/* Chartist.js 0.9.7 * Copyright © 2016 Gion Kunz * Free to use under either the WTFPL license or the MIT license. * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gionkunz/chartist-js/master/LICENSE-WTFPL * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gionkunz/chartist-js/master/LICENSE-MIT */ !(function (a, b) { 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], function () { return (a.Chartist = b()); }) : 'object' == typeof exports ? (module.exports = b()) : (a.Chartist = b()); })(this, function () { var a = { version: '0.9.7' }; return ( (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; (c.namespaces = { svg: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', xhtml: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', xlink: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', ct: 'http://gionkunz.github.com/chartist-js/ct', }), (c.noop = function (a) { return a; }), (c.alphaNumerate = function (a) { return String.fromCharCode(97 + (a % 26)); }), (c.extend = function (a) { a = a || {}; var b = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return ( b.forEach(function (b) { for (var d in b) 'object' != typeof b[d] || null === b[d] || b[d] instanceof Array ? (a[d] = b[d]) : (a[d] = c.extend({}, a[d], b[d])); }), a ); }), (c.replaceAll = function (a, b, c) { return a.replace(new RegExp(b, 'g'), c); }), (c.ensureUnit = function (a, b) { return 'number' == typeof a && (a += b), a; }), (c.quantity = function (a) { if ('string' == typeof a) { var b = /^(\d+)\s*(.*)$/g.exec(a); return { value: +b[1], unit: b[2] || void 0 }; } return { value: a }; }), (c.querySelector = function (a) { return a instanceof Node ? a : b.querySelector(a); }), (c.times = function (a) { return Array.apply(null, new Array(a)); }), (c.sum = function (a, b) { return a + (b ? b : 0); }), (c.mapMultiply = function (a) { return function (b) { return b * a; }; }), (c.mapAdd = function (a) { return function (b) { return b + a; }; }), (c.serialMap = function (a, b) { var d = [], e = Math.max.apply( null, a.map(function (a) { return a.length; }) ); return ( c.times(e).forEach(function (c, e) { var f = a.map(function (a) { return a[e]; }); d[e] = b.apply(null, f); }), d ); }), (c.roundWithPrecision = function (a, b) { var d = Math.pow(10, b || c.precision); return Math.round(a * d) / d; }), (c.precision = 8), (c.escapingMap = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }), (c.serialize = function (a) { return null === a || void 0 === a ? a : ('number' == typeof a ? (a = '' + a) : 'object' == typeof a && (a = JSON.stringify({ data: a })), Object.keys(c.escapingMap).reduce(function (a, b) { return c.replaceAll(a, b, c.escapingMap[b]); }, a)); }), (c.deserialize = function (a) { if ('string' != typeof a) return a; a = Object.keys(c.escapingMap).reduce(function (a, b) { return c.replaceAll(a, c.escapingMap[b], b); }, a); try { (a = JSON.parse(a)), (a = void 0 !== a.data ? a.data : a); } catch (b) {} return a; }), (c.createSvg = function (a, b, d, e) { var f; return ( (b = b || '100%'), (d = d || '100%'), Array.prototype.slice .call(a.querySelectorAll('svg')) .filter(function (a) { return a.getAttributeNS(c.namespaces.xmlns, 'ct'); }) .forEach(function (b) { a.removeChild(b); }), (f = new c.Svg('svg') .attr({ width: b, height: d }) .addClass(e) .attr({ style: 'width: ' + b + '; height: ' + d + ';' })), a.appendChild(f._node), f ); }), (c.normalizeData = function (a) { if ( ((a = a || { series: [], labels: [] }), (a.series = a.series || []), (a.labels = a.labels || []), a.series.length > 0 && 0 === a.labels.length) ) { var b, d = c.getDataArray(a); (b = d.every(function (a) { return a instanceof Array; }) ? Math.max.apply( null, d.map(function (a) { return a.length; }) ) : d.length), (a.labels = c.times(b).map(function () { return ''; })); } return a; }), (c.reverseData = function (a) { a.labels.reverse(), a.series.reverse(); for (var b = 0; b < a.series.length; b++) 'object' == typeof a.series[b] && void 0 !== a.series[b].data ? a.series[b].data.reverse() : a.series[b] instanceof Array && a.series[b].reverse(); }), (c.getDataArray = function (a, b, d) { function e(a) { if (!c.isFalseyButZero(a)) { if ((a.data || a) instanceof Array) return (a.data || a).map(e); if (a.hasOwnProperty('value')) return e(a.value); if (d) { var b = {}; return ( 'string' == typeof d ? (b[d] = c.getNumberOrUndefined(a)) : (b.y = c.getNumberOrUndefined(a)), (b.x = a.hasOwnProperty('x') ? c.getNumberOrUndefined(a.x) : b.x), (b.y = a.hasOwnProperty('y') ? c.getNumberOrUndefined(a.y) : b.y), b ); } return c.getNumberOrUndefined(a); } } return ((b && !a.reversed) || (!b && a.reversed)) && (c.reverseData(a), (a.reversed = !a.reversed)), a.series.map(e); }), (c.normalizePadding = function (a, b) { return ( (b = b || 0), 'number' == typeof a ? { top: a, right: a, bottom: a, left: a } : { top: 'number' == typeof a.top ? a.top : b, right: 'number' == typeof a.right ? a.right : b, bottom: 'number' == typeof a.bottom ? a.bottom : b, left: 'number' == typeof a.left ? a.left : b, } ); }), (c.getMetaData = function (a, b) { var d = a.data ? a.data[b] : a[b]; return d ? c.serialize(d.meta) : void 0; }), (c.orderOfMagnitude = function (a) { return Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(a)) / Math.LN10); }), (c.projectLength = function (a, b, c) { return (b / c.range) * a; }), (c.getAvailableHeight = function (a, b) { return Math.max((c.quantity(b.height).value || a.height()) - (b.chartPadding.top + b.chartPadding.bottom) - b.axisX.offset, 0); }), (c.getHighLow = function (a, b, d) { function e(a) { if (void 0 !