
1061 lines
41 KiB

perfect-scrollbar v0.6.10
!(function t(e, n, r) {
function o(l, s) {
if (!n[l]) {
if (!e[l]) {
var a = 'function' == typeof require && require;
if (!s && a) return a(l, !0);
if (i) return i(l, !0);
var c = new Error("Cannot find module '" + l + "'");
throw ((c.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'), c);
var u = (n[l] = { exports: {} });
function (t) {
var n = e[l][1][t];
return o(n ? n : t);
return n[l].exports;
for (var i = 'function' == typeof require && require, l = 0; l < r.length; l++) o(r[l]);
return o;
1: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t) {
t.fn.perfectScrollbar = function (e) {
return this.each(function () {
if ('object' == typeof e || 'undefined' == typeof e) {
var n = e;
i.get(this) || o.initialize(this, n);
} else {
var r = e;
'update' === r ? o.update(this) : 'destroy' === r && o.destroy(this);
return t(this);
var o = t('../main'),
i = t('../plugin/instances');
if ('function' == typeof define && define.amd) define(['jquery'], r);
else {
var l = window.jQuery ? window.jQuery : window.$;
'undefined' != typeof l && r(l);
e.exports = r;
{ '../main': 7, '../plugin/instances': 18 },
2: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t, e) {
var n = t.className.split(' ');
n.indexOf(e) < 0 && n.push(e), (t.className = n.join(' '));
function o(t, e) {
var n = t.className.split(' '),
r = n.indexOf(e);
r >= 0 && n.splice(r, 1), (t.className = n.join(' '));
(n.add = function (t, e) {
t.classList ? t.classList.add(e) : r(t, e);
(n.remove = function (t, e) {
t.classList ? t.classList.remove(e) : o(t, e);
(n.list = function (t) {
return t.classList ? Array.prototype.slice.apply(t.classList) : t.className.split(' ');
3: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t, e) {
return window.getComputedStyle(t)[e];
function o(t, e, n) {
return 'number' == typeof n && (n = n.toString() + 'px'), ([e] = n), t;
function i(t, e) {
for (var n in e) {
var r = e[n];
'number' == typeof r && (r = r.toString() + 'px'), ([n] = r);
return t;
var l = {};
(l.e = function (t, e) {
var n = document.createElement(t);
return (n.className = e), n;
(l.appendTo = function (t, e) {
return e.appendChild(t), t;
(l.css = function (t, e, n) {
return 'object' == typeof e ? i(t, e) : 'undefined' == typeof n ? r(t, e) : o(t, e, n);
(l.matches = function (t, e) {
return 'undefined' != typeof t.matches
? t.matches(e)
: 'undefined' != typeof t.matchesSelector
? t.matchesSelector(e)
: 'undefined' != typeof t.webkitMatchesSelector
? t.webkitMatchesSelector(e)
: 'undefined' != typeof t.mozMatchesSelector
? t.mozMatchesSelector(e)
: 'undefined' != typeof t.msMatchesSelector
? t.msMatchesSelector(e)
: void 0;
(l.remove = function (t) {
'undefined' != typeof t.remove ? t.remove() : t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t);
(l.queryChildren = function (t, e) {
return, function (t) {
return l.matches(t, e);
(e.exports = l);
4: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
var r = function (t) {
(this.element = t), ( = {});
(r.prototype.bind = function (t, e) {
'undefined' == typeof[t] && ([t] = []),[t].push(e), this.element.addEventListener(t, e, !1);
(r.prototype.unbind = function (t, e) {
var n = 'undefined' != typeof e;[t] =[t].filter(function (r) {
return n && r !== e ? !0 : (this.element.removeEventListener(t, r, !1), !1);
}, this);
(r.prototype.unbindAll = function () {
for (var t in this.unbind(t);
var o = function () {
this.eventElements = [];
(o.prototype.eventElement = function (t) {
var e = this.eventElements.filter(function (e) {
return e.element === t;
return 'undefined' == typeof e && ((e = new r(t)), this.eventElements.push(e)), e;
(o.prototype.bind = function (t, e, n) {
