import React from 'react'; function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; } function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _i = arr == null ? null : typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && arr[Symbol.iterator] || arr["@@iterator"]; if (_i == null) return; var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _s, _e; try { for (_i =; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } function _arrayLikeToArray$1(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } function _unsupportedIterableToArray$1(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray$1(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray$1(o, minLen); } function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray$1(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); } function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); } function classNames() { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } if (args) { var classes = []; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var className = args[i]; if (!className) continue; var type = _typeof(className); if (type === 'string' || type === 'number') { classes.push(className); } else if (type === 'object') { var _classes = Array.isArray(className) ? className : Object.entries(className).map(function (_ref) { var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2), key = _ref2[0], value = _ref2[1]; return !!value ? key : null; }); classes = _classes.length ? classes.concat(_classes.filter(function (c) { return !!c; })) : classes; } } return classes.join(' '); } return undefined; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { writable: false }); return Constructor; } function _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) { var it = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o["@@iterator"]; if (!it) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; var F = function F() {}; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e) { throw _e; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it =; }, n: function n() { var step =; normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e2) { didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it["return"] != null) it["return"](); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; } function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); } function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } var DomHandler = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function DomHandler() { _classCallCheck(this, DomHandler); } _createClass(DomHandler, null, [{ key: "innerWidth", value: function innerWidth(el) { if (el) { var width = el.offsetWidth; var style = getComputedStyle(el); width += parseFloat(style.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(style.paddingRight); return width; } return 0; } }, { key: "width", value: function width(el) { if (el) { var width = el.offsetWidth; var style = getComputedStyle(el); width -= parseFloat(style.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(style.paddingRight); return width; } return 0; } }, { key: "getWindowScrollTop", value: function getWindowScrollTop() { var doc = document.documentElement; return (window.pageYOffset || doc.scrollTop) - (doc.clientTop || 0); } }, { key: "getWindowScrollLeft", value: function getWindowScrollLeft() { var doc = document.documentElement; return (window.pageXOffset || doc.scrollLeft) - (doc.clientLeft || 0); } }, { key: "getOuterWidth", value: function getOuterWidth(el, margin) { if (el) { var width = el.offsetWidth || el.getBoundingClientRect().width; if (margin) { var style = getComputedStyle(el); width += parseFloat(style.marginLeft) + parseFloat(style.marginRight); } return width; } return 0; } }, { key: "getOuterHeight", value: function getOuterHeight(el, margin) { if (el) { var height = el.offsetHeight || el.getBoundingClientRect().height; if (margin) { var style = getComputedStyle(el); height += parseFloat(style.marginTop) + parseFloat(style.marginBottom); } return height; } return 0; } }, { key: "getClientHeight", value: function getClientHeight(el, margin) { if (el) { var height = el.clientHeight; if (margin) { var style = getComputedStyle(el); height += parseFloat(style.marginTop) + parseFloat(style.marginBottom); } return height; } return 0; } }, { key: "getClientWidth", value: function getClientWidth(el, margin) { if (el) { var width = el.clientWidth; if (margin) { var style = getComputedStyle(el); width += parseFloat(style.marginLeft) + parseFloat(style.marginRight); } return width; } return 0; } }, { key: "getViewport", value: function getViewport() { var win = window, d = document, e = d.documentElement, g = d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], w = win.innerWidth || e.clientWidth || g.clientWidth, h = win.innerHeight || e.clientHeight || g.clientHeight; return { width: w, height: h }; } }, { key: "getOffset", value: function getOffset(el) { if (el) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: + (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0), left: rect.left + (window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft || 0) }; } return { top: 'auto', left: 'auto' }; } }, { key: "index", value: function index(element) { if (element) { var children = element.parentNode.childNodes; var num = 0; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i] === element) return num; if (children[i].nodeType === 1) num++; } } return -1; } }, { key: "addMultipleClasses", value: function addMultipleClasses(element, className) { if (element && className) { if (element.classList) { var styles = className.