
358 lines
9.5 KiB

package origin
import (
tunnelpogs ""
log ""
raven ""
rpc ""
const (
dialTimeout = 15 * time.Second
TagHeaderNamePrefix = "Cf-Warp-Tag-"
type TunnelConfig struct {
EdgeAddr string
OriginUrl string
Hostname string
OriginCert []byte
TlsConfig *tls.Config
Retries uint
HeartbeatInterval time.Duration
MaxHeartbeats uint64
ClientID string
ReportedVersion string
LBPool string
Tags []tunnelpogs.Tag
ConnectedSignal h2mux.Signal
type dialError struct {
cause error
func (e dialError) Error() string {
return e.cause.Error()
type printableRegisterTunnelError struct {
cause error
permanent bool
func (e printableRegisterTunnelError) Error() string {
return e.cause.Error()
func (c *TunnelConfig) RegistrationOptions() *tunnelpogs.RegistrationOptions {
policy := tunnelrpc.ExistingTunnelPolicy_disconnect
if c.LBPool != "" {
policy = tunnelrpc.ExistingTunnelPolicy_balance
return &tunnelpogs.RegistrationOptions{
ClientID: c.ClientID,
Version: c.ReportedVersion,
OS: fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH),
ExistingTunnelPolicy: policy,
PoolID: c.LBPool,
Tags: c.Tags,
func StartTunnelDaemon(config *TunnelConfig, shutdownC <-chan struct{}) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
backoff := BackoffHandler{MaxRetries: config.Retries}
for {
err, recoverable := ServeTunnel(ctx, config, &backoff)
if recoverable {
if duration, ok := backoff.GetBackoffDuration(ctx); ok {
log.Infof("Retrying in %s seconds", duration)
return err
func ServeTunnel(
ctx context.Context,
config *TunnelConfig,
backoff *BackoffHandler,
) (err error, recoverable bool) {
// Returns error from parsing the origin URL or handshake errors
handler, err := NewTunnelHandler(ctx, config)
if err != nil {
errLog := log.WithError(err)
switch err.(type) {
case dialError:
errLog.Error("Unable to dial edge")
case h2mux.MuxerHandshakeError:
errLog.Error("Handshake failed with edge server")
errLog.Error("Tunnel creation failure")
return err, false
return err, true
serveCtx, serveCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
registerErrC := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
err := RegisterTunnel(serveCtx, handler.muxer, config)
if err == nil {
} else {
registerErrC <- err
go func() {
err = handler.muxer.Serve()
registerErr := <-registerErrC
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Tunnel error")
return err, true
if registerErr != nil {
// Don't retry on errors like entitlement failure or version too old
if e, ok := registerErr.(printableRegisterTunnelError); ok {
if e.permanent {
return nil, false
return e.cause, true
// Only log errors to Sentry that may have been caused by the client side, to reduce dupes
raven.CaptureError(registerErr, nil)
log.Error("Cannot register")
return err, true
return nil, false
func IsRPCStreamResponse(headers []h2mux.Header) bool {
if len(headers) != 1 {
return false
if headers[0].Name != ":status" || headers[0].Value != "200" {
return false
return true
func RegisterTunnel(ctx context.Context, muxer *h2mux.Muxer, config *TunnelConfig) error {
logger := log.WithField("subsystem", "rpc")
logger.Debug("initiating RPC stream")
stream, err := muxer.OpenStream([]h2mux.Header{
{Name: ":method", Value: "RPC"},
{Name: ":scheme", Value: "capnp"},
{Name: ":path", Value: "*"},
}, nil)
if err != nil {
// RPC stream open error
raven.CaptureError(err, nil)
return err
if !IsRPCStreamResponse(stream.Headers) {
// stream response error
raven.CaptureError(err, nil)
return err
conn := rpc.NewConn(
tunnelrpc.NewTransportLogger(logger, rpc.StreamTransport(stream)),
tunnelrpc.ConnLog(logger.WithField("subsystem", "rpc-transport")),
defer conn.Close()
ts := tunnelpogs.TunnelServer_PogsClient{Client: conn.Bootstrap(ctx)}
// Request server info without blocking tunnel registration; must use capnp library directly.
