/* global hexo */ 'use strict' const CleanCSS = require('clean-css') const Terser = require('terser') const Htmlminifier = require('html-minifier').minify const minimatch = require('minimatch') const zlib = require('zlib') const br = require('iltorb') function logicHtml (str, data) { const hexo = this const options = hexo.config.neat_html // Return if disabled. if (options.enable === false) return let path = data.path let exclude = options.exclude if (exclude && !Array.isArray(exclude)) exclude = [exclude] if (path && exclude && exclude.length) { for (let i = 0, len = exclude.length; i < len; i++) { if (minimatch(path, exclude[i], { matchBase: true })) return str } } let result = Htmlminifier(str, options) let saved = ((str.length - result.length) / str.length * 100).toFixed(2) if (options.logger) { let log = hexo.log || console.log log.log('Minify the html: %s [%s saved]', path, saved + '%') } return result } function logicCss (str, data) { const hexo = this const options = hexo.config.neat_css // Return if disabled. if (options.enable === false) return let path = data.path let exclude = options.exclude if (exclude && !Array.isArray(exclude)) exclude = [exclude] if (path && exclude && exclude.length) { for (let i = 0, len = exclude.length; i < len; i++) { if (minimatch(path, exclude[i], { matchBase: true })) return str } } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { new CleanCSS({ level: 2 }).minify(str, function (err, result) { if (err) return reject(err) let saved = ((str.length - result.styles.length) / str.length * 100).toFixed(2) resolve(result.styles) if (options.logger) { let log = hexo.log || console.log log.log('Minify the css: %s [%s saved]', path, saved + '%') } }) }) } function logicJs (str, data) { const hexo = this const options = hexo.config.neat_js // Return if disabled. if (options.enable === false) return let path = data.path let exclude = options.exclude if (exclude && !Array.isArray(exclude)) exclude = [exclude] if (path && exclude && exclude.length) { for (let i = 0, len = exclude.length; i < len; i++) { if (minimatch(path, exclude[i], { matchBase: true })) return str } } // Terser doesn't like unsupported options delete options.enable delete options.exclude let jsLogger = options.logger delete options.logger let result = Terser.minify(str, options) let saved = ((str.length - result.code.length) / str.length * 100).toFixed(2) if (jsLogger) { let log = hexo.log || console.log log.log('Minify the js: %s [%s saved]', path, saved + '%') } return result.code } function logicGzip () { const hexo = this const options = hexo.config.neat_gzip // Return if disabled. if (options.enable === false) return let route = hexo.route let routeList = route.list() return Promise.all(routeList.filter(path => (path.endsWith('.html') || path.endsWith('.js') || path.endsWith('.css') || path.endsWith('.xml') || path.endsWith('.json') || path.endsWith('.txt') || path.endsWith('.ttf') || path.endsWith('.atom') || path.endsWith('.stl') || path.endsWith('.svg') || path.endsWith('.eot'))).map(path => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Grab all assets using hexo router let assetPath = route.get(path) let assetTxt = '' // Extract the content assetPath.on('data', (chunk) => (assetTxt += chunk)) assetPath.on('end', () => { if (assetTxt.length) { // gzip compress using highest level zlib.gzip(assetTxt, { level: zlib.constants.Z_BEST_COMPRESSION }, (err, Input) => { if (!err) { // Save the compressed file to .gz route.set(path + '.gz', Input) // Logging let saved = ((assetTxt.length - Input.toString().length) / assetTxt.length * 100).toFixed(2) if (options.logger) { let log = hexo.log || console.log log.log('Gzip-compressed %s [%s saved]', path, saved + '%') } resolve(assetTxt) } else { reject(err) } }) } }) }) })) } function logicBrotli () { const hexo = this const options = hexo.config.neat_brotli // Return if disabled. if (options.enable === false) return let route = hexo.route let routeList = route.list() return Promise.all(routeList.filter(path => (path.endsWith('.html') || path.endsWith('.js') || path.endsWith('.css') || path.endsWith('.xml') || path.endsWith('.json') || path.endsWith('.txt') || path.endsWith('.ttf') || path.endsWith('.atom') || path.endsWith('.stl') || path.endsWith('.svg') || path.endsWith('.eot'))).map(path => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Grab all assets using hexo router let assetPath = route.get(path) let assetTxt = '' // Extract the content assetPath.on('data', (chunk) => (assetTxt += chunk)) assetPath.on('end', () => { if (assetTxt.length) { // Input has to be buffer for brotli let input = new Buffer.from(assetTxt, 'utf-8') // brotli defaults to max compression level br.compress(input, (err, output) => { if (!err) { // Save the compressed file to .br route.set(path + '.br', output) // Logging let saved = ((input.length - output.toString().length) / input.length * 100).toFixed(2) if (options.logger) { let log = hexo.log || console.log log.log('Brotli-compressed %s [%s saved]', path, saved + '%') } resolve(assetTxt) } else { reject(err) } }) } }) }) })) } module.exports = { logicHtml: logicHtml, logicCss: logicCss, logicJs: logicJs, logicGzip: logicGzip, logicBrotli: logicBrotli }