this.eventElement(t).bind(e, n);
(o.prototype.unbind = function (t, e, n) {
this.eventElement(t).unbind(e, n);
(o.prototype.unbindAll = function () {
for (var t = 0; t < this.eventElements.length; t++) this.eventElements[t].unbindAll();
(o.prototype.once = function (t, e, n) {
var r = this.eventElement(t),
o = function (t) {
r.unbind(e, o), n(t);
r.bind(e, o);
(e.exports = o);
5: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
e.exports = (function () {
function t() {
return Math.floor(65536 * (1 + Math.random()))
return function () {
return t() + t() + '-' + t() + '-' + t() + '-' + t() + '-' + t() + t() + t();
6: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
var r = t('./class'),
o = t('./dom');
(n.toInt = function (t) {
return parseInt(t, 10) || 0;
(n.clone = function (t) {
if (null === t) return null;
if ('object' == typeof t) {
var e = {};
for (var n in t) e[n] = this.clone(t[n]);
return e;
return t;
(n.extend = function (t, e) {
var n = this.clone(t);
for (var r in e) n[r] = this.clone(e[r]);
return n;
(n.isEditable = function (t) {
return (
o.matches(t, 'input,[contenteditable]') ||
o.matches(t, 'select,[contenteditable]') ||
o.matches(t, 'textarea,[contenteditable]') ||
o.matches(t, 'button,[contenteditable]')
(n.removePsClasses = function (t) {
for (var e = r.list(t), n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var o = e[n];
0 === o.indexOf('ps-') && r.remove(t, o);
(n.outerWidth = function (t) {
return (
this.toInt(o.css(t, 'width')) +
this.toInt(o.css(t, 'paddingLeft')) +
this.toInt(o.css(t, 'paddingRight')) +
this.toInt(o.css(t, 'borderLeftWidth')) +
this.toInt(o.css(t, 'borderRightWidth'))
(n.startScrolling = function (t, e) {
r.add(t, 'ps-in-scrolling'), 'undefined' != typeof e ? r.add(t, 'ps-' + e) : (r.add(t, 'ps-x'), r.add(t, 'ps-y'));
(n.stopScrolling = function (t, e) {
r.remove(t, 'ps-in-scrolling'), 'undefined' != typeof e ? r.remove(t, 'ps-' + e) : (r.remove(t, 'ps-x'), r.remove(t, 'ps-y'));
(n.env = {
isWebKit: 'WebkitAppearance' in,
supportsTouch: 'ontouchstart' in window || (window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch),
supportsIePointer: null !== window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints,
{ './class': 2, './dom': 3 },
7: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
var r = t('./plugin/destroy'),
o = t('./plugin/initialize'),
i = t('./plugin/update');
e.exports = { initialize: o, update: i, destroy: r };
{ './plugin/destroy': 9, './plugin/initialize': 17, './plugin/update': 21 },
8: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
e.exports = {
maxScrollbarLength: null,
minScrollbarLength: null,
scrollXMarginOffset: 0,
scrollYMarginOffset: 0,
stopPropagationOnClick: !0,
suppressScrollX: !1,
suppressScrollY: !1,
swipePropagation: !0,
useBothWheelAxes: !1,
useKeyboard: !0,
useSelectionScroll: !1,
wheelPropagation: !1,
wheelSpeed: 1,
theme: 'default',
9: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
var r = t('../lib/dom'),
o = t('../lib/helper'),
i = t('./instances');
e.exports = function (t) {
var e = i.get(t);
e &&
{ '../lib/dom': 3, '../lib/helper': 6, './instances': 18 },
10: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t, e) {
function n(t) {
return t.getBoundingClientRect();
var r = window.Event.prototype.stopPropagation.bind;
e.settings.stopPropagationOnClick && e.event.bind(e.scrollbarY, 'click', r),
e.event.bind(e.scrollbarYRail, 'click', function (r) {
var i = o.toInt(e.scrollbarYHeight / 2),
a = e.railYRatio * (r.pageY - window.pageYOffset - n(e.scrollbarYRail).top - i),
c = e.railYRatio * (e.railYHeight - e.scrollbarYHeight),
u = a / c;
