
2650 lines
83 KiB
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var gapi = (window.gapi = window.gapi || {});
gapi._bs = new Date().getTime();
(function () {
Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
var n,
aa = function (a) {
var b = 0;
return function () {
return b < a.length ? { done: !1, value: a[b++] } : { done: !0 };
ba =
'function' == typeof Object.defineProperties
? Object.defineProperty
: function (a, b, c) {
if (a == Array.prototype || a == Object.prototype) return a;
a[b] = c.value;
return a;
ca = function (a) {
a = [
'object' == typeof globalThis && globalThis,
'object' == typeof window && window,
'object' == typeof self && self,
'object' == typeof global && global,
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) {
var c = a[b];
if (c && c.Math == Math) return c;
throw Error('Cannot find global object');
da = ca(this),
ea = function (a, b) {
if (b)
a: {
var c = da;
a = a.split('.');
for (var d = 0; d < a.length - 1; d++) {
var e = a[d];
if (!(e in c)) break a;
c = c[e];
a = a[a.length - 1];
d = c[a];
b = b(d);
b != d && null != b && ba(c, a, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: b });
ea('Symbol', function (a) {
if (a) return a;
var b = function (f, g) { = f;
ba(this, 'description', { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: g });
b.prototype.toString = function () {
var c = 'jscomp_symbol_' + ((1e9 * Math.random()) >>> 0) + '_',
d = 0,
e = function (f) {
if (this instanceof e) throw new TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor');
return new b(c + (f || '') + '_' + d++, f);
return e;
ea('Symbol.iterator', function (a) {
if (a) return a;
a = Symbol('Symbol.iterator');
for (
var b = 'Array Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array'.split(
' '
c = 0;
c < b.length;
) {
var d = da[b[c]];
'function' === typeof d &&
'function' != typeof d.prototype[a] &&
ba(d.prototype, a, {
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: function () {
return fa(aa(this));
return a;
var fa = function (a) {
a = { next: a };
a[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
return this;
return a;
ja = function (a, b) {
a instanceof String && (a += '');
var c = 0,
d = !1,
e = {
next: function () {
if (!d && c < a.length) {
var f = c++;
return { value: b(f, a[f]), done: !1 };
d = !0;
return { done: !0, value: void 0 };
e[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
return e;
return e;
ea('Array.prototype.keys', function (a) {
return a
? a
: function () {
return ja(this, function (b) {
return b;
var q = this || self,
ka = function (a) {
var b = typeof a;
return 'object' != b ? b : a ? (Array.isArray(a) ? 'array' : b) : 'null';
la = function (a) {
var b = ka(a);
return 'array' == b || ('object' == b && 'number' == typeof a.length);
ma = function (a) {
var b = typeof a;
return ('object' == b && null != a) || 'function' == b;
na = function (a, b, c) {
return, arguments);
oa = function (a, b, c) {
if (!a) throw Error();
if (2 < arguments.length) {
var d =, 2);
return function () {
var e =;
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(e, d);
return a.apply(b, e);
return function () {
return a.apply(b, arguments);
pa = function (a, b, c) {
pa = Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf('native code') ? na : oa;
return pa.apply(null, arguments);
qa = function (a, b) {
function c() {}
c.prototype = b.prototype; = b.prototype;
a.prototype = new c();
a.prototype.constructor = a;
a.A = function (d, e, f) {
for (var g = Array(arguments.length - 2), h = 2; h < arguments.length; h++) g[h - 2] = arguments[h];
return b.prototype[e].apply(d, g);
ra = function (a) {
return a;
sa = function (a) {
var b = null,
c = q.trustedTypes;
if (!c || !c.createPolicy) return b;
try {
b = c.createPolicy(a, { createHTML: ra, createScript: ra, createScriptURL: ra });
} catch (d) {
q.console && q.console.error(d.message);
return b;
function ta(a) {
if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, ta);
else {
var b = Error().stack;
b && (this.stack = b);
a && (this.message = String(a));
qa(ta, Error); = 'CustomError';
var ua;
var va = function (a, b) {
a = a.split('%s');
for (var c = '', d = a.length - 1, e = 0; e < d; e++) c += a[e] + (e < b.length ? b[e] : '%s');, c + a[d]);
qa(va, ta); = 'AssertionError';
var wa = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = 'Assertion failed';
if (c) {
e += ': ' + c;
var f = d;
} else a && ((e += ': ' + a), (f = b));
throw new va('' + e, f || []);
xa = function (a, b, c) {
a || wa('', null, b,, 2));
return a;
ya = function (a, b) {
throw new va('Failure' + (a ? ': ' + a : ''),, 1));
za = function (a, b, c) {
'string' !== typeof a && wa('Expected string but got %s: %s.', [ka(a), a], b,, 2));
var Aa = Array.prototype.forEach
? function (a, b) {
xa(null != a.length);, b, void 0);
: function (a, b) {
for (var c = a.length, d = 'string' === typeof a ? a.split('') : a, e = 0; e < c; e++) e in d && 0, d[e], e, a);
function Ba(a) {
var b = a.length;
if (0 < b) {
for (var c = Array(b), d = 0; d < b; d++) c[d] = a[d];
return c;
return [];
function Ca(a, b) {
for (var c in a) 0, a[c], c, a);
var Ea = 'constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf'.split(' ');
function Fa(a, b) {
for (var c, d, e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
d = arguments[e];
for (c in d) a[c] = d[c];
for (var f = 0; f < Ea.length; f++) (c = Ea[f]),, c) && (a[c] = d[c]);
var Ga;
var r = function (a, b) {
this.R = (a === Ha && b) || ''; = Ia;
r.prototype.D = !0;
r.prototype.C = function () {
return this.R;
r.prototype.toString = function () {
return 'Const{' + this.R + '}';
var Ja = function (a) {
if (a instanceof r && a.constructor === r && === Ia) return a.R;
ya("expected object of type Const, got '" + a + "'");
return 'type_error:Const';
Ia = {},
Ha = {};
var Ka = /&/g,
La = /</g,
Ma = />/g,
Na = /"/g,
Oa = /'/g,
Pa = /\x00/g,
Qa = /[\x00&<>"']/,
w = function (a, b) {
return -1 != a.indexOf(b);
var x = function (a, b) {
this.O = b === Ra ? a : '';
x.prototype.D = !0;
x.prototype.C = function () {
return this.O.toString();
x.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.O.toString();
var Sa = function (a) {
if (a instanceof x && a.constructor === x) return a.O;
ya("expected object of type SafeUrl, got '" + a + "' of type " + ka(a));
return 'type_error:SafeUrl';
Ta = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp):|[^:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/i,
Ua = function (a) {
if (a instanceof x) return a;
a = 'object' == typeof a && a.D ? a.C() : String(a);
xa(Ta.test(a), '%s does not match the safe URL pattern', a) || (a = 'about:invalid#zClosurez');
return new x(a, Ra);
Ra = {};
var z;
a: {
var Va = q.navigator;
if (Va) {
var Wa = Va.userAgent;
if (Wa) {
z = Wa;
break a;
z = '';
var A = function (a, b, c) {
this.N = c === Xa ? a : '';
A.prototype.D = !0;
A.prototype.C = function () {
return this.N.toString();
A.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.N.toString();
var Ya = function (a) {
if (a instanceof A && a.constructor === A) return a.N;
ya("expected object of type SafeHtml, got '" + a + "' of type " + ka(a));
return 'type_error:SafeHtml';
Xa = {},
Za = new A((q.trustedTypes && q.trustedTypes.emptyHTML) || '', 0, Xa);