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { element.classList.add(styles[i]); } } else { var _styles = className.split(' '); for (var _i = 0; _i < _styles.length; _i++) { element.className += ' ' + _styles[_i]; } } } } }, { key: "removeMultipleClasses", value: function removeMultipleClasses(element, className) { if (element && className) { if (element.classList) { var styles = className.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { element.classList.remove(styles[i]); } } else { var _styles2 = className.split(' '); for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < _styles2.length; _i2++) { element.className = element.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\b)' + _styles2[_i2].split(' ').join('|') + '(\\b|$)', 'gi'), ' '); } } } } }, { key: "addClass", value: function addClass(element, className) { if (element && className) { if (element.classList) element.classList.add(className);else element.className += ' ' + className; } } }, { key: "removeClass", value: function removeClass(element, className) { if (element && className) { if (element.classList) element.classList.remove(className);else element.className = element.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\b)' + className.split(' ').join('|') + '(\\b|$)', 'gi'), ' '); } } }, { key: "hasClass", value: function hasClass(element, className) { if (element) { if (element.classList) return element.classList.contains(className);else return new RegExp('(^| )' + className + '( |$)', 'gi').test(element.className); } } }, { key: "find", value: function find(element, selector) { return element ? Array.from(element.querySelectorAll(selector)) : []; } }, { key: "findSingle", value: function findSingle(element, selector) { if (element) { return element.querySelector(selector); } return null; } }, { key: "getHeight", value: function getHeight(el) { if (el) { var height = el.offsetHeight; var style = getComputedStyle(el); height -= parseFloat(style.paddingTop) + parseFloat(style.paddingBottom) + parseFloat(style.borderTopWidth) + parseFloat(style.borderBottomWidth); return height; } return 0; } }, { key: "getWidth", value: function getWidth(el) { if (el) { var width = el.offsetWidth; var style = getComputedStyle(el); width -= parseFloat(style.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(style.paddingRight) + parseFloat(style.borderLeftWidth) + parseFloat(style.borderRightWidth); return width; } return 0; } }, { key: "alignOverlay", value: function alignOverlay(overlay, target, appendTo) { var calculateMinWidth = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : true; if (overlay && target) { if (appendTo === 'self') { this.relativePosition(overlay, target); } else { calculateMinWidth && ( = DomHandler.getOuterWidth(target) + 'px'); this.absolutePosition(overlay, target); } } } }, { key: "absolutePosition", value: function absolutePosition(element, target) { if (element) { var elementDimensions = element.offsetParent ? { width: element.offsetWidth, height: element.offsetHeight } : this.getHiddenElementDimensions(element); var elementOuterHeight = elementDimensions.height; var elementOuterWidth = elementDimensions.width; var targetOuterHeight = target.offsetHeight; var targetOuterWidth = target.offsetWidth; var targetOffset = target.getBoundingClientRect(); var windowScrollTop = this.getWindowScrollTop(); var windowScrollLeft = this.getWindowScrollLeft(); var viewport = this.getViewport(); var top, left; if ( + targetOuterHeight + elementOuterHeight > viewport.height) { top = + windowScrollTop - elementOuterHeight; if (top < 0) { top = windowScrollTop; } = 'bottom'; } else { top = targetOuterHeight + + windowScrollTop; = 'top'; } if (targetOffset.left + targetOuterWidth + elementOuterWidth > viewport.width) left = Math.max(0, targetOffset.left + windowScrollLeft + targetOuterWidth - elementOuterWidth);else left = targetOffset.left + windowScrollLeft; = top + 'px'; = left + 'px'; } } }, { key: "relativePosition", value: function relativePosition(element, target) { if (element) { var elementDimensions = element.offsetParent ? { width: element.offsetWidth, height: element.offsetHeight } : this.getHiddenElementDimensions(element); var targetHeight = target.offsetHeight; var targetOffset = target.getBoundingClientRect(); var viewport = this.getViewport(); var top, left; if ( + targetHeight + elementDimensions.height > viewport.height) { top = -1 * elementDimensions.height; if ( + top < 0) { top = -1 *; } = 'bottom'; } else { top = targetHeight; = 'top'; } if (elementDimensions.width > viewport.width) { // element wider then viewport and cannot fit on screen (align at left side of viewport) left = targetOffset.left * -1; } else if (targetOffset.left + elementDimensions.width > viewport.width) { // element wider then viewport but can be fit on screen (align at right side of viewport) left = (targetOffset.left + elementDimensions.width - viewport.width) * -1; } else { // element fits on screen (align with target) left = 0; } = top + 'px'; = left + 'px'; } } }, { key: "flipfitCollision", value: function flipfitCollision(element, target) { var _this = this; var my = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'left top'; var at = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 'left bottom'; var callback = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : undefined; var targetOffset = target.getBoundingClientRect(); var viewport = this.getViewport(); var myArr = my.split(' '); var atArr = at.split(' '); var getPositionValue = function getPositionValue(arr, isOffset) { return isOffset ? +arr.substring(\+|-)/g)) || 0 : arr.substring(0,\+|-)/g)) || arr; }; var position = { my: { x: getPositionValue(myArr[0]), y: getPositionValue(myArr[1] || myArr[0]), offsetX: getPositionValue(myArr[0], true), offsetY: getPositionValue(myArr[1] || myArr[0], true) }, at: { x: getPositionValue(atArr[0]), y: getPositionValue(atArr[1] || atArr[0]), offsetX: getPositionValue(atArr[0], true), offsetY: getPositionValue(atArr[1] || atArr[0], true) } }; var myOffset = { left: function left() { var totalOffset = +; return totalOffset + targetOffset.left + ( === 'left' ? 