'use strict' // Attempt to download GitLab job artifact and failover to GitHub if unsuccessful. // In GitLab Pages, the latest job status will be marked as unknown/failed if the repo has newer commit. // The link to download the latest job artifact will also be unavailable when that happens, // unless manually queried through API. // Instead of using the API, I find it easier to failover to GitHub. // ref: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/29257 const { stream: gotStream } = require('got') const got = require('got') const { Extract: unzip } = require('unzipper') const { join } = require('path') const { mkdir } = require('fs/promises') const { createWriteStream } = require('fs') const { pipeline } = require('stream/promises') const envVar = process.env const rootPath = join(__dirname, '..') const tmpPath = join(rootPath, 'tmp') const publicPath = join(rootPath, 'public') const projects = [ 'urlhaus-filter', 'phishing-filter', 'tracking-filter', 'vn-badsite-filter', 'botnet-filter', // 'pup-filter' ] const oisdFilters = { 'https://abp.oisd.nl/basic/': 'oisd_abp_light.txt', 'https://abp.oisd.nl/': 'oisd_abp.txt', 'https://dbl.oisd.nl/basic/': 'oisd_dbl_light.txt', 'https://dbl.oisd.nl/': 'oisd_dbl.txt', 'https://dblw.oisd.nl/': 'oisd_dblw_light.txt', 'https://dblw.oisd.nl/basic/': 'oisd_dblw.txt', 'https://hosts.oisd.nl/basic/': 'oisd_hosts_light.txt', 'https://hosts.oisd.nl/': 'oisd_hosts.txt', 'https://dnsmasq.oisd.nl/basic/': 'oisd_dnsmasq_light.txt', 'https://dnsmasq.oisd.nl/': 'oisd_dnsmasq.txt', 'https://rpz.oisd.nl/basic/': 'oisd_rpz_light.txt', 'https://rpz.oisd.nl/': 'oisd_rpz.txt', } const pipelineStatus = async (url) => { try { const svg = await got(url).text() if (svg.includes('failed')) throw new Error('last gitlab pipeline failed') } catch ({ message }) { throw new Error(message) } } const dl = async (project) => { const filename = project + '.zip' const link = `https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/${project}/-/jobs/artifacts/main/download?job=pages` const pipelineUrl = `https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/${project}/badges/main/pipeline.svg` let isMirror = false console.log(`Downloading ${filename} from "${link}"`) try { await pipeline( gotStream(link), unzip({ path: rootPath }) ) await pipelineStatus(pipelineUrl) } catch ({ message }) { console.error(JSON.stringify({ error: message, link, filename })) const mirrorLink = `https://nightly.link/curbengh/${project}/workflows/pages/main/public.zip` console.log(`Downloading ${filename} from "${mirrorLink}"`) isMirror = true try { await pipeline( gotStream(mirrorLink), unzip({ path: publicPath }) ) } catch ({ message }) { throw new Error(JSON.stringify({ error: message, link: mirrorLink, filename })) } } } const oisdDl = async (link, filename) => { const txtPath = join(publicPath, filename) console.log(`Downloading ${filename} from "${link}"`) try { await pipeline( gotStream(link), createWriteStream(txtPath) ) } catch ({ message }) { console.error(JSON.stringify({ error: message, link, filename })) } } const f = async () => { await mkdir(tmpPath, { recursive: true }) await mkdir(publicPath, { recursive: true }) await Promise.all(projects.map((project) => { return dl(project) })) } const oisd = async () => { await mkdir(publicPath, { recursive: true }) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(envVar, 'CI_PROJECT_PATH') && envVar.CI_PROJECT_PATH === 'malware-filter/malware-filter') { await Promise.all(Object.entries(oisdFilters).map(([link, filename]) => { return oisdDl(link, filename) })) } } f() oisd()