var $a = function (a, b) {
a: {
try {
var c = a && a.ownerDocument,
d = c && (c.defaultView || c.parentWindow);
d = d || q;
if (d.Element && d.Location) {
var e = d;
break a;
} catch (g) {}
e = null;
if (e && 'undefined' != typeof e[b] && (!a || (!(a instanceof e[b]) && (a instanceof e.Location || a instanceof e.Element)))) {
if (ma(a))
try {
var f = a.constructor.displayName || ||;
} catch (g) {
f = '<object could not be stringified>';
else f = void 0 === a ? 'undefined' : null === a ? 'null' : typeof a;
ya('Argument is not a %s (or a non-Element, non-Location mock); got: %s', b, f);
return a;
var ab = { MATH: !0, SCRIPT: !0, STYLE: !0, SVG: !0, TEMPLATE: !0 },
bb = (function (a) {
var b = !1,
return function () {
b || ((c = a()), (b = !0));
return c;
})(function () {
if ('undefined' === typeof document) return !1;
var a = document.createElement('div'),
b = document.createElement('div');
if (!a.firstChild) return !1;
b = a.firstChild.firstChild;
a.innerHTML = Ya(Za);
return !b.parentElement;
var cb = function (a) {
Qa.test(a) &&
(-1 != a.indexOf('&') && (a = a.replace(Ka, '&amp;')),
-1 != a.indexOf('<') && (a = a.replace(La, '&lt;')),
-1 != a.indexOf('>') && (a = a.replace(Ma, '&gt;')),
-1 != a.indexOf('"') && (a = a.replace(Na, '&quot;')),
-1 != a.indexOf("'") && (a = a.replace(Oa, '&#39;')),
-1 != a.indexOf('\x00') && (a = a.replace(Pa, '&#0;')));
return a;
var db = w(z, 'Opera'),
eb = w(z, 'Trident') || w(z, 'MSIE'),
fb = w(z, 'Edge'),
hb = w(z, 'Gecko') && !(w(z.toLowerCase(), 'webkit') && !w(z, 'Edge')) && !(w(z, 'Trident') || w(z, 'MSIE')) && !w(z, 'Edge'),
ib = w(z.toLowerCase(), 'webkit') && !w(z, 'Edge'),
jb = function () {
var a = q.document;
return a ? a.documentMode : void 0;
a: {
var lb = '',
mb = (function () {
var a = z;
if (hb) return /rv:([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(a);
if (fb) return /Edge\/([\d\.]+)/.exec(a);
if (eb) return /\b(?:MSIE|rv)[: ]([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(a);
if (ib) return /WebKit\/(\S+)/.exec(a);
if (db) return /(?:Version)[ \/]?(\S+)/.exec(a);
mb && (lb = mb ? mb[1] : '');
if (eb) {
var nb = jb();
if (null != nb && nb > parseFloat(lb)) {
kb = String(nb);
break a;
kb = lb;
var ob = kb,
if (q.document && eb) {
var qb = jb();
pb = qb ? qb : parseInt(ob, 10) || void 0;
} else pb = void 0;
var rb = pb;
var sb;
(sb = !eb) || (sb = 9 <= Number(rb));
var tb = sb;
var vb = function (a, b) {
Ca(b, function (c, d) {
c && 'object' == typeof c && c.D && (c = c.C());
'style' == d
? ( = c)
: 'class' == d
? (a.className = c)
: 'for' == d
? (a.htmlFor = c)
: ub.hasOwnProperty(d)
? a.setAttribute(ub[d], c)
: 0 == d.lastIndexOf('aria-', 0) || 0 == d.lastIndexOf('data-', 0)
? a.setAttribute(d, c)
: (a[d] = c);
ub = {
cellpadding: 'cellPadding',
cellspacing: 'cellSpacing',
colspan: 'colSpan',
frameborder: 'frameBorder',
height: 'height',
maxlength: 'maxLength',
nonce: 'nonce',
role: 'role',
rowspan: 'rowSpan',
type: 'type',
usemap: 'useMap',
valign: 'vAlign',
width: 'width',
wb = function (a, b, c, d) {
function e(h) {
h && b.appendChild('string' === typeof h ? a.createTextNode(h) : h);
for (; d < c.length; d++) {
var f = c[d];
if (!la(f) || (ma(f) && 0 < f.nodeType)) e(f);
else {
a: {
if (f && 'number' == typeof f.length) {
if (ma(f)) {
var g = 'function' == typeof f.item || 'string' == typeof f.item;
break a;
if ('function' === typeof f) {
g = 'function' == typeof f.item;
break a;
g = !1;
Aa(g ? Ba(f) : f, e);
xb = function (a, b) {
b = String(b);
'application/xhtml+xml' === a.contentType && (b = b.toLowerCase());
return a.createElement(b);
yb = function (a) {
xa(a, 'Node cannot be null or undefined.');
return 9 == a.nodeType ? a : a.ownerDocument || a.document;
zb = function (a) {
this.B = a || q.document || document;
n = zb.prototype;
n.getElementsByTagName = function (a, b) {
return (b || this.B).getElementsByTagName(String(a));
n.fa = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.B,
e = arguments,
f = String(e[0]),
g = e[1];
if (!tb && g && ( || g.type)) {
f = ['<', f]; && f.push(' name="', cb(, '"');
if (g.type) {
f.push(' type="', cb(g.type), '"');
var h = {};
Fa(h, g);
delete h.type;
g = h;
f = f.join('');
f = xb(d, f);
g && ('string' === typeof g ? (f.className = g) : Array.isArray(g) ? (f.className = g.join(' ')) : vb(f, g));
2 < e.length && wb(d, f, e, 2);
return f;
n.createElement = function (a) {
return xb(this.B, a);
n.createTextNode = function (a) {
return this.B.createTextNode(String(a));
n.appendChild = function (a, b) {
xa(null != a && null != b, 'goog.dom.appendChild expects non-null arguments');
n.append = function (a, b) {
wb(yb(a), a, arguments, 1);
n.canHaveChildren = function (a) {
if (1 != a.nodeType) return !1;
switch (a.tagName) {
case 'APPLET':
case 'AREA':
case 'BASE':
case 'BR':
case 'COL':
case 'COMMAND':
case 'EMBED':
case 'FRAME':
case 'HR':
case 'IMG':
case 'INPUT':
case 'IFRAME':
case 'ISINDEX':
case 'KEYGEN':
case 'LINK':
case 'NOFRAMES':
case 'NOSCRIPT':
case 'META':
case 'OBJECT':
case 'PARAM':
case 'SCRIPT':
case 'SOURCE':
case 'STYLE':
case 'TRACK':
case 'WBR':
return !1;
return !0;
n.removeNode = function (a) {
return a && a.parentNode ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : null;
n.contains = function (a, b) {
if (!a || !b) return !1;
if (a.contains && 1 == b.nodeType) return a == b || a.contains(b);
if ('undefined' != typeof a.compareDocumentPosition) return a == b || !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
for (; b && a != b; ) b = b.parentNode;
return b == a;
}; /*
var B = window,
C = document,
Ab = B.location,
Bb = function () {},
Cb = /\[native code\]/,
D = function (a, b, c) {
return (a[b] = a[b] || c);
Db = function (a) {
for (var b = 0; b < this.length; b++) if (this[b] === a) return b;
return -1;
Eb = function (a) {
a = a.sort();
for (var b = [], c = void 0, d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a[d];
e != c && b.push(e);
c = e;
return b;
Fb = /&/g,
Gb = /</g,
Hb = />/g,
Ib = /"/g,
Jb = /'/g,
Kb = function (a) {
return String(a).replace(Fb, '&amp;').replace(Gb, '&lt;').replace(Hb, '&gt;').replace(Ib, '&quot;').replace(Jb, '&#39;');
E = function () {
var a;
if ((a = Object.create) && Cb.test(a)) a = a(null);
else {
a = {};
for (var b in a) a[b] = void 0;
return a;
F = function (a, b) {
return, b);
Lb = function (a) {
if (Cb.test(Object.keys)) return Object.keys(a);
var b = [],
for (c in a) F(a, c) && b.push(c);
return b;
G = function (a, b) {
a = a || {};
for (var c in a) F(a, c) && (b[c] = a[c]);
Mb = function (a) {
return function () {
B.setTimeout(a, 0);
H = function (a, b) {
if (!a) throw Error(b || '');
I = D(B, 'gapi', {});
var J = function (a, b, c) {
var d = new RegExp('([#].*&|[#])' + b + '=([^&#]*)', 'g');
b = new RegExp('([?#].*&|[?#])' + b + '=([^&#]*)', 'g');
if ((a = a && (d.exec(a) || b.exec(a))))
try {
c = decodeURIComponent(a[2]);
} catch (e) {}
return c;
Nb = new RegExp(
/^/.source +
/([a-zA-Z][-+.a-zA-Z0-9]*:)?/.source +
/(\/\/[^\/?#]*)?/.source +
/([^?#]*)?/.source +
/(\?([^#]*))?/.source +
/(#((#|[^#])*))?/.source +
Ob = /[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff]|[^!-~]/g,
Pb = new RegExp(
/(%([^0-9a-fA-F%]|[0-9a-fA-F]([^0-9a-fA-F%])?)?)*/.source + /%($|[^0-9a-fA-F]|[0-9a-fA-F]($|[^0-9a-fA-F]))/.source,
