 * Roundcube Webmail styles for the Elastic skin
 * Copyright (c) The Roundcube Dev Team
 * The contents are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
 * License. It is allowed to copy, distribute, transmit and to adapt the work
 * by keeping credits to the original authors in the README.md file.
 * See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ for details.

@import (reference) "fontawesome";
@import (reference) "colors";

@dark-mode-enabled:     true; // on change also have to change dark_mode_support in meta.json

@screen-width-large:    1200px;
@screen-width-medium:   1024px;
@screen-width-small:    768px;
@screen-width-xs:       480px;
@screen-width-mini:     320px;
@screen-width-touch:    @screen-width-medium;
@screen-width-bs-phone: 576px;

@page-font-size:        14px;
@page-min-width:        240px;

// Note: we'll set some values in pixels instead of rem to eliminate
//       Firefox sub-pixel rendering bug(s)

@layout-menu-width:                     floor(5.6 * @page-font-size);
@layout-menu-width-sm:                  floor(3 * @page-font-size);
@layout-header-height:                  floor(4.2 * @page-font-size);
@layout-footer-height:                  @layout-header-height;
@layout-footer-small-height:            floor(2.5 * @page-font-size);
@layout-header-font-size:               1rem;
@layout-searchbar-height:               floor(2.6 * @page-font-size);

@layout-touch-header-height:            @layout-header-height;
@layout-touch-header-font-size:         floor(1.2 * @page-font-size);
@layout-touch-menu-record-height:       floor(3.4 * @page-font-size);
@layout-touch-menu-record-font-size:    floor(1.2 * @page-font-size);
@layout-touch-icon-width:               2.2em;

@layout-mobile-menu-width:              (@screen-width-mini * .85);

@layout-contact-icon-width:             112px;
@layout-contact-icon-height:            135px;

@listing-line-height:                   floor(2.5 * @page-font-size);
@listing-touch-line-height:             floor(3.4 * @page-font-size);
@listing-treetoggle-width:              1.5em;

@mail-header-photo-height:              4rem;

// Scrollbars
@scrollbar-width:       thin; // 'auto' or 'thin' or 'unset'

// Additional icons
@icon-resize-corner:    data-uri("image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8", "../images/corner-handle.svg"); // size: 16x16
@icon-file-drop:        data-uri("image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8", "../images/download.svg");

@import (reference, optional) "_variables";