0 > u ? (u = 0) : u > 1 && (u = 1), s(t, 'top', (e.contentHeight - e.containerHeight) * u), l(t), r.stopPropagation();
e.settings.stopPropagationOnClick && e.event.bind(e.scrollbarX, 'click', r),
e.event.bind(e.scrollbarXRail, 'click', function (r) {
var i = o.toInt(e.scrollbarXWidth / 2),
a = e.railXRatio * (r.pageX - window.pageXOffset - n(e.scrollbarXRail).left - i),
c = e.railXRatio * (e.railXWidth - e.scrollbarXWidth),
u = a / c;
0 > u ? (u = 0) : u > 1 && (u = 1),
s(t, 'left', (e.contentWidth - e.containerWidth) * u - e.negativeScrollAdjustment),
var o = t('../../lib/helper'),
i = t('../instances'),
l = t('../update-geometry'),
s = t('../update-scroll');
e.exports = function (t) {
var e = i.get(t);
r(t, e);
{ '../../lib/helper': 6, '../instances': 18, '../update-geometry': 19, '../update-scroll': 20 },
11: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t, e) {
function n(n) {
var o = r + n * e.railXRatio,
i = Math.max(0, e.scrollbarXRail.getBoundingClientRect().left) + e.railXRatio * (e.railXWidth - e.scrollbarXWidth);
0 > o ? (e.scrollbarXLeft = 0) : o > i ? (e.scrollbarXLeft = i) : (e.scrollbarXLeft = o);
var s =
l.toInt((e.scrollbarXLeft * (e.contentWidth - e.containerWidth)) / (e.containerWidth - e.railXRatio * e.scrollbarXWidth)) -
c(t, 'left', s);
var r = null,
o = null,
s = function (e) {
n(e.pageX - o), a(t), e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault();
u = function () {
l.stopScrolling(t, 'x'), e.event.unbind(e.ownerDocument, 'mousemove', s);
e.event.bind(e.scrollbarX, 'mousedown', function (n) {
(o = n.pageX),
(r = l.toInt(i.css(e.scrollbarX, 'left')) * e.railXRatio),
l.startScrolling(t, 'x'),
e.event.bind(e.ownerDocument, 'mousemove', s),
e.event.once(e.ownerDocument, 'mouseup', u),
function o(t, e) {
function n(n) {
var o = r + n * e.railYRatio,
i = Math.max(0, e.scrollbarYRail.getBoundingClientRect().top) + e.railYRatio * (e.railYHeight - e.scrollbarYHeight);
0 > o ? (e.scrollbarYTop = 0) : o > i ? (e.scrollbarYTop = i) : (e.scrollbarYTop = o);
var s = l.toInt(
(e.scrollbarYTop * (e.contentHeight - e.containerHeight)) / (e.containerHeight - e.railYRatio * e.scrollbarYHeight)
c(t, 'top', s);
var r = null,
o = null,
s = function (e) {
n(e.pageY - o), a(t), e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault();
u = function () {
l.stopScrolling(t, 'y'), e.event.unbind(e.ownerDocument, 'mousemove', s);
e.event.bind(e.scrollbarY, 'mousedown', function (n) {
(o = n.pageY),
(r = l.toInt(i.css(e.scrollbarY, 'top')) * e.railYRatio),
l.startScrolling(t, 'y'),
e.event.bind(e.ownerDocument, 'mousemove', s),
e.event.once(e.ownerDocument, 'mouseup', u),
var i = t('../../lib/dom'),
l = t('../../lib/helper'),
s = t('../instances'),
a = t('../update-geometry'),
c = t('../update-scroll');
e.exports = function (t) {
var e = s.get(t);
r(t, e), o(t, e);
{ '../../lib/dom': 3, '../../lib/helper': 6, '../instances': 18, '../update-geometry': 19, '../update-scroll': 20 },
12: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t, e) {
function n(n, r) {
var o = t.scrollTop;
if (0 === n) {
if (!e.scrollbarYActive) return !1;
if ((0 === o && r > 0) || (o >= e.contentHeight - e.containerHeight && 0 > r)) return !e.settings.wheelPropagation;
var i = t.scrollLeft;
if (0 === r) {
if (!e.scrollbarXActive) return !1;
if ((0 === i && 0 > n) || (i >= e.contentWidth - e.containerWidth && n > 0)) return !e.settings.wheelPropagation;
return !0;
var r = !1;
e.event.bind(t, 'mouseenter', function () {
r = !0;
e.event.bind(t, 'mouseleave', function () {
r = !1;
var l = !1;
e.event.bind(e.ownerDocument, 'keydown', function (c) {
if (!c.isDefaultPrevented || !c.isDefaultPrevented()) {
var u = i.matches(e.scrollbarX, ':focus') || i.matches(e.scrollbarY, ':focus');