Qb = /%([a-f]|[0-9a-fA-F][a-f])/g,
Rb = /^(https?|ftp|file|chrome-extension):$/i,
Sb = function (a) {
a = String(a);
a = a
.replace(Ob, function (e) {
try {
return encodeURIComponent(e);
} catch (f) {
return encodeURIComponent(e.replace(/^[^%]+$/g, '\ufffd'));
.replace(Pb, function (e) {
return e.replace(/%/g, '%25');
.replace(Qb, function (e) {
return e.toUpperCase();
a = a.match(Nb) || [];
var b = E(),
c = function (e) {
return e
.replace(/\\/g, '%5C')
.replace(/\^/g, '%5E')
.replace(/`/g, '%60')
.replace(/\{/g, '%7B')
.replace(/\|/g, '%7C')
.replace(/\}/g, '%7D');
d = !!(a[1] || '').match(Rb);
b.A = c((a[1] || '') + (a[2] || '') + (a[3] || (a[2] && d ? '/' : '')));
d = function (e) {
return c(e.replace(/\?/g, '%3F').replace(/#/g, '%23'));
b.query = a[5] ? [d(a[5])] : [];
b.i = a[7] ? [d(a[7])] : [];
return b;
Tb = function (a) {
return a.A + (0 < a.query.length ? '?' + a.query.join('&') : '') + (0 < a.i.length ? '#' + a.i.join('&') : '');
Ub = function (a, b) {
var c = [];
if (a)
for (var d in a)
if (F(a, d) && null != a[d]) {
var e = b ? b(a[d]) : a[d];
c.push(encodeURIComponent(d) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(e));
return c;
Vb = function (a, b, c, d) {
a = Sb(a);
a.query.push.apply(a.query, Ub(b, d));
a.i.push.apply(a.i, Ub(c, d));
return Tb(a);
Wb = new RegExp(
/\/?\??#?/.source +
'(' +
/[\/?#]/i.source +
'|' +
/[\uD800-\uDBFF]/i.source +
'|' +
/%[c-f][0-9a-f](%[89ab][0-9a-f]){0,2}(%[89ab]?)?/i.source +
'|' +
/%[0-9a-f]?/i.source +
Xb = function (a, b) {
var c = Sb(b);
b = c.A;
c.query.length && (b += '?' + c.query.join(''));
c.i.length && (b += '#' + c.i.join(''));
var d = '';
2e3 < b.length && ((d = b), (b = b.substr(0, 2e3)), (b = b.replace(Wb, '')), (d = d.substr(b.length)));
var e = a.createElement('div');
a = a.createElement('a');
c = Sb(b);
b = c.A;
c.query.length && (b += '?' + c.query.join(''));
c.i.length && (b += '#' + c.i.join(''));
b = new x(b, Ra);
$a(a, 'HTMLAnchorElement');
b = b instanceof x ? b : Ua(b);
a.href = Sa(b);
b = e.innerHTML;
c = new r(Ha, 'Assignment to self.');
za(Ja(c), 'must provide justification');
xa(!/^[\s\xa0]*$/.test(Ja(c)), 'must provide non-empty justification');
void 0 === Ga && (Ga = sa('gapi#html'));
b = (c = Ga) ? c.createHTML(b) : b;
b = new A(b, null, Xa);
if (e.tagName && ab[e.tagName.toUpperCase()])
throw Error(' cannot be used to set content of ' + e.tagName + '.');
if (bb()) for (; e.lastChild; ) e.removeChild(e.lastChild);
e.innerHTML = Ya(b);
b = String(e.firstChild.href);
e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
c = Sb(b + d);
d = c.A;
c.query.length && (d += '?' + c.query.join(''));
c.i.length && (d += '#' + c.i.join(''));
return d;
Yb = /^https?:\/\/[^\/%\\?#\s]+\/[^\s]*$/i;
var Zb;
var $b = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (B[c + 'EventListener']) B[c + 'EventListener'](a, b, !1);
else if (B[d + 'tachEvent']) B[d + 'tachEvent']('on' + a, b);
ac = function () {
var a = C.readyState;
return 'complete' === a || ('interactive' === a && -1 == navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE'));
dc = function (a) {
var b = bc;
if (!ac())
try {
} catch (c) {}
cc = function (a) {
if (ac()) a();
else {
var b = !1,
c = function () {
if (!b) return (b = !0), a.apply(this, arguments);
? (B.addEventListener('load', c, !1), B.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', c, !1))
: B.attachEvent &&
(B.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', function () {
ac() && c.apply(this, arguments);
B.attachEvent('onload', c));
ec = function (a) {
for (; a.firstChild; ) a.removeChild(a.firstChild);
fc = { button: !0, div: !0, span: !0 };
var L;
L = D(B, '___jsl', E());
D(L, 'I', 0);
D(L, 'hel', 10);
var gc = function (a) {
return L.dpo ? L.h : J(a, 'jsh', L.h);
hc = function (a) {
var b = D(L, 'sws', []);
b.push.apply(b, a);
ic = function (a) {
return D(L, 'watt', E())[a];
jc = function (a) {
var b = D(L, 'PQ', []);
L.PQ = [];
var c = b.length;
if (0 === c) a();
for (
var d = 0,
e = function () {
++d === c && a();
f = 0;
f < c;
kc = function (a) {
return D(D(L, 'H', E()), a, E());
var lc = D(L, 'perf', E()),
mc = D(lc, 'g', E()),
nc = D(lc, 'i', E());
D(lc, 'r', []);
var oc = function (a, b, c) {
var d = lc.r;
'function' === typeof d ? d(a, b, c) : d.push([a, b, c]);
N = function (a, b, c) {
mc[a] = (!b && mc[a]) || c || new Date().getTime();
qc = function (a, b, c) {
b &&
0 < b.length &&
((b = pc(b)),
c && 0 < c.length && (b += '___' + pc(c)),
28 < b.length && (b = b.substr(0, 28) + (b.length - 28)),
(c = b),
(b = D(nc, '_p', E())),
(D(b, c, E())[a] = new Date().getTime()),
oc(a, '_p', c));
pc = function (a) {
return a.join('__').replace(/\./g, '_').replace(/\-/g, '_').replace(/,/g, '_');
var rc = E(),
sc = [],
O = function (a) {
throw Error('Bad hint' + (a ? ': ' + a : ''));
function (a) {
for (var b in a)
if (F(a, b)) {
var c = a[b];
'object' == typeof c ? (L[b] = D(L, b, []).concat(c)) : D(L, b, c);
if ((b = a.u)) (a = D(L, 'us', [])), a.push(b), (b = /^https:(.*)$/.exec(b)) && a.push('http:' + b[1]);
var tc = /^(\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)+$/,
uc = [/\/amp\//, /\/amp$/, /^\/amp$/],
vc = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.,!]+$/,
wc = /^gapi\.loaded_[0-9]+$/,
xc = /^[a-zA-Z0-9,._-]+$/,
Bc = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = a.split(';'),
g = f.shift(),
h = rc[g],
k = null;
h ? (k = h(f, b, c, d)) : O('no hint processor for: ' + g);
k || O('failed to generate load url');
b = k;
c = b.match(yc);
((d = b.match(zc)) && 1 === d.length && Ac.test(b) && c && 1 === c.length) || O('failed sanity: ' + a);
try {
e && 0 < e.length && (k = k + '?le=' + e.join(','));
} catch (l) {}
return k;
Ec = function (a, b, c, d) {
a = Cc(a);
wc.test(c) || O('invalid_callback');
b = Dc(b);
d = d && d.length ? Dc(d) : null;
var e = function (f) {
return encodeURIComponent(f).replace(/%2C/g, ',');
return [
encodeURIComponent(a.pathPrefix).replace(/%2C/g, ',').replace(/%2F/g, '/'),
d ? '/exm=' + e(d) : '',
a.T ? '/am=' + e(a.T) : '',
a.Z ? '/rs=' + e(a.Z) : '',
a.aa ? '/t=' + e(a.aa) : '',
Cc = function (a) {
'/' !== a.charAt(0) && O('relative path');
for (var b = a.substring(1).split('/'), c = []; b.length; ) {
a = b.shift();
if (!a.length || 0 == a.indexOf('.')) O('empty/relative directory');
else if (0 < a.indexOf('=')) {
a = {};
for (var d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; ++d) {
var f = b[d].split('='),
g = decodeURIComponent(f[0]),
h = decodeURIComponent(f[1]);
2 == f.length && g && h && (a[g] = a[g] || h);
b = '/' + c.join('/');
tc.test(b) || O('invalid_prefix');
c = 0;
for (d = uc.length; c < d; ++c) uc[c].test(b) && O('invalid_prefix');
c = Fc(a, 'k', !0);
d = Fc(a, 'am');
e = Fc(a, 'rs');
a = Fc(a, 't');
return { pathPrefix: b, version: c, T: d, Z: e, aa: a };
Dc = function (a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; ++c) {
var e = a[c].replace(/\./g, '_').replace(/-/g, '_');
xc.test(e) && b.push(e);
return b.join(',');
Fc = function (a, b, c) {
a = a[b];
!a && c && O('missing: ' + b);
if (a) {
if (vc.test(a)) return a;
O('invalid: ' + b);
return null;
Ac = /^https?:\/\/[a-z0-9_.-]+\.google(rs)?\.com(:\d+)?\/[a-zA-Z0-9_.,!=\-\/]+$/,
