FullCalendar v5.10.2
Docs & License: https://fullcalendar.io/
(c) 2021 Adam Shaw
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var common = require('@fullcalendar/common');
var tslib = require('tslib');
var daygrid = require('@fullcalendar/daygrid');
var AllDaySplitter = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(AllDaySplitter, _super);
function AllDaySplitter() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
AllDaySplitter.prototype.getKeyInfo = function () {
return {
allDay: {},
timed: {},
AllDaySplitter.prototype.getKeysForDateSpan = function (dateSpan) {
if (dateSpan.allDay) {
return ['allDay'];
return ['timed'];
AllDaySplitter.prototype.getKeysForEventDef = function (eventDef) {
if (!eventDef.allDay) {
return ['timed'];
if (common.hasBgRendering(eventDef)) {
return ['timed', 'allDay'];
return ['allDay'];
return AllDaySplitter;
var DEFAULT_SLAT_LABEL_FORMAT = common.createFormatter({
hour: 'numeric',
minute: '2-digit',
omitZeroMinute: true,
meridiem: 'short',
function TimeColsAxisCell(props) {
var classNames = [
props.isLabeled ? 'fc-scrollgrid-shrink' : 'fc-timegrid-slot-minor',
return (common.createElement(common.ViewContextType.Consumer, null, function (context) {
if (!props.isLabeled) {
return (common.createElement("td", { className: classNames.join(' '), "data-time": props.isoTimeStr }));
var dateEnv = context.dateEnv, options = context.options, viewApi = context.viewApi;
var labelFormat = // TODO: fully pre-parse
options.slotLabelFormat == null ? DEFAULT_SLAT_LABEL_FORMAT :
Array.isArray(options.slotLabelFormat) ? common.createFormatter(options.slotLabelFormat[0]) :
var hookProps = {
level: 0,
time: props.time,
date: dateEnv.toDate(props.date),
view: viewApi,
text: dateEnv.format(props.date, labelFormat),
return (common.createElement(common.RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.slotLabelClassNames, content: options.slotLabelContent, defaultContent: renderInnerContent, didMount: options.slotLabelDidMount, willUnmount: options.slotLabelWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (common.createElement("td", { ref: rootElRef, className: classNames.concat(customClassNames).join(' '), "data-time": props.isoTimeStr },
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-slot-label-frame fc-scrollgrid-shrink-frame" },
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-slot-label-cushion fc-scrollgrid-shrink-cushion", ref: innerElRef }, innerContent)))); }));
function renderInnerContent(props) {
return props.text;
var TimeBodyAxis = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(TimeBodyAxis, _super);
function TimeBodyAxis() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
TimeBodyAxis.prototype.render = function () {
return this.props.slatMetas.map(function (slatMeta) { return (common.createElement("tr", { key: slatMeta.key },
common.createElement(TimeColsAxisCell, tslib.__assign({}, slatMeta)))); });
return TimeBodyAxis;
var DEFAULT_WEEK_NUM_FORMAT = common.createFormatter({ week: 'short' });
var TimeColsView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(TimeColsView, _super);
function TimeColsView() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.allDaySplitter = new AllDaySplitter(); // for use by subclasses
_this.headerElRef = common.createRef();
_this.rootElRef = common.createRef();
_this.scrollerElRef = common.createRef();
_this.state = {
slatCoords: null,
_this.handleScrollTopRequest = function (scrollTop) {
var scrollerEl = _this.scrollerElRef.current;
if (scrollerEl) { // TODO: not sure how this could ever be null. weirdness with the reducer
scrollerEl.scrollTop = scrollTop;
/* Header Render Methods
_this.renderHeadAxis = function (rowKey, frameHeight) {
if (frameHeight === void 0) { frameHeight = ''; }
var options = _this.context.options;
var dateProfile = _this.props.dateProfile;
var range = dateProfile.renderRange;
var dayCnt = common.diffDays(range.start, range.end);
var navLinkAttrs = (dayCnt === 1) // only do in day views (to avoid doing in week views that dont need it)
? common.buildNavLinkAttrs(_this.context, range.start, 'week')
: {};
if (options.weekNumbers && rowKey === 'day') {
return (common.createElement(common.WeekNumberRoot, { date: range.start, defaultFormat: DEFAULT_WEEK_NUM_FORMAT }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (common.createElement("th", { ref: rootElRef, "aria-hidden": true, className: [
].concat(classNames).join(' ') },
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-axis-frame fc-scrollgrid-shrink-frame fc-timegrid-axis-frame-liquid", style: { height: frameHeight } },
common.createElement("a", tslib.__assign({ ref: innerElRef, className: "fc-timegrid-axis-cushion fc-scrollgrid-shrink-cushion fc-scrollgrid-sync-inner" }, navLinkAttrs), innerContent)))); }));
return (common.createElement("th", { "aria-hidden": true, className: "fc-timegrid-axis" },
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-axis-frame", style: { height: frameHeight } })));
/* Table Component Render Methods
// only a one-way height sync. we don't send the axis inner-content height to the DayGrid,
// but DayGrid still needs to have classNames on inner elements in order to measure.
