# hexo-yam [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/hexo-yam?logo=npm)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/hexo-yam) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/curbengh/hexo-yam/tester.yml?branch=master&logo=github)](https://github.com/curbengh/hexo-yam/actions?query=workflow%3ATester) [![codecov](https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/gh/curbengh/hexo-yam?logo=codecov)](https://codecov.io/gh/curbengh/hexo-yam) [![NPM Dependencies](https://img.shields.io/librariesio/release/npm/hexo-yam)](https://libraries.io/npm/hexo-yam) [![Known Vulnerabilities](https://snyk.io/test/github/curbengh/hexo-yam/badge.svg)](https://snyk.io/test/github/curbengh/hexo-yam) Yet Another Minifier for Hexo. Minify HTML, JS, CSS, SVG, XML and JSON. Compress static [web assets](https://github.com/curbengh/hexo-yam/blob/ba77db0094a7c07ea9f70f010bfc15541d4105ca/index.js#L64) using gzip, brotli and zstd. ## Table of contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Options](#options) - [HTML](#html) - [CSS](#css) - [JS](#js) - [SVG](#svg) - [XML](#xml) - [JSON](#json) - [Gzip](#gzip) - [Brotli](#brotli) - [Zstd](#zstd) - [Globbing](#globbing) ## Installation ```bash $ npm install --save hexo-yam ``` ## Options ```yaml minify: enable: true previewServer: true html: css: js: svg: gzip: brotli: xml: json: ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `true`. - **previewServer** - Disable the plugin when running `hexo server`. Defaults to `true`. - **html** - See [HTML](#html) section - **css** - See [CSS](#css) section - **js** - See [JS](#js) section - **svg** - See [SVG](#svg) section - **gzip** - See [Gzip](#gzip) section - **brotli** - See [Brotli](#brotli) section - **xml** - See [XML](#xml) section - **json** - See [JSON](#json) section ## HTML ```yaml minify: html: enable: true exclude: ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `true`. - **priority** - Plugin's priority. Defaults to `10`. Set lower value to set higher priority and vice versa. - **verbose** - Verbose output. Defaults to `false`. - **exclude** - Exclude files. Support [wildcard](http://www.globtester.com/) pattern(s) in a string or array. - **globOptions** - See [globbing](#globbing) section. For more options, see [HTMLMinifier](https://github.com/kangax/html-minifier). ## CSS ```yaml minify: css: enable: true exclude: - "*.min.css" ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `true`. - **priority** - Plugin's priority. Defaults to `10`. - **verbose** - Verbose output. Defaults to `false`. - **exclude** - Exclude files. Support [wildcard](http://www.globtester.com/) pattern(s) in a string or array. - **level** - Optimization level. Defaults to `2`. - **globOptions** - See [globbing](#globbing) section. For more options, see [clean-css](https://github.com/jakubpawlowicz/clean-css). ## JS ```yaml minify: js: enable: true exclude: - "*.min.js" ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `true`. - **priority** - Plugin's priority. Defaults to `10`. - **verbose** - Verbose output. Defaults to `false`. - **exclude** - Exclude files. Support [wildcard](http://www.globtester.com/) pattern(s) in a string or array. - **compress** - Compress options. - **mangle** - Mangle variable names. Defaults to `true`. Pass an object to specify [mangle options](https://github.com/terser-js/terser#mangle-options). - **output** - Output options. - To retain comments, `output: {comments: true}`. - **globOptions** - See [globbing](#globbing) section. For more options, see [Terser](https://github.com/terser-js/terser). ## SVG ```yaml minify: svg: enable: true include: - "*.svg" - "!*.min.svg" ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `true`. - **priority** - Plugin's priority. Defaults to `10`. - **verbose** - Verbose output. Defaults to `false`. - **include** - Include files. Support [wildcard](http://www.globtester.com/) pattern(s) in a string or array. - Exclude `*.min.svg` by default. - **plugins** - Plugin options. - Examples: ```yaml plugins: # Retain comments removeComments: false # Do not remove unused ID attributes cleanupIds: false ``` - For more options, see [svgo](https://github.com/svg/svgo). - **globOptions** - See [globbing](#globbing) section. ## XML Remove whitespaces in xml. ```yaml minify: xml: enable: false include: - "*.xml" - "!