zc = /\/cb=/g,
yc = /\/\//g,
Gc = function () {
var a = gc(Ab.href);
if (!a) throw Error('Bad hint');
return a;
rc.m = function (a, b, c, d) {
(a = a[0]) || O('missing_hint');
return '' + Ec(a, b, c, d);
var Hc = decodeURI('%73cript'),
Ic = /^[-+_0-9\/A-Za-z]+={0,2}$/,
Jc = function (a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; ++d) {
var e = a[d];
e && 0 >, e) && c.push(e);
return c;
Kc = function () {
var a = L.nonce;
return void 0 !== a
? a && a === String(a) && a.match(Ic)
? a
: (L.nonce = null)
: C.querySelector
? (a = C.querySelector('script[nonce]'))
? ((a = a.nonce || a.getAttribute('nonce') || ''), a && a === String(a) && a.match(Ic) ? (L.nonce = a) : (L.nonce = null))
: null
: null;
Nc = function (a) {
if ('loading' != C.readyState) Lc(a);
else {
var b = Kc(),
c = '';
null !== b && (c = ' nonce="' + b + '"');
a = '<' + Hc + ' src="' + encodeURI(a) + '"' + c + '></' + Hc + '>';
C.write(Mc ? Mc.createHTML(a) : a);
Lc = function (a) {
var b = C.createElement(Hc);
b.setAttribute('src', Mc ? Mc.createScriptURL(a) : a);
a = Kc();
null !== a && b.setAttribute('nonce', a);
b.async = 'true';
(a = C.getElementsByTagName(Hc)[0]) ? a.parentNode.insertBefore(b, a) : (C.head || C.body || C.documentElement).appendChild(b);
Oc = function (a, b) {
var c = b && b._c;
if (c)
for (var d = 0; d < sc.length; d++) {
var e = sc[d][0],
f = sc[d][1];
f && F(c, e) && f(c[e], a, b);
Qc = function (a, b, c) {
Pc(function () {
var d = b === gc(Ab.href) ? D(I, '_', E()) : E();
d = D(kc(b), '_', d);
}, c);
Sc = function (a, b) {
var c = b || {};
'function' == typeof b && ((c = {}), (c.callback = b));
Oc(a, c);
b = a ? a.split(':') : [];
var d = c.h || Gc(),
e = D(L, 'ah', E());
if (e['::'] && b.length) {
a = [];
for (var f = null; (f = b.shift()); ) {
var g = f.split('.');
g = e[f] || e[(g[1] && 'ns:' + g[0]) || ''] || d;
var h = (a.length && a[a.length - 1]) || null,
k = h;
(h && h.hint == g) || ((k = { hint: g, features: [] }), a.push(k));
var l = a.length;
if (1 < l) {
var m = c.callback;
m &&
(c.callback = function () {
0 == --l && m();
for (; (b = a.shift()); ) Rc(b.features, c, b.hint);
} else Rc(b || [], c, d);
Rc = function (a, b, c) {
a = Eb(a) || [];
var d = b.callback,
e = b.config,
f = b.timeout,
g = b.ontimeout,
h = b.onerror,
k = void 0;
'function' == typeof h && (k = h);
var l = null,
m = !1;
if ((f && !g) || (!f && g)) throw 'Timeout requires both the timeout parameter and ontimeout parameter to be set';
h = D(kc(c), 'r', []).sort();
var t = D(kc(c), 'L', []).sort(),
u = L.le,
p = [].concat(h),
K = function (R, ha) {
if (m) return 0;
t.push.apply(t, y);
var ia = ((I || {}).config || {}).update;
ia ? ia(e) : e && D(L, 'cu', []).push(e);
if (ha) {
qc('me0', R, p);
try {
Qc(ha, c, k);
} finally {
qc('me1', R, p);
return 1;
0 < f &&
(l = B.setTimeout(function () {
m = !0;
}, f));
var y = Jc(a, t);
if (y.length) {
y = Jc(a, h);
var v = D(L, 'CP', []),
M = v.length;
v[M] = function (R) {
if (!R) return 0;
qc('ml1', y, p);
var ha = function (Da) {
v[M] = null;
K(y, R) &&
jc(function () {
d && d();
ia = function () {
var Da = v[M + 1];
Da && Da();
0 < M && v[M - 1]
? (v[M] = function () {
: ha(ia);
if (y.length) {
var gb = 'loaded_' + L.I++;
I[gb] = function (R) {
I[gb] = null;
a = Bc(c, y, 'gapi.' + gb, h, u);
h.push.apply(h, y);
qc('ml0', y, p);
b.sync || B.___gapisync ? Nc(a) : Lc(a);
} else v[M](Bb);
} else K(y) && d && d();
Mc = sa('gapi#gapi');
var Pc = function (a, b) {
if (L.hee && 0 < L.hel)
try {
return a();
} catch (c) {
b && b(c),
Sc('debug_error', function () {
try {
} catch (d) {
throw c;
try {
return a();
} catch (c) {
throw (b && b(c), c);
I.load = function (a, b) {
return Pc(function () {
return Sc(a, b);
var Tc = function (a) {
var b = (window.___jsl = window.___jsl || {});
b[a] = b[a] || [];
return b[a];
Uc = function (a) {
var b = (window.___jsl = window.___jsl || {});
b.cfg = (!a && b.cfg) || {};
return b.cfg;
Vc = function (a) {
return 'object' === typeof a && /\[native code\]/.test(a.push);
P = function (a, b, c) {
if (b && 'object' === typeof b)
for (var d in b)
!, d) ||
(c && '___goc' === d && 'undefined' === typeof b[d]) ||
(a[d] && b[d] && 'object' === typeof a[d] && 'object' === typeof b[d] && !Vc(a[d]) && !Vc(b[d])
? P(a[d], b[d])
: b[d] && 'object' === typeof b[d]
? ((a[d] = Vc(b[d]) ? [] : {}), P(a[d], b[d]))
: (a[d] = b[d]));
Wc = function (a) {
if (a && !/^\s+$/.test(a)) {
for (; 0 == a.charCodeAt(a.length - 1); ) a = a.substring(0, a.length - 1);
try {
var b = window.JSON.parse(a);
} catch (c) {}
if ('object' === typeof b) return b;
try {
b = new Function('return (' + a + '\n)')();
} catch (c) {}
if ('object' === typeof b) return b;
try {
b = new Function('return ({' + a + '\n})')();
} catch (c) {}
return 'object' === typeof b ? b : {};
Xc = function (a, b) {
var c = { ___goc: void 0 };
a.length &&
a[a.length - 1] &&[a.length - 1], '___goc') &&
'undefined' === typeof a[a.length - 1].___goc &&
(c = a.pop());
P(c, b);
Yc = function (a) {
var b = window.___gcfg,
c = Tc('cu'),
d = window.___gu;
b && b !== d && (Xc(c, b), (window.___gu = b));
b = Tc('cu');
var e = document.scripts || document.getElementsByTagName('script') || [];
d = [];
var f = [];
f.push.apply(f, Tc('us'));
for (var g = 0; g < e.length; ++g) for (var h = e[g], k = 0; k < f.length; ++k) h.src && 0 == h.src.indexOf(f[k]) && d.push(h);
0 == d.length && 0 < e.length && e[e.length - 1].src && d.push(e[e.length - 1]);
for (e = 0; e < d.length; ++e)
d[e].getAttribute('gapi_processed') ||
(d[e].setAttribute('gapi_processed', !0),
(f = d[e]) ? ((g = f.nodeType), (f = 3 == g || 4 == g ? f.nodeValue : f.textContent || '')) : (f = void 0),
(f = Wc(f)) && b.push(f));
a && Xc(c, a);
d = Tc('cd');
a = 0;
for (b = d.length; a < b; ++a) P(Uc(), d[a], !0);
d = Tc('ci');
a = 0;
for (b = d.length; a < b; ++a) P(Uc(), d[a], !0);
a = 0;
for (b = c.length; a < b; ++a) P(Uc(), c[a], !0);
Q = function (a) {
var b = Uc();
if (!a) return b;
a = a.split('/');
for (var c = 0, d = a.length; b && 'object' === typeof b && c < d; ++c) b = b[a[c]];
return c === a.length && void 0 !== b ? b : void 0;
Zc = function (a, b) {
var c;
if ('string' === typeof a) {
var d = (c = {});
a = a.split('/');
for (var e = 0, f = a.length; e < f - 1; ++e) {
var g = {};
d = d[a[e]] = g;
d[a[e]] = b;
} else c = a;
var $c = function () {
var a = window.__GOOGLEAPIS;
a &&
(a.googleapis && !a['googleapis.config'] && (a['googleapis.config'] = a.googleapis),
D(L, 'ci', []).push(a),
(window.__GOOGLEAPIS = void 0));
var ad = { callback: 1, clientid: 1, cookiepolicy: 1, openidrealm: -1, includegrantedscopes: -1, requestvisibleactions: 1, scope: 1 },
bd = !1,
cd = E(),
dd = function () {
if (!bd) {
for (var a = document.getElementsByTagName('meta'), b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) {
var c = a[b].name.toLowerCase();
if (0 == c.lastIndexOf('google-signin-', 0)) {
c = c.substring(14);
var d = a[b].content;
ad[c] && d && (cd[c] = d);
if (window.self !== {
a = document.location.toString();
for (var e in ad) 0 < ad[e] && (b = J(a, e, '')) && (cd[e] = b);
bd = !0;
e = E();
G(cd, e);
return e;
ed = function (a) {
return !!(a.clientid && a.scope && a.callback);
var fd = window.console,
gd = function (a) {
fd && fd.log && fd.log(a);