if (r || u) {
var d = document.activeElement ? document.activeElement : e.ownerDocument.activeElement;
if (d) {
for (; d.shadowRoot; ) d = d.shadowRoot.activeElement;
if (o.isEditable(d)) return;
var p = 0,
f = 0;
switch (c.which) {
case 37:
p = -30;
case 38:
f = 30;
case 39:
p = 30;
case 40:
f = -30;
case 33:
f = 90;
case 32:
f = c.shiftKey ? 90 : -90;
case 34:
f = -90;
case 35:
f = c.ctrlKey ? -e.contentHeight : -e.containerHeight;
case 36:
f = c.ctrlKey ? t.scrollTop : e.containerHeight;
a(t, 'top', t.scrollTop - f), a(t, 'left', t.scrollLeft + p), s(t), (l = n(p, f)), l && c.preventDefault();
var o = t('../../lib/helper'),
i = t('../../lib/dom'),
l = t('../instances'),
s = t('../update-geometry'),
a = t('../update-scroll');
e.exports = function (t) {
var e = l.get(t);
r(t, e);
{ '../../lib/dom': 3, '../../lib/helper': 6, '../instances': 18, '../update-geometry': 19, '../update-scroll': 20 },
13: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t, e) {
function n(n, r) {
var o = t.scrollTop;
if (0 === n) {
if (!e.scrollbarYActive) return !1;
if ((0 === o && r > 0) || (o >= e.contentHeight - e.containerHeight && 0 > r)) return !e.settings.wheelPropagation;
var i = t.scrollLeft;
if (0 === r) {
if (!e.scrollbarXActive) return !1;
if ((0 === i && 0 > n) || (i >= e.contentWidth - e.containerWidth && n > 0)) return !e.settings.wheelPropagation;
return !0;
function r(t) {
var e = t.deltaX,
n = -1 * t.deltaY;
return (
('undefined' == typeof e || 'undefined' == typeof n) && ((e = (-1 * t.wheelDeltaX) / 6), (n = t.wheelDeltaY / 6)),
t.deltaMode && 1 === t.deltaMode && ((e *= 10), (n *= 10)),
e !== e && n !== n && ((e = 0), (n = t.wheelDelta)),
[e, n]
function o(e, n) {
var r = t.querySelector('textarea:hover');
if (r) {
var o = r.scrollHeight - r.clientHeight;
if (o > 0 && !((0 === r.scrollTop && n > 0) || (r.scrollTop === o && 0 > n))) return !0;
var i = r.scrollLeft - r.clientWidth;
if (i > 0 && !((0 === r.scrollLeft && 0 > e) || (r.scrollLeft === i && e > 0))) return !0;
return !1;
function s(s) {
var c = r(s),
u = c[0],
d = c[1];
o(u, d) ||
((a = !1),
? e.scrollbarYActive && !e.scrollbarXActive
? (d ? l(t, 'top', t.scrollTop - d * e.settings.wheelSpeed) : l(t, 'top', t.scrollTop + u * e.settings.wheelSpeed),
(a = !0))
: e.scrollbarXActive &&
!e.scrollbarYActive &&
(u ? l(t, 'left', t.scrollLeft + u * e.settings.wheelSpeed) : l(t, 'left', t.scrollLeft - d * e.settings.wheelSpeed),
(a = !0))
: (l(t, 'top', t.scrollTop - d * e.settings.wheelSpeed), l(t, 'left', t.scrollLeft + u * e.settings.wheelSpeed)),
(a = a || n(u, d)),
a && (s.stopPropagation(), s.preventDefault()));
var a = !1;
'undefined' != typeof window.onwheel
? e.event.bind(t, 'wheel', s)
: 'undefined' != typeof window.onmousewheel && e.event.bind(t, 'mousewheel', s);
var o = t('../instances'),
i = t('../update-geometry'),
l = t('../update-scroll');
e.exports = function (t) {
var e = o.get(t);
r(t, e);
{ '../instances': 18, '../update-geometry': 19, '../update-scroll': 20 },
14: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t, e) {
e.event.bind(t, 'scroll', function () {
var o = t('../instances'),
i = t('../update-geometry');
e.exports = function (t) {
var e = o.get(t);
r(t, e);
{ '../instances': 18, '../update-geometry': 19 },
15: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t, e) {
function n() {
var t = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.getSelection ? document.getSelection() : '';
return 0 === t.toString().length ? null : t.getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer;
function r() {
c ||
(c = setInterval(function () {
return i.get(t)
? (s(t, 'top', t.scrollTop +, s(t, 'left', t.scrollLeft + u.left), void l(t))