== a) if (a instanceof Array) for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) e(a[b]); else { var c = d ? +a[d] : +a; g && c > f.high && (f.high = c), h && c < f.low && (f.low = c); } } b = c.extend({}, b, d ? b['axis' + d.toUpperCase()] : {}); var f = { high: void 0 === b.high ? -Number.MAX_VALUE : +b.high, low: void 0 === b.low ? Number.MAX_VALUE : +b.low }, g = void 0 === b.high, h = void 0 === b.low; return ( (g || h) && e(a), (b.referenceValue || 0 === b.referenceValue) && ((f.high = Math.max(b.referenceValue, f.high)), (f.low = Math.min(b.referenceValue, f.low))), f.high <= f.low && (0 === f.low ? (f.high = 1) : f.low < 0 ? (f.high = 0) : f.high > 0 ? (f.low = 0) : ((f.high = 1), (f.low = 0))), f ); }), (c.isNum = function (a) { return !isNaN(a) && isFinite(a); }), (c.isFalseyButZero = function (a) { return !a && 0 !== a; }), (c.getNumberOrUndefined = function (a) { return isNaN(+a) ? void 0 : +a; }), (c.getMultiValue = function (a, b) { return c.isNum(a) ? +a : a ? a[b || 'y'] || 0 : 0; }), (c.rho = function (a) { function b(a, c) { return a % c === 0 ? c : b(c, a % c); } function c(a) { return a * a + 1; } if (1 === a) return a; var d, e = 2, f = 2; if (a % 2 === 0) return 2; do (e = c(e) % a), (f = c(c(f)) % a), (d = b(Math.abs(e - f), a)); while (1 === d); return d; }), (c.getBounds = function (a, b, d, e) { var f, g, h, i = 0, j = { high: b.high, low: b.low }; (j.valueRange = j.high - j.low), (j.oom = c.orderOfMagnitude(j.valueRange)), (j.step = Math.pow(10, j.oom)), (j.min = Math.floor(j.low / j.step) * j.step), (j.max = Math.ceil(j.high / j.step) * j.step), (j.range = j.max - j.min), (j.numberOfSteps = Math.round(j.range / j.step)); var k = c.projectLength(a, j.step, j), l = d > k, m = e ? c.rho(j.range) : 0; if (e && c.projectLength(a, 1, j) >= d) j.step = 1; else if (e && m < j.step && c.projectLength(a, m, j) >= d) j.step = m; else for (;;) { if (l && c.projectLength(a, j.step, j) <= d) j.step *= 2; else { if (l || !(c.projectLength(a, j.step / 2, j) >= d)) break; if (((j.step /= 2), e && j.step % 1 !== 0)) { j.step *= 2; break; } } if (i++ > 1e3) throw new Error('Exceeded maximum number of iterations while optimizing scale step!'); } for (g = j.min, h = j.max; g + j.step <= j.low; ) g += j.step; for (; h - j.step >= j.high; ) h -= j.step; for (j.min = g, j.max = h, j.range = j.max - j.min, j.values = [], f = j.min; f <= j.max; f += j.step) j.values.push(c.roundWithPrecision(f)); return j; }), (c.polarToCartesian = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = ((d - 90) * Math.PI) / 180; return { x: a + c * Math.cos(e), y: b + c * Math.sin(e) }; }), (c.createChartRect = function (a, b, d) { var e = !(!b.axisX && !b.axisY), f = e ? b.axisY.offset : 0, g = e ? b.axisX.offset : 0, h = a.width() || c.quantity(b.width).value || 0, i = a.height() || c.quantity(b.height).value || 0, j = c.normalizePadding(b.chartPadding, d); (h = Math.max(h, f + j.left + j.right)), (i = Math.max(i, g + j.top + j.bottom)); var k = { padding: j, width: function () { return this.x2 - this.x1; }, height: function () { return this.y1 - this.y2; }, }; return ( e ? ('start' === b.axisX.position ? ((k.y2 = j.top + g), (k.y1 = Math.max(i - j.bottom, k.y2 + 1))) : ((k.y2 = j.top), (k.y1 = Math.max(i - j.bottom - g, k.y2 + 1))), 'start' === b.axisY.position ? ((k.x1 = j.left + f), (k.x2 = Math.max(h - j.right, k.x1 + 1))) : ((k.x1 = j.left), (k.x2 = Math.max(h - j.right - f, k.x1 + 1)))) : ((k.x1 = j.left), (k.x2 = Math.max(h - j.right, k.x1 + 1)), (k.y2 = j.top), (k.y1 = Math.max(i - j.bottom, k.y2 + 1))), k ); }), (c.createGrid = function (a, b, d, e, f, g, h, i) { var j = {}; (j[d.units.pos + '1'] = a), (j[d.units.pos + '2'] = a), (j[d.counterUnits.pos + '1'] = e), (j[d.counterUnits.pos + '2'] = e + f); var k = g.elem('line', j, h.join(' ')); i.emit('draw', c.extend({ type: 'grid', axis: d, index: b, group: g, element: k }, j)); }), (c.createLabel = function (a, b, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) { var m, n = {}; if ( ((n[f.units.pos] = a + h[f.units.pos]), (n[f.counterUnits.pos] = h[f.counterUnits.pos]), (n[f.units.len] = b), (n[f.counterUnits.len] = g - 10), k) ) { var o = '' + e[d] + ''; m = i.foreignObject(o, c.extend({ style: 'overflow: visible;' }, n)); } else m = i.elem('text', n, j.join(' ')).text(e[d]); l.emit('draw', c.extend({ type: 'label', axis: f, index: d, group: i, element: m, text: e[d] }, n)); }), (c.getSeriesOption = function (a, b, c) { if (a.name && b.series && b.series[a.name]) { var d = b.series[a.name]; return d.hasOwnProperty(c) ? d[c] : b[c]; } return b[c]; }), (c.optionsProvider = function (b, d, e) { function f(b) { var f = h; if (((h = c.extend({}, j)), d)) for (i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { var g = a.matchMedia(d[i][0]); g.matches && (h = c.extend(h, d[i][1])); } e && !b && e.emit('optionsChanged', { previousOptions: f, currentOptions: h }); } function g() { k.forEach(function (a) { a.removeListener(f); }); } var h, i, j = c.extend({}, b), k = []; if (!a.matchMedia) throw "window.matchMedia not found! Make sure you're using a polyfill."; if (d) for (i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { var l = a.matchMedia(d[i][0]); l.addListener(f), k.push(l); } return ( f(!0), { removeMediaQueryListeners: g, getCurrentOptions: function () { return c.extend({}, h); }, } ); }); })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; (c.Interpolation = {}), (c.Interpolation.none = function (a) { var b = { fillHoles: !1 }; return ( (a = c.extend({}, b, a)), function (b, d) { for (var e = new c.Svg.Path(), f = !0, g = 0; g < b.length; g += 2) { var h = b[g], i = b[g + 1], j = d[g / 2]; void 0 !