var hd = function () {
return !!L.oa;
id = function () {};
var S = D(L, 'rw', E()),
jd = function (a) {
for (var b in S) a(S[b]);
kd = function (a, b) {
(a = S[a]) && a.state < b && (a.state = b);
var T = function (a) {
var b = (window.___jsl = window.___jsl || {});
b.cfg = b.cfg || {};
b = b.cfg;
if (!a) return b;
a = a.split('/');
for (var c = 0, d = a.length; b && 'object' === typeof b && c < d; ++c) b = b[a[c]];
return c === a.length && void 0 !== b ? b : void 0;
var ld = /^https?:\/\/(?:\w|[\-\.])+\.google\.(?:\w|[\-:\.])+(?:\/[^\?#]*)?\/u\/(\d)\//,
md = /^https?:\/\/(?:\w|[\-\.])+\.google\.(?:\w|[\-:\.])+(?:\/[^\?#]*)?\/b\/(\d{10,21})\//,
nd = function (a) {
var b = T('googleapis.config/sessionIndex');
'string' === typeof b && 254 < b.length && (b = null);
null == b && (b = window.__X_GOOG_AUTHUSER);
'string' === typeof b && 254 < b.length && (b = null);
if (null == b) {
var c =;
c && (b = c.authuser);
'string' === typeof b && 254 < b.length && (b = null);
null == b && ((a = a || window.location.href), (b = J(a, 'authuser') || null), null == b && (b = (b = a.match(ld)) ? b[1] : null));
if (null == b) return null;
b = String(b);
254 < b.length && (b = null);
return b;
od = function (a) {
var b = T('googleapis.config/sessionDelegate');
'string' === typeof b && 21 < b.length && (b = null);
null == b && (b = (a = (a || window.location.href).match(md)) ? a[1] : null);
if (null == b) return null;
b = String(b);
21 < b.length && (b = null);
return b;
var pd,
V = void 0,
W = function (a) {
try {
return, a);
} catch (b) {
return !1;
X = function (a) {
qd = X(0),
rd = X(new Date(0)),
sd = X(!0),
td = X(''),
ud = X({}),
vd = X([]),
Y = function (a, b) {
if (b) for (var c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; ++c) if (a === b[c]) throw new TypeError('Converting circular structure to JSON');
d = typeof a;
if ('undefined' !== d) {
c = || [], 0);
c[c.length] = a;
b = [];
var e = X(a);
if (
null != a &&
'function' === typeof a.toJSON &&
(, 'toJSON') ||
((e !== vd || (a.constructor !== Array && a.constructor !== Object)) &&
(e !== ud || (a.constructor !== Array && a.constructor !== Object)) &&
e !== td &&
e !== qd &&
e !== sd &&
e !== rd))
return Y(, c);
if (null == a) b[b.length] = 'null';
else if (e === qd)
(a = Number(a)), isNaN(a) || isNaN(a - a) ? (a = 'null') : -0 === a && 0 > 1 / a && (a = '-0'), (b[b.length] = String(a));
else if (e === sd) b[b.length] = String(!!Number(a));
else {
if (e === rd) return Y(, c);
if (e === vd && X(a.length) === qd) {
b[b.length] = '[';
var f = 0;
for (d = Number(a.length) >> 0; f < d; ++f) f && (b[b.length] = ','), (b[b.length] = Y(a[f], c) || 'null');
b[b.length] = ']';
} else if (e == td && X(a.length) === qd) {
b[b.length] = '"';
f = 0;
for (c = Number(a.length) >> 0; f < c; ++f)
(d =, f)),
(e =, f)),
(b[b.length] =
'\b' === d
? '\\b'
: '\f' === d
? '\\f'
: '\n' === d
? '\\n'
: '\r' === d
? '\\r'
: '\t' === d
? '\\t'
: '\\' === d || '"' === d
? '\\' + d
: 31 >= e
? '\\u' + (e + 65536).toString(16).substr(1)
: 32 <= e && 65535 >= e
? d
: '\ufffd');
b[b.length] = '"';
} else if ('object' === d) {
b[b.length] = '{';
d = 0;
for (f in a), f) &&
((e = Y(a[f], c)),
void 0 !== e && (d++ && (b[b.length] = ','), (b[b.length] = Y(f)), (b[b.length] = ':'), (b[b.length] = e)));
b[b.length] = '}';
} else return;
return b.join('');
wd = /[\0-\x07\x0b\x0e-\x1f]/,
xd = /^([^"]*"([^\\"]|\\.)*")*[^"]*"([^"\\]|\\.)*[\0-\x1f]/,
yd = /^([^"]*"([^\\"]|\\.)*")*[^"]*"([^"\\]|\\.)*\\[^\\\/"bfnrtu]/,
zd = /^([^"]*"([^\\"]|\\.)*")*[^"]*"([^"\\]|\\.)*\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{0,3}[^0-9a-fA-F])/,
Ad = /"([^\0-\x1f\\"]|\\[\\\/"bfnrt]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})*"/g,
Bd = /-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?/g,
Cd = /[ \t\n\r]+/g,
Dd = /[^"]:/,
Ed = /""/g,
Fd = /true|false|null/g,
Gd = /00/,
Hd = /[\{]([^0\}]|0[^:])/,
Id = /(^|\[)[,:]|[,:](\]|\}|[,:]|$)/,
Jd = /[^\[,:][\[\{]/,
Kd = /^(\{|\}|\[|\]|,|:|0)+/,
Ld = /\u2028/g,
Md = /\u2029/g,
Nd = function (a) {
a = String(a);
if (wd.test(a) || xd.test(a) || yd.test(a) || zd.test(a)) return !1;
var b = a.replace(Ad, '""');
b = b.replace(Bd, '0');
b = b.replace(Cd, '');
if (Dd.test(b)) return !1;
b = b.replace(Ed, '0');
b = b.replace(Fd, '0');
if (Gd.test(b) || Hd.test(b) || Id.test(b) || Jd.test(b) || !b || (b = b.replace(Kd, ''))) return !1;
a = a.replace(Ld, '\\u2028').replace(Md, '\\u2029');
b = void 0;
try {
b = V ? [W(a)] : eval('(function (var_args) {\n return, 0);\n})(\n' + a + '\n)');
} catch (c) {
return !1;
return b && 1 === b.length ? b[0] : !1;
Od = function () {
var a = ((q.document || {}).scripts || []).length;
if ((void 0 === pd || void 0 === V || U !== a) && -1 !== U) {
pd = V = !1;
U = -1;
try {
try {
V =
!!q.JSON &&
'{"a":[3,true,"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"]}' ===, { a: [3, !0, new Date(0)], c: function () {} }) &&
!0 === W('true') &&
3 === W('[{"a":3}]')[0].a;
} catch (b) {}
pd = V && !W('[00]') && !W('"\u0007"') && !W('"\\0"') && !W('"\\v"');
} finally {
U = a;
Pd = function (a) {
if (-1 === U) return !1;
return (pd ? W : Nd)(a);
Qd = function (a) {
if (-1 !== U) return Od(), V ?, a) : Y(a);
Rd =
!Date.prototype.toISOString ||
'function' !== typeof Date.prototype.toISOString ||
'1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' !== new Date(0).toISOString(),
Sd = function () {
var a =;
return [
0 > a ? '-' + String(1e6 - a).substr(1) : 9999 >= a ? String(1e4 + a).substr(1) : '+' + String(1e6 + a).substr(1),
String(101 +,
String(100 +,
String(100 +,
String(100 +,
String(100 +,
String(1e3 +,
Date.prototype.toISOString = Rd ? Sd : Date.prototype.toISOString;
var Td = function () {
this.blockSize = -1;
var Ud = function () {
this.blockSize = -1;
this.blockSize = 64;
this.g = [];
this.K = [];
this.da = [];
this.G = [];
this.G[0] = 128;
for (var a = 1; a < this.blockSize; ++a) this.G[a] = 0;
this.H = this.o = 0;
qa(Ud, Td);
Ud.prototype.reset = function () {
this.g[0] = 1732584193;
this.g[1] = 4023233417;
this.g[2] = 2562383102;
this.g[3] = 271733878;
this.g[4] = 3285377520;
this.H = this.o = 0;
var Vd = function (a, b, c) {
c || (c = 0);
var d = a.da;
if ('string' === typeof b)
for (var e = 0; 16 > e; e++)
(d[e] = (b.charCodeAt(c) << 24) | (b.charCodeAt(c + 1) << 16) | (b.charCodeAt(c + 2) << 8) | b.charCodeAt(c + 3)), (c += 4);
else for (e = 0; 16 > e; e++) (d[e] = (b[c] << 24) | (b[c + 1] << 16) | (b[c + 2] << 8) | b[c + 3]), (c += 4);
for (e = 16; 80 > e; e++) {
var f = d[e - 3] ^ d[e - 8] ^ d[e - 14] ^ d[e - 16];
d[e] = ((f << 1) | (f >>> 31)) & 4294967295;
b = a.g[0];
c = a.g[1];
var g = a.g[2],
h = a.g[3],
k = a.g[4];
for (e = 0; 80 > e; e++) {
if (40 > e)
if (20 > e) {
f = h ^ (c & (g ^ h));
var l = 1518500249;
} else (f = c ^ g ^ h), (l = 1859775393);
else 60 > e ? ((f = (c & g) | (h & (c | g))), (l = 2400959708)) : ((f = c ^ g ^ h), (l = 3395469782));
f = (((b << 5) | (b >>> 27)) + f + k + l + d[e]) & 4294967295;
k = h;
h = g;
g = ((c << 30) | (c >>> 2)) & 4294967295;
c = b;
b = f;
a.g[0] = (a.g[0] + b) & 4294967295;
a.g[1] = (a.g[1] + c) & 4294967295;
a.g[2] = (a.g[2] + g) & 4294967295;
a.g[3] = (a.g[3] + h) & 4294967295;
a.g[4] = (a.g[4] + k) & 4294967295;
Ud.prototype.update = function (a, b) {