_this.renderTableRowAxis = function (rowHeight) {
var _a = _this.context, options = _a.options, viewApi = _a.viewApi;
var hookProps = {
text: options.allDayText,
view: viewApi,
return (
// TODO: make reusable hook. used in list view too
common.createElement(common.RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.allDayClassNames, content: options.allDayContent, defaultContent: renderAllDayInner, didMount: options.allDayDidMount, willUnmount: options.allDayWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (common.createElement("td", { ref: rootElRef, "aria-hidden": true, className: [
].concat(classNames).join(' ') },
common.createElement("div", { className: 'fc-timegrid-axis-frame fc-scrollgrid-shrink-frame' + (rowHeight == null ? ' fc-timegrid-axis-frame-liquid' : ''), style: { height: rowHeight } },
common.createElement("span", { className: "fc-timegrid-axis-cushion fc-scrollgrid-shrink-cushion fc-scrollgrid-sync-inner", ref: innerElRef }, innerContent)))); }));
_this.handleSlatCoords = function (slatCoords) {
_this.setState({ slatCoords: slatCoords });
return _this;
// rendering
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TimeColsView.prototype.renderSimpleLayout = function (headerRowContent, allDayContent, timeContent) {
var _a = this, context = _a.context, props = _a.props;
var sections = [];
var stickyHeaderDates = common.getStickyHeaderDates(context.options);
if (headerRowContent) {
type: 'header',
key: 'header',
isSticky: stickyHeaderDates,
chunk: {
elRef: this.headerElRef,
tableClassName: 'fc-col-header',
rowContent: headerRowContent,
if (allDayContent) {
type: 'body',
key: 'all-day',
chunk: { content: allDayContent },
type: 'body',
key: 'all-day-divider',
outerContent: ( // TODO: rename to cellContent so don't need to define
common.createElement("tr", { role: "presentation", className: "fc-scrollgrid-section" },
common.createElement("td", { className: 'fc-timegrid-divider ' + context.theme.getClass('tableCellShaded') }))),
type: 'body',
key: 'body',
liquid: true,
expandRows: Boolean(context.options.expandRows),
chunk: {
scrollerElRef: this.scrollerElRef,
content: timeContent,
return (common.createElement(common.ViewRoot, { viewSpec: context.viewSpec, elRef: this.rootElRef }, function (rootElRef, classNames) { return (common.createElement("div", { className: ['fc-timegrid'].concat(classNames).join(' '), ref: rootElRef },
common.createElement(common.SimpleScrollGrid, { liquid: !props.isHeightAuto && !props.forPrint, collapsibleWidth: props.forPrint, cols: [{ width: 'shrink' }], sections: sections }))); }));
TimeColsView.prototype.renderHScrollLayout = function (headerRowContent, allDayContent, timeContent, colCnt, dayMinWidth, slatMetas, slatCoords) {
var _this = this;
var ScrollGrid = this.context.pluginHooks.scrollGridImpl;
if (!ScrollGrid) {
throw new Error('No ScrollGrid implementation');
var _a = this, context = _a.context, props = _a.props;
var stickyHeaderDates = !props.forPrint && common.getStickyHeaderDates(context.options);
var stickyFooterScrollbar = !props.forPrint && common.getStickyFooterScrollbar(context.options);
var sections = [];
if (headerRowContent) {
type: 'header',
key: 'header',
isSticky: stickyHeaderDates,
syncRowHeights: true,
chunks: [
key: 'axis',
rowContent: function (arg) { return (common.createElement("tr", { role: "presentation" }, _this.renderHeadAxis('day', arg.rowSyncHeights[0]))); },
key: 'cols',
elRef: this.headerElRef,
tableClassName: 'fc-col-header',
rowContent: headerRowContent,
if (allDayContent) {
type: 'body',
key: 'all-day',
syncRowHeights: true,
chunks: [
key: 'axis',
rowContent: function (contentArg) { return (common.createElement("tr", { role: "presentation" }, _this.renderTableRowAxis(contentArg.rowSyncHeights[0]))); },
key: 'cols',
content: allDayContent,
key: 'all-day-divider',
type: 'body',
outerContent: ( // TODO: rename to cellContent so don't need to define
common.createElement("tr", { role: "presentation", className: "fc-scrollgrid-section" },
common.createElement("td", { colSpan: 2, className: 'fc-timegrid-divider ' + context.theme.getClass('tableCellShaded') }))),
var isNowIndicator = context.options.nowIndicator;
type: 'body',
key: 'body',
liquid: true,
expandRows: Boolean(context.options.expandRows),
chunks: [
key: 'axis',
content: function (arg) { return (
// TODO: make this now-indicator arrow more DRY with TimeColsContent
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-axis-chunk" },
common.createElement("table", { "aria-hidden": true, style: { height: arg.expandRows ? arg.clientHeight : '' } },
common.createElement("tbody", null,
common.createElement(TimeBodyAxis, { slatMetas: slatMetas }))),
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-now-indicator-container" },
common.createElement(common.NowTimer, { unit: isNowIndicator ? 'minute' : 'day' /* hacky */ }, function (nowDate) {
var nowIndicatorTop = isNowIndicator &&
slatCoords &&
slatCoords.safeComputeTop(nowDate); // might return void
if (typeof nowIndicatorTop === 'number') {
return (common.createElement(common.NowIndicatorRoot, { isAxis: true, date: nowDate }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (common.createElement("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-timegrid-now-indicator-arrow'].concat(classNames).join(' '), style: { top: nowIndicatorTop } }, innerContent)); }));
return null;
})))); },
key: 'cols',
scrollerElRef: this.scrollerElRef,
content: timeContent,
if (stickyFooterScrollbar) {
key: 'footer',
type: 'footer',
isSticky: true,
chunks: [
key: 'axis',
content: common.renderScrollShim,
key: 'cols',
content: common.renderScrollShim,
return (common.createElement(common.ViewRoot, { viewSpec: context.viewSpec, elRef: this.rootElRef }, function (rootElRef, classNames) { return (common.createElement("div", { className: ['fc-timegrid'].concat(classNames).join(' '), ref: rootElRef },
common.createElement(ScrollGrid, { liquid: !props.isHeightAuto && !props.forPrint, collapsibleWidth: false, colGroups: [
{ width: 'shrink', cols: [{ width: 'shrink' }] },
{ cols: [{ span: colCnt, minWidth: dayMinWidth }] },
], sections: sections }))); }));
/* Dimensions
TimeColsView.prototype.getAllDayMaxEventProps = function () {
var _a = this.context.options, dayMaxEvents = _a.dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows = _a.dayMaxEventRows;
if (dayMaxEvents === true || dayMaxEventRows === true) { // is auto?
dayMaxEvents = undefined;
dayMaxEventRows = AUTO_ALL_DAY_MAX_EVENT_ROWS; // make sure "auto" goes to a real number
return { dayMaxEvents: dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows: dayMaxEventRows };
return TimeColsView;
function renderAllDayInner(hookProps) {
return hookProps.text;
var TimeColsSlatsCoords = /** @class */ (function () {
function TimeColsSlatsCoords(positions, dateProfile, slotDuration) {
this.positions = positions;
this.dateProfile = dateProfile;
this.slotDuration = slotDuration;
TimeColsSlatsCoords.prototype.safeComputeTop = function (date) {
var dateProfile = this.dateProfile;
if (common.rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.currentRange, date)) {
var startOfDayDate = common.startOfDay(date);
var timeMs = date.valueOf() - startOfDayDate.valueOf();
if (timeMs >= common.asRoughMs(dateProfile.slotMinTime) &&
timeMs < common.asRoughMs(dateProfile.slotMaxTime)) {
return this.computeTimeTop(common.createDuration(timeMs));
return null;
// Computes the top coordinate, relative to the bounds of the grid, of the given date.
// A `startOfDayDate` must be given for avoiding ambiguity over how to treat midnight.
TimeColsSlatsCoords.prototype.computeDateTop = function (when, startOfDayDate) {
if (!startOfDayDate) {
startOfDayDate = common.startOfDay(when);
return this.computeTimeTop(common.createDuration(when.valueOf() - startOfDayDate.valueOf()));
// Computes the top coordinate, relative to the bounds of the grid, of the given time (a Duration).
// This is a makeshify way to compute the time-top. Assumes all slatMetas dates are uniform.