== j.value ? (f ? e.move(h, i, !1, j) : e.line(h, i, !1, j), (f = !1)) : a.fillHoles || (f = !0); } return e; } ); }), (c.Interpolation.simple = function (a) { var b = { divisor: 2, fillHoles: !1 }; a = c.extend({}, b, a); var d = 1 / Math.max(1, a.divisor); return function (b, e) { for (var f, g, h, i = new c.Svg.Path(), j = 0; j < b.length; j += 2) { var k = b[j], l = b[j + 1], m = (k - f) * d, n = e[j / 2]; void 0 !== n.value ? (void 0 === h ? i.move(k, l, !1, n) : i.curve(f + m, g, k - m, l, k, l, !1, n), (f = k), (g = l), (h = n)) : a.fillHoles || (f = k = h = void 0); } return i; }; }), (c.Interpolation.cardinal = function (a) { function b(b, c) { for (var d = [], e = !0, f = 0; f < b.length; f += 2) void 0 === c[f / 2].value ? a.fillHoles || (e = !0) : (e && (d.push({ pathCoordinates: [], valueData: [] }), (e = !1)), d[d.length - 1].pathCoordinates.push(b[f], b[f + 1]), d[d.length - 1].valueData.push(c[f / 2])); return d; } var d = { tension: 1, fillHoles: !1 }; a = c.extend({}, d, a); var e = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, a.tension)), f = 1 - e; return function g(a, d) { var h = b(a, d); if (h.length) { if (h.length > 1) { var i = []; return ( h.forEach(function (a) { i.push(g(a.pathCoordinates, a.valueData)); }), c.Svg.Path.join(i) ); } if (((a = h[0].pathCoordinates), (d = h[0].valueData), a.length <= 4)) return c.Interpolation.none()(a, d); for (var j, k = new c.Svg.Path().move(a[0], a[1], !1, d[0]), l = 0, m = a.length; m - 2 * !j > l; l += 2) { var n = [ { x: +a[l - 2], y: +a[l - 1] }, { x: +a[l], y: +a[l + 1] }, { x: +a[l + 2], y: +a[l + 3] }, { x: +a[l + 4], y: +a[l + 5] }, ]; j ? l ? m - 4 === l ? (n[3] = { x: +a[0], y: +a[1] }) : m - 2 === l && ((n[2] = { x: +a[0], y: +a[1] }), (n[3] = { x: +a[2], y: +a[3] })) : (n[0] = { x: +a[m - 2], y: +a[m - 1] }) : m - 4 === l ? (n[3] = n[2]) : l || (n[0] = { x: +a[l], y: +a[l + 1] }), k.curve( (e * (-n[0].x + 6 * n[1].x + n[2].x)) / 6 + f * n[2].x, (e * (-n[0].y + 6 * n[1].y + n[2].y)) / 6 + f * n[2].y, (e * (n[1].x + 6 * n[2].x - n[3].x)) / 6 + f * n[2].x, (e * (n[1].y + 6 * n[2].y - n[3].y)) / 6 + f * n[2].y, n[2].x, n[2].y, !1, d[(l + 2) / 2] ); } return k; } return c.Interpolation.none()([]); }; }), (c.Interpolation.step = function (a) { var b = { postpone: !0, fillHoles: !1 }; return ( (a = c.extend({}, b, a)), function (b, d) { for (var e, f, g, h = new c.Svg.Path(), i = 0; i < b.length; i += 2) { var j = b[i], k = b[i + 1], l = d[i / 2]; void 0 !== l.value ? (void 0 === g ? h.move(j, k, !1, l) : (a.postpone ? h.line(j, f, !1, g) : h.line(e, k, !1, l), h.line(j, k, !1, l)), (e = j), (f = k), (g = l)) : a.fillHoles || (e = f = g = void 0); } return h; } ); }); })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; c.EventEmitter = function () { function a(a, b) { (d[a] = d[a] || []), d[a].push(b); } function b(a, b) { d[a] && (b ? (d[a].splice(d[a].indexOf(b), 1), 0 === d[a].length && delete d[a]) : delete d[a]); } function c(a, b) { d[a] && d[a].forEach(function (a) { a(b); }), d['*'] && d['*'].forEach(function (c) { c(a, b); }); } var d = []; return { addEventHandler: a, removeEventHandler: b, emit: c }; }; })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; function d(a) { var b = []; if (a.length) for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b.push(a[c]); return b; } function e(a, b) { var d = b || this.prototype || c.Class, e = Object.create(d); c.Class.cloneDefinitions(e, a); var f = function () { var a, b = e.constructor || function () {}; return (a = this === c ? Object.create(e) : this), b.apply(a, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)), a; }; return (f.prototype = e), (f['super'] = d), (f.extend = this.extend), f; } function f() { var a = d(arguments), b = a[0]; return ( a.splice(1, a.length - 1).forEach(function (a) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a).forEach(function (c) { delete b[c], Object.defineProperty(b, c, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, c)); }); }), b ); } c.Class = { extend: e, cloneDefinitions: f }; })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; function d(a, b, d) { return ( a && ((this.data = a), this.eventEmitter.emit('data', { type: 'update', data: this.data })), b && ((this.options = c.extend({}, d ? this.options : this.defaultOptions, b)), this.initializeTimeoutId || (this.optionsProvider.removeMediaQueryListeners(), (this.optionsProvider = c.optionsProvider(this.options, this.responsiveOptions, this.eventEmitter)))), this.initializeTimeoutId || this.createChart(this.optionsProvider.getCurrentOptions()), this ); } function e() { return ( this.initializeTimeoutId ? a.clearTimeout(this.initializeTimeoutId) : (a.removeEventListener('resize', this.resizeListener), this.optionsProvider.removeMediaQueryListeners()), this ); } function f(a, b) { return this.eventEmitter.addEventHandler(a, b), this; } function g(a, b) { return this.eventEmitter.removeEventHandler(a, b), this; } function h() { a.addEventListener('resize', this.resizeListener), (this.optionsProvider = c.optionsProvider(this.options, this.responsiveOptions, this.eventEmitter)), this.eventEmitter.addEventHandler( 'optionsChanged', function () { this.update(); }.bind(this) ), this.options.plugins && this.options.plugins.forEach( function (a) { a instanceof Array ? a[0](this, a[1]) : a(this); }.bind(this) ), this.eventEmitter.emit('data', { type: 'initial', data: this.data }), this.createChart(this.optionsProvider.getCurrentOptions()), (this.initializeTimeoutId = void 0); } function i(a, b, d, e, f) { (this.container = c.querySelector(a)), (this.data = b), (this.defaultOptions = d), (this.options = e), (this.responsiveOptions = f), (this.eventEmitter = c.EventEmitter()), (this.supportsForeignObject = c.Svg.isSupported('Extensibility')), (this.supportsAnimations = c.Svg.isSupported('AnimationEventsAttribute')), (this.resizeListener = function () { this.update(); }.bind(this)), this.container && (this.container.