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2021-07-04 00:03:18 +00:00
* easy-pie-chart
* Lightweight plugin to render simple, animated and retina optimized pie charts
* @license
* @author Robert Fleischmann <> (
* @version 2.1.7
!(function (a, b) {
'function' == typeof define && define.amd
? define(['jquery'], function (a) {
return b(a);
: 'object' == typeof exports
? (module.exports = b(require('jquery')))
: b(jQuery);
})(this, function (a) {
var b = function (a, b) {
var c,
d = document.createElement('canvas');
a.appendChild(d), 'object' == typeof G_vmlCanvasManager && G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(d);
var e = d.getContext('2d');
d.width = d.height = b.size;
var f = 1;
window.devicePixelRatio > 1 &&
((f = window.devicePixelRatio),
( = = [b.size, 'px'].join('')),
(d.width = d.height = b.size * f),
e.scale(f, f)),
e.translate(b.size / 2, b.size / 2),
e.rotate((-0.5 + b.rotate / 180) * Math.PI);
var g = (b.size - b.lineWidth) / 2;
b.scaleColor && b.scaleLength && (g -= b.scaleLength + 2),
( = ||
function () {
return +new Date();
var h = function (a, b, c) {
c = Math.min(Math.max(-1, c || 0), 1);
var d = 0 >= c ? !0 : !1;
e.beginPath(), e.arc(0, 0, g, 0, 2 * Math.PI * c, d), (e.strokeStyle = a), (e.lineWidth = b), e.stroke();
i = function () {
var a, c;
(e.lineWidth = 1), (e.fillStyle = b.scaleColor),;
for (var d = 24; d > 0; --d)
d % 6 === 0 ? ((c = b.scaleLength), (a = 0)) : ((c = 0.6 * b.scaleLength), (a = b.scaleLength - c)),
e.fillRect(-b.size / 2 + a, 0, c, 1),
e.rotate(Math.PI / 12);
j = (function () {
return (
window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
function (a) {
window.setTimeout(a, 1e3 / 60);
k = function () {
b.scaleColor && i(), b.trackColor && h(b.trackColor, b.trackWidth || b.lineWidth, 1);
(this.getCanvas = function () {
return d;
(this.getCtx = function () {
return e;
(this.clear = function () {
e.clearRect(b.size / -2, b.size / -2, b.size, b.size);
(this.draw = function (a) {
b.scaleColor || b.trackColor
? e.getImageData && e.putImageData
? c
? e.putImageData(c, 0, 0)
: (k(), (c = e.getImageData(0, 0, b.size * f, b.size * f)))
: (this.clear(), k())
: this.clear(),
(e.lineCap = b.lineCap);
var d;
(d = 'function' == typeof b.barColor ? b.barColor(a) : b.barColor), h(d, b.lineWidth, a / 100);
(this.animate = function (a, c) {
var d =;
b.onStart(a, c);
var e = function () {
var f = Math.min( - d, b.animate.duration),
g = b.easing(this, f, a, c - a, b.animate.duration);
this.draw(g), b.onStep(a, c, g), f >= b.animate.duration ? b.onStop(a, c) : j(e);
c = function (a, c) {
var d = {
barColor: '#ef1e25',
trackColor: '#f9f9f9',
scaleColor: '#dfe0e0',
scaleLength: 5,
lineCap: 'round',
lineWidth: 3,
trackWidth: void 0,
size: 110,
rotate: 0,
animate: { duration: 1e3, enabled: !0 },
easing: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
return (b /= e / 2), 1 > b ? (d / 2) * b * b + c : (-d / 2) * (--b * (b - 2) - 1) + c;
onStart: function (a, b) {},
onStep: function (a, b, c) {},
onStop: function (a, b) {},
if ('undefined' != typeof b) d.renderer = b;
else {
if ('undefined' == typeof SVGRenderer) throw new Error('Please load either the SVG- or the CanvasRenderer');
d.renderer = SVGRenderer;
var e = {},
f = 0,
g = function () {
(this.el = a), (this.options = e);
for (var b in d)
d.hasOwnProperty(b) &&
((e[b] = c && 'undefined' != typeof c[b] ? c[b] : d[b]), 'function' == typeof e[b] && (e[b] = e[b].bind(this)));
'string' == typeof e.easing && 'undefined' != typeof jQuery && jQuery.isFunction(jQuery.easing[e.easing])
? (e.easing = jQuery.easing[e.easing])
: (e.easing = d.easing),
'number' == typeof e.animate && (e.animate = { duration: e.animate, enabled: !0 }),
'boolean' != typeof e.animate || e.animate || (e.animate = { duration: 1e3, enabled: e.animate }),
(this.renderer = new e.renderer(a, e)),
a.dataset && a.dataset.percent
? this.update(parseFloat(a.dataset.percent))
: a.getAttribute && a.getAttribute('data-percent') && this.update(parseFloat(a.getAttribute('data-percent')));
(this.update = function (a) {
return (a = parseFloat(a)), e.animate.enabled ? this.renderer.animate(f, a) : this.renderer.draw(a), (f = a), this;
(this.disableAnimation = function () {
return (e.animate.enabled = !1), this;
(this.enableAnimation = function () {
return (e.animate.enabled = !0), this;
a.fn.easyPieChart = function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var d;, 'easyPieChart') || ((d = a.extend({}, b, a(this).data())),, 'easyPieChart', new c(this, d)));