########################################################################################## # # Magisk Module Template Config Script # by topjohnwu # ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## # # Instructions: # # 1. Place your files into system folder (delete the placeholder file) # 2. Fill in your module's info into module.prop # 3. Configure the settings in this file (config.sh) # 4. If you need boot scripts, add them into common/post-fs-data.sh or common/service.sh # 5. Add your additional or modified system properties into common/system.prop # ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## # Configs ########################################################################################## # Set to true if you need to enable Magic Mount # Most mods would like it to be enabled AUTOMOUNT=true # Set to true if you need to load system.prop PROPFILE=false # Set to true if you need post-fs-data script POSTFSDATA=false # Set to true if you need late_start service script LATESTARTSERVICE=true ########################################################################################## # Installation Message ########################################################################################## # Set what you want to show when installing your mod print_modname() { ui_print "*******************************" ui_print " DNSCrypt-Proxy2 " ui_print " Magisk Module " ui_print "*******************************" ui_print " v2.6.0 " ui_print " bluemeda " ui_print "*******************************" } ########################################################################################## # Replace list ########################################################################################## # List all directories you want to directly replace in the system # Check the documentations for more info about how Magic Mount works, and why you need this # This is an example REPLACE=" /system/app/Youtube /system/priv-app/SystemUI /system/priv-app/Settings /system/framework " # Construct your own list here, it will override the example above # !DO NOT! remove this if you don't need to replace anything, leave it empty as it is now REPLACE=" " ########################################################################################## # Permissions ########################################################################################## set_permissions() { # Only some special files require specific permissions # The default permissions should be good enough for most cases # Here are some examples for the set_perm functions: # set_perm_recursive (default: u:object_r:system_file:s0) # set_perm_recursive $MODPATH/system/lib 0 0 0755 0644 # set_perm (default: u:object_r:system_file:s0) # set_perm $MODPATH/system/bin/app_process32 0 2000 0755 u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0 # set_perm $MODPATH/system/bin/dex2oat 0 2000 0755 u:object_r:dex2oat_exec:s0 # set_perm $MODPATH/system/lib/libart.so 0 0 0644 # The following is default permissions, DO NOT remove set_perm_recursive $MODPATH 0 0 0755 0644 set_perm $MODPATH/system/xbin/dnscrypt-proxy 0 0 0755 } ########################################################################################## # Custom Functions ########################################################################################## # This file (config.sh) will be sourced by the main flash script after util_functions.sh # If you need custom logic, please add them here as functions, and call these functions in # update-binary. Refrain from adding code directly into update-binary, as it will make it # difficult for you to migrate your modules to newer template versions. # Make update-binary as clean as possible, try to only do function calls in it. install_dnscrypt_proxy(){ if [ "$ARCH" == "arm" ];then BINARY_PATH=$INSTALLER/binary/dnscrypt-proxy-arm elif [ "$ARCH" == "arm64" ];then BINARY_PATH=$INSTALLER/binary/dnscrypt-proxy-arm64 elif [ "$ARCH" == "x86" ];then BINARY_PATH=$INSTALLER/binary/dnscrypt-proxy-x86 elif [ "$ARCH" == "x64" ];then BINARY_PATH=$INSTALLER/binary/dnscrypt-proxy-x86_64 fi OLD_CONFIG_FILE=$MODDIR/system/etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml NEW_CONFIG_FILE=$MODPATH/system/etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml CONFIG_PATH=$INSTALLER/config if [ -f "$OLD_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then ui_print "* Backing up config file" cp $OLD_CONFIG_FILE $TMPDIR fi unzip -o "$ZIP" 'config/*' 'binary/*' -d $INSTALLER 2>/dev/null ui_print "* Creating binary path" mkdir -p $MODPATH/system/xbin 2>/dev/null ui_print "* Creating config path" mkdir -p $MODPATH/system/etc/dnscrypt-proxy 2>/dev/null if [ -f "$BINARY_PATH" ]; then ui_print "* Copying binary for $ARCH" cp -af $BINARY_PATH $MODPATH/system/xbin/dnscrypt-proxy else abort "Binary file for $ARCH is missing!" fi if [ -d "$CONFIG_PATH" ]; then ui_print "* Copying example and license files" cp -af $CONFIG_PATH/* $MODPATH/system/etc/dnscrypt-proxy else abort "Config file is missing!" fi if [ ! -f "$OLD_CONFIG_FILE" ]; then ui_print "* Copying config files" cp -af $CONFIG_PATH/example-dnscrypt-proxy.toml $NEW_CONFIG_FILE sed -i -e 's/' $NEW_CONFIG_FILE sed -i -e 's/\[::1\]:53/\[::1\]:5354/g' $NEW_CONFIG_FILE else ui_print "* Restoring config files" cp -af $TMPDIR/dnscrypt-proxy.toml $NEW_CONFIG_FILE fi . $INSTALLER/common/install.sh }