__chartist__ && this.container.__chartist__.detach(), (this.container.__chartist__ = this)), (this.initializeTimeoutId = setTimeout(h.bind(this), 0)); } c.Base = c.Class.extend({ constructor: i, optionsProvider: void 0, container: void 0, svg: void 0, eventEmitter: void 0, createChart: function () { throw new Error("Base chart type can't be instantiated!"); }, update: d, detach: e, on: f, off: g, version: c.version, supportsForeignObject: !1, }); })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; function d(a, d, e, f, g) { a instanceof Element ? (this._node = a) : ((this._node = b.createElementNS(c.namespaces.svg, a)), 'svg' === a && this.attr({ 'xmlns:ct': c.namespaces.ct })), d && this.attr(d), e && this.addClass(e), f && (g && f._node.firstChild ? f._node.insertBefore(this._node, f._node.firstChild) : f._node.appendChild(this._node)); } function e(a, b) { return 'string' == typeof a ? b ? this._node.getAttributeNS(b, a) : this._node.getAttribute(a) : (Object.keys(a).forEach( function (b) { if (void 0 !== a[b]) if (-1 !== b.indexOf(':')) { var d = b.split(':'); this._node.setAttributeNS(c.namespaces[d[0]], b, a[b]); } else this._node.setAttribute(b, a[b]); }.bind(this) ), this); } function f(a, b, d, e) { return new c.Svg(a, b, d, this, e); } function g() { return this._node.parentNode instanceof SVGElement ? new c.Svg(this._node.parentNode) : null; } function h() { for (var a = this._node; 'svg' !== a.nodeName; ) a = a.parentNode; return new c.Svg(a); } function i(a) { var b = this._node.querySelector(a); return b ? new c.Svg(b) : null; } function j(a) { var b = this._node.querySelectorAll(a); return b.length ? new c.Svg.List(b) : null; } function k(a, d, e, f) { if ('string' == typeof a) { var g = b.createElement('div'); (g.innerHTML = a), (a = g.firstChild); } a.setAttribute('xmlns', c.namespaces.xmlns); var h = this.elem('foreignObject', d, e, f); return h._node.appendChild(a), h; } function l(a) { return this._node.appendChild(b.createTextNode(a)), this; } function m() { for (; this._node.firstChild; ) this._node.removeChild(this._node.firstChild); return this; } function n() { return this._node.parentNode.removeChild(this._node), this.parent(); } function o(a) { return this._node.parentNode.replaceChild(a._node, this._node), a; } function p(a, b) { return b && this._node.firstChild ? this._node.insertBefore(a._node, this._node.firstChild) : this._node.appendChild(a._node), this; } function q() { return this._node.getAttribute('class') ? this._node.getAttribute('class').trim().split(/\s+/) : []; } function r(a) { return ( this._node.setAttribute( 'class', this.classes(this._node) .concat(a.trim().split(/\s+/)) .filter(function (a, b, c) { return c.indexOf(a) === b; }) .join(' ') ), this ); } function s(a) { var b = a.trim().split(/\s+/); return ( this._node.setAttribute( 'class', this.classes(this._node) .filter(function (a) { return -1 === b.indexOf(a); }) .join(' ') ), this ); } function t() { return this._node.setAttribute('class', ''), this; } function u() { return this._node.getBoundingClientRect().height; } function v() { return this._node.getBoundingClientRect().width; } function w(a, b, d) { return ( void 0 === b && (b = !0), Object.keys(a).forEach( function (e) { function f(a, b) { var f, g, h, i = {}; a.easing && ((h = a.easing instanceof Array ? a.easing : c.Svg.Easing[a.easing]), delete a.easing), (a.begin = c.ensureUnit(a.begin, 'ms')), (a.dur = c.ensureUnit(a.dur, 'ms')), h && ((a.calcMode = 'spline'), (a.keySplines = h.join(' ')), (a.keyTimes = '0;1')), b && ((a.fill = 'freeze'), (i[e] = a.from), this.attr(i), (g = c.quantity(a.begin || 0).value), (a.begin = 'indefinite')), (f = this.elem('animate', c.extend({ attributeName: e }, a))), b && setTimeout( function () { try { f._node.beginElement(); } catch (b) { (i[e] = a.to), this.attr(i), f.remove(); } }.bind(this), g ), d && f._node.addEventListener( 'beginEvent', function () { d.emit('animationBegin', { element: this, animate: f._node, params: a }); }.bind(this) ), f._node.addEventListener( 'endEvent', function () { d && d.emit('animationEnd', { element: this, animate: f._node, params: a }), b && ((i[e] = a.to), this.attr(i), f.remove()); }.bind(this) ); } a[e] instanceof Array ? a[e].forEach( function (a) { f.bind(this)(a, !1); }.bind(this) ) : f.bind(this)(a[e], b); }.bind(this) ), this ); } function x(a) { var b = this; this.svgElements = []; for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) this.svgElements.push(new c.Svg(a[d])); Object.keys(c.Svg.prototype) .filter(function (a) { return ( -1 === ['constructor', 'parent', 'querySelector', 'querySelectorAll', 'replace', 'append', 'classes', 'height', 'width'].indexOf(a) ); }) .forEach(function (a) { b[a] = function () { var d = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); return ( b.svgElements.forEach(function (b) { c.Svg.prototype[a].apply(b, d); }), b ); }; }); } (c.Svg = c.Class.extend({ constructor: d, attr: e, elem: f, parent: g, root: h, querySelector: i, querySelectorAll: j, foreignObject: k, text: l, empty: m, remove: n, replace: o, append: p, classes: q, addClass: r, removeClass: s, removeAllClasses: t, height: u, width: v, animate: w, })), (c.Svg.isSupported = function (a) { return b.implementation.hasFeature('http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#' + a, '1.1'); }); var