if (null != a) {
void 0 === b && (b = a.length);
for (var c = b - this.blockSize, d = 0, e = this.K, f = this.o; d < b; ) {
if (0 == f) for (; d <= c; ) Vd(this, a, d), (d += this.blockSize);
if ('string' === typeof a)
for (; d < b; ) {
if (((e[f] = a.charCodeAt(d)), ++f, ++d, f == this.blockSize)) {
Vd(this, e);
f = 0;
for (; d < b; )
if (((e[f] = a[d]), ++f, ++d, f == this.blockSize)) {
Vd(this, e);
f = 0;
this.o = f;
this.H += b;
Ud.prototype.digest = function () {
var a = [],
b = 8 * this.H;
56 > this.o ? this.update(this.G, 56 - this.o) : this.update(this.G, this.blockSize - (this.o - 56));
for (var c = this.blockSize - 1; 56 <= c; c--) (this.K[c] = b & 255), (b /= 256);
Vd(this, this.K);
for (c = b = 0; 5 > c; c++) for (var d = 24; 0 <= d; d -= 8) (a[b] = (this.g[c] >> d) & 255), ++b;
return a;
var Wd = function () {
this.P = new Ud();
Wd.prototype.reset = function () {
var Xd = B.crypto,
Yd = !1,
Zd = 0,
$d = 0,
ae = 1,
be = 0,
ce = '',
de = function (a) {
a = a || B.event;
var b = (a.screenX + a.clientX) << 16;
b += a.screenY + a.clientY;
b *= new Date().getTime() % 1e6;
ae = (ae * b) % be;
0 < Zd && ++$d == Zd && $b('mousemove', de, 'remove', 'de');
ee = function (a) {
var b = new Wd();
a = unescape(encodeURIComponent(a));
for (var c = [], d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d) c.push(a.charCodeAt(d));
b = b.P.digest();
a = '';
for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++) a += '0123456789ABCDEF'.charAt(Math.floor(b[c] / 16)) + '0123456789ABCDEF'.charAt(b[c] % 16);
return a;
Yd = !!Xd && 'function' == typeof Xd.getRandomValues;
Yd ||
((be = 1e6 * (screen.width * screen.width + screen.height)),
(ce = ee(C.cookie + '|' + C.location + '|' + new Date().getTime() + '|' + Math.random())),
(Zd = T('random/maxObserveMousemove') || 0),
0 != Zd && $b('mousemove', de, 'add', 'at'));
var fe = function () {
var a =;
if (!a) {
a = E(); = a;
var b = E();
a.e = function (c) {
var d = b[c];
d && (delete b[c], d());
a.a = function (c, d) {
b[c] = d;
a.r = function (c) {
delete b[c];
return a;
ge = function (a, b) {
b = b.onload;
return 'function' === typeof b ? (fe().a(a, b), b) : null;
he = function (a) {
H(/^\w+$/.test(a), 'Unsupported id - ' + a);
return 'onload=";' + a + '&#34;)"';
ie = function (a) {
var je = {
allowtransparency: 'true',
frameborder: '0',
hspace: '0',
marginheight: '0',
marginwidth: '0',
scrolling: 'no',
style: '',
tabindex: '0',
vspace: '0',
width: '100%',
ke = { allowtransparency: !0, onload: !0 },
le = 0,
me = function (a) {
H(!a || Yb.test(a), 'Illegal url for new iframe - ' + a);
ne = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f,
g = ge(d, c),
h = g ? he(d) : '';
try {
document.all &&
(f = a.createElement(
'<iframe frameborder="' +
Kb(String(c.frameborder)) +
'" scrolling="' +
Kb(String(c.scrolling)) +
'" ' +
h +
' name="' +
Kb(String( +
} catch (l) {
} finally {
f ||
((f = (a ? new zb(yb(a)) : ua || (ua = new zb())).fa('IFRAME')),
g &&
((f.onload = function () {
f.onload = null;;
f.setAttribute('ng-non-bindable', '');
for (var k in c) (a = c[k]), 'style' === k && 'object' === typeof a ? G(a, : ke[k] || f.setAttribute(k, String(a));
(k = (e && e.beforeNode) || null) || (e && e.dontclear) || ec(b);
b.insertBefore(f, k);
f = k ? k.previousSibling : b.lastChild;
c.allowtransparency && (f.allowTransparency = !0);
return f;
var oe = /^:[\w]+$/,
pe = /:([a-zA-Z_]+):/g,
qe = function () {
var a = nd() || '0',
b = od();
var c = nd(void 0) || a;
var d = od(void 0),
e = '';
c && (e += 'u/' + encodeURIComponent(String(c)) + '/');
d && (e += 'b/' + encodeURIComponent(String(d)) + '/');
c = e || null;
(e = (d = !1 === T('isLoggedIn')) ? '_/im/' : '') && (c = '');
var f = T('iframes/:socialhost:'),
g = T('iframes/:im_socialhost:');
return (Zb = { socialhost: f, ctx_socialhost: d ? g : f, session_index: a, session_delegate: b, session_prefix: c, im_prefix: e });
re = function (a, b) {
return qe()[b] || '';
se = function (a) {
return function (b, c) {
return a ? qe()[c] || a[c] || '' : qe()[c] || '';
var te = function (a) {
var b;
a.match(/^https?%3A/i) && (b = decodeURIComponent(a));
return Xb(document, b ? b : a);
ue = function (a) {
a = a || 'canonical';
for (var b = document.getElementsByTagName('link'), c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; c++) {
var e = b[c],
f = e.getAttribute('rel');
if (f && f.toLowerCase() == a && (e = e.getAttribute('href')) && (e = te(e)) && null != e.match(/^https?:\/\/[\w\-_\.]+/i))
return e;
return window.location.href;
var ve = { se: '0' },
we = { post: !0 },
xe = { style: 'position:absolute;top:-10000px;width:450px;margin:0px;border-style:none' },
ye = 'onPlusOne _ready _close _open _resizeMe _renderstart oncircled drefresh erefresh'.split(' '),
ze = D(L, 'WI', E()),
Ae = function (a, b, c) {
var d;
var e = {};
var f = (d = a);
'plus' == a && b.action && ((d = a + '_' + b.action), (f = a + '/' + b.action));
(d = Q('iframes/' + d + '/url')) || (d = ':im_socialhost:/:session_prefix::im_prefix:_/widget/render/' + f + '?usegapi=1');
for (var g in ve) e[g] = g + '/' + (b[g] || ve[g]) + '/';
e = Xb(C, d.replace(pe, se(e)));
g = 'iframes/' + a + '/params/';
f = {};
G(b, f);
(d = Q('lang') || Q('gwidget/lang')) && (f.hl = d);
we[a] || (f.origin = window.location.origin || window.location.protocol + '//' +;
f.exp = Q(g + 'exp');
if ((g = Q(g + 'location')))
for (d = 0; d < g.length; d++) {
var h = g[d];
f[h] = B.location[h];
switch (a) {
case 'plus':
case 'follow':
g = f.href;
d = b.action ? void 0 : 'publisher';
g = (g = 'string' == typeof g ? g : void 0) ? te(g) : ue(d);
f.url = g;
delete f.href;
case 'plusone':
g = (g = b.href) ? te(g) : ue();
f.url = g;
g = b.db;
d = Q();
null == g && d && ((g = d.db), null == g && (g = d.gwidget && d.gwidget.db));
f.db = g || void 0;
g = b.ecp;
d = Q();
null == g && d && ((g = d.ecp), null == g && (g = d.gwidget && d.gwidget.ecp));
f.ecp = g || void 0;
delete f.href;
case 'signin':
f.url = ue();
L.ILI && (f.iloader = '1');
delete f['data-onload'];
delete f.rd;
for (var k in ve) f[k] && delete f[k];
f.gsrc = Q('iframes/:source:');
k = Q('inline/css');
'undefined' !== typeof k && 0 < c && k >= c && (f.ic = '1');
k = /^#|^fr-/;
c = {};
for (var l in f) F(f, l) && k.test(l) && ((c[l.replace(k, '')] = f[l]), delete f[l]);
l = 'q' == Q('iframes/' + a + '/params/si') ? f : c;
k = dd();
for (var m in k) !F(k, m) || F(f, m) || F(c, m) || (l[m] = k[m]);
m = [].concat(ye);
(l = Q('iframes/' + a + '/methods')) && 'object' === typeof l && Cb.test(l.push) && (m = m.concat(l));
for (var t in b) F(b, t) && /^on/.test(t) && ('plus' != a || 'onconnect' != t) && (m.push(t), delete f[t]);
delete f.callback;
c._methods = m.join(',');
return Vb(e, f, c);
Be = ['style', 'data-gapiscan'],
De = function (a) {
for (var b = E(), c = 0 != a.nodeName.toLowerCase().indexOf('g:'), d = 0, e = a.attributes.length; d < e; d++) {
var f = a.attributes[d],
g =,
h = f.value;
0 <=, g) ||
(c && 0 != g.indexOf('data-')) ||
'null' === h ||
('specified' in f && !f.specified) ||
(c && (g = g.substr(5)), (b[g.toLowerCase()] = h));
a =;
(c = Ce(a && a.height)) && (b.height = String(c));
(a = Ce(a && a.width)) && (b.width = String(a));
return b;
Ce = function (a) {
var b = void 0;