0 : -1 * ( === 'center' ? _this.getOuterWidth(element) / 2 : _this.getOuterWidth(element))); }, top: function top() { var totalOffset = +; return totalOffset + + ( === 'top' ? 0 : -1 * ( === 'center' ? _this.getOuterHeight(element) / 2 : _this.getOuterHeight(element))); } }; var alignWithAt = { count: { x: 0, y: 0 }, left: function left() { var left = myOffset.left(); var scrollLeft = DomHandler.getWindowScrollLeft(); = left + scrollLeft + 'px'; if (this.count.x === 2) { = scrollLeft + 'px'; this.count.x = 0; } else if (left < 0) { this.count.x++; = 'left'; = 'right'; *= -1; *= -1; this.right(); } }, right: function right() { var left = myOffset.left() + DomHandler.getOuterWidth(target); var scrollLeft = DomHandler.getWindowScrollLeft(); = left + scrollLeft + 'px'; if (this.count.x === 2) { = viewport.width - DomHandler.getOuterWidth(element) + scrollLeft + 'px'; this.count.x = 0; } else if (left + DomHandler.getOuterWidth(element) > viewport.width) { this.count.x++; = 'right'; = 'left'; *= -1; *= -1; this.left(); } }, top: function top() { var top =; var scrollTop = DomHandler.getWindowScrollTop(); = top + scrollTop + 'px'; if (this.count.y === 2) { = scrollTop + 'px'; this.count.y = 0; } else if (top < 0) { this.count.y++; = 'top'; = 'bottom'; *= -1; *= -1; this.bottom(); } }, bottom: function bottom() { var top = + DomHandler.getOuterHeight(target); var scrollTop = DomHandler.getWindowScrollTop(); = top + scrollTop + 'px'; if (this.count.y === 2) { = viewport.height - DomHandler.getOuterHeight(element) + scrollTop + 'px'; this.count.y = 0; } else if (top + DomHandler.getOuterHeight(target) > viewport.height) { this.count.y++; = 'bottom'; = 'top'; *= -1; *= -1;; } }, center: function center(axis) { if (axis === 'y') { var top = + DomHandler.getOuterHeight(target) / 2; = top + DomHandler.getWindowScrollTop() + 'px'; if (top < 0) { this.bottom(); } else if (top + DomHandler.getOuterHeight(target) > viewport.height) {; } } else { var left = myOffset.left() + DomHandler.getOuterWidth(target) / 2; = left + DomHandler.getWindowScrollLeft() + 'px'; if (left < 0) { this.left(); } else if (left + DomHandler.getOuterWidth(element) > viewport.width) { this.right(); } } } }; alignWithAt[]('x'); alignWithAt[]('y'); if (this.isFunction(callback)) { callback(position); } } }, { key: "findCollisionPosition", value: function findCollisionPosition(position) { if (position) { var isAxisY = position === 'top' || position === 'bottom'; var myXPosition = position === 'left' ? 'right' : 'left'; var myYPosition = position === 'top' ? 'bottom' : 'top'; if (isAxisY) { return { axis: 'y', my: "center ".concat(myYPosition), at: "center ".concat(position) }; } return { axis: 'x', my: "".concat(myXPosition, " center"), at: "".concat(position, " center") }; } } }, { key: "getParents", value: function getParents(element) { var parents = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : []; return element['parentNode'] === null ? parents : this.getParents(element.parentNode, parents.concat([element.parentNode])); } }, { key: "getScrollableParents", value: function getScrollableParents(element) { var scrollableParents = []; if (element) { var parents = this.getParents(element); var overflowRegex = /(auto|scroll)/; var overflowCheck = function overflowCheck(node) { var styleDeclaration = node ? getComputedStyle(node) : null; return styleDeclaration && (overflowRegex.test(styleDeclaration.getPropertyValue('overflow')) || overflowRegex.test(styleDeclaration.getPropertyValue('overflowX')) || overflowRegex.test(styleDeclaration.getPropertyValue('overflowY'))); }; var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(parents), _step; try { for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) { var parent = _step.value; var scrollSelectors = parent.nodeType === 1 && parent.dataset['scrollselectors']; if (scrollSelectors) { var selectors = scrollSelectors.split(','); var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(selectors), _step2; try { for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator2.n()).done;) { var selector = _step2.value; var el = this.findSingle(parent, selector); if (el && overflowCheck(el)) { scrollableParents.push(el); } } } catch (err) { _iterator2.e(err); } finally { _iterator2.f(); } } if (parent.nodeType !== 9 && overflowCheck(parent)) { scrollableParents.push(parent); } } } catch (err) { _iterator.e(err); } finally { _iterator.f(); } } return scrollableParents; } }, { key: "getHiddenElementOuterHeight", value: function getHiddenElementOuterHeight(element) { if (element) { = 'hidden'; = 'block'; var elementHeight = element.offsetHeight; = 'none'; = 'visible'; return elementHeight; } return 0; } }, { key: "getHiddenElementOuterWidth", value: function getHiddenElementOuterWidth(element) { if (element) { = 'hidden'; = 'block'; var elementWidth = element.offsetWidth; = 'none'; = 'visible'; return elementWidth; } return 0; } }, { key: "getHiddenElementDimensions", value: function getHiddenElementDimensions(element) { var dimensions = {}; if (element) { = 'hidden'; = 'block'; dimensions.width = element.offsetWidth; dimensions.height = element.offsetHeight; = 'none'; = 'visible'; } return dimensions; } }, { key: "fadeIn", value: function fadeIn(element, duration) { if (element) { = 0; var last = +new Date(); var opacity = 0; var tick = function tick() { opacity = + (new Date().getTime() - last) / duration; = opacity; last = +new Date(); if (+opacity < 1) { window.requestAnimationFrame && requestAnimationFrame(tick) || setTimeout(tick, 16); } }; tick(); } } }, { key: "fadeOut", value: function fadeOut(element, duration) { if (element) { var opacity = 1, interval = 50, gap = interval / duration; var fading = setInterval(function () { opacity -= gap; if (opacity <= 0) { opacity = 0; clearInterval(fading); } = opacity; }, interval); } } }, { key: "getUserAgent", value: function getUserAgent() { return navigator.userAgent; } }, { key: "isIOS", value: function isIOS() { return /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window['MSStream']; } }, { key: "isAndroid", value: function isAndroid() { return /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); } }, { key: "isTouchDevice", value: function isTouchDevice() { return 'ontouchstart' in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0; } }, { key: "isFunction", value: function isFunction(obj) { return !!