152 lines
4.6 KiB
Cap'n Proto
152 lines
4.6 KiB
Cap'n Proto
using Go = import "go.capnp";
struct Authentication {
key @0 :Text;
email @1 :Text;
originCAKey @2 :Text;
struct TunnelRegistration {
err @0 :Text;
# the url to access the tunnel
url @1 :Text;
# Used to inform the client of actions taken.
logLines @2 :List(Text);
# In case of error, whether the client should attempt to reconnect.
permanentFailure @3 :Bool;
# Displayed to user
tunnelID @4 :Text;
# How long should this connection wait to retry in seconds, if the error wasn't permanent
retryAfterSeconds @5 :UInt16;
# A unique ID used to reconnect this tunnel.
eventDigest @6 :Data;
# A unique ID used to prove this tunnel was previously connected to a given metal.
connDigest @7 :Data;
struct RegistrationOptions {
# The tunnel client's unique identifier, used to verify a reconnection.
clientId @0 :Text;
# Information about the running binary.
version @1 :Text;
os @2 :Text;
# What to do with existing tunnels for the given hostname.
existingTunnelPolicy @3 :ExistingTunnelPolicy;
# If using the balancing policy, identifies the LB pool to use.
poolName @4 :Text;
# Client-defined tags to associate with the tunnel
tags @5 :List(Tag);
# A unique identifier for a high-availability connection made by a single client.
connectionId @6 :UInt8;
# origin LAN IP
originLocalIp @7 :Text;
# whether Argo Tunnel client has been autoupdated
isAutoupdated @8 :Bool;
# whether Argo Tunnel client is run from a terminal
runFromTerminal @9 :Bool;
# cross stream compression setting, 0 - off, 3 - high
compressionQuality @10 :UInt64;
uuid @11 :Text;
# number of previous attempts to send RegisterTunnel/ReconnectTunnel
numPreviousAttempts @12 :UInt8;
# Set of features this cloudflared knows it supports
features @13 :List(Text);
struct Tag {
name @0 :Text;
value @1 :Text;
enum ExistingTunnelPolicy {
ignore @0;
disconnect @1;
balance @2;
struct ServerInfo {
locationName @0 :Text;
struct AuthenticateResponse {
permanentErr @0 :Text;
retryableErr @1 :Text;
jwt @2 :Data;
hoursUntilRefresh @3 :UInt8;
struct ClientInfo {
# The tunnel client's unique identifier, used to verify a reconnection.
clientId @0 :Data;
# Set of features this cloudflared knows it supports
features @1 :List(Text);
# Information about the running binary.
version @2 :Text;
# Client OS and CPU info
arch @3 :Text;
struct ConnectionOptions {
# client details
client @0 :ClientInfo;
# origin LAN IP
originLocalIp @1 :Data;
# What to do if connection already exists
replaceExisting @2 :Bool;
# cross stream compression setting, 0 - off, 3 - high
compressionQuality @3 :UInt8;
# number of previous attempts to send RegisterConnection
numPreviousAttempts @4 :UInt8;
struct ConnectionResponse {
result :union {
error @0 :ConnectionError;
connectionDetails @1 :ConnectionDetails;
struct ConnectionError {
cause @0 :Text;
# How long should this connection wait to retry in ns
retryAfter @1 :Int64;
shouldRetry @2 :Bool;
struct ConnectionDetails {
# identifier of this connection
uuid @0 :Data;
# airport code of the colo where this connection landed
locationName @1 :Text;
struct TunnelAuth {
accountTag @0 :Text;
tunnelSecret @1 :Data;
interface RegistrationServer {
registerConnection @0 (auth :TunnelAuth, tunnelId :Data, connIndex :UInt8, options :ConnectionOptions) -> (result :ConnectionResponse);
unregisterConnection @1 () -> ();
interface TunnelServer extends (RegistrationServer) {
registerTunnel @0 (originCert :Data, hostname :Text, options :RegistrationOptions) -> (result :TunnelRegistration);
getServerInfo @1 () -> (result :ServerInfo);
unregisterTunnel @2 (gracePeriodNanoSec :Int64) -> ();
# obsoleteDeclarativeTunnelConnect RPC deprecated in TUN-3019
obsoleteDeclarativeTunnelConnect @3 () -> ();
authenticate @4 (originCert :Data, hostname :Text, options :RegistrationOptions) -> (result :AuthenticateResponse);
reconnectTunnel @5 (jwt :Data, eventDigest :Data, connDigest :Data, hostname :Text, options :RegistrationOptions) -> (result :TunnelRegistration);
struct RegisterUdpSessionResponse {
err @0 :Text;
interface SessionManager {
registerUdpSession @0 (sessionId :Data, dstIp :Data, dstPort: UInt16) -> (result :RegisterUdpSessionResponse);
} |