// Eventually allow computation with arbirary slat dates.
TimeColsSlatsCoords.prototype.computeTimeTop = function (duration) {
var _a = this, positions = _a.positions, dateProfile = _a.dateProfile;
var len = positions.els.length;
// floating-point value of # of slots covered
var slatCoverage = (duration.milliseconds - common.asRoughMs(dateProfile.slotMinTime)) / common.asRoughMs(this.slotDuration);
var slatIndex;
var slatRemainder;
// compute a floating-point number for how many slats should be progressed through.
// from 0 to number of slats (inclusive)
// constrained because slotMinTime/slotMaxTime might be customized.
slatCoverage = Math.max(0, slatCoverage);
slatCoverage = Math.min(len, slatCoverage);
// an integer index of the furthest whole slat
// from 0 to number slats (*exclusive*, so len-1)
slatIndex = Math.floor(slatCoverage);
slatIndex = Math.min(slatIndex, len - 1);
// how much further through the slatIndex slat (from 0.0-1.0) must be covered in addition.
// could be 1.0 if slatCoverage is covering *all* the slots
slatRemainder = slatCoverage - slatIndex;
return positions.tops[slatIndex] +
positions.getHeight(slatIndex) * slatRemainder;
return TimeColsSlatsCoords;
var TimeColsSlatsBody = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(TimeColsSlatsBody, _super);
function TimeColsSlatsBody() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
TimeColsSlatsBody.prototype.render = function () {
var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context;
var options = context.options;
var slatElRefs = props.slatElRefs;
return (common.createElement("tbody", null, props.slatMetas.map(function (slatMeta, i) {
var hookProps = {
time: slatMeta.time,
date: context.dateEnv.toDate(slatMeta.date),
view: context.viewApi,
var classNames = [
slatMeta.isLabeled ? '' : 'fc-timegrid-slot-minor',
return (common.createElement("tr", { key: slatMeta.key, ref: slatElRefs.createRef(slatMeta.key) },
props.axis && (common.createElement(TimeColsAxisCell, tslib.__assign({}, slatMeta))),
common.createElement(common.RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.slotLaneClassNames, content: options.slotLaneContent, didMount: options.slotLaneDidMount, willUnmount: options.slotLaneWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (common.createElement("td", { ref: rootElRef, className: classNames.concat(customClassNames).join(' '), "data-time": slatMeta.isoTimeStr }, innerContent)); })));
return TimeColsSlatsBody;
for the horizontal "slats" that run width-wise. Has a time axis on a side. Depends on RTL.
var TimeColsSlats = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(TimeColsSlats, _super);
function TimeColsSlats() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.rootElRef = common.createRef();
_this.slatElRefs = new common.RefMap();
return _this;
TimeColsSlats.prototype.render = function () {
var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context;
return (common.createElement("div", { ref: this.rootElRef, className: "fc-timegrid-slots" },
common.createElement("table", { "aria-hidden": true, className: context.theme.getClass('table'), style: {
minWidth: props.tableMinWidth,
width: props.clientWidth,
height: props.minHeight,
} },
props.tableColGroupNode /* relies on there only being a single for the axis */,
common.createElement(TimeColsSlatsBody, { slatElRefs: this.slatElRefs, axis: props.axis, slatMetas: props.slatMetas }))));
TimeColsSlats.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
TimeColsSlats.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () {
TimeColsSlats.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
if (this.props.onCoords) {
TimeColsSlats.prototype.updateSizing = function () {
var _a = this, context = _a.context, props = _a.props;
if (props.onCoords &&
props.clientWidth !== null // means sizing has stabilized
) {
var rootEl = this.rootElRef.current;
if (rootEl.offsetHeight) { // not hidden by css
props.onCoords(new TimeColsSlatsCoords(new common.PositionCache(this.rootElRef.current, collectSlatEls(this.slatElRefs.currentMap, props.slatMetas), false, true), this.props.dateProfile, context.options.slotDuration));
return TimeColsSlats;
function collectSlatEls(elMap, slatMetas) {
return slatMetas.map(function (slatMeta) { return elMap[slatMeta.key]; });
function splitSegsByCol(segs, colCnt) {
var segsByCol = [];
var i;
for (i = 0; i < colCnt; i += 1) {
if (segs) {
for (i = 0; i < segs.length; i += 1) {
return segsByCol;
function splitInteractionByCol(ui, colCnt) {
var byRow = [];
if (!ui) {
for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i += 1) {
byRow[i] = null;
else {
for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i += 1) {
byRow[i] = {
affectedInstances: ui.affectedInstances,
isEvent: ui.isEvent,
segs: [],
for (var _i = 0, _a = ui.segs; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var seg = _a[_i];
return byRow;
var TimeColMoreLink = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(TimeColMoreLink, _super);
function TimeColMoreLink() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.rootElRef = common.createRef();
return _this;
TimeColMoreLink.prototype.render = function () {
var _this = this;
var props = this.props;
return (common.createElement(common.MoreLinkRoot, { allDayDate: null, moreCnt: props.hiddenSegs.length, allSegs: props.hiddenSegs, hiddenSegs: props.hiddenSegs, alignmentElRef: this.rootElRef, defaultContent: renderMoreLinkInner, extraDateSpan: props.extraDateSpan, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, popoverContent: function () { return renderPlainFgSegs(props.hiddenSegs, props); } }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent, handleClick, title, isExpanded, popoverId) { return (common.createElement("a", { ref: function (el) {
common.setRef(rootElRef, el);
common.setRef(_this.rootElRef, el);
}, className: ['fc-timegrid-more-link'].concat(classNames).join(' '), style: { top: props.top, bottom: props.bottom }, onClick: handleClick, title: title, "aria-expanded": isExpanded, "aria-controls": popoverId },
common.createElement("div", { ref: innerElRef, className: "fc-timegrid-more-link-inner fc-sticky" }, innerContent))); }));
return TimeColMoreLink;
function renderMoreLinkInner(props) {
return props.shortText;
// segInputs assumed sorted
function buildPositioning(segInputs, strictOrder, maxStackCnt) {
var hierarchy = new common.SegHierarchy();
if (strictOrder != null) {
hierarchy.strictOrder = strictOrder;
if (maxStackCnt != null) {
hierarchy.maxStackCnt = maxStackCnt;
var hiddenEntries = hierarchy.addSegs(segInputs);
var hiddenGroups = common.groupIntersectingEntries(hiddenEntries);
var web = buildWeb(hierarchy);
web = stretchWeb(web, 1); // all levelCoords/thickness will have 0.0-1.0
var segRects = webToRects(web);
return { segRects: segRects, hiddenGroups: hiddenGroups };
function buildWeb(hierarchy) {
var entriesByLevel = hierarchy.entriesByLevel;
var buildNode = cacheable(function (level, lateral) { return level + ':' + lateral; }, function (level, lateral) {
