Tickets that don't change #11

opened 2020-03-19 22:29:58 +00:00 by gallegonovato · 1 comment

Good night:

Looking at your new user once it's installed. I notice that there are entries that you put as false. But they don't change in the mobile with your new user.Among them, looking a little bit above I can highlight:




It is not recommended to chang

e them manually to false. And see if you save them when you close fennec. Or better to leave them in true.I don't know what your advice is.

Receive a warm hug

Good night: Looking at your new user once it's installed. I notice that there are entries that you put as false. But they don't change in the mobile with your new user.Among them, looking a little bit above I can highlight: extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled extensions.systemAddon.update.enabled privacy.clearOnShutdown.cookie s It is not recommended to chang e them manually to false. And see if you save them when you close fennec. Or better to leave them in true.I don't know what your advice is. Receive a warm hug

Thank you very much for your report. There is a typo regarding an entry here.

user_pref("extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled", false)

In this preference is missing the ; at the end. The correct format is:

user_pref("extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled", false);


Is not an issue, I think that system addons are important for the security of the browser itself. They can patch some security issue remotely and I sanitized it from %LOCALE% as well.

Is very important on Android because setting it to false causes the breakage of all downloads.


Is for DESKTOP only.

I think I can close it. Thanks again

Thank you very much for your report. There is a typo regarding an entry here. > `user_pref("extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled", false)` In this preference is missing the `;` at the end. The correct format is: `user_pref("extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled", false);` > extensions.systemAddon.update.enabled Is not an issue, I think that system addons are important for the security of the browser itself. They can patch some security issue remotely and I sanitized it from `%LOCALE%` as well. > Is very important on Android because setting it to `false` causes the breakage of all downloads. > privacy.clearOnShutdown.cookies Is for DESKTOP only. I think I can close it. Thanks again
d3cim closed this issue 2020-03-20 09:36:00 +00:00
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Reference: d3cim/mobile_user.js#11
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