jest.mock('@angular/router'); import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { HttpResponse } from '@angular/common/http'; import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '@angular/common/http/testing'; import { ActivatedRouteSnapshot, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { of } from 'rxjs'; import { IPlantilla, Plantilla } from '../plantilla.model'; import { PlantillaService } from '../service/plantilla.service'; import { PlantillaRoutingResolveService } from './plantilla-routing-resolve.service'; describe('Service Tests', () => { describe('Plantilla routing resolve service', () => { let mockRouter: Router; let mockActivatedRouteSnapshot: ActivatedRouteSnapshot; let routingResolveService: PlantillaRoutingResolveService; let service: PlantillaService; let resultPlantilla: IPlantilla | undefined; beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [HttpClientTestingModule], providers: [Router, ActivatedRouteSnapshot], }); mockRouter = TestBed.inject(Router); mockActivatedRouteSnapshot = TestBed.inject(ActivatedRouteSnapshot); routingResolveService = TestBed.inject(PlantillaRoutingResolveService); service = TestBed.inject(PlantillaService); resultPlantilla = undefined; }); describe('resolve', () => { it('should return IPlantilla returned by find', () => { // GIVEN service.find = jest.fn(id => of(new HttpResponse({ body: { id } }))); mockActivatedRouteSnapshot.params = { id: 123 }; // WHEN routingResolveService.resolve(mockActivatedRouteSnapshot).subscribe(result => { resultPlantilla = result; }); // THEN expect(service.find).toBeCalledWith(123); expect(resultPlantilla).toEqual({ id: 123 }); }); it('should return new IPlantilla if id is not provided', () => { // GIVEN service.find = jest.fn(); mockActivatedRouteSnapshot.params = {}; // WHEN routingResolveService.resolve(mockActivatedRouteSnapshot).subscribe(result => { resultPlantilla = result; }); // THEN expect(service.find).not.toBeCalled(); expect(resultPlantilla).toEqual(new Plantilla()); }); it('should route to 404 page if data not found in server', () => { // GIVEN jest.spyOn(service, 'find').mockReturnValue(of(new HttpResponse({ body: null as unknown as Plantilla }))); mockActivatedRouteSnapshot.params = { id: 123 }; // WHEN routingResolveService.resolve(mockActivatedRouteSnapshot).subscribe(result => { resultPlantilla = result; }); // THEN expect(service.find).toBeCalledWith(123); expect(resultPlantilla).toEqual(undefined); expect(mockRouter.navigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['404']); }); }); }); });