import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController } from '@angular/common/http/testing'; import * as dayjs from 'dayjs'; import { DATE_TIME_FORMAT } from 'app/config/input.constants'; import { EstadoPlantilla } from 'app/entities/enumerations/estado-plantilla.model'; import { IPlantilla, Plantilla } from '../plantilla.model'; import { PlantillaService } from './plantilla.service'; describe('Service Tests', () => { describe('Plantilla Service', () => { let service: PlantillaService; let httpMock: HttpTestingController; let elemDefault: IPlantilla; let expectedResult: IPlantilla | IPlantilla[] | boolean | null; let currentDate: dayjs.Dayjs; beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [HttpClientTestingModule], }); expectedResult = null; service = TestBed.inject(PlantillaService); httpMock = TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController); currentDate = dayjs(); elemDefault = { id: 0, nombre: 'AAAAAAA', descripcion: 'AAAAAAA', fechaCreacion: currentDate, fechaPublicacionTienda: currentDate, estado: EstadoPlantilla.DRAFT, precio: 0, }; }); describe('Service methods', () => { it('should find an element', () => { const returnedFromService = Object.assign( { fechaCreacion: currentDate.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT), fechaPublicacionTienda: currentDate.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT), }, elemDefault ); service.find(123).subscribe(resp => (expectedResult = resp.body)); const req = httpMock.expectOne({ method: 'GET' }); req.flush(returnedFromService); expect(expectedResult).toMatchObject(elemDefault); }); it('should create a Plantilla', () => { const returnedFromService = Object.assign( { id: 0, fechaCreacion: currentDate.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT), fechaPublicacionTienda: currentDate.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT), }, elemDefault ); const expected = Object.assign( { fechaCreacion: currentDate, fechaPublicacionTienda: currentDate, }, returnedFromService ); service.create(new Plantilla()).subscribe(resp => (expectedResult = resp.body)); const req = httpMock.expectOne({ method: 'POST' }); req.flush(returnedFromService); expect(expectedResult).toMatchObject(expected); }); it('should update a Plantilla', () => { const returnedFromService = Object.assign( { id: 1, nombre: 'BBBBBB', descripcion: 'BBBBBB', fechaCreacion: currentDate.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT), fechaPublicacionTienda: currentDate.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT), estado: 'BBBBBB', precio: 1, }, elemDefault ); const expected = Object.assign( { fechaCreacion: currentDate, fechaPublicacionTienda: currentDate, }, returnedFromService ); service.update(expected).subscribe(resp => (expectedResult = resp.body)); const req = httpMock.expectOne({ method: 'PUT' }); req.flush(returnedFromService); expect(expectedResult).toMatchObject(expected); }); it('should partial update a Plantilla', () => { const patchObject = Object.assign( { descripcion: 'BBBBBB', estado: 'BBBBBB', }, new Plantilla() ); const returnedFromService = Object.assign(patchObject, elemDefault); const expected = Object.assign( { fechaCreacion: currentDate, fechaPublicacionTienda: currentDate, }, returnedFromService ); service.partialUpdate(patchObject).subscribe(resp => (expectedResult = resp.body)); const req = httpMock.expectOne({ method: 'PATCH' }); req.flush(returnedFromService); expect(expectedResult).toMatchObject(expected); }); it('should return a list of Plantilla', () => { const returnedFromService = Object.assign( { id: 1, nombre: 'BBBBBB', descripcion: 'BBBBBB', fechaCreacion: currentDate.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT), fechaPublicacionTienda: currentDate.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT), estado: 'BBBBBB', precio: 1, }, elemDefault ); const expected = Object.assign( { fechaCreacion: currentDate, fechaPublicacionTienda: currentDate, }, returnedFromService ); service.query().subscribe(resp => (expectedResult = resp.body)); const req = httpMock.expectOne({ method: 'GET' }); req.flush([returnedFromService]); httpMock.verify(); expect(expectedResult).toContainEqual(expected); }); it('should delete a Plantilla', () => { service.delete(123).subscribe(resp => (expectedResult = resp.ok)); const req = httpMock.expectOne({ method: 'DELETE' }); req.flush({ status: 200 }); expect(expectedResult); }); describe('addPlantillaToCollectionIfMissing', () => { it('should add a Plantilla to an empty array', () => { const plantilla: IPlantilla = { id: 123 }; expectedResult = service.addPlantillaToCollectionIfMissing([], plantilla); expect(expectedResult).toHaveLength(1); expect(expectedResult).toContain(plantilla); }); it('should not add a Plantilla to an array that contains it', () => { const plantilla: IPlantilla = { id: 123 }; const plantillaCollection: IPlantilla[] = [ { ...plantilla, }, { id: 456 }, ]; expectedResult = service.addPlantillaToCollectionIfMissing(plantillaCollection, plantilla); expect(expectedResult).toHaveLength(2); }); it("should add a Plantilla to an array that doesn't contain it", () => { const plantilla: IPlantilla = { id: 123 }; const plantillaCollection: IPlantilla[] = [{ id: 456 }]; expectedResult = service.addPlantillaToCollectionIfMissing(plantillaCollection, plantilla); expect(expectedResult).toHaveLength(2); expect(expectedResult).toContain(plantilla); }); it('should add only unique Plantilla to an array', () => { const plantillaArray: IPlantilla[] = [{ id: 123 }, { id: 456 }, { id: 99638 }]; const plantillaCollection: IPlantilla[] = [{ id: 123 }]; expectedResult = service.addPlantillaToCollectionIfMissing(plantillaCollection, ...plantillaArray); expect(expectedResult).toHaveLength(3); }); it('should accept varargs', () => { const plantilla: IPlantilla = { id: 123 }; const plantilla2: IPlantilla = { id: 456 }; expectedResult = service.addPlantillaToCollectionIfMissing([], plantilla, plantilla2); expect(expectedResult).toHaveLength(2); expect(expectedResult).toContain(plantilla); expect(expectedResult).toContain(plantilla2); }); it('should accept null and undefined values', () => { const plantilla: IPlantilla = { id: 123 }; expectedResult = service.addPlantillaToCollectionIfMissing([], null, plantilla, undefined); expect(expectedResult).toHaveLength(1); expect(expectedResult).toContain(plantilla); }); it('should return initial array if no Plantilla is added', () => { const plantillaCollection: IPlantilla[] = [{ id: 123 }]; expectedResult = service.addPlantillaToCollectionIfMissing(plantillaCollection, undefined, null); expect(expectedResult).toEqual(plantillaCollection); }); }); }); afterEach(() => { httpMock.verify(); }); }); });