var siblingRange = findNextLevelSegs(hierarchy, level, lateral);
var nextLevelRes = buildNodes(siblingRange, buildNode);
var entry = entriesByLevel[level][lateral];
return [
tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, entry), { nextLevelNodes: nextLevelRes[0] }),
entry.thickness + nextLevelRes[1], // the pressure builds
return buildNodes(entriesByLevel.length
? { level: 0, lateralStart: 0, lateralEnd: entriesByLevel[0].length }
: null, buildNode)[0];
function buildNodes(siblingRange, buildNode) {
if (!siblingRange) {
return [[], 0];
var level = siblingRange.level, lateralStart = siblingRange.lateralStart, lateralEnd = siblingRange.lateralEnd;
var lateral = lateralStart;
var pairs = [];
while (lateral < lateralEnd) {
pairs.push(buildNode(level, lateral));
lateral += 1;
return [
pairs[0][1], // first item's pressure
function cmpDescPressures(a, b) {
return b[1] - a[1];
function extractNode(a) {
return a[0];
function findNextLevelSegs(hierarchy, subjectLevel, subjectLateral) {
var levelCoords = hierarchy.levelCoords, entriesByLevel = hierarchy.entriesByLevel;
var subjectEntry = entriesByLevel[subjectLevel][subjectLateral];
var afterSubject = levelCoords[subjectLevel] + subjectEntry.thickness;
var levelCnt = levelCoords.length;
var level = subjectLevel;
// skip past levels that are too high up
for (; level < levelCnt && levelCoords[level] < afterSubject; level += 1)
; // do nothing
for (; level < levelCnt; level += 1) {
var entries = entriesByLevel[level];
var entry = void 0;
var searchIndex = common.binarySearch(entries, subjectEntry.span.start, common.getEntrySpanEnd);
var lateralStart = searchIndex[0] + searchIndex[1]; // if exact match (which doesn't collide), go to next one
var lateralEnd = lateralStart;
while ( // loop through entries that horizontally intersect
(entry = entries[lateralEnd]) && // but not past the whole seg list
entry.span.start < subjectEntry.span.end) {
lateralEnd += 1;
if (lateralStart < lateralEnd) {
return { level: level, lateralStart: lateralStart, lateralEnd: lateralEnd };
return null;
function stretchWeb(topLevelNodes, totalThickness) {
var stretchNode = cacheable(function (node, startCoord, prevThickness) { return common.buildEntryKey(node); }, function (node, startCoord, prevThickness) {
var nextLevelNodes = node.nextLevelNodes, thickness = node.thickness;
var allThickness = thickness + prevThickness;
var thicknessFraction = thickness / allThickness;
var endCoord;
var newChildren = [];
if (!nextLevelNodes.length) {
endCoord = totalThickness;
else {
for (var _i = 0, nextLevelNodes_1 = nextLevelNodes; _i < nextLevelNodes_1.length; _i++) {
var childNode = nextLevelNodes_1[_i];
if (endCoord === undefined) {
var res = stretchNode(childNode, startCoord, allThickness);
endCoord = res[0];
else {
var res = stretchNode(childNode, endCoord, 0);
var newThickness = (endCoord - startCoord) * thicknessFraction;
return [endCoord - newThickness, tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, node), { thickness: newThickness, nextLevelNodes: newChildren })];
return topLevelNodes.map(function (node) { return stretchNode(node, 0, 0)[1]; });
// not sorted in any particular order
function webToRects(topLevelNodes) {
var rects = [];
var processNode = cacheable(function (node, levelCoord, stackDepth) { return common.buildEntryKey(node); }, function (node, levelCoord, stackDepth) {
var rect = tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, node), { levelCoord: levelCoord,
stackDepth: stackDepth, stackForward: 0 });
return (rect.stackForward = processNodes(node.nextLevelNodes, levelCoord + node.thickness, stackDepth + 1) + 1);
function processNodes(nodes, levelCoord, stackDepth) {
var stackForward = 0;
for (var _i = 0, nodes_1 = nodes; _i < nodes_1.length; _i++) {
var node = nodes_1[_i];
stackForward = Math.max(processNode(node, levelCoord, stackDepth), stackForward);
return stackForward;
processNodes(topLevelNodes, 0, 0);
return rects; // TODO: sort rects by levelCoord to be consistent with toRects?
// TODO: move to general util
function cacheable(keyFunc, workFunc) {
var cache = {};
return function () {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
var key = keyFunc.apply(void 0, args);
return (key in cache)
? cache[key]
: (cache[key] = workFunc.apply(void 0, args));
function computeSegVCoords(segs, colDate, slatCoords, eventMinHeight) {
if (slatCoords === void 0) { slatCoords = null; }
if (eventMinHeight === void 0) { eventMinHeight = 0; }
var vcoords = [];
if (slatCoords) {
for (var i = 0; i < segs.length; i += 1) {
var seg = segs[i];
var spanStart = slatCoords.computeDateTop(seg.start, colDate);
var spanEnd = Math.max(spanStart + (eventMinHeight || 0), // :(
slatCoords.computeDateTop(seg.end, colDate));
start: Math.round(spanStart),
end: Math.round(spanEnd), //
return vcoords;
function computeFgSegPlacements(segs, segVCoords, // might not have for every seg
eventOrderStrict, eventMaxStack) {
var segInputs = [];
var dumbSegs = []; // segs without coords
for (var i = 0; i < segs.length; i += 1) {
var vcoords = segVCoords[i];
if (vcoords) {
index: i,
thickness: 1,
span: vcoords,
else {
var _a = buildPositioning(segInputs, eventOrderStrict, eventMaxStack), segRects = _a.segRects, hiddenGroups = _a.hiddenGroups;
var segPlacements = [];
for (var _i = 0, segRects_1 = segRects; _i < segRects_1.length; _i++) {
var segRect = segRects_1[_i];
seg: segs[segRect.index],
rect: segRect,
for (var _b = 0, dumbSegs_1 = dumbSegs; _b < dumbSegs_1.length; _b++) {
var dumbSeg = dumbSegs_1[_b];
segPlacements.push({ seg: dumbSeg, rect: null });
return { segPlacements: segPlacements, hiddenGroups: hiddenGroups };
var DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT = common.createFormatter({
hour: 'numeric',
minute: '2-digit',
meridiem: false,
var TimeColEvent = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(TimeColEvent, _super);
function TimeColEvent() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
TimeColEvent.prototype.render = function () {
var classNames = [
if (this.props.isShort) {
return (common.createElement(common.StandardEvent, tslib.__assign({}, this.props, { defaultTimeFormat: DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT, extraClassNames: classNames })));
return TimeColEvent;
var TimeColMisc = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(TimeColMisc, _super);
function TimeColMisc() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
TimeColMisc.prototype.render = function () {
var props = this.props;
return (common.createElement(common.DayCellContent, { date: props.date, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps }, function (innerElRef, innerContent) { return (innerContent &&
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-misc", ref: innerElRef }, innerContent)); }));
return TimeColMisc;
var TimeCol = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(TimeCol, _super);
function TimeCol() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.sortEventSegs = common.memoize(common.sortEventSegs);
return _this;
// TODO: memoize event-placement?
