/* eslint-env jest */ 'use strict' const { promisify } = require('util') const Hexo = require('hexo') const hexo = new Hexo(__dirname) global.hexo = hexo describe('html', () => { const { htmlDefault } = require('../index') const h = require('../lib/filter').minifyHtml.bind(hexo) const Htmlminifier = require('html-minifier').minify const input = '


' const path = 'index.html' beforeEach(() => { hexo.config.minify.html = Object.assign({}, htmlDefault) }) test('default', () => { const result = h(input, { path }) const expected = Htmlminifier(input, hexo.config.minify.html) expect(result).toBe(expected) }) test('disable', () => { hexo.config.minify.html.enable = false const result = h(input, { path }) expect(result).toBeUndefined() }) test('empty file', () => { const result = h('', { path }) expect(result).toBeUndefined() }) test('option', () => { const customOpt = { removeEmptyAttributes: false } hexo.config.minify.html = customOpt const result = h(input, { path }) const expected = Htmlminifier(input, customOpt) expect(result).toBe(input) expect(result).toBe(expected) }) test('option - verbose', () => { hexo.config.minify.html.verbose = true hexo.log.log = jest.fn() h(input, { path }) expect(hexo.log.log.mock.calls[0][0]).toContain(`html: ${path}`) }) test('exclude', () => { const exclude = '*.min.html' hexo.config.minify.html.exclude = exclude const result = h(input, { path: 'foo/bar.min.html' }) expect(result).toBe(input) }) test('exclude - slash in pattern', () => { const exclude = '**/lectus/**/*.html' hexo.config.minify.html.exclude = exclude const result = h(input, { path: 'eleifend/lectus/nullam/dapibus/netus.html' }) expect(result).toBe(input) }) test('exclude - basename is true + slash', () => { const exclude = ['**/lectus/**/*.html', 'bar.html'] const globOptions = { basename: true } hexo.config.minify.html.exclude = exclude hexo.config.minify.html.globOptions = globOptions const result = h(input, { path: 'foo/bar.html' }) expect(result).toBe(input) }) test('exclude - basename is false + slash', () => { const exclude = ['**/lectus/**/*.html', 'bar.html'] const globOptions = { basename: false } hexo.config.minify.html.exclude = exclude hexo.config.minify.html.globOptions = globOptions const result = h(input, { path: 'foo/bar.html' }) const expected = Htmlminifier(input, hexo.config.minify.html) expect(result).toBe(expected) }) test('null', () => { hexo.config.minify.html.exclude = null hexo.config.minify.html.globOptions = null const result = h(input, { path: null }) const expected = Htmlminifier(input, hexo.config.minify.html) expect(result).toBe(expected) }) }) describe('css', () => { const { cssDefault } = require('../index') const c = require('../lib/filter').minifyCss.bind(hexo) const CleanCSS = require('clean-css') const input = 'foo { bar: baz; } foo { aaa: bbb; }' const path = 'foo.css' beforeEach(() => { hexo.config.minify.css = Object.assign({}, cssDefault) }) test('default', async () => { const result = await c(input, { path }) const { styles } = await new CleanCSS(hexo.config.minify.css).minify(input) expect(result).toBe(styles) }) test('disable', async () => { hexo.config.minify.css.enable = false const result = await c(input, { path }) expect(result).toBeUndefined() }) test('empty file', async () => { const result = await c('', { path }) expect(result).toBeUndefined() }) test('option', async () => { const customOpt = { level: { 1: { mergeAdjacentRules: false } } } hexo.config.minify.css = customOpt const result = await c(input, { path }) const { styles } = await new CleanCSS(customOpt).minify(input) expect(result).toBe(styles) }) test('option - verbose', async () => { hexo.config.minify.css.verbose = true hexo.log.log = jest.fn() await c(input, { path }) expect(hexo.log.log.mock.calls[0][0]).toContain(`css: ${path}`) }) test('option - invalid', async () => { const customOpt = { level: 9000 } hexo.config.minify.css = customOpt let result, expected try { await c(input, { path }) } catch (err) { result = err.message } try { await new CleanCSS(customOpt).minify(input) } catch (err) { expected = err.message } expect(result).toContain(expected) }) test('exclude - *.min.css', async () => { const result = await c(input, { path: 'foo/bar.min.css' }) expect(result).toBe(input) }) test('exclude - basename', async () => { const exclude = '*baz.css' hexo.config.minify.css.exclude = exclude const result = await c(input, { path: 'foo/barbaz.css' }) expect(result).toBe(input) }) test('exclude - slash in pattern', async () => { const exclude = '**/lectus/**/*.css' hexo.config.minify.css.exclude = exclude const result = await c(input, { path: 'eleifend/lectus/nullam/dapibus/netus.css' }) expect(result).toBe(input) }) }) describe('js', () => { const { jsDefault } = require('../index') const j = require('../lib/filter').minifyJs.bind(hexo) const Terser = require('terser') const input = 'var o = { "foo": 1, bar: 3 };' const path = 'foo.js' beforeEach(() => { hexo.config.minify.js = Object.assign({}, jsDefault) }) test('default', () => { const result = j(input, { path }) const { code } = Terser.minify(input, { mangle: jsDefault.mangle }) expect(result).toBeDefined() expect(code).toBeDefined() expect(result).toBe(code) }) test('disable', () => { hexo.config.minify.js.enable = false const result = j(input, { path }) expect(result).toBeUndefined() }) test('empty file', () => { const result = j('', { path }) expect(result).toBeUndefined() }) test('option', () => { const customOpt = { mangle: { properties: true } } hexo.config.minify.js = customOpt const result = j(input, { path }) const { code } = Terser.minify(input, customOpt) expect(result).toBe(code) }) test('option - verbose', () => { hexo.config.minify.js.verbose = true hexo.log.log = jest.fn() j(input, { path }) expect(hexo.log.log.mock.calls[0][0]).toContain(`js: ${path}`) }) test('option - invalid', () => { const customOpt = { mangle: { foo: 'bar' } } hexo.config.minify.js = customOpt const { error } = Terser.minify(input, customOpt) try { j(input, { path }) } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toContain(error.message) } }) test('exclude - *.min.js', () => { const result = j(input, { path: 'foo/bar.min.js' }) expect(result).toBe(input) }) test('exclude - basename', () => { const exclude = '*baz.js' hexo.config.minify.js.exclude = exclude const result = j(input, { path: 'foo/barbaz.js' }) expect(result).toBe(input) }) test('exclude - slash in pattern', () => { const exclude = '**/lectus/**/*.js' hexo.config.minify.js.exclude = exclude const result = j(input, { path: 'eleifend/lectus/nullam/dapibus/netus.js' }) expect(result).toBe(input) }) }) describe('svg', () => { const { svgDefault } = require('../index') const s = require('../lib/filter').minifySvg.bind(hexo) const Svgo = require('svgo') const input = '' const path = 'foo.svg' beforeEach(() => { hexo.config.minify.svg = Object.assign({}, svgDefault) hexo.route.set(path, input) }) afterEach(() => { const routeList = hexo.route.list() routeList.forEach((path) => hexo.route.remove(path)) }) test('default', async () => { await s() const { data } = await new Svgo(hexo.config.minify.svg).optimize(input) const output = hexo.route.get(path) let result = '' output.on('data', (chunk) => (result += chunk)) output.on('end', () => { expect(result).toBe(data) }) }) test('disable', async () => { hexo.config.minify.svg.enable = false const result = await s() expect(result).toBeUndefined() }) test('empty file', async () => { hexo.route.set(path, '') const result = await s() // empty file resolves to an array of undefined expect(result).toBeDefined() expect(result[0]).toBeUndefined() }) test('option', async () => { const customOpt = [{ cleanupIDs: false }] hexo.config.minify.svg.plugins = customOpt await s() const { data } = await new Svgo(hexo.config.minify.svg).optimize(input) const output = hexo.route.get(path) let result = '' output.on('data', (chunk) => (result += chunk)) output.on('end', () => { expect(result).toBe(data) expect(result).toContain('id="a"') }) }) test('option - verbose', async () => { hexo.config.minify.svg.verbose = true hexo.log.log = jest.fn() await s() expect(hexo.log.log.mock.calls[0][0]).toContain(`svg: ${path}`) }) test('invalid svg', async () => { const input = '{}' hexo.route.set(path, input) let expected try { await new Svgo(hexo.config.minify.svg).optimize(input) } catch (err) { expected = err } try { await s() } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toContain(expected) } }) test('include - exclude *.min.svg by default', async () => { const path = 'foo.min.svg' hexo.route.set(path, input) await s() const output = hexo.route.get(path) let result = '' output.on('data', (chunk) => (result += chunk)) output.on('end', () => { expect(result).toBe(input) }) }) test('include - basename', async () => { hexo.config.minify.svg.include = 'bar.svg' const path = 'foo/bar.svg' hexo.route.set(path, input) await s() const { data } = await new Svgo(hexo.config.minify.svg).optimize(input) const output = hexo.route.get(path) let result = '' output.on('data', (chunk) => (result += chunk)) output.on('end', () => { expect(result).toBe(data) }) }) test('include - slash in pattern', async () => { hexo.config.minify.svg.include = '**/lectus/**/*.svg' const path = 'eleifend/lectus/nullam/dapibus/netus.svg' hexo.route.set(path, input) await s() const { data } = await new Svgo(hexo.config.minify.svg).optimize(input) const output = hexo.route.get(path) let result = '' output.on('data', (chunk) => (result += chunk)) output.on('end', () => { expect(result).toBe(data) }) }) test('include - basename + slash', async () => { hexo.route.remove(path) const paths = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.svg', 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.svg', 'aptent/elementum.svg', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg' ] hexo.config.minify.svg.include = [ 'dolor.svg', '**/sociis/**/*.svg' ] paths.forEach((inpath) => { hexo.route.set(inpath, input) }) await s() const { data } = await new Svgo(hexo.config.minify.svg).optimize(input) const minPaths = paths.slice(0, 2) const unminPaths = paths.slice(2) minPaths.forEach((inpath) => { const output = hexo.route.get(inpath) let result = '' output.on('data', (chunk) => (result += chunk)) output.on('end', () => { expect(result).toBe(data) }) }) unminPaths.forEach((inpath) => { const output = hexo.route.get(inpath) let result = '' output.on('data', (chunk) => (result += chunk)) output.on('end', () => { expect(result).toBe(input) }) }) }) test('include - reverse pattern + basename disabled', async () => { hexo.route.remove(path) const paths = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.svg', 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.svg', 'aptent/elementum.svg', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg' ] hexo.config.minify.svg.include = [ '!dolor.svg' ] hexo.config.minify.svg.globOptions = { basename: false } paths.forEach((inpath) => { hexo.route.set(inpath, input) }) await s() const { data } = await new Svgo(hexo.config.minify.svg).optimize(input) paths.forEach((inpath) => { const output = hexo.route.get(inpath) let result = '' output.on('data', (chunk) => (result += chunk)) output.on('end', () => { expect(result).toBe(data) }) }) }) test('include - empty route', async () => { hexo.route.remove(path) const result = await s() expect(result.length).toBe(0) }) }) describe('gzip', () => { const { gzipDefault } = require('../index') const g = require('../lib/filter').gzipFn.bind(hexo) const zlib = require('zlib') const gzip = promisify(zlib.gzip) const unzip = promisify(zlib.unzip) const path = 'foo.txt' const input = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit fusce' beforeEach(() => { hexo.config.minify.gzip = Object.assign({}, gzipDefault) hexo.route.set(path, input) }) afterEach(() => { const routeList = hexo.route.list() routeList.forEach((path) => hexo.route.remove(path)) }) test('default', async () => { await g() const output = hexo.route.get(path.concat('.gz')) const buf = [] output.on('data', (chunk) => (buf.push(chunk))) output.on('end', async () => { const result = Buffer.concat(buf) const expected = await gzip(input, { level: zlib.constants.Z_BEST_COMPRESSION }) const resultUnzip = await unzip(result) const expectedUnzip = await unzip(expected) expect(result.equals(expected)).toBe(true) expect(resultUnzip.toString()).toBe(input) expect(expectedUnzip.toString()).toBe(input) }) }) test('disable', async () => { hexo.config.minify.gzip.enable = false const result = await g() expect(result).toBeUndefined() }) test('empty file', async () => { hexo.route.set(path, '') const routeList = hexo.route.list() expect(routeList).not.toContain(path.concat('.gz')) const result = await g() // empty file resolves to an array of undefined expect(result).toBeDefined() expect(result[0]).toBeUndefined() }) test('option', async () => { const customOpt = { level: 1 } hexo.config.minify.gzip.level = customOpt.level await g() const output = hexo.route.get(path.concat('.gz')) const buf = [] output.on('data', (chunk) => (buf.push(chunk))) output.on('end', async () => { const result = Buffer.concat(buf) const expected = await gzip(input, customOpt) expect(result.equals(expected)).toBe(true) }) }) test('option - verbose', async () => { hexo.config.minify.gzip.verbose = true hexo.log.log = jest.fn() await g() expect(hexo.log.log.mock.calls[0][0]).toContain(`gzip: ${path}`) }) test('option - invalid', async () => { const customOpt = { level: 9000 } hexo.config.minify.gzip.level = customOpt.level let expected try { await gzip(input, customOpt) } catch (err) { expected = err.message } try { await g() } catch (err) { expect(err.message).toContain(expected) } }) test('include - exclude non-text file by default', async () => { const path = 'foo.jpg' hexo.route.set(path, input) await g() const result = hexo.route.get(path.concat('.gz')) expect(result).toBeUndefined() }) test('include - basename', async () => { hexo.config.minify.gzip.include = 'bar.txt' const path = 'foo/bar.txt' hexo.route.set(path, input) await g() const result = hexo.route.get(path.concat('.gz')) expect(result).toBeDefined() }) test('include - slash in pattern', async () => { hexo.config.minify.gzip.include = '**/lectus/**/*.txt' const path = 'eleifend/lectus/nullam/dapibus/netus.txt' hexo.route.set(path, input) await g() const result = hexo.route.get(path.concat('.gz')) expect(result).toBeDefined() }) test('include - basename + slash + basename enabled', async () => { hexo.route.remove(path) const paths = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.html', 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.css', 'aptent/elementum.js', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg' ] hexo.config.minify.gzip.include = [ '*.html', '**/sociis/**/*.css' ] paths.forEach((inpath) => { hexo.route.set(inpath, input) }) await g() const routeList = hexo.route.list() const expected = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.html.gz', 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.css.gz' ] const notExpected = [ 'aptent/elementum.js.gz', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg.gz' ] expect(routeList).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(expected)) expect(routeList).toEqual(expect.not.arrayContaining(notExpected)) }) test('include - basename + slash + basename disabled', async () => { hexo.route.remove(path) const paths = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.html', 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.css', 'aptent/elementum.js', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg' ] hexo.config.minify.gzip.include = [ '*.html', '**/sociis/**/*.css' ] hexo.config.minify.gzip.globOptions = { basename: false } paths.forEach((inpath) => { hexo.route.set(inpath, input) }) await g() const routeList = hexo.route.list() const expected = [ 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.css.gz' ] const notExpected = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.html.gz', 'aptent/elementum.js.gz', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg.gz' ] expect(routeList).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(expected)) expect(routeList).toEqual(expect.not.arrayContaining(notExpected)) }) test('include - reverse pattern + basename disabled', async () => { hexo.route.remove(path) const paths = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.html', 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.css', 'aptent/elementum.js', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg' ] hexo.config.minify.gzip.include = [ '!dolor.html' ] hexo.config.minify.gzip.globOptions = { basename: false } paths.forEach((inpath) => { hexo.route.set(inpath, input) }) await g() const routeList = hexo.route.list() const expected = paths.map((path) => path.concat('.gz')) expect(routeList).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(expected)) }) }) describe('brotli', () => { const { brotliDefault } = require('../index') const b = require('../lib/filter').brotliFn.bind(hexo) const zlib = require('zlib') const brotli = promisify(zlib.brotliCompress) const unbrotli = promisify(zlib.brotliDecompress) const path = 'foo.txt' const input = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit fusce' beforeEach(() => { hexo.config.minify.brotli = Object.assign({}, brotliDefault) hexo.route.set(path, input) }) afterEach(() => { const routeList = hexo.route.list() routeList.forEach((path) => hexo.route.remove(path)) }) test('default', async () => { await b() const output = hexo.route.get(path.concat('.br')) const buf = [] output.on('data', (chunk) => (buf.push(chunk))) output.on('end', async () => { const result = Buffer.concat(buf) const expected = await brotli(input) const resultUnbr = await unbrotli(result) const expectedUnbr = await unbrotli(expected) expect(result.equals(expected)).toBe(true) expect(resultUnbr.toString()).toBe(input) expect(expectedUnbr.toString()).toBe(input) }) }) test('disable', async () => { hexo.config.minify.brotli.enable = false const result = await b() expect(result).toBeUndefined() }) test('empty