(obj && obj.constructor && && obj.apply); } }, { key: "appendChild", value: function appendChild(element, target) { if (this.isElement(target)) target.appendChild(element);else if (target.el && target.el.nativeElement) target.el.nativeElement.appendChild(element);else throw new Error('Cannot append ' + target + ' to ' + element); } }, { key: "removeChild", value: function removeChild(element, target) { if (this.isElement(target)) target.removeChild(element);else if (target.el && target.el.nativeElement) target.el.nativeElement.removeChild(element);else throw new Error('Cannot remove ' + element + ' from ' + target); } }, { key: "isElement", value: function isElement(obj) { return (typeof HTMLElement === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(HTMLElement)) === "object" ? obj instanceof HTMLElement : obj && _typeof(obj) === "object" && obj !== null && obj.nodeType === 1 && typeof obj.nodeName === "string"; } }, { key: "scrollInView", value: function scrollInView(container, item) { var borderTopValue = getComputedStyle(container).getPropertyValue('borderTopWidth'); var borderTop = borderTopValue ? parseFloat(borderTopValue) : 0; var paddingTopValue = getComputedStyle(container).getPropertyValue('paddingTop'); var paddingTop = paddingTopValue ? parseFloat(paddingTopValue) : 0; var containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect(); var itemRect = item.getBoundingClientRect(); var offset = + document.body.scrollTop - ( + document.body.scrollTop) - borderTop - paddingTop; var scroll = container.scrollTop; var elementHeight = container.clientHeight; var itemHeight = this.getOuterHeight(item); if (offset < 0) { container.scrollTop = scroll + offset; } else if (offset + itemHeight > elementHeight) { container.scrollTop = scroll + offset - elementHeight + itemHeight; } } }, { key: "clearSelection", value: function clearSelection() { if (window.getSelection) { if (window.getSelection().empty) { window.getSelection().empty(); } else if (window.getSelection().removeAllRanges && window.getSelection().rangeCount > 0 && window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).getClientRects().length > 0) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } } else if (document['selection'] && document['selection'].empty) { try { document['selection'].empty(); } catch (error) {//ignore IE bug } } } }, { key: "calculateScrollbarWidth", value: function calculateScrollbarWidth(el) { if (el) { var style = getComputedStyle(el); return el.offsetWidth - el.clientWidth - parseFloat(style.borderLeftWidth) - parseFloat(style.borderRightWidth); } else { if (this.calculatedScrollbarWidth != null) return this.calculatedScrollbarWidth; var scrollDiv = document.createElement("div"); scrollDiv.className = "p-scrollbar-measure"; document.body.appendChild(scrollDiv); var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth; document.body.removeChild(scrollDiv); this.calculatedScrollbarWidth = scrollbarWidth; return scrollbarWidth; } } }, { key: "getBrowser", value: function getBrowser() { if (!this.browser) { var matched = this.resolveUserAgent(); this.browser = {}; if (matched.browser) { this.browser[matched.browser] = true; this.browser['version'] = matched.version; } if (this.browser['chrome']) { this.browser['webkit'] = true; } else if (this.browser['webkit']) { this.browser['safari'] = true; } } return this.browser; } }, { key: "resolveUserAgent", value: function resolveUserAgent() { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var match = /(chrome)[ ]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(webkit)[ ]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ ]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(ua) || []; return { browser: match[1] || "", version: match[2] || "0" }; } }, { key: "isVisible", value: function isVisible(element) { return element && element.offsetParent != null; } }, { key: "isExist", value: function isExist(element) { return element !== null && typeof element !== 'undefined' && element.nodeName && element.parentNode; } }, { key: "hasDOM", value: function hasDOM() { return !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement); } }, { key: "getFocusableElements", value: function getFocusableElements(element) { var selector = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ''; var focusableElements = DomHandler.find(element, "button:not([tabindex = \"-1\"]):not([disabled]):not([style*=\"display:none\"]):not([hidden])".concat(selector, ",\n [href][clientHeight][clientWidth]:not([tabindex = \"-1\"]):not([disabled]):not([style*=\"display:none\"]):not([hidden])").concat(selector, ",\n input:not([tabindex = \"-1\"]):not([disabled]):not([style*=\"display:none\"]):not([hidden])").concat(selector, ",\n select:not([tabindex = \"-1\"]):not([disabled]):not([style*=\"display:none\"]):not([hidden])").concat(selector, ",\n textarea:not([tabindex = \"-1\"]):not([disabled]):not([style*=\"display:none\"]):not([hidden])").concat(selector, ",\n [tabIndex]:not([tabIndex = \"-1\"]):not([disabled]):not([style*=\"display:none\"]):not([hidden])").concat(selector, ",\n [contenteditable]:not([tabIndex = \"-1\"]):not([disabled]):not([style*=\"display:none\"]):not([hidden])").concat(selector)); var visibleFocusableElements = []; var _iterator3 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(focusableElements), _step3; try { for (_iterator3.s(); !