*.min.xml" ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `false`. - **priority** - Plugin's priority. Defaults to `10`. - **verbose** - Verbose output. Defaults to `false`. - **include** - Include files. Support [wildcard](http://www.globtester.com/) pattern(s) in a string or array. - Exclude `*.min.xml` by default. - **removeComments** - Remove [comments](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/XML/XML_introduction) in xml. Defaults to `true`. - **globOptions** - See [globbing](#globbing) section. For more options, see [minify-xml](https://github.com/kristian/minify-xml#options). ## JSON Remove whitespaces in json. ```yaml minify: json: enable: false include: - "*.json" - "!*.min.json" ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `false`. - **priority** - Plugin's priority. Defaults to `10`. - **verbose** - Verbose output. Defaults to `false`. - **include** - Include files. Support [wildcard](http://www.globtester.com/) pattern(s) in a string or array. - Exclude `*.min.json` by default. - **globOptions** - See [globbing](#globbing) section. ## Gzip ```yaml minify: gzip: enable: true include: - "*.html" - "*.css" - "*.js" - "*.txt" - "*.ttf" - "*.atom" - "*.stl" - "*.xml" - "*.svg" - "*.eot" - "*.json" ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `true`. - **priority** - Plugin's priority. Defaults to `10`. - **verbose** - Verbose output. Defaults to `false`. - **include** - Include files. Support [wildcard](http://www.globtester.com/) pattern(s) in a string or array. - Support one-liner, `include: ['*.html','*.css','*.js']`. - Must include asterisk and single quotes. `.html` is invalid. `'*.html'` is valid. - **globOptions** - See [globbing](#globbing) section. - **level** - Compression level; lower value may results in faster compression but slightly larger (compressed) file. Range `1-9`. Defaults to `9`, or the value of [`zlib.constants.Z_BEST_COMPRESSION`](https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v12.x/api/zlib.html#zlib_zlib_constants) ## Brotli ```yaml minify: brotli: enable: true include: - "*.html" - "*.css" - "*.js" - "*.txt" - "*.ttf" - "*.atom" - "*.stl" - "*.xml" - "*.svg" - "*.eot" - "*.json" ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `true`. - **priority** - Plugin's priority. Defaults to `10`. - **verbose** - Verbose output. Defaults to `false`. - **include** - Include files. Support [wildcard](http://www.globtester.com/) pattern(s) in a string or array. - **globOptions** - See [globbing](#globbing) section. - **level** - Compression level. Range `1-11`. Defaults to `11`, or the value of [`zlib.constants.BROTLI_MAX_QUALITY`](https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v12.x/api/zlib.html#zlib_brotli_constants) ## Zstd ```yaml minify: zstd: enable: false include: - "*.html" - "*.css" - "*.js" - "*.txt" - "*.ttf" - "*.atom" - "*.stl" - "*.xml" - "*.svg" - "*.eot" - "*.json" ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `false`. - **priority** - Plugin's priority. Defaults to `10`. - **verbose** - Verbose output. Defaults to `false`. - **include** - Include files. Support [wildcard](http://www.globtester.com/) pattern(s) in a string or array. - **globOptions** - See [globbing](#globbing) section. - **level** - Compression level. Range `1-22`. Defaults to `3`, or the value of [`DEFAULT_LEVEL`](https://github.com/mongodb-js/zstd/blob/a3a08c61c9045411c8275e248498dbc583457fb5/src/lib.rs#L9) ### Cannot find module '@mongodb-js/zstd-linux-x64-gnu' `npm install --save @mongodb-js/zstd-linux-x64-gnu` - @mongodb-js/zstd-darwin-arm64 (Apple Silicon) - @mongodb-js/zstd-darwin-x64 (Intel Mac) - @mongodb-js/zstd-linux-arm64-gnu - @mongodb-js/zstd-linux-arm64-musl (Alpine) - @mongodb-js/zstd-linux-x64-gnu - @mongodb-js/zstd-linux-x64-musl (Alpine) - @mongodb-js/zstd-win32-x64-msvc ## Globbing Use "globOptions" to customise how glob patterns match files. Refer to [micromatch](https://github.com/micromatch/micromatch#options) for available options. - basename is enabled by default, unless the pattern has a slash. - basename is disabled depending on each pattern. - This means the following options would work, ```yml exclude: - "*foo.html" # basename is enabled - "**/bar/*/*.html" # basename is automatically disabled - "*baz.css" # basename is enabled globOptions: basename: true # default ``` - This behaviour doesn't apply to pattern that starts with `!` (negation). - This limitation only applies to `include:` option used in svg, gzip and brotli. - This means the following options would _not_ work, ```yml include: - "!foo.svg" - "!**/bar/*/*.svg" globOptions: basename: true ``` - basename will stay disabled, if explicitly disabled in "globOptions". ## Credits All credits go to the following work: - [hexo-neat](https://github.com/rozbo/hexo-neat) by rozbo - gzip feature is inspired by [hexo-generator-optimize](https://github.com/JackyRen/hexo-generator-optimize)