2023-01-27 09:47:59 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Build Splunk app package"""
import tarfile
from configparser import ConfigParser
from os import environ, path
from re import search, sub
from subprocess import check_call
from sys import executable
def version():
Return version number from app.conf or commit hash if in CI
commit_sha = (
2023-01-27 11:05:34 +00:00
# gitlab
or environ.get("CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA")
# github
or (
if environ.get("GITHUB_REF_TYPE") == "tag"
else None
or environ.get("GITHUB_SHA", "")[0:8]
if environ.get("CI") == "true"
else None
2023-01-27 09:47:59 +00:00
if commit_sha:
return commit_sha
app_conf_path = path.join(
app_conf = ConfigParser()
launcher = app_conf["launcher"] if "launcher" in app_conf.sections() else {}
return launcher.get("version", "")
def exclusion(tarinfo):
"""Exclude dev files and cache, and reset file stats"""
# exclude certain folders/files
pathname = tarinfo.name
if search(
r"/\.|\\\.|__pycache__|pyproject.toml|requirements-dev.txt|build.py", pathname
return None
# rename parent folder as "malware_filter"
tarinfo.name = sub(r"^.", "malware_filter", pathname)
# reset file stats
# based on https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/833
tarinfo.uid = 1001
tarinfo.gid = 123
tarinfo.uname = tarinfo.gname = ""
return tarinfo
print("Installing dependencies into './lib/'...")
pkg_file = f"malware_filter-{version()}.tar.gz"
print(f"Creating {pkg_file}...")
with tarfile.open(pkg_file, "w:gz") as tar:
tar.add(".", filter=exclusion)