWriter, response *http.Response) {
for trailerHeader, trailerValues := range response.Trailer {
for _, trailerValue := range trailerValues {
w.AddTrailer(trailerHeader, trailerValue)
func (p *Proxy) logRequest(r *http.Request, fields logFields) {
if fields.cfRay != "" {
p.log.Debug().Msgf("CF-RAY: %s %s %s %s", fields.cfRay, r.Method, r.URL, r.Proto)
} else if fields.lbProbe {
p.log.Debug().Msgf("CF-RAY: %s Load Balancer health check %s %s %s", fields.cfRay, r.Method, r.URL, r.Proto)
} else {
p.log.Debug().Msgf("All requests should have a CF-RAY header. Please open a support ticket with Cloudflare. %s %s %s ", r.Method, r.URL, r.Proto)
Str("CF-RAY", fields.cfRay).
Str("Header", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", r.Header)).
Str("host", r.Host).
Str("path", r.URL.Path).
Interface("rule", fields.rule).
Uint8(LogFieldConnIndex, fields.connIndex).
Msg("Inbound request")
if contentLen := r.ContentLength; contentLen == -1 {
p.log.Debug().Msgf("CF-RAY: %s Request Content length unknown", fields.cfRay)
} else {
p.log.Debug().Msgf("CF-RAY: %s Request content length %d", fields.cfRay, contentLen)
func (p *Proxy) logOriginResponse(resp *http.Response, fields logFields) {
if fields.cfRay != "" {
p.log.Debug().Uint8(LogFieldConnIndex, fields.connIndex).Msgf("CF-RAY: %s Status: %s served by ingress %d", fields.cfRay, resp.Status, fields.rule)
} else if fields.lbProbe {
p.log.Debug().Uint8(LogFieldConnIndex, fields.connIndex).Msgf("Response to Load Balancer health check %s", resp.Status)
} else {
p.log.Debug().Uint8(LogFieldConnIndex, fields.connIndex).Msgf("Status: %s served by ingress %v", resp.Status, fields.rule)
p.log.Debug().Uint8(LogFieldConnIndex, fields.connIndex).Msgf("CF-RAY: %s Response Headers %+v", fields.cfRay, resp.Header)
if contentLen := resp.ContentLength; contentLen == -1 {
p.log.Debug().Uint8(LogFieldConnIndex, fields.connIndex).Msgf("CF-RAY: %s Response content length unknown", fields.cfRay)
} else {
p.log.Debug().Uint8(LogFieldConnIndex, fields.connIndex).Msgf("CF-RAY: %s Response content length %d", fields.cfRay, contentLen)
func (p *Proxy) logRequestError(err error, cfRay string, flowID string, rule, service string) {
log := p.log.Error().Err(err)
if cfRay != "" {
log = log.Str(LogFieldCFRay, cfRay)
if flowID != "" {
log = log.Str(LogFieldFlowID, flowID)
if rule != "" {
log = log.Str(LogFieldRule, rule)
if service != "" {
log = log.Str(LogFieldOriginService, service)
func getDestFromRule(rule *ingress.Rule, req *http.Request) (string, error) {
switch rule.Service.String() {
case ingress.ServiceBastion:
return carrier.ResolveBastionDest(req)
return rule.Service.String(), nil