#!/bin/sh set -efux -o pipefail ## Detect Musl C library LIBC="$(ldd /bin/ls | grep 'musl' || [ $? = 1 ])" if [ -z "$LIBC" ]; then rm -f "/tmp/musl.log" # Not Musl CSVQUOTE="../utils/csvquote-bin-glibc" else # Musl CSVQUOTE="../utils/csvquote-bin-musl" fi ## Create a temporary working folder mkdir -p "tmp/" cd "tmp/" ## Prepare datasets curl -L "https://data.phishtank.com/data/$PHISHTANK_API/online-valid.csv.bz2" -o "phishtank.bz2" curl -L "https://openphish.com/feed.txt" -o "openphish-raw.txt" curl -L "https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/umbrella-static/top-1m.csv.zip" -o "top-1m-umbrella.zip" curl -L "https://tranco-list.eu/top-1m.csv.zip" -o "top-1m-tranco.zip" curl -L "https://oisd.nl/excludes.php" -o "oisd-exclude.html" bunzip2 -kc "phishtank.bz2" > "phishtank.csv" ## Parse URLs cat "phishtank.csv" | \ tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" | \ ## Workaround for column with double quotes "./$CSVQUOTE" | \ cut -f 2 -d "," | \ "./$CSVQUOTE" -u | \ sed 's/"//g' | \ cut -f 3- -d "/" | \ # Domain must have at least a 'dot' grep -F "." | \ sed "s/^www\.//g" | \ # url encode space #11 sed "s/ /%20/g" > "phishtank.txt" cat "openphish-raw.txt" | \ dos2unix | \ tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" | \ cut -f 3- -d "/" | \ grep -F "." | \ sed "s/^www\.//g" | \ sed "s/ /%20/g" > "openphish.txt" ## Combine PhishTank and OpenPhish cat "phishtank.txt" "openphish.txt" | \ sort -u > "phishing.txt" ## Parse domain and IP address only cat "phishing.txt" | \ cut -f 1 -d "/" | \ cut -f 1 -d ":" | \ # #2 cut -f 1 -d "?" | \ sort -u > "phishing-domains.txt" cp "../src/exclude.txt" "." ## Parse the Umbrella 1 Million unzip -p "top-1m-umbrella.zip" | \ dos2unix | \ tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" | \ # Parse domains only cut -f 2 -d "," | \ grep -F "." | \ # Remove www. sed "s/^www\.//g" | \ sort -u > "top-1m-umbrella.txt" ## Parse the Tranco 1 Million unzip -p "top-1m-tranco.zip" | \ dos2unix | \ tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" | \ # Parse domains only cut -f 2 -d "," | \ grep -F "." | \ # Remove www. sed "s/^www\.//g" | \ sort -u > "top-1m-tranco.txt" ## Parse oisd exclusion list cat "oisd-exclude.html" | \ # https://stackoverflow.com/a/47600828 xmlstarlet format --recover --html 2>/dev/null | \ xmlstarlet select --html --template --value-of '//a' | \ ## Append new line https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/31955 sed '$a\' > "oisd-exclude.txt" # Merge Umbrella, Traco and self-maintained top domains cat "top-1m-umbrella.txt" "top-1m-tranco.txt" "exclude.txt" "oisd-exclude.txt" | \ sort -u > "top-1m-well-known.txt" ## Parse popular domains cat "phishing-domains.txt" | \ # grep match whole line grep -Fx -f "top-1m-well-known.txt" > "phishing-top-domains.txt" ## Exclude popular domains cat "phishing-domains.txt" | \ grep -F -vf "phishing-top-domains.txt" > "phishing-notop-domains-temp.txt" cat "phishing.txt" | \ grep -F -f "phishing-top-domains.txt" > "phishing-url-top-domains-temp.txt" rm -f "phishing-url-top-domains.txt" "phishing-url-top-domains-raw.txt" ## Temporarily disable command print set +x while read URL; do HOST=$(echo "$URL" | cut -d"/" -f1) URI=$(echo "$URL" | sed "s/^$HOST//") ## Separate host-only URL if [ -z "$URI" ] || [ "$URI" = "/" ]; then echo "$HOST" | \ cut -f 1 -d ":" >> "phishing-notop-domains-temp.txt" else ## Parse phishing URLs from popular domains echo "$URL" | \ sed -e "s/^/||/g" -e "s/$/\$all/g" >> "phishing-url-top-domains.txt" echo "$URL" >> "phishing-url-top-domains-raw.txt" fi done < "phishing-url-top-domains-temp.txt" ## Re-enable command print set -x ## "phishing-url-top-domains-temp.txt" may add duplicate entries sort -u "phishing-notop-domains-temp.txt" > "phishing-notop-domains.txt" ## Merge malware domains and URLs CURRENT_TIME="$(date -R -u)" FIRST_LINE="! Title: Phishing URL Blocklist" SECOND_LINE="! Updated: $CURRENT_TIME" THIRD_LINE="! Expires: 1 day (update frequency)" FOURTH_LINE="! Homepage: https://gitlab.com/curben/phishing-filter" FIFTH_LINE="! License: https://gitlab.com/curben/phishing-filter#license" SIXTH_LINE="! Source: https://www.phishtank.com/ & https://openphish.com/" ANNOUNCEMENT_1="\n! 2021/01/08: There has been a major change to the mirrors, check the repo for the new mirrors." ANNOUNCEMENT_2="! Old mirrors will be deprecated in 3 months. The main download link \"curben.gitlab.io/malware-filter/\" _is not affected_." COMMENT_UBO="$FIRST_LINE\n$SECOND_LINE\n$THIRD_LINE\n$FOURTH_LINE\n$FIFTH_LINE\n$SIXTH_LINE\n$ANNOUNCEMENT_1\n$ANNOUNCEMENT_2" mkdir -p "../public/" cat "phishing-notop-domains.txt" "phishing-url-top-domains.txt" | \ sort | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT_UBO"'' > "../public/phishing-filter.txt" # Adguard Home cat "phishing-notop-domains.txt" | \ sed "s/^/||/g" | \ sed "s/$/^/g" > "phishing-domains-adguard-home.txt" cat "phishing-domains-adguard-home.txt" | \ sort | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT_UBO"'' | \ sed "1s/Blocklist/Blocklist (AdGuard Home)/" > "../public/phishing-filter-agh.txt" # Adguard browser extension cat "phishing-notop-domains.txt" | \ sed "s/^/||/g" | \ sed "s/$/\$all/g" > "phishing-domains-adguard.txt" cat "phishing-domains-adguard.txt" "phishing-url-top-domains.txt" | \ sort | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT_UBO"'' | \ sed "1s/Blocklist/Blocklist (AdGuard)/" > "../public/phishing-filter-ag.txt" # Vivaldi cat "phishing-notop-domains.txt" | \ sed "s/^/||/g" | \ sed "s/$/\$document/g" > "phishing-domains-vivaldi.txt" cat "phishing-domains-vivaldi.txt" "phishing-url-top-domains.txt" | \ sed "s/\$all$/\$document/g" | \ sort | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT_UBO"'' | \ sed "1s/Blocklist/Blocklist (Vivaldi)/" > "../public/phishing-filter-vivaldi.txt" ## Domains-only blocklist # awk + head is a workaround for sed prepend COMMENT=$(printf "$COMMENT_UBO" | sed "s/^!/#/g" | sed "1s/URL/Domains/" | awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' | head -c -2) cat "phishing-notop-domains.txt" | \ sort | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT"'' > "../public/phishing-filter-domains.txt" cat "phishing-notop-domains.txt" | \ grep -vE "^([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}$" > "phishing-notop-hosts.txt" ## Hosts file blocklist cat "phishing-notop-hosts.txt" | \ sed "s/^/ /g" | \ # Re-insert comment sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT"'' | \ sed "1s/Domains/Hosts/" > "../public/phishing-filter-hosts.txt" ## Dnsmasq-compatible blocklist cat "phishing-notop-hosts.txt" | \ sed "s/^/address=\//g" | \ sed "s/$/\/" | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT"'' | \ sed "1s/Blocklist/dnsmasq Blocklist/" > "../public/phishing-filter-dnsmasq.conf" ## BIND-compatible blocklist cat "phishing-notop-hosts.txt" | \ sed 's/^/zone "/g' | \ sed 's/$/" { type master; notify no; file "null.zone.file"; };/g' | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT"'' | \ sed "1s/Blocklist/BIND Blocklist/" > "../public/phishing-filter-bind.conf" ## DNS Response Policy Zone (RPZ) CURRENT_UNIX_TIME="$(date +%s)" RPZ_SYNTAX="\n\$TTL 30\n@ IN SOA rpz.curben.gitlab.io. hostmaster.rpz.curben.gitlab.io. $CURRENT_UNIX_TIME 86400 3600 604800 30\n NS localhost.