y = { easeInSine: [0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715], easeOutSine: [0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1], easeInOutSine: [0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95], easeInQuad: [0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53], easeOutQuad: [0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94], easeInOutQuad: [0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955], easeInCubic: [0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19], easeOutCubic: [0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1], easeInOutCubic: [0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1], easeInQuart: [0.895, 0.03, 0.685, 0.22], easeOutQuart: [0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1], easeInOutQuart: [0.77, 0, 0.175, 1], easeInQuint: [0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06], easeOutQuint: [0.23, 1, 0.32, 1], easeInOutQuint: [0.86, 0, 0.07, 1], easeInExpo: [0.95, 0.05, 0.795, 0.035], easeOutExpo: [0.19, 1, 0.22, 1], easeInOutExpo: [1, 0, 0, 1], easeInCirc: [0.6, 0.04, 0.98, 0.335], easeOutCirc: [0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1], easeInOutCirc: [0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86], easeInBack: [0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045], easeOutBack: [0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275], easeInOutBack: [0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55], }; (c.Svg.Easing = y), (c.Svg.List = c.Class.extend({ constructor: x })); })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; function d(a, b, d, e, f, g) { var h = c.extend({ command: f ? a.toLowerCase() : a.toUpperCase() }, b, g ? { data: g } : {}); d.splice(e, 0, h); } function e(a, b) { a.forEach(function (c, d) { u[c.command.toLowerCase()].forEach(function (e, f) { b(c, e, d, f, a); }); }); } function f(a, b) { (this.pathElements = []), (this.pos = 0), (this.close = a), (this.options = c.extend({}, v, b)); } function g(a) { return void 0 !== a ? ((this.pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.pathElements.length, a))), this) : this.pos; } function h(a) { return this.pathElements.splice(this.pos, a), this; } function i(a, b, c, e) { return d('M', { x: +a, y: +b }, this.pathElements, this.pos++, c, e), this; } function j(a, b, c, e) { return d('L', { x: +a, y: +b }, this.pathElements, this.pos++, c, e), this; } function k(a, b, c, e, f, g, h, i) { return d('C', { x1: +a, y1: +b, x2: +c, y2: +e, x: +f, y: +g }, this.pathElements, this.pos++, h, i), this; } function l(a, b, c, e, f, g, h, i, j) { return d('A', { rx: +a, ry: +b, xAr: +c, lAf: +e, sf: +f, x: +g, y: +h }, this.pathElements, this.pos++, i, j), this; } function m(a) { var b = a .replace(/([A-Za-z])([0-9])/g, '$1 $2') .replace(/([0-9])([A-Za-z])/g, '$1 $2') .split(/[\s,]+/) .reduce(function (a, b) { return b.match(/[A-Za-z]/) && a.push([]), a[a.length - 1].push(b), a; }, []); 'Z' === b[b.length - 1][0].toUpperCase() && b.pop(); var d = b.map(function (a) { var b = a.shift(), d = u[b.toLowerCase()]; return c.extend( { command: b }, d.reduce(function (b, c, d) { return (b[c] = +a[d]), b; }, {}) ); }), e = [this.pos, 0]; return Array.prototype.push.apply(e, d), Array.prototype.splice.apply(this.pathElements, e), (this.pos += d.length), this; } function n() { var a = Math.pow(10, this.options.accuracy); return ( this.pathElements.reduce( function (b, c) { var d = u[c.command.toLowerCase()].map( function (b) { return this.options.accuracy ? Math.round(c[b] * a) / a : c[b]; }.bind(this) ); return b + c.command + d.join(','); }.bind(this), '' ) + (this.close ? 'Z' : '') ); } function o(a, b) { return ( e(this.pathElements, function (c, d) { c[d] *= 'x' === d[0] ? a : b; }), this ); } function p(a, b) { return ( e(this.pathElements, function (c, d) { c[d] += 'x' === d[0] ? a : b; }), this ); } function q(a) { return ( e(this.pathElements, function (b, c, d, e, f) { var g = a(b, c, d, e, f); (g || 0 === g) && (b[c] = g); }), this ); } function r(a) { var b = new c.Svg.Path(a || this.close); return ( (b.pos = this.pos), (b.pathElements = this.pathElements.slice().map(function (a) { return c.extend({}, a); })), (b.options = c.extend({}, this.options)), b ); } function s(a) { var b = [new c.Svg.Path()]; return ( this.pathElements.forEach(function (d) { d.command === a.toUpperCase() && 0 !== b[b.length - 1].pathElements.length && b.push(new c.Svg.Path()), b[b.length - 1].pathElements.push(d); }), b ); } function t(a, b, d) { for (var e = new c.Svg.Path(b, d), f = 0; f < a.length; f++) for (var g = a[f], h = 0; h < g.pathElements.length; h++) e.pathElements.push(g.pathElements[h]); return e; } var u = { m: ['x', 'y'], l: ['x', 'y'], c: ['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'x', 'y'], a: ['rx', 'ry', 'xAr', 'lAf', 'sf', 'x', 'y'] }, v = { accuracy: 3 }; (c.Svg.Path = c.Class.extend({ constructor: f, position: g, remove: h, move: i, line: j, curve: k, arc: l, scale: o, translate: p, transform: q, parse: m, stringify: n, clone: r, splitByCommand: s, })), (c.Svg.Path.elementDescriptions = u), (c.Svg.Path.join = t); })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; function d(a, b, c, d) { (this.units = a), (this.counterUnits = a === f.x ? f.y : f.x), (this.chartRect = b), (this.axisLength = b[a.rectEnd] - b[a.rectStart]), (this.gridOffset = b[a.rectOffset]), (this.ticks = c), (this.options = d); } function e(a, b, d, e, f) { var g = e['axis' + this.units.pos.toUpperCase()], h = this.ticks.map(this.projectValue.bind(this)), i = this.ticks.map(g.labelInterpolationFnc); h.forEach( function (j, k) { var l, m = { x: 0, y: 0 }; (l = h[k + 1] ? h[k + 1] - j : Math.max(this.axisLength - j, 30)), (c.isFalseyButZero(i[k]) && '' !