TimeCol.prototype.render = function () {
var _this = this;
var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context;
var isSelectMirror = context.options.selectMirror;
var mirrorSegs = (props.eventDrag && props.eventDrag.segs) ||
(props.eventResize && props.eventResize.segs) ||
(isSelectMirror && props.dateSelectionSegs) ||
var interactionAffectedInstances = // TODO: messy way to compute this
(props.eventDrag && props.eventDrag.affectedInstances) ||
(props.eventResize && props.eventResize.affectedInstances) ||
var sortedFgSegs = this.sortEventSegs(props.fgEventSegs, context.options.eventOrder);
return (common.createElement(common.DayCellRoot, { elRef: props.elRef, date: props.date, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps }, function (rootElRef, classNames, dataAttrs) { return (common.createElement("td", tslib.__assign({ ref: rootElRef, role: "gridcell", className: ['fc-timegrid-col'].concat(classNames, props.extraClassNames || []).join(' ') }, dataAttrs, props.extraDataAttrs),
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-frame" },
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-bg" },
_this.renderFillSegs(props.businessHourSegs, 'non-business'),
_this.renderFillSegs(props.bgEventSegs, 'bg-event'),
_this.renderFillSegs(props.dateSelectionSegs, 'highlight')),
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-events" }, _this.renderFgSegs(sortedFgSegs, interactionAffectedInstances, false, false, false)),
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-events" }, _this.renderFgSegs(mirrorSegs, {}, Boolean(props.eventDrag), Boolean(props.eventResize), Boolean(isSelectMirror))),
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-now-indicator-container" }, _this.renderNowIndicator(props.nowIndicatorSegs)),
common.createElement(TimeColMisc, { date: props.date, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps })))); }));
TimeCol.prototype.renderFgSegs = function (sortedFgSegs, segIsInvisible, isDragging, isResizing, isDateSelecting) {
var props = this.props;
if (props.forPrint) {
return renderPlainFgSegs(sortedFgSegs, props);
return this.renderPositionedFgSegs(sortedFgSegs, segIsInvisible, isDragging, isResizing, isDateSelecting);
TimeCol.prototype.renderPositionedFgSegs = function (segs, // if not mirror, needs to be sorted
segIsInvisible, isDragging, isResizing, isDateSelecting) {
var _this = this;
var _a = this.context.options, eventMaxStack = _a.eventMaxStack, eventShortHeight = _a.eventShortHeight, eventOrderStrict = _a.eventOrderStrict, eventMinHeight = _a.eventMinHeight;
var _b = this.props, date = _b.date, slatCoords = _b.slatCoords, eventSelection = _b.eventSelection, todayRange = _b.todayRange, nowDate = _b.nowDate;
var isMirror = isDragging || isResizing || isDateSelecting;
var segVCoords = computeSegVCoords(segs, date, slatCoords, eventMinHeight);
var _c = computeFgSegPlacements(segs, segVCoords, eventOrderStrict, eventMaxStack), segPlacements = _c.segPlacements, hiddenGroups = _c.hiddenGroups;
return (common.createElement(common.Fragment, null,
this.renderHiddenGroups(hiddenGroups, segs),
segPlacements.map(function (segPlacement) {
var seg = segPlacement.seg, rect = segPlacement.rect;
var instanceId = seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId;
var isVisible = isMirror || Boolean(!segIsInvisible[instanceId] && rect);
var vStyle = computeSegVStyle(rect && rect.span);
var hStyle = (!isMirror && rect) ? _this.computeSegHStyle(rect) : { left: 0, right: 0 };
var isInset = Boolean(rect) && rect.stackForward > 0;
var isShort = Boolean(rect) && (rect.span.end - rect.span.start) < eventShortHeight; // look at other places for this problem
return (common.createElement("div", { className: 'fc-timegrid-event-harness' +
(isInset ? ' fc-timegrid-event-harness-inset' : ''), key: instanceId, style: tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({ visibility: isVisible ? '' : 'hidden' }, vStyle), hStyle) },
common.createElement(TimeColEvent, tslib.__assign({ seg: seg, isDragging: isDragging, isResizing: isResizing, isDateSelecting: isDateSelecting, isSelected: instanceId === eventSelection, isShort: isShort }, common.getSegMeta(seg, todayRange, nowDate)))));
// will already have eventMinHeight applied because segInputs already had it
TimeCol.prototype.renderHiddenGroups = function (hiddenGroups, segs) {
var _a = this.props, extraDateSpan = _a.extraDateSpan, dateProfile = _a.dateProfile, todayRange = _a.todayRange, nowDate = _a.nowDate, eventSelection = _a.eventSelection, eventDrag = _a.eventDrag, eventResize = _a.eventResize;
return (common.createElement(common.Fragment, null, hiddenGroups.map(function (hiddenGroup) {
var positionCss = computeSegVStyle(hiddenGroup.span);
var hiddenSegs = compileSegsFromEntries(hiddenGroup.entries, segs);
return (common.createElement(TimeColMoreLink, { key: common.buildIsoString(common.computeEarliestSegStart(hiddenSegs)), hiddenSegs: hiddenSegs, top: positionCss.top, bottom: positionCss.bottom, extraDateSpan: extraDateSpan, dateProfile: dateProfile, todayRange: todayRange, nowDate: nowDate, eventSelection: eventSelection, eventDrag: eventDrag, eventResize: eventResize }));
TimeCol.prototype.renderFillSegs = function (segs, fillType) {
var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context;
var segVCoords = computeSegVCoords(segs, props.date, props.slatCoords, context.options.eventMinHeight); // don't assume all populated
var children = segVCoords.map(function (vcoords, i) {
var seg = segs[i];
return (common.createElement("div", { key: common.buildEventRangeKey(seg.eventRange), className: "fc-timegrid-bg-harness", style: computeSegVStyle(vcoords) }, fillType === 'bg-event' ?