: void clearInterval(c);
}, 50));
function a() {
c && (clearInterval(c), (c = null)), o.stopScrolling(t);
var c = null,
u = { top: 0, left: 0 },
d = !1;
e.event.bind(e.ownerDocument, 'selectionchange', function () {
t.contains(n()) ? (d = !0) : ((d = !1), a());
e.event.bind(window, 'mouseup', function () {
d && ((d = !1), a());
e.event.bind(window, 'mousemove', function (e) {
if (d) {
var n = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY },
i = { left: t.offsetLeft, right: t.offsetLeft + t.offsetWidth, top: t.offsetTop, bottom: t.offsetTop + t.offsetHeight };
n.x < i.left + 3
? ((u.left = -5), o.startScrolling(t, 'x'))
: n.x > i.right - 3
? ((u.left = 5), o.startScrolling(t, 'x'))
: (u.left = 0),
n.y < + 3
? ( + 3 - n.y < 5 ? ( = -5) : ( = -20), o.startScrolling(t, 'y'))
: n.y > i.bottom - 3
? (n.y - i.bottom + 3 < 5 ? ( = 5) : ( = 20), o.startScrolling(t, 'y'))
: ( = 0),
0 === && 0 === u.left ? a() : r();
var o = t('../../lib/helper'),
i = t('../instances'),
l = t('../update-geometry'),
s = t('../update-scroll');
e.exports = function (t) {
var e = i.get(t);
r(t, e);
{ '../../lib/helper': 6, '../instances': 18, '../update-geometry': 19, '../update-scroll': 20 },
16: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t, e, n, r) {
function s(n, r) {
var o = t.scrollTop,
i = t.scrollLeft,
l = Math.abs(n),
s = Math.abs(r);
if (s > l) {
if ((0 > r && o === e.contentHeight - e.containerHeight) || (r > 0 && 0 === o)) return !e.settings.swipePropagation;
} else if (l > s && ((0 > n && i === e.contentWidth - e.containerWidth) || (n > 0 && 0 === i)))
return !e.settings.swipePropagation;
return !0;
function a(e, n) {
l(t, 'top', t.scrollTop - n), l(t, 'left', t.scrollLeft - e), i(t);
function c() {
Y = !0;
function u() {
Y = !1;
function d(t) {
return t.targetTouches ? t.targetTouches[0] : t;
function p(t) {
return t.targetTouches && 1 === t.targetTouches.length
? !0
: t.pointerType && 'mouse' !== t.pointerType && t.pointerType !== t.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE
? !0
: !1;
function f(t) {
if (p(t)) {
w = !0;
var e = d(t);
(v.pageX = e.pageX), (v.pageY = e.pageY), (g = new Date().getTime()), null !== y && clearInterval(y), t.stopPropagation();
function h(t) {
if (!Y && w && p(t)) {
var e = d(t),
n = { pageX: e.pageX, pageY: e.pageY },
r = n.pageX - v.pageX,
o = n.pageY - v.pageY;
a(r, o), (v = n);
var i = new Date().getTime(),
l = i - g;
l > 0 && ((m.x = r / l), (m.y = o / l), (g = i)), s(r, o) && (t.stopPropagation(), t.preventDefault());
function b() {
!Y &&
w &&
((w = !1),
(y = setInterval(function () {
return o.get(t)
? Math.abs(m.x) < 0.01 && Math.abs(m.y) < 0.01
? void clearInterval(y)
: (a(30 * m.x, 30 * m.y), (m.x *= 0.8), void (m.y *= 0.8))
: void clearInterval(y);
}, 10)));
var v = {},
g = 0,
m = {},
y = null,
Y = !1,
w = !1;
n &&
(e.event.bind(window, 'touchstart', c),
e.event.bind(window, 'touchend', u),
e.event.bind(t, 'touchstart', f),
e.event.bind(t, 'touchmove', h),
e.event.bind(t, 'touchend', b)),
r &&
? (e.event.bind(window, 'pointerdown', c),
e.event.bind(window, 'pointerup', u),
e.event.bind(t, 'pointerdown', f),
e.event.bind(t, 'pointermove', h),
e.event.bind(t, 'pointerup', b))
: window.MSPointerEvent &&
(e.event.bind(window, 'MSPointerDown', c),
e.event.bind(window, 'MSPointerUp', u),
e.event.bind(t, 'MSPointerDown', f),
e.event.bind(t, 'MSPointerMove', h),
e.event.bind(t, 'MSPointerUp', b)));
var o = t('../instances'),
i = t('../update-geometry'),
l = t('../update-scroll');
e.exports = function (t, e, n) {
var i = o.get(t);
r(t, i, e, n);
{ '../instances': 18, '../update-geometry': 19, '../update-scroll': 20 },
17: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
