# Hexo-neat I want a profect page to show for my blog, so I made this. ## Show [青枫浦](http://post.zz173.com) ## Installation ``` bash $ npm install hexo-neat --save ``` ## Options To Enable Auto neat , you must config like this: ``` yaml neat_enable: true ``` ``` yaml neat_html: enable: true exclude: ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `true`. - **exclude**: Exclude files **Note:** there are so many params please see '[HTMLMinifier](https://github.com/kangax/html-minifier)' ---------- ``` yaml neat_css: enable: true exclude: - '*.min.css' ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `true`. - **exclude**: Exclude files ---------- ``` yaml neat_js: enable: true mangle: true output: compress: exclude: - '*.min.js' ``` - **enable** - Enable the plugin. Defaults to `true`. - **mangle**: Mangle file names - **output**: Output options - **compress**: Compress options - **exclude**: Exclude files ## Thanks Say Very Thanks for this gays: - neat html by [HTMLMinifier](https://github.com/kangax/html-minifier) - neat css by [clean-css](https://github.com/jakubpawlowicz/clean-css) - neat js by [UglifyJS](http://lisperator.net/uglifyjs/)