common.createElement(common.BgEvent, tslib.__assign({ seg: seg }, common.getSegMeta(seg, props.todayRange, props.nowDate))) :
return common.createElement(common.Fragment, null, children);
TimeCol.prototype.renderNowIndicator = function (segs) {
var _a = this.props, slatCoords = _a.slatCoords, date = _a.date;
if (!slatCoords) {
return null;
return segs.map(function (seg, i) { return (common.createElement(common.NowIndicatorRoot, { isAxis: false, date: date,
// key doesn't matter. will only ever be one
key: i }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (common.createElement("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-timegrid-now-indicator-line'].concat(classNames).join(' '), style: { top: slatCoords.computeDateTop(seg.start, date) } }, innerContent)); })); });
TimeCol.prototype.computeSegHStyle = function (segHCoords) {
var _a = this.context, isRtl = _a.isRtl, options = _a.options;
var shouldOverlap = options.slotEventOverlap;
var nearCoord = segHCoords.levelCoord; // the left side if LTR. the right side if RTL. floating-point
var farCoord = segHCoords.levelCoord + segHCoords.thickness; // the right side if LTR. the left side if RTL. floating-point
var left; // amount of space from left edge, a fraction of the total width
var right; // amount of space from right edge, a fraction of the total width
if (shouldOverlap) {
// double the width, but don't go beyond the maximum forward coordinate (1.0)
farCoord = Math.min(1, nearCoord + (farCoord - nearCoord) * 2);
if (isRtl) {
left = 1 - farCoord;
right = nearCoord;
else {
left = nearCoord;
right = 1 - farCoord;
var props = {
zIndex: segHCoords.stackDepth + 1,
left: left * 100 + '%',
right: right * 100 + '%',
if (shouldOverlap && !segHCoords.stackForward) {
// add padding to the edge so that forward stacked events don't cover the resizer's icon
props[isRtl ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginRight'] = 10 * 2; // 10 is a guesstimate of the icon's width
return props;
return TimeCol;
function renderPlainFgSegs(sortedFgSegs, _a) {
var todayRange = _a.todayRange, nowDate = _a.nowDate, eventSelection = _a.eventSelection, eventDrag = _a.eventDrag, eventResize = _a.eventResize;
var hiddenInstances = (eventDrag ? eventDrag.affectedInstances : null) ||
(eventResize ? eventResize.affectedInstances : null) ||
return (common.createElement(common.Fragment, null, sortedFgSegs.map(function (seg) {
var instanceId = seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId;
return (common.createElement("div", { key: instanceId, style: { visibility: hiddenInstances[instanceId] ? 'hidden' : '' } },
common.createElement(TimeColEvent, tslib.__assign({ seg: seg, isDragging: false, isResizing: false, isDateSelecting: false, isSelected: instanceId === eventSelection, isShort: false }, common.getSegMeta(seg, todayRange, nowDate)))));
function computeSegVStyle(segVCoords) {
if (!segVCoords) {
return { top: '', bottom: '' };
return {
top: segVCoords.start,
bottom: -segVCoords.end,
function compileSegsFromEntries(segEntries, allSegs) {
return segEntries.map(function (segEntry) { return allSegs[segEntry.index]; });
var TimeColsContent = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(TimeColsContent, _super);
function TimeColsContent() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.splitFgEventSegs = common.memoize(splitSegsByCol);
_this.splitBgEventSegs = common.memoize(splitSegsByCol);
_this.splitBusinessHourSegs = common.memoize(splitSegsByCol);
_this.splitNowIndicatorSegs = common.memoize(splitSegsByCol);
_this.splitDateSelectionSegs = common.memoize(splitSegsByCol);
_this.splitEventDrag = common.memoize(splitInteractionByCol);
_this.splitEventResize = common.memoize(splitInteractionByCol);
_this.rootElRef = common.createRef();
_this.cellElRefs = new common.RefMap();
return _this;
TimeColsContent.prototype.render = function () {
var _this = this;
var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context;
var nowIndicatorTop = context.options.nowIndicator &&
props.slatCoords &&
props.slatCoords.safeComputeTop(props.nowDate); // might return void
var colCnt = props.cells.length;
var fgEventSegsByRow = this.splitFgEventSegs(props.fgEventSegs, colCnt);
var bgEventSegsByRow = this.splitBgEventSegs(props.bgEventSegs, colCnt);
var businessHourSegsByRow = this.splitBusinessHourSegs(props.businessHourSegs, colCnt);
var nowIndicatorSegsByRow = this.splitNowIndicatorSegs(props.nowIndicatorSegs, colCnt);
var dateSelectionSegsByRow = this.splitDateSelectionSegs(props.dateSelectionSegs, colCnt);
var eventDragByRow = this.splitEventDrag(props.eventDrag, colCnt);
var eventResizeByRow = this.splitEventResize(props.eventResize, colCnt);
return (common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-cols", ref: this.rootElRef },
common.createElement("table", { role: "presentation", style: {
minWidth: props.tableMinWidth,
width: props.clientWidth,
} },
common.createElement("tbody", { role: "presentation" },
common.createElement("tr", { role: "row" },
props.axis && (common.createElement("td", { "aria-hidden": true, className: "fc-timegrid-col fc-timegrid-axis" },
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-frame" },
common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-now-indicator-container" }, typeof nowIndicatorTop === 'number' && (common.createElement(common.NowIndicatorRoot, { isAxis: true, date: props.nowDate }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (common.createElement("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-timegrid-now-indicator-arrow'].concat(classNames).join(' '), style: { top: nowIndicatorTop } }, innerContent)); })))))),
props.cells.map(function (cell, i) { return (common.createElement(TimeCol, { key: cell.key, elRef: _this.cellElRefs.createRef(cell.key), dateProfile: props.dateProfile, date: cell.date, nowDate: props.nowDate, todayRange: props.todayRange, extraHookProps: cell.extraHookProps, extraDataAttrs: cell.extraDataAttrs, extraClassNames: cell.extraClassNames, extraDateSpan: cell.extraDateSpan, fgEventSegs: fgEventSegsByRow[i], bgEventSegs: bgEventSegsByRow[i], businessHourSegs: businessHourSegsByRow[i], nowIndicatorSegs: nowIndicatorSegsByRow[i], dateSelectionSegs: dateSelectionSegsByRow[i], eventDrag: eventDragByRow[i], eventResize: eventResizeByRow[i], slatCoords: props.slatCoords, eventSelection: props.eventSelection, forPrint: props.forPrint })); }))))));
TimeColsContent.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
TimeColsContent.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () {
TimeColsContent.prototype.updateCoords = function () {
var props = this.props;
if (props.onColCoords &&
props.clientWidth !== null // means sizing has stabilized
) {
props.onColCoords(new common.PositionCache(this.rootElRef.current, collectCellEls(this.cellElRefs.currentMap, props.cells), true, // horizontal
return TimeColsContent;
function collectCellEls(elMap, cells) {
return cells.map(function (cell) { return elMap[cell.key]; });
/* A component that renders one or more columns of vertical time slots
var TimeCols = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(TimeCols, _super);
function TimeCols() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.processSlotOptions = common.memoize(processSlotOptions);
_this.state = {
slatCoords: null,
_this.handleRootEl = function (el) {
if (el) {
_this.context.registerInteractiveComponent(_this, {
el: el,
isHitComboAllowed: _this.props.isHitComboAllowed,
else {
_this.handleScrollRequest = function (request) {
var onScrollTopRequest = _this.props.onScrollTopRequest;
var slatCoords = _this.state.slatCoords;
if (onScrollTopRequest && slatCoords) {
if (request.time) {
var top_1 = slatCoords.computeTimeTop(request.time);
top_1 = Math.ceil(top_1); // zoom can give weird floating-point values. rather scroll a little bit further
if (top_1) {
top_1 += 1; // to overcome top border that slots beyond the first have. looks better
return true;
return false;
_this.handleColCoords = function (colCoords) {
_this.colCoords = colCoords;
_this.handleSlatCoords = function (slatCoords) {
_this.setState({ slatCoords: slatCoords });
if (_this.props.onSlatCoords) {
return _this;
TimeCols.prototype.render = function () {
var _a = this, props = _a.props, state = _a.state;
return (common.createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-body", ref: this.handleRootEl, style: {
// these props are important to give this wrapper correct dimensions for interactions
// TODO: if we set it here, can we avoid giving to inner tables?