var r = t('../lib/class'),
o = t('../lib/helper'),
i = t('./instances'),
l = t('./update-geometry'),
s = t('./handler/click-rail'),
a = t('./handler/drag-scrollbar'),
c = t('./handler/keyboard'),
u = t('./handler/mouse-wheel'),
d = t('./handler/native-scroll'),
p = t('./handler/selection'),
f = t('./handler/touch');
e.exports = function (t, e) {
(e = 'object' == typeof e ? e : {}), r.add(t, 'ps-container');
var n = i.add(t);
(n.settings = o.extend(n.settings, e)),
r.add(t, 'ps-theme-' + n.settings.theme),
n.settings.useSelectionScroll && p(t),
(o.env.supportsTouch || o.env.supportsIePointer) && f(t, o.env.supportsTouch, o.env.supportsIePointer),
n.settings.useKeyboard && c(t),
'../lib/class': 2,
'../lib/helper': 6,
'./handler/click-rail': 10,
'./handler/drag-scrollbar': 11,
'./handler/keyboard': 12,
'./handler/mouse-wheel': 13,
'./handler/native-scroll': 14,
'./handler/selection': 15,
'./handler/touch': 16,
'./instances': 18,
'./update-geometry': 19,
18: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t) {
function e() {
s.add(t, 'ps-focus');
function n() {
s.remove(t, 'ps-focus');
var r = this;
(r.settings = p.clone(c)),
(r.containerWidth = null),
(r.containerHeight = null),
(r.contentWidth = null),
(r.contentHeight = null),
(r.isRtl = 'rtl' === a.css(t, 'direction')),
(r.isNegativeScroll = (function () {
var e = t.scrollLeft,
n = null;
return (t.scrollLeft = -1), (n = t.scrollLeft < 0), (t.scrollLeft = e), n;
(r.negativeScrollAdjustment = r.isNegativeScroll ? t.scrollWidth - t.clientWidth : 0),
(r.event = new u()),
(r.ownerDocument = t.ownerDocument || document),
(r.scrollbarXRail = a.appendTo(a.e('div', 'ps-scrollbar-x-rail'), t)),
(r.scrollbarX = a.appendTo(a.e('div', 'ps-scrollbar-x'), r.scrollbarXRail)),
r.scrollbarX.setAttribute('tabindex', 0),
r.event.bind(r.scrollbarX, 'focus', e),
r.event.bind(r.scrollbarX, 'blur', n),
(r.scrollbarXActive = null),
(r.scrollbarXWidth = null),
(r.scrollbarXLeft = null),
(r.scrollbarXBottom = p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarXRail, 'bottom'))),
(r.isScrollbarXUsingBottom = r.scrollbarXBottom === r.scrollbarXBottom),
(r.scrollbarXTop = r.isScrollbarXUsingBottom ? null : p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarXRail, 'top'))),
(r.railBorderXWidth =
p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarXRail, 'borderLeftWidth')) + p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarXRail, 'borderRightWidth'))),
a.css(r.scrollbarXRail, 'display', 'block'),
(r.railXMarginWidth = p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarXRail, 'marginLeft')) + p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarXRail, 'marginRight'))),
a.css(r.scrollbarXRail, 'display', ''),
(r.railXWidth = null),
(r.railXRatio = null),
(r.scrollbarYRail = a.appendTo(a.e('div', 'ps-scrollbar-y-rail'), t)),
(r.scrollbarY = a.appendTo(a.e('div', 'ps-scrollbar-y'), r.scrollbarYRail)),
r.scrollbarY.setAttribute('tabindex', 0),
r.event.bind(r.scrollbarY, 'focus', e),
r.event.bind(r.scrollbarY, 'blur', n),
(r.scrollbarYActive = null),
(r.scrollbarYHeight = null),
(r.scrollbarYTop = null),
(r.scrollbarYRight = p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarYRail, 'right'))),
(r.isScrollbarYUsingRight = r.scrollbarYRight === r.scrollbarYRight),
(r.scrollbarYLeft = r.isScrollbarYUsingRight ? null : p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarYRail, 'left'))),
(r.scrollbarYOuterWidth = r.isRtl ? p.outerWidth(r.scrollbarY) : null),
(r.railBorderYWidth =
p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarYRail, 'borderTopWidth')) + p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarYRail, 'borderBottomWidth'))),