tsClient := tunnelrpc.TunnelServer{Client: ts.Client}
serverInfoPromise := tsClient.GetServerInfo(ctx, func(tunnelrpc.TunnelServer_getServerInfo_Params) error {
return nil
registration, err := ts.RegisterTunnel(
LogServerInfo(logger, serverInfoPromise.Result())
if err != nil {
// RegisterTunnel RPC failure
return err
for _, logLine := range registration.LogLines {
if registration.Err != "" {
return printableRegisterTunnelError{
cause: fmt.Errorf("Server error: %s", registration.Err),
permanent: registration.PermanentFailure,
log.Infof("Registered at %s", registration.Url)
for _, logLine := range registration.LogLines {
return nil
func LogServerInfo(logger *log.Entry, promise tunnelrpc.ServerInfo_Promise) {
serverInfoMessage, err := promise.Struct()
if err != nil {
logger.WithError(err).Warn("Failed to retrieve server information")
serverInfo, err := tunnelpogs.UnmarshalServerInfo(serverInfoMessage)
if err != nil {
logger.WithError(err).Warn("Failed to retrieve server information")
log.Infof("Connected to %s", serverInfo.LocationName)
type TunnelHandler struct {
originUrl string
muxer *h2mux.Muxer
httpClient *http.Client
tags []tunnelpogs.Tag
var dialer = net.Dialer{DualStack: true}
func NewTunnelHandler(ctx context.Context, config *TunnelConfig) (*TunnelHandler, error) {
url, err := validation.ValidateUrl(config.OriginUrl)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse origin url %#v", url)
h := &TunnelHandler{
originUrl: url,
httpClient: &http.Client{Timeout: time.Minute},
tags: config.Tags,
// Inherit from parent context so we can cancel (Ctrl-C) while dialing
dialCtx, dialCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, dialTimeout)
// TUN-92: enforce a timeout on dial and handshake (as tls.Dial does not support one)
plaintextEdgeConn, err := dialer.DialContext(dialCtx, "tcp", config.EdgeAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, dialError{cause: err}
edgeConn := tls.Client(plaintextEdgeConn, config.TlsConfig)
err = edgeConn.Handshake()
if err != nil {
return nil, dialError{cause: err}
// clear the deadline on the conn; h2mux has its own timeouts
// Establish a muxed connection with the edge
// Client mux handshake with agent server
h.muxer, err = h2mux.Handshake(edgeConn, edgeConn, h2mux.MuxerConfig{
Timeout: 5 * time.Second,
Handler: h,
IsClient: true,
HeartbeatInterval: config.HeartbeatInterval,
MaxHeartbeats: config.MaxHeartbeats,
if err != nil {
return h, errors.New("TLS handshake error")
return h, err
func H2RequestHeadersToH1Request(h2 []h2mux.Header, h1 *http.Request) error {
for _, header := range h2 {
switch header.Name {
case ":method":
h1.Method = header.Value
case ":scheme":
case ":authority":
// Otherwise the host header will be based on the origin URL
h1.Host = header.Value
case ":path":
u, err := url.Parse(header.Value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unparseable path")
resolved := h1.URL.ResolveReference(u)
// prevent escaping base URL
if !strings.HasPrefix(resolved.String(), h1.URL.String()) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid path")
h1.URL = resolved
h1.Header.Add(http.CanonicalHeaderKey(header.Name), header.Value)
return nil
func H1ResponseToH2Response(h1 *http.Response) (h2 []h2mux.Header) {
h2 = []h2mux.Header{{Name: ":status", Value: fmt.Sprintf("%d", h1.StatusCode)}}
for headerName, headerValues := range h1.Header {
for _, headerValue := range headerValues {
h2 = append(h2, h2mux.Header{Name: strings.ToLower(headerName), Value: headerValue})
func (h *TunnelHandler) AppendTagHeaders(r *http.Request) {
for _, tag := range h.tags {
r.Header.Add(TagHeaderNamePrefix+tag.Name, tag.Value)
func (h *TunnelHandler) ServeStream(stream *h2mux.MuxedStream) error {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", h.originUrl, h2mux.MuxedStreamReader{MuxedStream: stream})
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Panic("Unexpected error from http.NewRequest")
err = H2RequestHeadersToH1Request(stream.Headers, req)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("invalid request received")
response, err := h.httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("HTTP request error")
stream.WriteHeaders([]h2mux.Header{{Name: ":status", Value: "502"}})
stream.Write([]byte("502 Bad Gateway"))
} else {
defer response.Body.Close()
io.Copy(stream, response.Body)
return nil