== i[k]) || ('x' === this.units.pos ? ((j = this.chartRect.x1 + j), (m.x = e.axisX.labelOffset.x), 'start' === e.axisX.position ? (m.y = this.chartRect.padding.top + e.axisX.labelOffset.y + (d ? 5 : 20)) : (m.y = this.chartRect.y1 + e.axisX.labelOffset.y + (d ? 5 : 20))) : ((j = this.chartRect.y1 - j), (m.y = e.axisY.labelOffset.y - (d ? l : 0)), 'start' === e.axisY.position ? (m.x = d ? this.chartRect.padding.left + e.axisY.labelOffset.x : this.chartRect.x1 - 10) : (m.x = this.chartRect.x2 + e.axisY.labelOffset.x + 10)), g.showGrid && c.createGrid( j, k, this, this.gridOffset, this.chartRect[this.counterUnits.len](), a, [e.classNames.grid, e.classNames[this.units.dir]], f ), g.showLabel && c.createLabel( j, l, k, i, this, g.offset, m, b, [e.classNames.label, e.classNames[this.units.dir], e.classNames[g.position]], d, f )); }.bind(this) ); } var f = { x: { pos: 'x', len: 'width', dir: 'horizontal', rectStart: 'x1', rectEnd: 'x2', rectOffset: 'y2' }, y: { pos: 'y', len: 'height', dir: 'vertical', rectStart: 'y2', rectEnd: 'y1', rectOffset: 'x1' }, }; (c.Axis = c.Class.extend({ constructor: d, createGridAndLabels: e, projectValue: function (a, b, c) { throw new Error("Base axis can't be instantiated!"); }, })), (c.Axis.units = f); })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; function d(a, b, d, e) { var f = e.highLow || c.getHighLow(b.normalized, e, a.pos); (this.bounds = c.getBounds(d[a.rectEnd] - d[a.rectStart], f, e.scaleMinSpace || 20, e.onlyInteger)), (this.range = { min: this.bounds.min, max: this.bounds.max }), c.AutoScaleAxis['super'].constructor.call(this, a, d, this.bounds.values, e); } function e(a) { return (this.axisLength * (+c.getMultiValue(a, this.units.pos) - this.bounds.min)) / this.bounds.range; } c.AutoScaleAxis = c.Axis.extend({ constructor: d, projectValue: e }); })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; function d(a, b, d, e) { var f = e.highLow || c.getHighLow(b.normalized, e, a.pos); (this.divisor = e.divisor || 1), (this.ticks = e.ticks || c.times(this.divisor).map( function (a, b) { return f.low + ((f.high - f.low) / this.divisor) * b; }.bind(this) )), this.ticks.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }), (this.range = { min: f.low, max: f.high }), c.FixedScaleAxis['super'].constructor.call(this, a, d, this.ticks, e), (this.stepLength = this.axisLength / this.divisor); } function e(a) { return (this.axisLength * (+c.getMultiValue(a, this.units.pos) - this.range.min)) / (this.range.max - this.range.min); } c.FixedScaleAxis = c.Axis.extend({ constructor: d, projectValue: e }); })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; function d(a, b, d, e) { c.StepAxis['super'].constructor.call(this, a, d, e.ticks, e), (this.stepLength = this.axisLength / (e.ticks.length - (e.stretch ? 1 : 0))); } function e(a, b) { return this.stepLength * b; } c.StepAxis = c.Axis.extend({ constructor: d, projectValue: e }); })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; function d(a) { this.data = c.normalizeData(this.data); var b = { raw: this.data, normalized: c.getDataArray(this.data, a.reverseData, !0) }; this.svg = c.createSvg(this.container, a.width, a.height, a.classNames.chart); var d, e, g = this.svg.elem('g').addClass(a.classNames.gridGroup), h = this.svg.elem('g'), i = this.svg.elem('g').addClass(a.classNames.labelGroup), j = c.createChartRect(this.svg, a, f.padding); (d = void 0 === a.axisX.type ? new c.StepAxis(c.Axis.units.x, b, j, c.extend({}, a.axisX, { ticks: b.raw.labels, stretch: a.fullWidth })) : a.axisX.type.call(c, c.Axis.units.x, b, j, a.axisX)), (e = void 0 === a.axisY.type ? new c.AutoScaleAxis( c.Axis.units.y, b, j, c.extend({}, a.axisY, { high: c.isNum(a.high) ? a.high : a.axisY.high, low: c.isNum(a.low) ? a.low : a.axisY.low }) ) : a.axisY.type.call(c, c.Axis.units.y, b, j, a.axisY)), d.createGridAndLabels(g, i, this.supportsForeignObject, a, this.eventEmitter), e.createGridAndLabels(g, i, this.supportsForeignObject, a, this.eventEmitter), b.raw.series.forEach( function (f, g) { var i = h.elem('g'); i.attr({ 'ct:series-name': f.name, 'ct:meta': c.serialize(f.meta) }), i.addClass([a.classNames.series, f.className || a.classNames.series + '-' + c.alphaNumerate(g)].join(' ')); var k = [], l = []; b.normalized[g].forEach( function (a, h) { var i = { x: j.x1 + d.projectValue(a, h, b.normalized[g]), y: j.y1 - e.projectValue(a, h, b.normalized[g]) }; k.push(i.x, i.y), l.push({ value: a, valueIndex: h, meta: c.getMetaData(f, h) }); }.bind(this) ); var m = { lineSmooth: c.getSeriesOption(f, a, 'lineSmooth'), showPoint: c.getSeriesOption(f, a, 'showPoint'), showLine: c.getSeriesOption(f, a, 'showLine'), showArea: c.getSeriesOption(f, a, 'showArea'), areaBase: c.getSeriesOption(f, a, 'areaBase'), }, n = 'function' == typeof m.lineSmooth ? m.lineSmooth : m.lineSmooth ? c.Interpolation.cardinal() : c.Interpolation.none(), o = n(k, l); if ( (m.showPoint && o.pathElements.forEach( function (b) { var h = i .elem('line', { x1: b.x, y1: b.y, x2: b.x + 0.01, y2: b.y }, a.classNames.point) .attr({ 'ct:value': [b.data.value.x, b.data.value.y].filter(c.isNum).join(','), 'ct:meta': b.data.meta }); this.eventEmitter.emit('draw', { type: 'point', value: b.data.value, index: b.data.valueIndex, meta: b.data.meta, series: f, seriesIndex: g, axisX: d, axisY: e, group: i, element: h, x: b.x, y: b.y, }); }.bind(this) ), m.showLine) ) { var p = i.elem('path', { d: o.stringify() }, a.classNames.line, !0); this.eventEmitter.emit('draw', { type: 