import { ApiProperty } from '@nestjs/swagger'; export class CreateBookDto { @ApiProperty({ example: 'Nest.js: A Progressive Node.js Framework (English Edition)', }) readonly title: string; @ApiProperty({ example: 'Web Development' }) readonly genre: string; @ApiProperty({ example: 'JavaScript frameworks go in and out of style very quickly as web technologies change and grow. Nest.js is a good starting point for many developers that are looking to use a modern web framework because it uses a language that is very similar to that of the most used language on the web to this day, JavaScript...', }) readonly description: string; @ApiProperty({ example: 'Jay Bell' }) readonly author: string; @ApiProperty({ example: 350 }) readonly pages: number; @ApiProperty({ example: '', }) readonly image_url: string; @ApiProperty({ example: ['NestJS', 'REST API'] }) readonly keywords: string[]; }