'number' === typeof a ? (b = a) : 'string' === typeof a && (b = parseInt(a, 10));
return b;
Fe = function () {
var a = L.drw;
jd(function (b) {
if (a !== && 4 != b.state && 'share' != b.type) {
var c =,
d = b.type,
e = b.url;
b = b.userParams;
var f = C.getElementById(c);
if (f) {
var g = Ae(d, b, 0);
? ((f = f.parentNode),
e.replace(/#.*/, '').replace(/(\?|&)ic=1/, '') !== g.replace(/#.*/, '').replace(/(\?|&)ic=1/, '') &&
((b.dontclear = !0), (b.rd = !0), (b.ri = !0), (b.type = d), Ee(f, b), (d = S[]) && (d.oid = c), kd(c, 4)))
: delete S[c];
} else delete S[c];
var Ge,
Le = /(?:^|\s)g-((\S)*)(?:$|\s)/,
Me = { plusone: !0, autocomplete: !0, profile: !0, signin: !0, signin2: !0 };
Ge = D(L, 'SW', E());
He = D(L, 'SA', E());
Ie = D(L, 'SM', E());
Je = D(L, 'FW', []);
Ke = null;
var Oe = function (a, b) {
Ne(void 0, !1, a, b);
Ne = function (a, b, c, d) {
N('ps0', !0);
c = ('string' === typeof c ? document.getElementById(c) : c) || C;
var e = C.documentMode;
if (c.querySelectorAll && (!e || 8 < e)) {
e = d ? [d] : Lb(Ge).concat(Lb(He)).concat(Lb(Ie));
for (var f = [], g = 0; g < e.length; g++) {
var h = e[g];
f.push('.g-' + h, 'g\\:' + h);
e = c.querySelectorAll(f.join(','));
} else e = c.getElementsByTagName('*');
c = E();
for (f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
g = e[f];
var k = g;
h = d;
var l = k.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
m = void 0;
if (k.getAttribute('data-gapiscan')) h = null;
else {
var t = l.indexOf('g:');
0 == t ? (m = l.substr(2)) : (t = (t = String(k.className || k.getAttribute('class'))) && Le.exec(t)) && (m = t[1]);
h = !m || !(Ge[m] || He[m] || Ie[m]) || (h && m !== h) ? null : m;
h &&
(Me[h] || 0 == g.nodeName.toLowerCase().indexOf('g:') || 0 != Lb(De(g)).length) &&
(g.setAttribute('data-gapiscan', !0), D(c, h, []).push(g));
if (b) for (var u in c) for (b = c[u], d = 0; d < b.length; d++) b[d].setAttribute('data-onload', !0);
for (var p in c) Je.push(p);
N('ps1', !0);
if ((u = Je.join(':')) || a)
try {
I.load(u, a);
} catch (y) {
if (Pe(Ke || {}))
for (var K in c) {
a = c[K];
p = 0;
for (b = a.length; p < b; p++) a[p].removeAttribute('data-gapiscan');
else {
d = [];
for (K in c) for (a = c[K], p = 0, b = a.length; p < b; p++) (e = a[p]), Re(K, e, De(e), d, b);
Se(u, d);
Te = function (a) {
var b = D(I, a, {});
b.go ||
((b.go = function (c) {
return Oe(c, a);
(b.render = function (c, d) {
d = d || {};
d.type = a;
return Ee(c, d);
Ue = function (a) {
Ge[a] = !0;
Ve = function (a) {
He[a] = !0;
We = function (a) {
Ie[a] = !0;
var Qe = function (a, b) {
var c = ic(a);
b && c
? (c(b), (c = b.iframeNode) && c.setAttribute('data-gapiattached', !0))
: I.load(a, function () {
var d = ic(a),
e = b && b.iframeNode,
f = b && b.userParams;
e && d ? (d(b), e.setAttribute('data-gapiattached', !0)) : ((d = I[a].go), 'signin2' == a ? d(e, f) : d(e && e.parentNode, f));
Pe = function () {
return !1;
Se = function () {},
Re = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
switch (Xe(b, a, f)) {
case 0:
a = Ie[a] ? a + '_annotation' : a;
d = {};
d.iframeNode = b;
d.userParams = c;
Qe(a, d);
case 1:
if (b.parentNode) {
for (var h in c) {
if ((f = F(c, h)))
(f = c[h]),
(f =
!!f &&
'object' === typeof f &&
(!f.toString || f.toString === Object.prototype.toString || f.toString === Array.prototype.toString));
if (f)
try {
c[h] = Qd(c[h]);
} catch (M) {
delete c[h];
f = !0;
c.dontclear && (f = !1);
delete c.dontclear;
h = Ae(a, c, e);
e = g || {};
e.allowPost = 1;
e.attributes = xe;
e.dontclear = !f;
g = {};
g.userParams = c;
g.url = h;
g.type = a;
if (c.rd) var k = b;
(k = document.createElement('div')),
b.setAttribute('data-gapistub', !0),
( = 'position:absolute;width:450px;left:-10000px;'),
b.parentNode.insertBefore(k, b);
g.siteElement = k; || ((b = k), D(ze, a, 0), (f = '___' + a + '_' + ze[a]++), ( = f));
b = E();
b['>type'] = a;
G(c, b);
f = h;
c = k;
h = e || {};
b = h.attributes || {};
H(!(h.allowPost || h.forcePost) || !b.onload, 'onload is not supported by post iframe (allowPost or forcePost)');
e = b = f;
oe.test(b) && ((e = T('iframes/' + e.substring(1) + '/url')), H(!!e, 'Unknown iframe url config for - ' + b));
f = Xb(C, e.replace(pe, re));
b = c.ownerDocument || C;
e = h;
var l = 0;
do k = || ['I', le++, '_', new Date().getTime()].join('');
while (b.getElementById(k) && 5 > ++l);
H(5 > l, 'Error creating iframe id');
e = k;
k = h;
l = {};
var m = {};
b.documentMode && 9 > b.documentMode && (l.hostiemode = b.documentMode);
G(k.queryParams || {}, l);
G(k.fragmentParams || {}, m);
var t = k.pfname;
var u = E();
T('iframes/dropLegacyIdParam') || ( = e);
u._gfid = e;
u.parent = b.location.protocol + '//' +;
var p = J(b.location.href, 'parent');
t = t || '';
!t &&
p &&
((p = J(b.location.href, '_gfid', '') || J(b.location.href, 'id', '')),
(t = J(b.location.href, 'pfname', '')),
(t = p ? t + '/' + p : ''));
t || ((p = Pd(J(b.location.href, 'jcp', ''))) && 'object' == typeof p && (t = (t = ? p.pfname + '/' + t : ''));
u.pfname = t;
k.connectWithJsonParam && ((p = {}), ( = Qd(u)), (u = p));
p = J(f, 'rpctoken') || l.rpctoken || m.rpctoken;
if (!p) {
if (!(p = k.rpctoken)) {
p = String;
t = Math;
var K = t.round;
if (Yd) {
var y = new B.Uint32Array(1);
y = Number('0.' + y[0]);
} else (y = ae), (y += parseInt(ce.substr(0, 20), 16)), (ce = ee(ce)), (y /= be + Math.pow(16, 20));
p = p(, 1e8 * y));
u.rpctoken = p;
k.rpctoken = p;
G(u, k.connectWithQueryParams ? l : m);
p = b.location.href;
u = E();
(t = J(p, '_bsh', L.bsh)) && (u._bsh = t);
(p = gc(p)) && (u.jsh = p);
k.hintInFragment ? G(u, m) : G(u, l);
l = Vb(f, l, m, k.paramsSerializer);
f = h;
m = E();
G(je, m);
G(f.attributes, m); = = e;
m.src = l;
h.eurl = l;
h = (k = h) || {};
f = !!h.allowPost;
if (h.forcePost || (f && 2e3 < l.length)) {
f = Sb(l);
m.src = '';
k.dropDataPostorigin || (m['data-postorigin'] = l);
h = ne(b, c, m, e);
if (-1 != navigator.userAgent.indexOf('WebKit')) {
var v = h.contentWindow.document;;
l = v.createElement('div');
m = {};
u = e + '_inner'; = u;
m.src = ''; = 'display:none';
ne(b, l, m, u, k);
l = (k = f.query[0]) ? k.split('&') : [];
k = [];
for (m = 0; m < l.length; m++) (u = l[m].split('=', 2)), k.push([decodeURIComponent(u[0]), decodeURIComponent(u[1])]);
f.query = [];
l = Tb(f);
H(Yb.test(l), 'Invalid URL: ' + l);
f = b.createElement('form');
f.method = 'POST'; = e; = 'none';
e = l instanceof x ? l : Ua(l);
$a(f, 'HTMLFormElement').action = Sa(e);
for (e = 0; e < k.length; e++)
(l = b.createElement('input')), (l.type = 'hidden'), ( = k[e][0]), (l.value = k[e][1]), f.appendChild(l);
v && v.close();
v = h;
} else v = ne(b, c, m, e, k);
g.iframeNode = v; = v.getAttribute('id');
v =;
c = E(); = v;
c.userParams = g.userParams;
c.url = g.url;
c.type = g.type;
c.state = 1;
S[v] = c;
v = g;
} else v = null;
v && ((g = && d.push(g), Qe(a, v));
Xe = function (a, b, c) {
if (a && 1 === a.nodeType && b) {
if (c) return 1;
if (Ie[b]) {
if (fc[a.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) return (a = a.innerHTML) && a.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, '') ? 0 : 1;
} else {
if (He[b]) return 0;
if (Ge[b]) return 1;
return null;
Ee = function (a, b) {
var c = b.type;
delete b.type;
var d = ('string' === typeof a ? document.getElementById(a) : a) || void 0;
if (d) {