a.css(r.scrollbarYRail, 'display', 'block'),
(r.railYMarginHeight = p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarYRail, 'marginTop')) + p.toInt(a.css(r.scrollbarYRail, 'marginBottom'))),
a.css(r.scrollbarYRail, 'display', ''),
(r.railYHeight = null),
(r.railYRatio = null);
function o(t) {
return 'undefined' == typeof t.dataset ? t.getAttribute('data-ps-id') : t.dataset.psId;
function i(t, e) {
'undefined' == typeof t.dataset ? t.setAttribute('data-ps-id', e) : (t.dataset.psId = e);
function l(t) {
'undefined' == typeof t.dataset ? t.removeAttribute('data-ps-id') : delete t.dataset.psId;
var s = t('../lib/class'),
a = t('../lib/dom'),
c = t('./default-setting'),
u = t('../lib/event-manager'),
d = t('../lib/guid'),
p = t('../lib/helper'),
f = {};
(n.add = function (t) {
var e = d();
return i(t, e), (f[e] = new r(t)), f[e];
(n.remove = function (t) {
delete f[o(t)], l(t);
(n.get = function (t) {
return f[o(t)];
{ '../lib/class': 2, '../lib/dom': 3, '../lib/event-manager': 4, '../lib/guid': 5, '../lib/helper': 6, './default-setting': 8 },
19: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
function r(t, e) {
return (
t.settings.minScrollbarLength && (e = Math.max(e, t.settings.minScrollbarLength)),
t.settings.maxScrollbarLength && (e = Math.min(e, t.settings.maxScrollbarLength)),
function o(t, e) {
var n = { width: e.railXWidth };
e.isRtl ? (n.left = e.negativeScrollAdjustment + t.scrollLeft + e.containerWidth - e.contentWidth) : (n.left = t.scrollLeft),
e.isScrollbarXUsingBottom ? (n.bottom = e.scrollbarXBottom - t.scrollTop) : ( = e.scrollbarXTop + t.scrollTop),
l.css(e.scrollbarXRail, n);
var r = { top: t.scrollTop, height: e.railYHeight };
? e.isRtl
? (r.right = e.contentWidth - (e.negativeScrollAdjustment + t.scrollLeft) - e.scrollbarYRight - e.scrollbarYOuterWidth)
: (r.right = e.scrollbarYRight - t.scrollLeft)
: e.isRtl
? (r.left =
e.negativeScrollAdjustment +
t.scrollLeft +
2 * e.containerWidth -
e.contentWidth -
e.scrollbarYLeft -
: (r.left = e.scrollbarYLeft + t.scrollLeft),
l.css(e.scrollbarYRail, r),
l.css(e.scrollbarX, { left: e.scrollbarXLeft, width: e.scrollbarXWidth - e.railBorderXWidth }),
l.css(e.scrollbarY, { top: e.scrollbarYTop, height: e.scrollbarYHeight - e.railBorderYWidth });
var i = t('../lib/class'),
l = t('../lib/dom'),
s = t('../lib/helper'),
a = t('./instances'),
c = t('./update-scroll');
e.exports = function (t) {
var e = a.get(t);
(e.containerWidth = t.clientWidth),
(e.containerHeight = t.clientHeight),
(e.contentWidth = t.scrollWidth),
(e.contentHeight = t.scrollHeight);
var n;
t.contains(e.scrollbarXRail) ||
((n = l.queryChildren(t, '.ps-scrollbar-x-rail')),
n.length > 0 &&
n.forEach(function (t) {
l.appendTo(e.scrollbarXRail, t)),
t.contains(e.scrollbarYRail) ||
((n = l.queryChildren(t, '.ps-scrollbar-y-rail')),
n.length > 0 &&
n.forEach(function (t) {
l.appendTo(e.scrollbarYRail, t)),
!e.settings.suppressScrollX && e.containerWidth + e.settings.scrollXMarginOffset < e.contentWidth
? ((e.scrollbarXActive = !0),
(e.railXWidth = e.containerWidth - e.railXMarginWidth),
(e.railXRatio = e.containerWidth / e.railXWidth),
(e.scrollbarXWidth = r(e, s.toInt((e.railXWidth * e.containerWidth) / e.contentWidth))),
(e.scrollbarXLeft = s.toInt(
((e.negativeScrollAdjustment + t.scrollLeft) * (e.railXWidth - e.scrollbarXWidth)) / (e.contentWidth - e.containerWidth)
: (e.scrollbarXActive = !1),
!e.settings.suppressScrollY && e.containerHeight + e.settings.scrollYMarginOffset < e.contentHeight
? ((e.scrollbarYActive = !0),
(e.railYHeight = e.containerHeight - e.railYMarginHeight),
(e.railYRatio = e.containerHeight / e.railYHeight),
(e.scrollbarYHeight = r(e, s.toInt((e.railYHeight * e.containerHeight) / e.contentHeight))),