(_step3 = _iterator3.n()).done;) { var focusableElement = _step3.value; if (getComputedStyle(focusableElement).display !== "none" && getComputedStyle(focusableElement).visibility !== "hidden") visibleFocusableElements.push(focusableElement); } } catch (err) { _iterator3.e(err); } finally { _iterator3.f(); } return visibleFocusableElements; } }, { key: "getFirstFocusableElement", value: function getFirstFocusableElement(element, selector) { var focusableElements = DomHandler.getFocusableElements(element, selector); return focusableElements.length > 0 ? focusableElements[0] : null; } }, { key: "getLastFocusableElement", value: function getLastFocusableElement(element, selector) { var focusableElements = DomHandler.getFocusableElements(element, selector); return focusableElements.length > 0 ? focusableElements[focusableElements.length - 1] : null; } }, { key: "getCursorOffset", value: function getCursorOffset(el, prevText, nextText, currentText) { if (el) { var style = getComputedStyle(el); var ghostDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = 'hidden'; = 'none'; = style.overflow; = style.width; = style.height; = style.padding; = style.border; = style.overflowWrap; = style.whiteSpace; = style.lineHeight; ghostDiv.innerHTML = prevText.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, '
'); var ghostSpan = document.createElement('span'); ghostSpan.textContent = currentText; ghostDiv.appendChild(ghostSpan); var text = document.createTextNode(nextText); ghostDiv.appendChild(text); document.body.appendChild(ghostDiv); var offsetLeft = ghostSpan.offsetLeft, offsetTop = ghostSpan.offsetTop, clientHeight = ghostSpan.clientHeight; document.body.removeChild(ghostDiv); return { left: Math.abs(offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft), top: Math.abs(offsetTop - el.scrollTop) + clientHeight }; } return { top: 'auto', left: 'auto' }; } }, { key: "invokeElementMethod", value: function invokeElementMethod(element, methodName, args) { element[methodName].apply(element, args); } }, { key: "isClickable", value: function isClickable(element) { var targetNode = element.nodeName; var parentNode = element.parentElement && element.parentElement.nodeName; return targetNode === 'INPUT' || targetNode === 'TEXTAREA' || targetNode === 'BUTTON' || targetNode === 'A' || parentNode === 'INPUT' || parentNode === 'TEXTAREA' || parentNode === 'BUTTON' || parentNode === 'A' || this.hasClass(element, 'p-button') || this.hasClass(element.parentElement, 'p-button') || this.hasClass(element.parentElement, 'p-checkbox') || this.hasClass(element.parentElement, 'p-radiobutton'); } }, { key: "applyStyle", value: function applyStyle(element, style) { if (typeof style === 'string') { =; } else { for (var prop in {[prop] = style[prop]; } } } }, { key: "exportCSV", value: function exportCSV(csv, filename) { var blob = new Blob([csv], { type: 'application/csv;charset=utf-8;' }); if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, filename + '.csv'); } else { var isDownloaded = DomHandler.saveAs({ name: filename + '.csv', src: URL.createObjectURL(blob) }); if (!isDownloaded) { csv = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + csv;; } } } }, { key: "saveAs", value: function saveAs(file) { if (file) { var link = document.createElement('a'); if ( !== undefined) { var name =, src = file.src; link.setAttribute('href', src); link.setAttribute('download', name); = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(link);; document.body.removeChild(link); return true; } } return false; } }, { key: "createInlineStyle", value: function createInlineStyle(nonce) { var styleElement = document.createElement('style'); try { if (!nonce) { nonce = process.env.REACT_APP_CSS_NONCE; } } catch (error) {// NOOP } nonce && styleElement.setAttribute('nonce', nonce); document.head.appendChild(styleElement); return styleElement; } }, { key: "removeInlineStyle", value: function removeInlineStyle(styleElement) { if (this.isExist(styleElement)) { try { document.head.removeChild(styleElement); } catch (error) {// style element may have already been removed in a fast refresh } styleElement = null; } return styleElement; } }]); return DomHandler; }(); var ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler(element) { var listener = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : function () {}; _classCallCheck(this, ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler); this.element = element; this.listener = listener; } _createClass(ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler, [{ key: "bindScrollListener", value: function bindScrollListener() { this.scrollableParents = DomHandler.getScrollableParents(this.element); for (var i = 0; i < this.scrollableParents.length; i++) { this.scrollableParents[i].addEventListener('scroll', this.listener); } } }, { key: "unbindScrollListener", value: function unbindScrollListener() { if (this.scrollableParents) { for (var i = 0; i < this.scrollableParents.length; i++) { this.scrollableParents[i].removeEventListener('scroll', this.listener); } } } }, { key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.unbindScrollListener(); this.element = null; this.listener = null; this.scrollableParents = null; } }]); return ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler; }(); function EventBus () { var allHandlers = new Map(); return { on: function on(type, handler) { var handlers = allHandlers.get(type); if (!handlers) handlers = [handler];else handlers.push(handler); allHandlers.set(type, handlers); }, off: function off(type, handler) { var handlers = allHandlers.get(type); handlers && handlers.splice(handlers.indexOf(handler) >>> 0, 1); }, emit: function emit(type, evt) { var handlers = allHandlers.get(type); handlers && handlers.slice().forEach(function (handler) { return handler(evt); }); } }; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function ownKeys$1(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } function _objectSpread$1(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys$1(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys$1(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; } function mask(el, options) { var defaultOptions = { mask: null, slotChar: '_', autoClear: true, unmask: false, readOnly: false, onComplete: null, onChange: null, onFocus: null, onBlur: null }; options = _objectSpread$1(_objectSpread$1({}, defaultOptions), options); var tests, partialPosition, len, firstNonMaskPos, defs, androidChrome, lastRequiredNonMaskPos, oldVal, focusText, caretTimeoutId, buffer, defaultBuffer; var caret = function caret(first, last) { var range, begin, end; if (!el.offsetParent || el !== document.activeElement) { return; } if (typeof first === 'number') { begin = first; end = typeof last === 'number' ? last : begin; if (el.setSelectionRange) { el.setSelectionRange(begin, end); } else if (el['createTextRange']) { range = el['createTextRange'](); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', end); range.moveStart('character', begin);; } } else { if (el.setSelectionRange) { begin = el.selectionStart; end = el.selectionEnd; } else if (document['selection'] && document['selection'].createRange) { range = document['selection'].createRange(); begin = 0 - range.duplicate().moveStart('character', -100000); end = begin + range.text.length; } return { begin: begin, end: end }; } }; var isCompleted = function isCompleted() { for (var i = firstNonMaskPos; i <= lastRequiredNonMaskPos; i++) { if (tests[i] && buffer[i] === getPlaceholder(i)) { return false; } } return true; }; var getPlaceholder = function getPlaceholder(i) { if (i < options.slotChar.length) { return options.slotChar.charAt(i); } return options.slotChar.charAt(0); }; var getValue = function getValue() { return options.unmask ? getUnmaskedValue() : el && el.value; }; var seekNext = function seekNext(pos) { while (++pos < len && !tests[pos]) { } return pos; }; var seekPrev = function seekPrev(pos) { while (--pos >= 0 && !tests[pos]) { } return pos; }; var shiftL = function shiftL(begin, end) { var i, j; if (begin < 0) { return; } for (i = begin, j = seekNext(end); i < len; i++) { if (tests[i]) { if (j < len && tests[i].test(buffer[j])) { buffer[i] = buffer[j]; buffer[j] = getPlaceholder(j); } else { break; } j = seekNext(j); } } writeBuffer(); caret(Math.max(firstNonMaskPos, begin)); }; var shiftR = function shiftR(pos) { var i, c, j, t; for (i = pos, c = getPlaceholder(pos); i < len; i++) { if (tests[i]) { j = seekNext(i); t = buffer[i]; buffer[i] = c; if (j < len && tests[j].test(t)) { c = t; } else { break; } } } }; var handleAndroidInput = function handleAndroidInput(e) { var curVal = el.value; var pos = caret(); if (oldVal && oldVal.length && oldVal.length > curVal.length) { // a deletion or backspace happened checkVal(true); while (pos.begin > 0 && !tests[pos.begin - 1]) { pos.begin--; } if (pos.begin === 0) { while (pos.begin < firstNonMaskPos && !tests[pos.begin]) { pos.begin++; } } caret(pos.begin, pos.begin); } else { checkVal(true); while (pos.begin < len && !tests[pos.begin]) { pos.begin++; } caret(pos.begin, pos.begin); } if (options.onComplete && isCompleted()) { options.onComplete({ originalEvent: e, value: getValue() }); } }; var onBlur = function onBlur(e) { checkVal(); updateModel(e); if (options.onBlur) { options.onBlur(e); } if (el.value !== focusText) { var event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent('change', true, false); el.dispatchEvent(event); } }; var onKeyDown = function onKeyDown(e) { if (options.readOnly) { return; } var k = e.which || e.keyCode, pos, begin, end; var iPhone = /iphone/i.test(DomHandler.getUserAgent()); oldVal = el.value; //backspace, delete, and escape get special treatment if (k === 8 || k === 46 || iPhone && k === 127) { pos = caret(); begin = pos.begin; end = pos.end; if (end - begin === 0) { begin = k !== 46 ? seekPrev(begin) : end = seekNext(begin - 1); end = k === 46 ? seekNext(end) : end; } clearBuffer(begin, end); shiftL(begin, end - 1); updateModel(e); e.preventDefault(); } else if (k === 13) { // enter onBlur(e); updateModel(e); } else if (k === 27) { // escape el.value = focusText; caret(0, checkVal()); updateModel(e); e.preventDefault(); } }; var onKeyPress = function onKeyPress(e) { if (options.readOnly) { return; } var k = e.which || e.keyCode, pos = caret(), p, c, next, completed; if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey || k < 32) { //Ignore return; } else if (k && k !== 13) { if (pos.end - pos.begin !