
298 lines
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package ingress
import (
const (
HelloWorldService = "Hello World test origin"
// OriginService is something a tunnel can proxy traffic to.
type OriginService interface {
String() string
// Start the origin service if it's managed by cloudflared, e.g. proxy servers or Hello World.
// If it's not managed by cloudflared, this is a no-op because the user is responsible for
// starting the origin service.
// Implementor of services managed by cloudflared should terminate the service if shutdownC is closed
start(log *zerolog.Logger, shutdownC <-chan struct{}, cfg OriginRequestConfig) error
// unixSocketPath is an OriginService representing a unix socket (which accepts HTTP)
type unixSocketPath struct {
path string
transport *http.Transport
func (o *unixSocketPath) String() string {
return "unix socket: " + o.path
func (o *unixSocketPath) start(log *zerolog.Logger, _ <-chan struct{}, cfg OriginRequestConfig) error {
transport, err := newHTTPTransport(o, cfg, log)
if err != nil {
return err
o.transport = transport
return nil
type httpService struct {
url *url.URL
hostHeader string
transport *http.Transport
func (o *httpService) start(log *zerolog.Logger, _ <-chan struct{}, cfg OriginRequestConfig) error {
transport, err := newHTTPTransport(o, cfg, log)
if err != nil {
return err
o.hostHeader = cfg.HTTPHostHeader
o.transport = transport
return nil
func (o *httpService) String() string {
return o.url.String()
// rawTCPService dials TCP to the destination specified by the client
// It's used by warp routing
type rawTCPService struct {
name string
func (o *rawTCPService) String() string {
func (o *rawTCPService) start(log *zerolog.Logger, _ <-chan struct{}, cfg OriginRequestConfig) error {
return nil
// tcpOverWSService models TCP origins serving eyeballs connecting over websocket, such as
// cloudflared access commands.
type tcpOverWSService struct {
dest string
isBastion bool
streamHandler streamHandlerFunc
type socksProxyOverWSService struct {
conn *socksProxyOverWSConnection
func newTCPOverWSService(url *url.URL) *tcpOverWSService {
switch url.Scheme {
case "ssh":
addPortIfMissing(url, 22)
case "rdp":
addPortIfMissing(url, 3389)
case "smb":
addPortIfMissing(url, 445)
case "tcp":
addPortIfMissing(url, 7864) // just a random port since there isn't a default in this case
return &tcpOverWSService{
dest: url.Host,
func newBastionService() *tcpOverWSService {
return &tcpOverWSService{
isBastion: true,
func newSocksProxyOverWSService(accessPolicy *ipaccess.Policy) *socksProxyOverWSService {
proxy := socksProxyOverWSService{
conn: &socksProxyOverWSConnection{
accessPolicy: accessPolicy,
return &proxy
func addPortIfMissing(uri *url.URL, port int) {
if uri.Port() == "" {
uri.Host = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", uri.Hostname(), port)
func (o *tcpOverWSService) String() string {
if o.isBastion {
return ServiceBastion
return o.dest
func (o *tcpOverWSService) start(log *zerolog.Logger, _ <-chan struct{}, cfg OriginRequestConfig) error {
if cfg.ProxyType == socksProxy {
o.streamHandler = socks.StreamHandler
} else {
o.streamHandler = DefaultStreamHandler
return nil
func (o *socksProxyOverWSService) start(log *zerolog.Logger, _ <-chan struct{}, cfg OriginRequestConfig) error {
return nil
func (o *socksProxyOverWSService) String() string {
return ServiceSocksProxy
// HelloWorld is an OriginService for the built-in Hello World server.
// Users only use this for testing and experimenting with cloudflared.
type helloWorld struct {
server net.Listener
func (o *helloWorld) String() string {
return HelloWorldService
// Start starts a HelloWorld server and stores its address in the Service receiver.
func (o *helloWorld) start(
log *zerolog.Logger,
shutdownC <-chan struct{},
cfg OriginRequestConfig,
) error {
if err := o.httpService.start(log, shutdownC, cfg); err != nil {
return err
helloListener, err := hello.CreateTLSListener("")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot start Hello World Server")
go hello.StartHelloWorldServer(log, helloListener, shutdownC)
o.server = helloListener
o.httpService.url = &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: o.server.Addr().String(),
return nil
// statusCode is an OriginService that just responds with a given HTTP status.
// Typical use-case is "user wants the catch-all rule to just respond 404".
type statusCode struct {
resp *http.Response
func newStatusCode(status int) statusCode {
resp := &http.Response{
StatusCode: status,
Status: fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", status, http.StatusText(status)),
Body: new(NopReadCloser),
return statusCode{resp: resp}
func (o *statusCode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("HTTP %d", o.resp.StatusCode)
func (o *statusCode) start(
log *zerolog.Logger,
_ <-chan struct{},
cfg OriginRequestConfig,
) error {
return nil
type NopReadCloser struct{}
// Read always returns EOF to signal end of input
func (nrc *NopReadCloser) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
return 0, io.EOF
func (nrc *NopReadCloser) Close() error {
return nil
func newHTTPTransport(service OriginService, cfg OriginRequestConfig, log *zerolog.Logger) (*http.Transport, error) {
originCertPool, err := tlsconfig.LoadOriginCA(cfg.CAPool, log)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error loading cert pool")
httpTransport := http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
MaxIdleConns: cfg.KeepAliveConnections,
MaxIdleConnsPerHost: cfg.KeepAliveConnections,
IdleConnTimeout: cfg.KeepAliveTimeout,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: cfg.TLSTimeout,
ExpectContinueTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{RootCAs: originCertPool, InsecureSkipVerify: cfg.NoTLSVerify},
if _, isHelloWorld := service.(*helloWorld); !isHelloWorld && cfg.OriginServerName != "" {
httpTransport.TLSClientConfig.ServerName = cfg.OriginServerName
dialer := &net.Dialer{
Timeout: cfg.ConnectTimeout,
KeepAlive: cfg.TCPKeepAlive,
if cfg.NoHappyEyeballs {
dialer.FallbackDelay = -1 // As of Golang 1.12, a negative delay disables "happy eyeballs"
// DialContext depends on which kind of origin is being used.
dialContext := dialer.DialContext
switch service := service.(type) {
// If this origin is a unix socket, enforce network type "unix".
case *unixSocketPath:
httpTransport.DialContext = func(ctx context.Context, _, _ string) (net.Conn, error) {
return dialContext(ctx, "unix", service.path)
// Otherwise, use the regular network config.
httpTransport.DialContext = dialContext
return &httpTransport, nil
// MockOriginHTTPService should only be used by other packages to mock OriginService. Set Transport to configure desired RoundTripper behavior.
type MockOriginHTTPService struct {
Transport http.RoundTripper
func (mos MockOriginHTTPService) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
return mos.Transport.RoundTrip(req)
func (mos MockOriginHTTPService) String() string {
return "MockOriginService"
func (mos MockOriginHTTPService) start(log *zerolog.Logger, _ <-chan struct{}, cfg OriginRequestConfig) error {
return nil