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Cap'n Proto

# Sandstorm - Personal Cloud Sandbox
# Copyright (c) 2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Derived from sandstorm at 08fafe55995edfe188777eb00b5a2d1826032c59.
# Using Go annotations.
using Go = import "go.capnp";
using DateInNs = Int64;
using DurationInNs = UInt64;
struct KeyValue {
key @0 :Text;
value @1 :Text;
struct LocalizedText {
# Text intended to be displayed to a user. May be localized to multiple languages.
# TODO(soon): Maybe instead of packing all translations in here, we should have a message code
# and parameter substitutions, with the (message code, locale) -> text map stored elsewhere?
defaultText @0 :Text;
# What to display if no localization matching the user's preferences is available.
localizations @1 :List(Localization);
# Localized versions of the text.
struct Localization {
locale @0 :Text; # IETF BCP 47 locale, e.g. "en" or "en-US".
text @1 :Text; # Localized text.
interface Handle {
# Arbitrary handle to some resource provided by the platform. May or may not be persistent,
# depending on the use case.
# To "drop" a handle means to discard any references. The purpose of a handle is to detect when
# it has been dropped and to free the underlying resource and cancel any ongoing operation at
# that time.
# A handle can be persistent. Once you have called `save()` on it to obtain a SturdyRef, dropping
# the live reference will not cancel the operation. You must drop all live references *and*
# explicitly drop any SturdyRef. Every interface which supports restoring SturdyRefs also
# has a corresponding `drop()` method for this purpose.
# Unfortunately, there is no way to ensure that a SturdyRef will eventually be deleted. A grain
# could, for example, call `save()` and then simply fail to store the SturdyRef anywhere, causing
# it to be "leaked" until such a time as the grain itself is destroyed. Or worse, a whole server
# could be destroyed in a fire, leaking all SturdyRefs stored therein forever. Apps implementing
# persistent handles must be designed to account for this, probably by giving the owning user
# a way to inspect incoming references and remove them manually. Sandstorm automatically provides
# such an interface for all apps it hosts.
interface ByteStream {
# Represents a destination for a stream of bytes. The bytes are ordered, but boundaries between
# messages are not semantically important.
# Streams are push-oriented (traditionally, "output streams") rather than pull-oriented ("input
# streams") because this most easily allows multiple packets to be in-flight at once while
# allowing flow control at either end. If we tried to design a pull-oriented stream, it would
# suffer from problems:
# * If we used a naive read() method that returns a simple data blob, you would need to make
# multiple simultaneous calls to deal with network latency. However, those calls could
# potentially return in the wrong order. Although you could restore order by keeping track of
# the order in which the calls were made, this would be a lot of work, and most callers would
# probably fail to do it.
# * We could instead have a read() method that returns a blob as well as a capability to read the
# next blob. You would then make multiple calls using pipelining. Even in this case, though,
# an unpredictable event loop could schedule a pipelined call's return before the parent call.
# Moreover, the interface would be awkward to use and implement. E.g. what happens if you call
# read() twice on the same capability?
write @0 (data :Data);
# Add bytes.
# It's safe to make overlapping calls to `write()`, since Cap'n Proto enforces E-Order and so
# the calls will be delivered in order. However, it is a good idea to limit how much data is
# in-flight at a time, so that it doesn't fill up buffers and block other traffic. On the other
# hand, having only one `write()` in flight at a time will not fully utilize the available
# bandwidth if the connection has any significant latency, so parallelizing a few `write()`s is
# a good idea.
# Similarly, the implementation of `ByteStream` can delay returning from `write()` as a way to
# hint to the caller that it should hold off on further writes.
done @1 ();
# Call after the last write to indicate that there is no more data. If the `ByteStream` is
# discarded without a call to `done()`, the callee must assume that an error occurred and that
# the data is incomplete.
# This will not return until all bytes are successfully written to their final destination.
# It will throw an exception if any error occurs, including if the total number of bytes written
# did not match `expectSize()`.
expectSize @2 (size :UInt64);
# Optionally called to let the receiver know exactly how much data will be written. This should
# normally be called before the first write(), but if called later, `size` indicates how many
# more bytes to expect _after_ the call. It is an error by the caller if more or fewer bytes are
# actually written before `done()`; this also implies that all calls to `expectSize()` must be
# consistent. The caller will ignore any exceptions thrown from this method, therefore it
# is not necessary for the callee to actually implement it.
interface Blob @0xe53527a75d90198f {
# Represents a large byte blob.
getSize @0 () -> (size :UInt64);
# Get the total size of the blob. May block if the blob is still being uploaded and the size is
# not yet known.
writeTo @1 (stream :ByteStream, startAtOffset :UInt64 = 0) -> (handle :Handle);
# Write the contents of the blob to `stream`.
getSlice @2 (offset :UInt64, size :UInt32) -> (data :Data);
# Read a slice of the blob starting at the given offset. `size` cannot be greater than Cap'n
# Proto's limit of 2^29-1, and reasonable servers will likely impose far lower limits. If the
# slice would cross past the end of the blob, it is truncated. Otherwise, `data` is always
# exactly `size` bytes (though the caller should check for security purposes).
# One technique that makes a lot of sense is to start off by calling e.g. `getSlice(0, 65536)`.
# If the returned data is less than 65536 bytes then you know you got the whole blob, otherwise
# you may want to switch to `writeTo`.
interface Assignable(T) {
# An "assignable" -- a mutable memory cell. Supports subscribing to updates.
get @0 () -> (value :T, setter :Setter);
# The returned setter functions the same as you'd get from `asSetter()` except that it will
# become disconnected the next time the Assignable is set by someone else. Thus, you may use this
# to implement optimistic concurrency control.
asGetter @1 () -> (getter :Getter);
# Return a read-only capability for this assignable, co-hosted with the assignable itself for
# performance. If the assignable is persistent, the getter is as well.
asSetter @2 () -> (setter :Setter);
# Return a write-only capability for this assignable, co-hosted with the assignable itself for
# performance. If the assignable is persistent, the setter is as well.
interface Getter {
get @0 () -> (value :T);
subscribe @1 (setter :Setter) -> (handle :Handle);
# Subscribe to updates. Calls the given setter any time the assignable's value changes. Drop
# the returned handle to stop receiving updates. If `setter` is persistent, `handle` will also
# be persistent.
interface Setter {
set @0 (value :T) -> ();