/* global hexo */ 'use strict'; var CleanCSS = require('clean-css'), UglifyJS = require('uglify-js'), Htmlminifier = require('html-minifier').minify, streamToArray = require('stream-to-array'); var Promise = require('bluebird'); var minimatch = require('minimatch'); var fs = require('hexo-fs'); var zlib = require('zlib'); var br = require('iltorb'); function logic_html(str, data) { var hexo = this, options = hexo.config.neat_html; // Return if disabled. if (false === options.enable) return; var path = data.path; var exclude = options.exclude; if (exclude && !Array.isArray(exclude)) exclude = [exclude]; if (path && exclude && exclude.length) { for (var i = 0, len = exclude.length; i < len; i++) { if (minimatch(path, exclude[i], {matchBase: true})) return str; } } var result = Htmlminifier(str, options); var saved = ((str.length - result.length) / str.length * 100).toFixed(2); if (options.logger) { var log = hexo.log || console.log; log.log('Minify the html: %s [%s saved]', path, saved + '%'); } return result; } function logic_css(str, data) { var hexo = this, options = hexo.config.neat_css; // Return if disabled. if (false === options.enable) return; var path = data.path; var exclude = options.exclude; if (exclude && !Array.isArray(exclude)) exclude = [exclude]; if (path && exclude && exclude.length) { for (var i = 0, len = exclude.length; i < len; i++) { if (minimatch(path, exclude[i], {matchBase: true})) return str; } } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { new CleanCSS(options).minify(str, function (err, result) { if (err) return reject(err); var saved = ((str.length - result.styles.length) / str.length * 100).toFixed(2); resolve(result.styles); if (options.logger) { var log = hexo.log || console.log; log.log('Minify the css: %s [%s saved]', path, saved + '%'); } }); }); } function logic_js(str, data) { var hexo = this, options = hexo.config.neat_js; // Return if disabled. if (false === options.enable) return; var path = data.path; var exclude = options.exclude; if (exclude && !Array.isArray(exclude)) exclude = [exclude]; if (path && exclude && exclude.length) { for (var i = 0, len = exclude.length; i < len; i++) { if (minimatch(path, exclude[i], {matchBase: true})) return str; } } //uglifyjs doesn't like unsupported options delete options.enable; delete options.exclude; var js_logger = options.logger; delete options.logger; var result = UglifyJS.minify(str, options); var saved = ((str.length - result.code.length) / str.length * 100).toFixed(2); if (js_logger) { var log = hexo.log || console.log; log.log('Minify the js: %s [%s saved]', path, saved + '%'); } return result.code; } function logic_gzip() { var hexo = this, options = hexo.config.neat_gzip; // Return if disabled. if (false === options.enable) return; var publicFolder = hexo.public_dir; var compressFile = function (currentPath) { var fileExist = fs.existsSync(currentPath); if (fileExist) { var files = fs.listDirSync(currentPath); for (var i in files) { var currentFile = currentPath + files[i]; var stats = fs.statSync(currentFile); if (stats.isFile()) { if(currentFile.endsWith(".htm") || currentFile.endsWith(".html") || currentFile.endsWith(".js") || currentFile.endsWith(".css") || currentFile.endsWith(".txt")) { var inp = fs.createReadStream(currentFile); var out = fs.createWriteStream(currentFile+'.gz'); var gzip = zlib.createGzip('level=9'); inp.pipe(gzip).pipe(out); if (options.logger) { var log = hexo.log || console.log; log.log('Gzipped the file: %s', currentFile); } } } else if (stats.isDirectory()) { compressFile(currentFile); } } } } compressFile(publicFolder); } function logic_brotli() { var hexo = this, options = hexo.config.neat_brotli; // Return if disabled. if (false === options.enable) return; var publicFolder = hexo.public_dir; var compressFile = function (currentPath) { var fileExist = fs.existsSync(currentPath); if (fileExist) { var files = fs.listDirSync(currentPath); for (var i in files) { var currentFile = currentPath + files[i]; var stats = fs.statSync(currentFile); if (stats.isFile()) { if(currentFile.endsWith(".htm") || currentFile.endsWith(".html") || currentFile.endsWith(".js") || currentFile.endsWith(".css") || currentFile.endsWith(".txt")) { var inp = fs.createReadStream(currentFile); var out = fs.createWriteStream(currentFile+'.br'); var brotli = br.compressStream; inp.pipe(brotli()).pipe(out); if (options.logger) { var log = hexo.log || console.log; log.log('Brotli-ed the file: %s', currentFile); } } } else if (stats.isDirectory()) { compressFile(currentFile); } } } } compressFile(publicFolder); } module.exports = { logic_html: logic_html, logic_css: logic_css, logic_js: logic_js, logic_gzip: logic_gzip, logic_brotli: logic_brotli };