############################## # IP blocklist # ############################## ## Author : quindecim : https://codeberg.org/quindecim ## https://git.nixnet.services/quindecim ## ## Based on : DNSCrypt : Rebind Protection : https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy/wiki/Filters#dns-rebind-protection ## ## License : GPLv3 : https://codeberg.org/quindecim/dnscrypt-proxy-android/src/branch/master/LICENSE.md ## ## ## DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE !! ## ## This file is required by dnscrypt-proxy to work properly, you can use it to filter your content on the web, or simply forget it. ## ## More info at: https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy/wiki/Filters ## https://codeberg.org/quindecim/block ########## Blocklist from https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy/wiki/Filters#dns-rebinding-protection ########## # Localhost rebind protection 127.0.0.* # RFC1918 rebind protection 10.* 172.16.* 172.17.* 172.18.* 172.19.* 172.20.* 172.21.* 172.22.* 172.23.* 172.24.* 172.25.* 172.26.* 172.27.* 172.28.* 172.29.* 172.30.* 172.31.* 192.168.*