== 0) { clearBuffer(pos.begin, pos.end); shiftL(pos.begin, pos.end - 1); } p = seekNext(pos.begin - 1); if (p < len) { c = String.fromCharCode(k); if (tests[p].test(c)) { shiftR(p); buffer[p] = c; writeBuffer(); next = seekNext(p); if (/android/i.test(DomHandler.getUserAgent())) { //Path for CSP Violation on FireFox OS 1.1 var proxy = function proxy() { caret(next); }; setTimeout(proxy, 0); } else { caret(next); } if (pos.begin <= lastRequiredNonMaskPos) { completed = isCompleted(); } } } e.preventDefault(); } updateModel(e); if (options.onComplete && completed) { options.onComplete({ originalEvent: e, value: getValue() }); } }; var clearBuffer = function clearBuffer(start, end) { var i; for (i = start; i < end && i < len; i++) { if (tests[i]) { buffer[i] = getPlaceholder(i); } } }; var writeBuffer = function writeBuffer() { el.value = buffer.join(''); }; var checkVal = function checkVal(allow) { //try to place characters where they belong var test = el.value, lastMatch = -1, i, c, pos; for (i = 0, pos = 0; i < len; i++) { if (tests[i]) { buffer[i] = getPlaceholder(i); while (pos++ < test.length) { c = test.charAt(pos - 1); if (tests[i].test(c)) { buffer[i] = c; lastMatch = i; break; } } if (pos > test.length) { clearBuffer(i + 1, len); break; } } else { if (buffer[i] === test.charAt(pos)) { pos++; } if (i < partialPosition) { lastMatch = i; } } } if (allow) { writeBuffer(); } else if (lastMatch + 1 < partialPosition) { if (options.autoClear || buffer.join('') === defaultBuffer) { // Invalid value. Remove it and replace it with the // mask, which is the default behavior. if (el.value) el.value = ''; clearBuffer(0, len); } else { // Invalid value, but we opt to show the value to the // user and allow them to correct their mistake. writeBuffer(); } } else { writeBuffer(); el.value = el.value.substring(0, lastMatch + 1); } return partialPosition ? i : firstNonMaskPos; }; var onFocus = function onFocus(e) { if (options.readOnly) { return; } clearTimeout(caretTimeoutId); var pos; focusText = el.value; pos = checkVal(); caretTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () { if (el !== document.activeElement) { return; } writeBuffer(); if (pos === options.mask.replace("?", "").length) { caret(0, pos); } else { caret(pos); } }, 10); if (options.onFocus) { options.onFocus(e); } }; var onInput = function onInput(event) { if (androidChrome) handleAndroidInput(event);else handleInputChange(event); }; var handleInputChange = function handleInputChange(e) { if (options.readOnly) { return; } var pos = checkVal(true); caret(pos); updateModel(e); if (options.onComplete && isCompleted()) { options.onComplete({ originalEvent: e, value: getValue() }); } }; var getUnmaskedValue = function getUnmaskedValue() { var unmaskedBuffer = []; for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { var c = buffer[i]; if (tests[i] && c !== getPlaceholder(i)) { unmaskedBuffer.push(c); } } return unmaskedBuffer.join(''); }; var updateModel = function updateModel(e) { if (options.onChange) { var val = getValue().replace(options.slotChar, ''); options.onChange({ originalEvent: e, value: defaultBuffer !== val ? val : '' }); } }; var bindEvents = function bindEvents() { el.addEventListener('focus', onFocus); el.addEventListener('blur', onBlur); el.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown); el.addEventListener('keypress', onKeyPress); el.addEventListener('input', onInput); el.addEventListener('paste', handleInputChange); }; var unbindEvents = function unbindEvents() { el.removeEventListener('focus', onFocus); el.removeEventListener('blur', onBlur); el.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown); el.removeEventListener('keypress', onKeyPress); el.removeEventListener('input', onInput); el.removeEventListener('paste', handleInputChange); }; var init = function init() { tests = []; partialPosition = options.mask.length; len = options.mask.length; firstNonMaskPos = null; defs = { '9': '[0-9]', 'a': '[A-Za-z]', '*': '[A-Za-z0-9]' }; var ua = DomHandler.getUserAgent(); androidChrome = /chrome/i.test(ua) && /android/i.test(ua); var maskTokens = options.mask.split(''); for (var i = 0; i < maskTokens.length; i++) { var c = maskTokens[i]; if (c === '?') { len--; partialPosition = i; } else if (defs[c]) { tests.push(new RegExp(defs[c])); if (firstNonMaskPos === null) { firstNonMaskPos = tests.length - 1; } if (i < partialPosition) { lastRequiredNonMaskPos = tests.length - 1; } } else { tests.push(null); } } buffer = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < maskTokens.length; _i++) { var _c = maskTokens[_i]; if (_c !== '?') { if (defs[_c]) buffer.push(getPlaceholder(_i));else buffer.push(_c); } } defaultBuffer = buffer.join(''); }; if (el && options.mask) { init(); bindEvents(); } return { init: init, bindEvents: bindEvents, unbindEvents: unbindEvents, updateModel: updateModel, getValue: getValue }; } var ObjectUtils = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function ObjectUtils() { _classCallCheck(this, ObjectUtils); } _createClass(ObjectUtils, null, [{ key: "equals", value: function equals(obj1, obj2, field) { if (field && obj1 && _typeof(obj1) === 'object' && obj2 && _typeof(obj2) === 'object') return this.resolveFieldData(obj1, field) === this.resolveFieldData(obj2, field);else return this.deepEquals(obj1, obj2); } }, { key: "deepEquals", value: function deepEquals(a, b) { if (a === b) return true; if (a && b && _typeof(a) == 'object' && _typeof(b) == 'object') { var arrA = Array.isArray(a), arrB = Array.isArray(b), i, length, key; if (arrA && arrB) { length = a.length; if (length !== b.length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) { if (!this.deepEquals(a[i], b[i])) return false; } return true; } if (arrA !== arrB) return false; var dateA = a instanceof Date, dateB = b instanceof Date; if (dateA !== dateB) return false; if (dateA && dateB) return a.getTime() === b.getTime(); var regexpA = a instanceof RegExp, regexpB = b instanceof RegExp; if (regexpA !== regexpB) return false; if (regexpA && regexpB) return a.toString() === b.toString(); var keys = Object.keys(a); length = keys.length; if (length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) { if (!, keys[i])) return false; } for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) { key = keys[i]; if (!this.deepEquals(a[key], b[key])) return false; } return true; } /*eslint no-self-compare: "off"*/ return a !== a && b !