\n" cat "phishing-notop-hosts.txt" | \ sed "s/$/ CNAME ./g" | \ sed '1 i\'"$RPZ_SYNTAX"'' | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT"'' | \ sed "s/^#/;/g" | \ sed "1s/Blocklist/RPZ Blocklist/" > "../public/phishing-filter-rpz.conf" ## Unbound-compatible blocklist cat "phishing-notop-hosts.txt" | \ sed 's/^/local-zone: "/g' | \ sed 's/$/" always_nxdomain/g' | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT"'' | \ sed "1s/Blocklist/Unbound Blocklist/" > "../public/phishing-filter-unbound.conf" ## dnscrypt-proxy blocklists # name-based cat "phishing-notop-hosts.txt" | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT"'' | \ sed "1s/Domains/Names/" > "../public/phishing-filter-dnscrypt-blocked-names.txt" # IPv4-based cat "phishing-notop-domains.txt" | \ sort | \ grep -E "^([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}$" | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT"'' | \ sed "1s/Domains/IPs/" > "../public/phishing-filter-dnscrypt-blocked-ips.txt" set +x ## Snort & Suricata rulesets rm -f "../public/phishing-filter-snort2.rules" \ "../public/phishing-filter-snort3.rules" \ "../public/phishing-filter-suricata.rules" SID="200000001" while read DOMAIN; do SN_RULE="alert tcp \$HOME_NET any -> \$EXTERNAL_NET [80,443] (msg:\"phishing-filter phishing website detected\"; flow:established,from_client; content:\"GET\"; http_method; content:\"$DOMAIN\"; content:\"Host\"; http_header; classtype:attempted-recon; sid:$SID; rev:1;)" SN3_RULE="alert http \$HOME_NET any -> \$EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:\"phishing-filter phishing website detected\"; http_header:field host; content:\"$DOMAIN\",nocase; classtype:attempted-recon; sid:$SID; rev:1;)" SR_RULE="alert http \$HOME_NET any -> \$EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:\"phishing-filter phishing website detected\"; flow:established,from_client; http.method; content:\"GET\"; http.host; content:\"$DOMAIN\"; classtype:attempted-recon; sid:$SID; rev:1;)" echo "$SN_RULE" >> "../public/phishing-filter-snort2.rules" echo "$SN3_RULE" >> "../public/phishing-filter-snort3.rules" echo "$SR_RULE" >> "../public/phishing-filter-suricata.rules" SID=$(( $SID + 1 )) done < "phishing-notop-domains.txt" while read URL; do HOST=$(echo "$URL" | cut -d"/" -f1) URI=$(echo "$URL" | sed -e "s/^$HOST//" -e "s/;/\\\;/g") # Snort2 only supports <=2047 characters of `content` SN_RULE="alert tcp \$HOME_NET any -> \$EXTERNAL_NET [80,443] (msg:\"phishing-filter phishing website detected\"; flow:established,from_client; content:\"GET\"; http_method; content:\"$(echo $URI | cut -c -2047)\"; http_uri; nocase; content:\"$HOST\"; content:\"Host\"; http_header; classtype:attempted-recon; sid:$SID; rev:1;)" SN3_RULE="alert http \$HOME_NET any -> \$EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:\"phishing-filter phishing website detected\"; http_header:field host; content:\"$HOST\",nocase; http_uri; content:\"$URI\",nocase; classtype:attempted-recon; sid:$SID; rev:1;)" SR_RULE="alert http \$HOME_NET any -> \$EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:\"phishing-filter phishing website detected\"; flow:established,from_client; http.method; content:\"GET\"; http.uri; content:\"$URI\"; endswith; nocase; http.host; content:\"$HOST\"; classtype:attempted-recon; sid:$SID; rev:1;)" echo "$SN_RULE" >> "../public/phishing-filter-snort2.rules" echo "$SN3_RULE" >> "../public/phishing-filter-snort3.rules" echo "$SR_RULE" >> "../public/phishing-filter-suricata.rules" SID=$(( $SID + 1 )) done < "phishing-url-top-domains-raw.txt" set -x sed -i '1 i\'"$COMMENT"'' "../public/phishing-filter-snort2.rules" sed -i "1s/Domains Blocklist/URL Snort2 Ruleset/" "../public/phishing-filter-snort2.rules" sed -i '1 i\'"$COMMENT"'' "../public/phishing-filter-snort3.rules" sed -i "1s/Domains Blocklist/URL Snort3 Ruleset/" "../public/phishing-filter-snort3.rules" sed -i '1 i\'"$COMMENT"'' "../public/phishing-filter-suricata.rules" sed -i "1s/Domains Blocklist/URL Suricata Ruleset/" "../public/phishing-filter-suricata.rules" ## IE blocklist COMMENT_IE="msFilterList\n$COMMENT\n: Expires=1\n#" cat "phishing-notop-hosts.txt" | \ sed "s/^/-d /g" | \ sed '1 i\'"$COMMENT_IE"'' | \ sed "2s/Domains Blocklist/Hosts Blocklist (IE)/" > "../public/phishing-filter.tpl" ## Clean up artifacts rm "phishtank.csv" "top-1m-umbrella.zip" "top-1m-umbrella.txt" "top-1m-tranco.txt" "openphish-raw.txt" "oisd-exclude.html" "oisd-exclude.txt" cd ../