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2021-07-03 21:48:27 +00:00
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<title th:text="#{email.activation.title}">JHipster creation</title>
2021-07-03 21:48:27 +00:00
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2021-07-03 21:48:27 +00:00
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<div class="text" style="padding: 0 2.5em; text-align: center">
<h2 th:text="#{email.activation.greeting(${user.login})}">¡Hola!</h2>
<h3 th:text="#{email.creation.text1}">
Your JHipster account has been created, please click on the URL below to access it:
class="btn btn-primary"
>Iniciar Sesión</a
<div class="text" style="padding: 1em 2.5em; text-align: center">
<span th:text="#{email.activation.text2}">Regards, </span>
<br />
<em th:text="#{email.signature}">JHipster.</em>
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<h3 class="heading">Acerca de</h3>
<p>DataSurvey es su compañero más cercano para poder recolectar información valiosa para usted.</p>
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<h3 class="heading">Información de contacto</h3>
<li><span href="" class="text"></span></li>
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2021-07-15 08:34:14 +00:00
<p><a href="" style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"></a></p>
2021-07-03 21:48:27 +00:00