width: props.clientWidth,
minWidth: props.tableMinWidth,
} },
common.createElement(TimeColsSlats, { axis: props.axis, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, slatMetas: props.slatMetas, clientWidth: props.clientWidth, minHeight: props.expandRows ? props.clientHeight : '', tableMinWidth: props.tableMinWidth, tableColGroupNode: props.axis ? props.tableColGroupNode : null /* axis depends on the colgroup's shrinking */, onCoords: this.handleSlatCoords }),
common.createElement(TimeColsContent, { cells: props.cells, axis: props.axis, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, businessHourSegs: props.businessHourSegs, bgEventSegs: props.bgEventSegs, fgEventSegs: props.fgEventSegs, dateSelectionSegs: props.dateSelectionSegs, eventSelection: props.eventSelection, eventDrag: props.eventDrag, eventResize: props.eventResize, todayRange: props.todayRange, nowDate: props.nowDate, nowIndicatorSegs: props.nowIndicatorSegs, clientWidth: props.clientWidth, tableMinWidth: props.tableMinWidth, tableColGroupNode: props.tableColGroupNode, slatCoords: state.slatCoords, onColCoords: this.handleColCoords, forPrint: props.forPrint })));
TimeCols.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
this.scrollResponder = this.context.createScrollResponder(this.handleScrollRequest);
TimeCols.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) {
this.scrollResponder.update(prevProps.dateProfile !== this.props.dateProfile);
TimeCols.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
TimeCols.prototype.queryHit = function (positionLeft, positionTop) {
var _a = this.context, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, options = _a.options;
var colCoords = this.colCoords;
var dateProfile = this.props.dateProfile;
var slatCoords = this.state.slatCoords;
var _b = this.processSlotOptions(this.props.slotDuration, options.snapDuration), snapDuration = _b.snapDuration, snapsPerSlot = _b.snapsPerSlot;
var colIndex = colCoords.leftToIndex(positionLeft);
var slatIndex = slatCoords.positions.topToIndex(positionTop);
if (colIndex != null && slatIndex != null) {
var cell = this.props.cells[colIndex];
var slatTop = slatCoords.positions.tops[slatIndex];
var slatHeight = slatCoords.positions.getHeight(slatIndex);
var partial = (positionTop - slatTop) / slatHeight; // floating point number between 0 and 1
var localSnapIndex = Math.floor(partial * snapsPerSlot); // the snap # relative to start of slat
var snapIndex = slatIndex * snapsPerSlot + localSnapIndex;
var dayDate = this.props.cells[colIndex].date;
var time = common.addDurations(dateProfile.slotMinTime, common.multiplyDuration(snapDuration, snapIndex));
var start = dateEnv.add(dayDate, time);
var end = dateEnv.add(start, snapDuration);
return {
dateProfile: dateProfile,
dateSpan: tslib.__assign({ range: { start: start, end: end }, allDay: false }, cell.extraDateSpan),
dayEl: colCoords.els[colIndex],
rect: {
left: colCoords.lefts[colIndex],
right: colCoords.rights[colIndex],
top: slatTop,
bottom: slatTop + slatHeight,
layer: 0,
return null;
return TimeCols;
function processSlotOptions(slotDuration, snapDurationOverride) {
var snapDuration = snapDurationOverride || slotDuration;
var snapsPerSlot = common.wholeDivideDurations(slotDuration, snapDuration);
if (snapsPerSlot === null) {
snapDuration = slotDuration;
snapsPerSlot = 1;
// TODO: say warning?