'line', values: b.normalized[g], path: o.clone(), chartRect: j, index: g, series: f, seriesIndex: g, axisX: d, axisY: e, group: i, element: p, }); } if (m.showArea && e.range) { var q = Math.max(Math.min(m.areaBase, e.range.max), e.range.min), r = j.y1 - e.projectValue(q); o.splitByCommand('M') .filter(function (a) { return a.pathElements.length > 1; }) .map(function (a) { var b = a.pathElements[0], c = a.pathElements[a.pathElements.length - 1]; return a .clone(!0) .position(0) .remove(1) .move(b.x, r) .line(b.x, b.y) .position(a.pathElements.length + 1) .line(c.x, r); }) .forEach( function (c) { var h = i.elem('path', { d: c.stringify() }, a.classNames.area, !0); this.eventEmitter.emit('draw', { type: 'area', values: b.normalized[g], path: c.clone(), series: f, seriesIndex: g, axisX: d, axisY: e, chartRect: j, index: g, group: i, element: h, }); }.bind(this) ); } }.bind(this) ), this.eventEmitter.emit('created', { bounds: e.bounds, chartRect: j, axisX: d, axisY: e, svg: this.svg, options: a }); } function e(a, b, d, e) { c.Line['super'].constructor.call(this, a, b, f, c.extend({}, f, d), e); } var f = { axisX: { offset: 30, position: 'end', labelOffset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, showLabel: !0, showGrid: !0, labelInterpolationFnc: c.noop, type: void 0, }, axisY: { offset: 40, position: 'start', labelOffset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, showLabel: !0, showGrid: !0, labelInterpolationFnc: c.noop, type: void 0, scaleMinSpace: 20, onlyInteger: !1, }, width: void 0, height: void 0, showLine: !0, showPoint: !0, showArea: !1, areaBase: 0, lineSmooth: !0, low: void 0, high: void 0, chartPadding: { top: 15, right: 15, bottom: 5, left: 10 }, fullWidth: !1, reverseData: !1, classNames: { chart: 'ct-chart-line', label: 'ct-label', labelGroup: 'ct-labels', series: 'ct-series', line: 'ct-line', point: 'ct-point', area: 'ct-area', grid: 'ct-grid', gridGroup: 'ct-grids', vertical: 'ct-vertical', horizontal: 'ct-horizontal', start: 'ct-start', end: 'ct-end', }, }; c.Line = c.Base.extend({ constructor: e, createChart: d }); })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; function d(a) { this.data = c.normalizeData(this.data); var b, d = { raw: this.data, normalized: a.distributeSeries ? c.getDataArray(this.data, a.reverseData, a.horizontalBars ? 'x' : 'y').map(function (a) { return [a]; }) : c.getDataArray(this.data, a.reverseData, a.horizontalBars ? 'x' : 'y'), }; this.svg = c.createSvg( this.container, a.width, a.height, a.classNames.chart + (a.horizontalBars ? ' ' + a.classNames.horizontalBars : '') ); var e = this.svg.elem('g').addClass(a.classNames.gridGroup), g = this.svg.elem('g'), h = this.svg.elem('g').addClass(a.classNames.labelGroup); if (a.stackBars && 0 !== d.normalized.length) { var i = c.serialMap(d.normalized, function () { return Array.prototype.slice .call(arguments) .map(function (a) { return a; }) .reduce( function (a, b) { return { x: a.x + (b && b.x) || 0, y: a.y + (b && b.y) || 0 }; }, { x: 0, y: 0 } ); }); b = c.getHighLow([i], c.extend({}, a, { referenceValue: 0 }), a.horizontalBars ? 'x' : 'y'); } else b = c.getHighLow(d.normalized, c.extend({}, a, { referenceValue: 0 }), a.horizontalBars ? 'x' : 'y'); (b.high = +a.high || (0 === a.high ? 0 : b.high)), (b.low = +a.low || (0 === a.low ? 0 : b.low)); var j, k, l, m, n, o = c.createChartRect(this.svg, a, f.padding); (k = a.distributeSeries && a.stackBars ? d.raw.labels.slice(0, 1) : d.raw.labels), a.horizontalBars ? ((j = m = void 0 === a.axisX.type ? new c.AutoScaleAxis(c.Axis.units.x, d, o, c.extend({}, a.axisX, { highLow: b, referenceValue: 0 })) : a.axisX.type.call(c, c.Axis.units.x, d, o, c.extend({}, a.axisX, { highLow: b, referenceValue: 0 }))), (l = n = void 0 === a.axisY.type ? new c.StepAxis(c.Axis.units.y, d, o, { ticks: k }) : a.axisY.type.call(c, c.Axis.units.y, d, o, a.axisY))) : ((l = m = void 0 === a.axisX.type ? new c.StepAxis(c.Axis.units.x, d, o, { ticks: k }) : a.axisX.type.call(c, c.Axis.units.x, d, o, a.axisX)), (j = n = void 0 === a.axisY.type ? new c.AutoScaleAxis(c.Axis.units.y, d, o, c.extend({}, a.axisY, { highLow: b, referenceValue: 0 })) : a.axisY.type.call(c, c.Axis.units.y, d, o, c.extend({}, a.axisY, { highLow: b, referenceValue: 0 })))); var p = a.horizontalBars ? o.x1 + j.projectValue(0) : o.y1 - j.projectValue(0), q = []; l.createGridAndLabels(e, h, this.supportsForeignObject, a, this.eventEmitter), j.createGridAndLabels(e, h, this.supportsForeignObject, a, this.eventEmitter), d.raw.series.forEach( function (b, e) { var f, h, i = e - (d.raw.series.length - 1) / 2; (f = a.distributeSeries && !a.stackBars ? l.axisLength / d.normalized.length / 2 : a.distributeSeries && a.stackBars ? l.axisLength / 2 : l.axisLength / d.normalized[e].length / 2), (h = g.elem('g')), h.attr({ 'ct:series-name': b.name, 'ct:meta': c.serialize(b.meta) }), h.addClass([a.classNames.series, b.className || a.classNames.series + '-' + c.alphaNumerate(e)].join(' ')), d.normalized[e].forEach( function (g, k) { var r, s, t, u; if ( ((u = a.distributeSeries && !a.stackBars ? e : a.distributeSeries && a.stackBars ? 0 : k), (r = a.horizontalBars ? { x: o.x1 + j.projectValue(g && g.x ? g.x : 0, k, d.normalized[e]), y: o.y1 - l.projectValue(g && g.y ? g.y : 0, u, d.normalized[e]), } : { x: o.x1 + l.projectValue(g && g.x ? g.x : 0, u, d.normalized[e]), y: o.y1 - j.projectValue(g && g.y ? g.y : 0, k, d.normalized[e]), }), l instanceof c.StepAxis && (l.options.stretch || (r[l.units.pos] += f * (a.horizontalBars ? -1 : 1)), (r[l.units.pos] += a.stackBars || a.distributeSeries ? 