== b; } }, { key: "resolveFieldData", value: function resolveFieldData(data, field) { if (data && Object.keys(data).length && field) { if (this.isFunction(field)) { return field(data); } else if (field.indexOf('.') === -1) { return data[field]; } else { var fields = field.split('.'); var value = data; for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; ++i) { if (value == null) { return null; } value = value[fields[i]]; } return value; } } else { return null; } } }, { key: "isFunction", value: function isFunction(obj) { return !!(obj && obj.constructor && && obj.apply); } }, { key: "findDiffKeys", value: function findDiffKeys(obj1, obj2) { if (!obj1 || !obj2) { return {}; } return Object.keys(obj1).filter(function (key) { return !obj2.hasOwnProperty(key); }).reduce(function (result, current) { result[current] = obj1[current]; return result; }, {}); } }, { key: "reorderArray", value: function reorderArray(value, from, to) { var target; if (value && from !== to) { if (to >= value.length) { target = to - value.length; while (target-- + 1) { value.push(undefined); } } value.splice(to, 0, value.splice(from, 1)[0]); } } }, { key: "findIndexInList", value: function findIndexInList(value, list, dataKey) { var _this = this; if (list) { return dataKey ? list.findIndex(function (item) { return _this.equals(item, value, dataKey); }) : list.findIndex(function (item) { return item === value; }); } return -1; } }, { key: "getJSXElement", value: function getJSXElement(obj) { for (var _len = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { params[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } return this.isFunction(obj) ? obj.apply(void 0, params) : obj; } }, { key: "getPropValue", value: function getPropValue(obj) { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, params = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { params[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2]; } return this.isFunction(obj) ? obj.apply(void 0, params) : obj; } }, { key: "getRefElement", value: function getRefElement(ref) { if (ref) { return _typeof(ref) === 'object' && ref.hasOwnProperty('current') ? ref.current : ref; } return null; } }, { key: "removeAccents", value: function removeAccents(str) { if (str &&[\xC0-\xFF]/g) > -1) { str = str.replace(/[\xC0-\xC5]/g, "A").replace(/[\xC6]/g, "AE").replace(/[\xC7]/g, "C").replace(/[\xC8-\xCB]/g, "E").replace(/[\xCC-\xCF]/g, "I").replace(/[\xD0]/g, "D").replace(/[\xD1]/g, "N").replace(/[\xD2-\xD6\xD8]/g, "O").replace(/[\xD9-\xDC]/g, "U").replace(/[\xDD]/g, "Y").replace(/[\xDE]/g, "P").replace(/[\xE0-\xE5]/g, "a").replace(/[\xE6]/g, "ae").replace(/[\xE7]/g, "c").replace(/[\xE8-\xEB]/g, "e").replace(/[\xEC-\xEF]/g, "i").replace(/[\xF1]/g, "n").replace(/[\xF2-\xF6\xF8]/g, "o").replace(/[\xF9-\xFC]/g, "u").replace(/[\xFE]/g, "p").replace(/[\xFD\xFF]/g, "y"); } return str; } }, { key: "isEmpty", value: function isEmpty(value) { return value === null || value === undefined || value === '' || Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0 || !(value instanceof Date) && _typeof(value) === 'object' && Object.keys(value).length === 0; } }, { key: "isNotEmpty", value: function isNotEmpty(value) { return !this.isEmpty(value); } }]); return ObjectUtils; }(); function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } return target; } var IconUtils = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function IconUtils() { _classCallCheck(this, IconUtils); } _createClass(IconUtils, null, [{ key: "getJSXIcon", value: function getJSXIcon(icon, iconProps, options) { var content = null; if (icon) { var iconType = _typeof(icon); var className = classNames(iconProps.className, iconType === 'string' && icon); content = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", _extends({}, iconProps, { className: className })); if (iconType !== 'string') { var defaultContentOptions = _objectSpread({ iconProps: iconProps, element: content }, options); return ObjectUtils.getJSXElement(icon, defaultContentOptions); } } return content; } }]); return IconUtils; }(); var lastId = 0; function UniqueComponentId () { var prefix = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'pr_id_'; lastId++; return "".concat(prefix).concat(lastId); } function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray$1(arr); } function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(iter); } function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray$1(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); } function handler() { var zIndexes = []; var generateZIndex = function generateZIndex(key, autoZIndex) { var baseZIndex = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 999; var lastZIndex = getLastZIndex(key, autoZIndex, baseZIndex); var newZIndex = lastZIndex.value + (lastZIndex.key === key ? 0 : baseZIndex) + 1; zIndexes.push({ key: key, value: newZIndex }); return newZIndex; }; var revertZIndex = function revertZIndex(zIndex) { zIndexes = zIndexes.filter(function (obj) { return obj.value !== zIndex; }); }; var getCurrentZIndex = function getCurrentZIndex(key, autoZIndex) { return getLastZIndex(key, autoZIndex).value; }; var getLastZIndex = function getLastZIndex(key, autoZIndex) { var baseZIndex = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; return _toConsumableArray(zIndexes).reverse().find(function (obj) { return autoZIndex ? true : obj.key === key; }) || { key: key, value: baseZIndex }; }; var getZIndex = function getZIndex(el) { return el ? parseInt(, 10) || 0 : 0; }; return { get: getZIndex, set: function set(key, el, autoZIndex, baseZIndex) { if (el) { = String(generateZIndex(key, autoZIndex, baseZIndex)); } }, clear: function clear(el) { if (el) { revertZIndex(ZIndexUtils.get(el)); = ''; } }, getCurrent: function getCurrent(key, autoZIndex) { return getCurrentZIndex(key, autoZIndex); } }; } var ZIndexUtils = handler(); export { ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler, DomHandler, EventBus, IconUtils, ObjectUtils, UniqueComponentId, ZIndexUtils, classNames, mask };