return { snapDuration: snapDuration, snapsPerSlot: snapsPerSlot };
var DayTimeColsSlicer = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(DayTimeColsSlicer, _super);
function DayTimeColsSlicer() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
DayTimeColsSlicer.prototype.sliceRange = function (range, dayRanges) {
var segs = [];
for (var col = 0; col < dayRanges.length; col += 1) {
var segRange = common.intersectRanges(range, dayRanges[col]);
if (segRange) {
start: segRange.start,
end: segRange.end,
isStart: segRange.start.valueOf() === range.start.valueOf(),
isEnd: segRange.end.valueOf() === range.end.valueOf(),
col: col,
return segs;
return DayTimeColsSlicer;
var DayTimeCols = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(DayTimeCols, _super);
function DayTimeCols() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.buildDayRanges = common.memoize(buildDayRanges);
_this.slicer = new DayTimeColsSlicer();
_this.timeColsRef = common.createRef();
return _this;
DayTimeCols.prototype.render = function () {
var _this = this;
var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context;
var dateProfile = props.dateProfile, dayTableModel = props.dayTableModel;
var isNowIndicator = context.options.nowIndicator;
var dayRanges = this.buildDayRanges(dayTableModel, dateProfile, context.dateEnv);
// give it the first row of cells
// TODO: would move this further down hierarchy, but sliceNowDate needs it
return (common.createElement(common.NowTimer, { unit: isNowIndicator ? 'minute' : 'day' }, function (nowDate, todayRange) { return (common.createElement(TimeCols, tslib.__assign({ ref: _this.timeColsRef }, _this.slicer.sliceProps(props, dateProfile, null, context, dayRanges), { forPrint: props.forPrint, axis: props.axis, dateProfile: dateProfile, slatMetas: props.slatMetas, slotDuration: props.slotDuration, cells: dayTableModel.cells[0], tableColGroupNode: props.tableColGroupNode, tableMinWidth: props.tableMinWidth, clientWidth: props.clientWidth, clientHeight: props.clientHeight, expandRows: props.expandRows, nowDate: nowDate, nowIndicatorSegs: isNowIndicator && _this.slicer.sliceNowDate(nowDate, context, dayRanges), todayRange: todayRange, onScrollTopRequest: props.onScrollTopRequest, onSlatCoords: props.onSlatCoords }))); }));
return DayTimeCols;
function buildDayRanges(dayTableModel, dateProfile, dateEnv) {
var ranges = [];
for (var _i = 0, _a = dayTableModel.headerDates; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var date = _a[_i];
start: dateEnv.add(date, dateProfile.slotMinTime),
end: dateEnv.add(date, dateProfile.slotMaxTime),
return ranges;
// potential nice values for the slot-duration and interval-duration
// from largest to smallest
{ hours: 1 },
{ minutes: 30 },
{ minutes: 15 },
{ seconds: 30 },
{ seconds: 15 },
function buildSlatMetas(slotMinTime, slotMaxTime, explicitLabelInterval, slotDuration, dateEnv) {
var dayStart = new Date(0);
var slatTime = slotMinTime;
var slatIterator = common.createDuration(0);
var labelInterval = explicitLabelInterval || computeLabelInterval(slotDuration);
var metas = [];
while (common.asRoughMs(slatTime) < common.asRoughMs(slotMaxTime)) {
var date = dateEnv.add(dayStart, slatTime);
var isLabeled = common.wholeDivideDurations(slatIterator, labelInterval) !== null;
date: date,
time: slatTime,
key: date.toISOString(),
isoTimeStr: common.formatIsoTimeString(date),
isLabeled: isLabeled,
slatTime = common.addDurations(slatTime, slotDuration);
slatIterator = common.addDurations(slatIterator, slotDuration);
return metas;
// Computes an automatic value for slotLabelInterval
function computeLabelInterval(slotDuration) {
var i;
var labelInterval;
var slotsPerLabel;
// find the smallest stock label interval that results in more than one slots-per-label
for (i = STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
labelInterval = common.createDuration(STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS[i]);
slotsPerLabel = common.wholeDivideDurations(labelInterval, slotDuration);
if (slotsPerLabel !== null && slotsPerLabel > 1) {
return labelInterval;
return slotDuration; // fall back
var DayTimeColsView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
tslib.__extends(DayTimeColsView, _super);
function DayTimeColsView() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.buildTimeColsModel = common.memoize(buildTimeColsModel);
_this.buildSlatMetas = common.memoize(buildSlatMetas);
return _this;
DayTimeColsView.prototype.render = function () {
var _this = this;
var _a = this.context, options = _a.options, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, dateProfileGenerator = _a.dateProfileGenerator;
var props = this.props;
var dateProfile = props.dateProfile;
var dayTableModel = this.buildTimeColsModel(dateProfile, dateProfileGenerator);
var splitProps = this.allDaySplitter.splitProps(props);
var slatMetas = this.buildSlatMetas(dateProfile.slotMinTime, dateProfile.slotMaxTime, options.slotLabelInterval, options.slotDuration, dateEnv);
var dayMinWidth = options.dayMinWidth;
var hasAttachedAxis = !dayMinWidth;
var hasDetachedAxis = dayMinWidth;
var headerContent = options.dayHeaders && (common.createElement(common.DayHeader, { dates: dayTableModel.headerDates, dateProfile: dateProfile, datesRepDistinctDays: true, renderIntro: hasAttachedAxis ? this.renderHeadAxis : null }));
var allDayContent = (options.allDaySlot !== false) && (function (contentArg) { return (common.createElement(daygrid.DayTable, tslib.__assign({}, splitProps.allDay, { dateProfile: dateProfile, dayTableModel: dayTableModel, nextDayThreshold: options.nextDayThreshold, tableMinWidth: contentArg.tableMinWidth, colGroupNode: contentArg.tableColGroupNode, renderRowIntro: hasAttachedAxis ? _this.renderTableRowAxis : null, showWeekNumbers: false, expandRows: false, headerAlignElRef: _this.headerElRef, clientWidth: contentArg.clientWidth, clientHeight: contentArg.clientHeight, forPrint: props.forPrint }, _this.getAllDayMaxEventProps()))); });
var timeGridContent = function (contentArg) { return (common.createElement(DayTimeCols, tslib.__assign({}, splitProps.timed, { dayTableModel: dayTableModel, dateProfile: dateProfile, axis: hasAttachedAxis, slotDuration: options.slotDuration, slatMetas: slatMetas, forPrint: props.forPrint, tableColGroupNode: contentArg.tableColGroupNode, tableMinWidth: contentArg.tableMinWidth, clientWidth: contentArg.clientWidth, clientHeight: contentArg.clientHeight, onSlatCoords: _this.handleSlatCoords, expandRows: contentArg.expandRows, onScrollTopRequest: _this.handleScrollTopRequest }))); };
return hasDetachedAxis
? this.renderHScrollLayout(headerContent, allDayContent, timeGridContent, dayTableModel.colCnt, dayMinWidth, slatMetas, this.state.slatCoords)
: this.renderSimpleLayout(headerContent, allDayContent, timeGridContent);
return DayTimeColsView;
function buildTimeColsModel(dateProfile, dateProfileGenerator) {
var daySeries = new common.DaySeriesModel(dateProfile.renderRange, dateProfileGenerator);
return new common.DayTableModel(daySeries, false);
allDaySlot: Boolean,
var main = common.createPlugin({
initialView: 'timeGridWeek',
optionRefiners: OPTION_REFINERS,
views: {
timeGrid: {
component: DayTimeColsView,
usesMinMaxTime: true,
allDaySlot: true,
slotDuration: '00:30:00',
slotEventOverlap: true, // a bad name. confused with overlap/constraint system
timeGridDay: {
type: 'timeGrid',
duration: { days: 1 },
timeGridWeek: {
type: 'timeGrid',
duration: { weeks: 1 },
exports.DayTimeCols = DayTimeCols;
exports.DayTimeColsSlicer = DayTimeColsSlicer;
exports.DayTimeColsView = DayTimeColsView;
exports.TimeCols = TimeCols;
exports.TimeColsSlatsCoords = TimeColsSlatsCoords;
exports.TimeColsView = TimeColsView;
exports.buildDayRanges = buildDayRanges;
exports.buildSlatMetas = buildSlatMetas;
exports.buildTimeColsModel = buildTimeColsModel;
exports.default = main;