Tickets that don't change #10

opened 2020-03-19 22:28:08 +00:00 by gallegonovato · 0 comments

Good night:

Looking at your new user once it's installed. I notice that there are entries that you put as false. But they don't change in the mobile with your new user.Among them, looking a little bit above I can highlight:




It is not recommended to change

them manually to false. And see if you save them when you close fennec. Or better to leave them in true.I don't know what your advice is.

Receive a warm

Good night: Looking at your new user once it's installed. I notice that there are entries that you put as false. But they don't change in the mobile with your new user.Among them, looking a little bit above I can highlight: extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled extensions.systemAddon.update.enabled privacy.clearOnShutdown.cookies It is not recommended to change them manually to false. And see if you save them when you close fennec. Or better to leave them in true.I don't know what your advice is. Receive a warm
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Reference: d3cim/mobile_user.js#10
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