(e.scrollbarYTop = s.toInt((t.scrollTop * (e.railYHeight - e.scrollbarYHeight)) / (e.contentHeight - e.containerHeight))))
: (e.scrollbarYActive = !1),
e.scrollbarXLeft >= e.railXWidth - e.scrollbarXWidth && (e.scrollbarXLeft = e.railXWidth - e.scrollbarXWidth),
e.scrollbarYTop >= e.railYHeight - e.scrollbarYHeight && (e.scrollbarYTop = e.railYHeight - e.scrollbarYHeight),
o(t, e),
? i.add(t, 'ps-active-x')
: (i.remove(t, 'ps-active-x'), (e.scrollbarXWidth = 0), (e.scrollbarXLeft = 0), c(t, 'left', 0)),
? i.add(t, 'ps-active-y')
: (i.remove(t, 'ps-active-y'), (e.scrollbarYHeight = 0), (e.scrollbarYTop = 0), c(t, 'top', 0));
{ '../lib/class': 2, '../lib/dom': 3, '../lib/helper': 6, './instances': 18, './update-scroll': 20 },
20: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
var r,
i = t('./instances'),
l = document.createEvent('Event'),
s = document.createEvent('Event'),
a = document.createEvent('Event'),
c = document.createEvent('Event'),
u = document.createEvent('Event'),
d = document.createEvent('Event'),
p = document.createEvent('Event'),
f = document.createEvent('Event'),
h = document.createEvent('Event'),
b = document.createEvent('Event');
l.initEvent('ps-scroll-up', !0, !0),
s.initEvent('ps-scroll-down', !0, !0),
a.initEvent('ps-scroll-left', !0, !0),
c.initEvent('ps-scroll-right', !0, !0),
u.initEvent('ps-scroll-y', !0, !0),
d.initEvent('ps-scroll-x', !0, !0),
p.initEvent('ps-x-reach-start', !0, !0),
f.initEvent('ps-x-reach-end', !0, !0),
h.initEvent('ps-y-reach-start', !0, !0),
b.initEvent('ps-y-reach-end', !0, !0),
(e.exports = function (t, e, n) {
if ('undefined' == typeof t) throw 'You must provide an element to the update-scroll function';
if ('undefined' == typeof e) throw 'You must provide an axis to the update-scroll function';
if ('undefined' == typeof n) throw 'You must provide a value to the update-scroll function';
'top' === e && 0 >= n && ((t.scrollTop = n = 0), t.dispatchEvent(h)),
'left' === e && 0 >= n && ((t.scrollLeft = n = 0), t.dispatchEvent(p));
var v = i.get(t);
'top' === e &&
n >= v.contentHeight - v.containerHeight &&
((t.scrollTop = n = v.contentHeight - v.containerHeight), t.dispatchEvent(b)),
'left' === e &&
n >= v.contentWidth - v.containerWidth &&
((t.scrollLeft = n = v.contentWidth - v.containerWidth), t.dispatchEvent(f)),
r || (r = t.scrollTop),
o || (o = t.scrollLeft),
'top' === e && r > n && t.dispatchEvent(l),
'top' === e && n > r && t.dispatchEvent(s),
'left' === e && o > n && t.dispatchEvent(a),
'left' === e && n > o && t.dispatchEvent(c),
'top' === e && ((t.scrollTop = r = n), t.dispatchEvent(u)),
'left' === e && ((t.scrollLeft = o = n), t.dispatchEvent(d));
{ './instances': 18 },
21: [
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
var r = t('../lib/dom'),
o = t('../lib/helper'),
i = t('./instances'),
l = t('./update-geometry'),
s = t('./update-scroll');
e.exports = function (t) {
var e = i.get(t);
e &&
((e.negativeScrollAdjustment = e.isNegativeScroll ? t.scrollWidth - t.clientWidth : 0),
r.css(e.scrollbarXRail, 'display', 'block'),
r.css(e.scrollbarYRail, 'display', 'block'),
(e.railXMarginWidth = o.toInt(r.css(e.scrollbarXRail, 'marginLeft')) + o.toInt(r.css(e.scrollbarXRail, 'marginRight'))),
(e.railYMarginHeight = o.toInt(r.css(e.scrollbarYRail, 'marginTop')) + o.toInt(r.css(e.scrollbarYRail, 'marginBottom'))),
r.css(e.scrollbarXRail, 'display', 'none'),
r.css(e.scrollbarYRail, 'display', 'none'),
s(t, 'top', t.scrollTop),
s(t, 'left', t.scrollLeft),
r.css(e.scrollbarXRail, 'display', ''),
r.css(e.scrollbarYRail, 'display', ''));
{ '../lib/dom': 3, '../lib/helper': 6, './instances': 18, './update-geometry': 19, './update-scroll': 20 },