0 : i * a.seriesBarDistance * (a.horizontalBars ? -1 : 1))), (t = q[k] || p), (q[k] = t - (p - r[l.counterUnits.pos])), void 0 !== g) ) { var v = {}; (v[l.units.pos + '1'] = r[l.units.pos]), (v[l.units.pos + '2'] = r[l.units.pos]), !a.stackBars || ('accumulate' !== a.stackMode && a.stackMode) ? ((v[l.counterUnits.pos + '1'] = p), (v[l.counterUnits.pos + '2'] = r[l.counterUnits.pos])) : ((v[l.counterUnits.pos + '1'] = t), (v[l.counterUnits.pos + '2'] = q[k])), (v.x1 = Math.min(Math.max(v.x1, o.x1), o.x2)), (v.x2 = Math.min(Math.max(v.x2, o.x1), o.x2)), (v.y1 = Math.min(Math.max(v.y1, o.y2), o.y1)), (v.y2 = Math.min(Math.max(v.y2, o.y2), o.y1)), (s = h .elem('line', v, a.classNames.bar) .attr({ 'ct:value': [g.x, g.y].filter(c.isNum).join(','), 'ct:meta': c.getMetaData(b, k) })), this.eventEmitter.emit( 'draw', c.extend( { type: 'bar', value: g, index: k, meta: c.getMetaData(b, k), series: b, seriesIndex: e, axisX: m, axisY: n, chartRect: o, group: h, element: s, }, v ) ); } }.bind(this) ); }.bind(this) ), this.eventEmitter.emit('created', { bounds: j.bounds, chartRect: o, axisX: m, axisY: n, svg: this.svg, options: a }); } function e(a, b, d, e) { c.Bar['super'].constructor.call(this, a, b, f, c.extend({}, f, d), e); } var f = { axisX: { offset: 30, position: 'end', labelOffset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, showLabel: !0, showGrid: !0, labelInterpolationFnc: c.noop, scaleMinSpace: 30, onlyInteger: !1, }, axisY: { offset: 40, position: 'start', labelOffset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, showLabel: !0, showGrid: !0, labelInterpolationFnc: c.noop, scaleMinSpace: 20, onlyInteger: !1, }, width: void 0, height: void 0, high: void 0, low: void 0, chartPadding: { top: 15, right: 15, bottom: 5, left: 10 }, seriesBarDistance: 15, stackBars: !1, stackMode: 'accumulate', horizontalBars: !1, distributeSeries: !1, reverseData: !1, classNames: { chart: 'ct-chart-bar', horizontalBars: 'ct-horizontal-bars', label: 'ct-label', labelGroup: 'ct-labels', series: 'ct-series', bar: 'ct-bar', grid: 'ct-grid', gridGroup: 'ct-grids', vertical: 'ct-vertical', horizontal: 'ct-horizontal', start: 'ct-start', end: 'ct-end', }, }; c.Bar = c.Base.extend({ constructor: e, createChart: d }); })(window, document, a), (function (a, b, c) { 'use strict'; function d(a, b, c) { var d = b.x > a.x; return (d && 'explode' === c) || (!d && 'implode' === c) ? 'start' : (d && 'implode' === c) || (!d && 'explode' === c) ? 'end' : 'middle'; } function e(a) { this.data = c.normalizeData(this.data); var b, e, f, h, i, j = [], k = a.startAngle, l = c.getDataArray(this.data, a.reverseData); (this.svg = c.createSvg(this.container, a.width, a.height, a.donut ? a.classNames.chartDonut : a.classNames.chartPie)), (e = c.createChartRect(this.svg, a, g.padding)), (f = Math.min(e.width() / 2, e.height() / 2)), (i = a.total || l.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, 0)); var m = c.quantity(a.donutWidth); '%' === m.unit && (m.value *= f / 100), (f -= a.donut ? m.value / 2 : 0), (h = 'outside' === a.labelPosition || a.donut ? f : 'center' === a.labelPosition ? 0 : f / 2), (h += a.labelOffset); var n = { x: e.x1 + e.width() / 2, y: e.y2 + e.height() / 2 }, o = 1 === this.data.series.filter(function (a) { return a.hasOwnProperty('value') ? 0 !== a.value : 0 !== a; }).length; a.showLabel && (b = this.svg.elem('g', null, null, !0)); for (var p = 0; p < this.data.series.length; p++) if (0 !== l[p] || !a.ignoreEmptyValues) { var q = this.data.series[p]; (j[p] = this.svg.elem('g', null, null, !0)), j[p].attr({ 'ct:series-name': q.name }), j[p].addClass([a.classNames.series, q.className || a.classNames.series + '-' + c.alphaNumerate(p)].join(' ')); var r = k + (l[p] / i) * 360, s = Math.max(0, k - (0 === p || o ? 0 : 0.2)); r - s >= 359.99 && (r = s + 359.99); var t = c.polarToCartesian(n.x, n.y, f, s), u = c.polarToCartesian(n.x, n.y, f, r), v = new c.Svg.Path(!a.donut).move(u.x, u.y).arc(f, f, 0, r - k > 180, 0, t.x, t.y); a.donut || v.line(n.x, n.y); var w = j[p].elem('path', { d: v.stringify() }, a.donut ? a.classNames.sliceDonut : a.classNames.slicePie); if ( (w.attr({ 'ct:value': l[p], 'ct:meta': c.serialize(q.meta) }), a.donut && w.attr({ style: 'stroke-width: ' + m.value + 'px' }), this.eventEmitter.emit('draw', { type: 'slice', value: l[p], totalDataSum: i, index: p, meta: q.meta, series: q, group: j[p], element: w, path: v.clone(), center: n, radius: f, startAngle: k, endAngle: r, }), a.showLabel) ) { var x = c.polarToCartesian(n.x, n.y, h, k + (r - k) / 2), y = a.labelInterpolationFnc(this.data.labels && !c.isFalseyButZero(this.data.labels[p]) ? this.data.labels[p] : l[p], p); if (y || 0 === y) { var z = b.elem('text', { dx: x.x, dy: x.y, 'text-anchor': d(n, x, a.labelDirection) }, a.classNames.label).text('' + y); this.eventEmitter.emit('draw', { type: 'label', index: p, group: b, element: z, text: '' + y, x: x.x, y: x.y }); } } k = r; } this.eventEmitter.emit('created', { chartRect: e, svg: this.svg, options: a }); } function f(a, b, d, e) { c.Pie['super'].constructor.call(this, a, b, g, c.extend({}, g, d), e); } var g = { width: void 0, height: void 0, chartPadding: 5, classNames: { chartPie: 'ct-chart-pie', chartDonut: 'ct-chart-donut', series: 'ct-series', slicePie: 'ct-slice-pie', sliceDonut: 'ct-slice-donut', label: 'ct-label', }, startAngle: 0, total: void 0, donut: !1, donutWidth: 60, showLabel: !0, labelOffset: 0, labelPosition: 'inside', labelInterpolationFnc: c.noop, labelDirection: 'neutral', reverseData: !1, ignoreEmptyValues: !1, }; c.Pie = c.Base.extend({ constructor: f, createChart: e, determineAnchorPosition: d }); })(window, document, a), a ); });