//galio import { Block, Text, theme } from "galio-framework"; import { Dimensions, Image, ImageBackground, ScrollView, StyleSheet, TouchableWithoutFeedback, } from "react-native"; //argon import { Images, argonTheme, articles } from "../constants/"; import { Card } from "../components/"; import React from "react"; const { width } = Dimensions.get("screen"); const thumbMeasure = (width - 48 - 32) / 3; const cardWidth = width - theme.SIZES.BASE * 2; const categories = [ { title: "Music Album", description: "Rock music is a genre of popular music. It developed during and after the 1960s in the United Kingdom.", image: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1470225620780-dba8ba36b745?fit=crop&w=840&q=80", price: "$125", }, { title: "Events", description: "Rock music is a genre of popular music. It developed during and after the 1960s in the United Kingdom.", image: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1543747579-795b9c2c3ada?fit=crop&w=840&q=80", price: "$35", }, ]; class Articles extends React.Component { renderProduct = (item, index) => { const { navigation } = this.props; return ( navigation.navigate("Pro", { product: item })} > {item.price} {item.title} {item.description} ); }; renderCards = () => { return ( Cards View article {categories && categories.map((item, index) => this.renderProduct(item, index) )} ); }; renderAlbum = () => { const { navigation } = this.props; return ( Album navigation.navigate("Home")} > View All {Images.Viewed.map((img, index) => ( ))} ); }; render() { return ( {this.renderCards()} {this.renderAlbum()} ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ title: { paddingBottom: theme.SIZES.BASE, paddingHorizontal: theme.SIZES.BASE * 2, marginTop: 22, color: argonTheme.COLORS.HEADER, }, group: { paddingTop: theme.SIZES.BASE, }, albumThumb: { borderRadius: 4, marginVertical: 4, alignSelf: "center", width: thumbMeasure, height: thumbMeasure, }, category: { backgroundColor: theme.COLORS.WHITE, marginVertical: theme.SIZES.BASE / 2, borderWidth: 0, }, categoryTitle: { height: "100%", paddingHorizontal: theme.SIZES.BASE, backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", }, imageBlock: { overflow: "hidden", borderRadius: 4, }, productItem: { width: cardWidth - theme.SIZES.BASE * 2, marginHorizontal: theme.SIZES.BASE, shadowColor: "black", shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 7 }, shadowRadius: 10, shadowOpacity: 0.2, }, productImage: { width: cardWidth - theme.SIZES.BASE, height: cardWidth - theme.SIZES.BASE, borderRadius: 3, }, productPrice: { paddingTop: theme.SIZES.BASE, paddingBottom: theme.SIZES.BASE / 2, }, productDescription: { paddingTop: theme.SIZES.BASE, // paddingBottom: theme.SIZES.BASE * 2, }, }); export default Articles;