file', async () => { hexo.route.set(path, '') const routeList = hexo.route.list() expect(routeList).not.toContain(path.concat('.br')) const result = await b() // empty file resolves to an array of undefined expect(result).toBeDefined() expect(result[0]).toBeUndefined() }) test('option', async () => { const level = 1 hexo.config.minify.brotli.level = level await b() const output = hexo.route.get(path.concat('.br')) const buf = [] output.on('data', (chunk) => (buf.push(chunk))) output.on('end', async () => { const result = Buffer.concat(buf) const expected = await brotli(input, { params: { [zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]: level } }) expect(result.equals(expected)).toBe(true) }) }) test('option - verbose', async () => { hexo.config.minify.brotli.verbose = true hexo.log.log = jest.fn() await b() expect(hexo.log.log.mock.calls[0][0]).toContain(`brotli: ${path}`) }) test('option - level is string', async () => { const level = 'foo' hexo.config.minify.brotli.level = level await b() const output = hexo.route.get(path.concat('.br')) const buf = [] output.on('data', (chunk) => (buf.push(chunk))) output.on('end', async () => { const result = Buffer.concat(buf) const expected = await brotli(input, { params: { [zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]: zlib.constants.BROTLI_MAX_QUALITY } }) expect(result.equals(expected)).toBe(true) }) }) test('include - exclude non-text file by default', async () => { const path = 'foo.jpg' hexo.route.set(path, input) await b() const result = hexo.route.get(path.concat('.br')) expect(result).toBeUndefined() }) test('include - basename', async () => { hexo.config.minify.brotli.include = 'bar.txt' const path = 'foo/bar.txt' hexo.route.set(path, input) await b() const result = hexo.route.get(path.concat('.br')) expect(result).toBeDefined() }) test('include - slash in pattern', async () => { hexo.config.minify.brotli.include = '**/lectus/**/*.txt' const path = 'eleifend/lectus/nullam/dapibus/netus.txt' hexo.route.set(path, input) await b() const result = hexo.route.get(path.concat('.br')) expect(result).toBeDefined() }) test('include - basename + slash + basename enabled', async () => { hexo.route.remove(path) const paths = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.html', 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.css', 'aptent/elementum.js', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg' ] hexo.config.minify.brotli.include = [ '*.html', '**/sociis/**/*.css' ] paths.forEach((inpath) => { hexo.route.set(inpath, input) }) await b() const routeList = hexo.route.list() const expected = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.html.br', 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.css.br' ] const notExpected = [ 'aptent/elementum.js.br', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg.br' ] expect(routeList).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(expected)) expect(routeList).toEqual(expect.not.arrayContaining(notExpected)) }) test('include - basename + slash + basename disabled', async () => { hexo.route.remove(path) const paths = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.html', 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.css', 'aptent/elementum.js', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg' ] hexo.config.minify.brotli.include = [ '*.html', '**/sociis/**/*.css' ] hexo.config.minify.brotli.globOptions = { basename: false } paths.forEach((inpath) => { hexo.route.set(inpath, input) }) await b() const routeList = hexo.route.list() const expected = [ 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.css.br' ] const notExpected = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.html.br', 'aptent/elementum.js.br', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg.br' ] expect(routeList).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(expected)) expect(routeList).toEqual(expect.not.arrayContaining(notExpected)) }) test('include - reverse pattern + basename disabled', async () => { hexo.route.remove(path) const paths = [ 'lorem/ipsum/dolor.html', 'gravida/sociis/erat/ante.css', 'aptent/elementum.js', 'felis/blandit/cursus.svg' ] hexo.config.minify.brotli.include = [ '!dolor.html' ] hexo.config.minify.brotli.globOptions = { basename: false } paths.forEach((inpath) => { hexo.route.set(inpath, input) }) await b() const routeList = hexo.route.list() const expected = paths.map((path) => path.concat('.br')) expect(routeList).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(expected)) }) })