237 lines
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237 lines
6.7 KiB
package ui
import (
type connState struct {
location string
state status
type status int
const (
Disconnected status = iota
type TunnelEvent struct {
Index uint8
EventType status
Location string
Url string
type uiModel struct {
version string
edgeURL string
metricsURL string
proxyURL string
connections []connState
type palette struct {
url string
connected string
defaultText string
disconnected string
reconnecting string
func NewUIModel(version, hostname, metricsURL, proxyURL string, haConnections int) *uiModel {
return &uiModel{
version: version,
edgeURL: hostname,
metricsURL: metricsURL,
proxyURL: proxyURL,
connections: make([]connState, haConnections),
func (data *uiModel) LaunchUI(
ctx context.Context,
log logger.Service,
logLevels []logger.Level,
tunnelEventChan <-chan TunnelEvent,
) {
// Configure the logger to stream logs into the textview
// Add TextView as a group to write output to
logTextView := NewDynamicColorTextView()
log.Add(logTextView, logger.NewUIFormatter(time.RFC3339), logLevels...)
// Construct the UI
palette := palette{
url: "lightblue",
connected: "lime",
defaultText: "white",
disconnected: "red",
reconnecting: "orange",
app := tview.NewApplication()
grid := tview.NewGrid().SetGap(1, 0)
frame := tview.NewFrame(grid)
header := fmt.Sprintf("cloudflared [::b]%s", data.version)
frame.AddText(header, true, tview.AlignLeft, tcell.ColorWhite)
// Create table to store connection info and status
connTable := tview.NewTable()
// SetColumns takes a value for each column, representing the size of the column
// Numbers <= 0 represent proportional widths and positive numbers represent absolute widths
grid.SetColumns(20, 0)
// SetRows takes a value for each row, representing the size of the row
grid.SetRows(1, 1, len(data.connections), 1, 0)
// AddItem takes a primitive tview type, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, minGridHeight, minGridWidth, and focus
grid.AddItem(tview.NewTextView().SetText("Tunnel:"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
grid.AddItem(tview.NewTextView().SetText("Status:"), 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
grid.AddItem(tview.NewTextView().SetText("Connections:"), 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
grid.AddItem(tview.NewTextView().SetText("Metrics:"), 3, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
tunnelHostText := tview.NewTextView().SetText(data.edgeURL)
grid.AddItem(tunnelHostText, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
grid.AddItem(NewDynamicColorTextView().SetText(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]\u2022[%s] Proxying to [%s::b]%s", palette.connected, palette.defaultText, palette.url, data.proxyURL)), 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
grid.AddItem(connTable, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
grid.AddItem(NewDynamicColorTextView().SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Metrics at [%s::b]http://%s/metrics", palette.url, data.metricsURL)), 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, false)
// Add TextView to stream logs
// Logs are displayed in a new grid so a border can be set around them
logGrid := tview.NewGrid().SetBorders(true).AddItem(logTextView.SetChangedFunc(handleNewText(app, logTextView)), 0, 0, 5, 2, 0, 0, false)
// LogFrame holds the Logs header as well as the grid with the textView for streamed logs
logFrame := tview.NewFrame(logGrid).AddText("[::b]Logs:[::-]", true, tview.AlignLeft, tcell.ColorWhite).SetBorders(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
// Footer for log frame
logFrame.AddText("[::d]Use Ctrl+C to exit[::-]", false, tview.AlignRight, tcell.ColorWhite)
grid.AddItem(logFrame, 4, 0, 5, 2, 0, 0, false)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case event := <-tunnelEventChan:
switch event.EventType {
case Connected:
data.setConnTableCell(event, connTable, palette)
case Disconnected, Reconnecting:
data.changeConnStatus(event, connTable, log, palette)
case SetUrl:
data.edgeURL = event.Url
case RegisteringTunnel:
if data.edgeURL == "" {
tunnelHostText.SetText("Registering tunnel...")
go func() {
if err := app.SetRoot(frame, true).Run(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error launching UI: %s", err)
func NewDynamicColorTextView() *tview.TextView {
return tview.NewTextView().SetDynamicColors(true)
// Re-draws application when new logs are streamed to UI
func handleNewText(app *tview.Application, logTextView *tview.TextView) func() {
return func() {
// SetFocus to enable scrolling in textview
func (data *uiModel) changeConnStatus(event TunnelEvent, table *tview.Table, logger logger.Service, palette palette) {
index := int(event.Index)
// Get connection location and state
connState := data.getConnState(index)
// Check if connection is already displayed in UI
if connState == nil {
logger.Info("Connection is not in the UI table")
locationState := event.Location
if event.EventType == Disconnected {
connState.state = Disconnected
} else if event.EventType == Reconnecting {
connState.state = Reconnecting
locationState = "Reconnecting..."
connectionNum := index + 1
// Get table cell
cell := table.GetCell(index, 0)
// Change dot color in front of text as well as location state
text := newCellText(palette, connectionNum, locationState, event.EventType)
// Return connection location and row in UI table
func (data *uiModel) getConnState(connID int) *connState {
if connID < len(data.connections) {
return &data.connections[connID]
return nil
func (data *uiModel) setConnTableCell(event TunnelEvent, table *tview.Table, palette palette) {
index := int(event.Index)
connectionNum := index + 1
// Update slice to keep track of connection location and state in UI table
data.connections[index].state = Connected
data.connections[index].location = event.Location
// Update text in table cell to show disconnected state
text := newCellText(palette, connectionNum, event.Location, event.EventType)
cell := tview.NewTableCell(text)
table.SetCell(index, 0, cell)
func newCellText(palette palette, connectionNum int, location string, connectedStatus status) string {
// HA connection indicator formatted as: "• #<CONNECTION_INDEX>: <COLO>",
// where the left middle dot's color depends on the status of the connection
const connFmtString = "[%s]\u2022[%s] #%d: %s"
var dotColor string
switch connectedStatus {
case Connected:
dotColor = palette.connected
case Disconnected:
dotColor = palette.disconnected
case Reconnecting:
dotColor = palette.reconnecting
return fmt.Sprintf(connFmtString, dotColor, palette.defaultText, connectionNum, location)