a = {};
for (var e in b) F(b, e) && (a[e.toLowerCase()] = b[e]);
a.rd = 1;
(b = !!a.ri) && delete a.ri;
e = [];
Re(c, d, a, e, 0, b, void 0);
Se(c, e);
} else gd('string' === 'gapi.' + c + '.render: missing element ' + typeof a ? a : '');
D(I, 'platform', {}).go = Oe;
Pe = function (a) {
for (var b = ['_c', 'jsl', 'h'], c = 0; c < b.length && a; c++) a = a[b[c]];
b = gc(Ab.href);
return !a || (0 != a.indexOf('n;') && 0 != b.indexOf('n;') && a !== b);
Se = function (a, b) {
Ye(a, b);
var bc = function (a) {
Ne(a, !0);
Ze = function (a, b) {
b = b || [];
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) a(b[c]);
for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++) Te(b[a]);
function (a, b, c) {
Ke = c;
b && Je.push(b);
Ze(Ue, a);
Ze(Ve, c._c.annotation);
Ze(We, c._c.bimodal);
if ('explicit' != Q('parsetags')) {
ed(dd()) && !Q('disableRealtimeCallback') && id();
if (c && (a = c.callback)) {
var d = Mb(a);
delete c.callback;
dc(function () {
I._pl = !0;
var $e = function (a) {
a = (a = S[a]) ? a.oid : void 0;
if (a) {
var b = C.getElementById(a);
b && b.parentNode.removeChild(b);
delete S[a];
var af = /^\{h:'/,
bf = /^!_/,
cf = '',
Ye = function (a, b) {
function c() {
$b('message', d, 'remove', 'de');
function d(f) {
var g =,
h = f.origin;
if (df(g, b)) {
var k = e;
e = !1;
k && N('rqe');
ef(a, function () {
k && N('rqd');
for (var l = D(L, 'RPMQ', []), m = 0; m < l.length; m++) l[m]({ data: g, origin: h });
if (0 !== b.length) {
cf = J(Ab.href, 'pfname', '');
var e = !0;
$b('message', d, 'add', 'at');
Sc(a, c);
df = function (a, b) {
a = String(a);
if (af.test(a)) return !0;
var c = !1;
bf.test(a) && ((c = !0), (a = a.substr(2)));
if (!/^\{/.test(a)) return !1;
var d = Pd(a);
if (!d) return !1;
a = d.f;
if (d.s && a && -1 !=, a)) {
if ('_renderstart' === d.s || d.s === cf + '/' + a + '::_renderstart')
if (((d = d.a && d.a[c ? 0 : 1]), (b = C.getElementById(a)), kd(a, 2), d && b && d.width && d.height)) {
a: {
c = b.parentNode;
a = d || {};
if (hd()) {
var e =;
if (e) {
d = (d = S[e]) ? d.state : void 0;
if (1 === d || 4 === d) break a;
(d = c.nextSibling) &&
d.getAttribute &&
d.getAttribute('data-gapistub') &&
(c.parentNode.removeChild(d), ( = ''));
d = a.width;
var f = a.height,
g =;
g.textIndent = '0';
g.margin = '0';
g.padding = '0';
g.background = 'transparent';
g.borderStyle = 'none';
g.cssFloat = 'none';
g.styleFloat = 'none';
g.lineHeight = 'normal';
g.fontSize = '1px';
g.verticalAlign = 'baseline';
c =;
c.display = 'inline-block';
g =;
g.position = 'static';
g.left = '0'; = '0';
g.visibility = 'visible';
d && (c.width = g.width = d + 'px');
f && (c.height = g.height = f + 'px');
a.verticalAlign && (c.verticalAlign = a.verticalAlign);
e && kd(e, 3);
b['data-csi-wdt'] = new Date().getTime();
return !0;
return !1;
ef = function (a, b) {
Sc(a, b);
var ff = function (a, b) {
this.M = a;
a = b || {}; = Number(a.maxAge) || 0;
this.V = a.domain;
this.X = a.path;
this.ha = !!;
}; = function () {
for (var a = this.M + '=', b = document.cookie.split(/;\s*/), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) {
var d = b[c];
if (0 == d.indexOf(a)) return d.substr(a.length);
ff.prototype.write = function (a, b) {
if (!gf.test(this.M)) throw 'Invalid cookie name';
if (!hf.test(a)) throw 'Invalid cookie value';
a = this.M + '=' + a;
this.V && (a += ';domain=' + this.V);
this.X && (a += ';path=' + this.X);
b = 'number' === typeof b ? b :;
if (0 <= b) {
var c = new Date();
c.setSeconds(c.getSeconds() + b);
a += ';expires=' + c.toUTCString();
this.ha && (a += ';secure');
document.cookie = a;
return !0;
ff.prototype.clear = function () {
this.write('', 0);
var hf = /^[-+/_=.:|%&a-zA-Z0-9@]*$/,
gf = /^[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]{0,63}$/;
ff.iterate = function (a) {
for (var b = document.cookie.split(/;\s*/), c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) {
var d = b[c].split('='),
e = d.shift();
a(e, d.join('='));
var jf = function (a) {
this.F = a;
}; = function () {
if (Z.hasOwnProperty(this.F)) return Z[this.F];
jf.prototype.write = function (a) {
Z[this.F] = a;
return !0;
jf.prototype.clear = function () {
delete Z[this.F];
var Z = {};
jf.iterate = function (a) {
for (var b in Z) Z.hasOwnProperty(b) && a(b, Z[b]);
var kf = 'https:' === window.location.protocol,
lf = kf || 'http:' === window.location.protocol ? ff : jf,
mf = function (a) {
var b = a.substr(1),
c = '',
d = window.location.hostname;
if ('' !== b) {
c = parseInt(b, 10);
if (isNaN(c)) return null;
b = d.split('.');
if (b.length < c - 1) return null;
b.length == c - 1 && (d = '.' + d);
} else d = '';
return { j: 'S' == a.charAt(0), domain: d, l: c };
nf = function () {
var a,
b = null;
lf.iterate(function (c, d) {
0 === c.indexOf('G_AUTHUSER_') &&
((c = mf(c.substring(11))), !a || (c.j && !a.j) || (c.j == a.j && c.l > a.l)) &&
((a = c), (b = d));
return { ea: a, J: b };
function of(a) {
if (0 !== a.indexOf('GCSC')) return null;
var b = { W: !1 };
a = a.substr(4);
if (!a) return b;
var c = a.charAt(0);
a = a.substr(1);
var d = a.lastIndexOf('_');
if (-1 == d) return b;
var e = mf(a.substr(d + 1));
if (null == e) return b;
a = a.substring(0, d);
if ('_' !== a.charAt(0)) return b;
d = 'E' === c && e.j;
return (!d && ('U' !== c || e.j)) || (d && !kf) ? b : { W: !0, j: d, ka: a.substr(1), domain: e.domain, l: e.l };
var pf = function (a) {
if (!a) return [];
a = a.split('=');
return a[1] ? a[1].split('|') : [];
qf = function (a) {
a = a.split(':');
return { clientId: a[0].split('=')[1], ja: pf(a[1]), ma: pf(a[2]), la: pf(a[3]) };
rf = function () {
var a = nf(),
b = a.ea;
a = a.J;
if (null !== a) {
var c;
lf.iterate(function (f, g) {
(f = of(f)) && f.W && f.j == b.j && f.l == b.l && (c = g);
if (c) {
var d = qf(c),
e = d && d.ja[Number(a)];
d = d && d.clientId;
if (e) return { J: a, ia: e, clientId: d };
return null;
var tf = function () {
this.U = sf;
n = tf.prototype;
n.$ = function () {
this.L || ((this.v = 0), (this.L = !0), this.Y());
n.Y = function () {
this.L &&
(this.U() ? (this.v = this.S) : (this.v = Math.min(2 * (this.v || this.S), 120)), window.setTimeout(pa(this.Y, this), 1e3 * this.v));
n.v = 0;
n.S = 2;
n.U = null;
n.L = !1;
for (var uf = 0; 64 > uf; ++uf);
var vf = null;
hd = function () {
return (L.oa = !0);
id = function () {
L.oa = !0;
var a = rf();
(a = a && a.J) && Zc('googleapis.config/sessionIndex', a);
vf || (vf = D(L, 'ss', new tf()));
a = vf;
a.$ && a.$();
var sf = function () {
var a = rf(),
b = (a && a.ia) || null,
c = a && a.clientId;
Sc('auth', {
callback: function () {
var d = B.gapi.auth,
e = { client_id: c, session_state: b };
d.checkSessionState(e, function (f) {
var g = e.session_state,
h = !!Q('isLoggedIn');
f = Q('debug/forceIm') ? !1 : (g && f) || (!g && !f);
if ((h = h !== f)) Zc('isLoggedIn', f), id(), Fe(), f || ((f = d.signOut) ? f() : (f = d.setToken) && f(null));
f = dd();
var k = Q('savedUserState');
g = d._guss(f.cookiepolicy);
k = k != g && 'undefined' != typeof k;
Zc('savedUserState', g);
(h || k) && ed(f) && !Q('disableRealtimeCallback') && d._pimf(f, !0);
return !0;
N('bs0', !0, window.gapi._bs);
N('bs1', !0);
delete window.gapi._bs;
gapi.load('', {
callback: window['gapi_onload'],
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