
384 lines
16 KiB

import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import { DataTable } from 'primereact/datatable';
import { Column } from 'primereact/column';
import { Toast } from 'primereact/toast';
import { Button } from 'primereact/button';
import { FileUpload } from 'primereact/fileupload';
import { Rating } from 'primereact/rating';
import { Toolbar } from 'primereact/toolbar';
import { InputTextarea } from 'primereact/inputtextarea';
import { RadioButton } from 'primereact/radiobutton';
import { InputNumber } from 'primereact/inputnumber';
import { Dialog } from 'primereact/dialog';
import { InputText } from 'primereact/inputtext';
import { ProductService } from '../service/ProductService';
const Crud = () => {
let emptyProduct = {
id: null,
name: '',
image: null,
description: '',
category: null,
price: 0,
quantity: 0,
rating: 0,
inventoryStatus: 'INSTOCK'
const [products, setProducts] = useState(null);
const [productDialog, setProductDialog] = useState(false);
const [deleteProductDialog, setDeleteProductDialog] = useState(false);
const [deleteProductsDialog, setDeleteProductsDialog] = useState(false);
const [product, setProduct] = useState(emptyProduct);
const [selectedProducts, setSelectedProducts] = useState(null);
const [submitted, setSubmitted] = useState(false);
const [globalFilter, setGlobalFilter] = useState(null);
const toast = useRef(null);
const dt = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
const productService = new ProductService();
productService.getProducts().then(data => setProducts(data));
}, []);
const formatCurrency = (value) => {
return value.toLocaleString('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' });
const openNew = () => {
const hideDialog = () => {
const hideDeleteProductDialog = () => {
const hideDeleteProductsDialog = () => {
const saveProduct = () => {
if (product.name.trim()) {
let _products = [...products];
let _product = { ...product };
if (product.id) {
const index = findIndexById(product.id);
_products[index] = _product;
toast.current.show({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Successful', detail: 'Product Updated', life: 3000 });
else {
_product.id = createId();
_product.image = 'product-placeholder.svg';
toast.current.show({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Successful', detail: 'Product Created', life: 3000 });
const editProduct = (product) => {
setProduct({ ...product });
const confirmDeleteProduct = (product) => {
const deleteProduct = () => {
let _products = products.filter(val => val.id !== product.id);
toast.current.show({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Successful', detail: 'Product Deleted', life: 3000 });
const findIndexById = (id) => {
let index = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
if (products[i].id === id) {
index = i;
return index;
const createId = () => {
let id = '';
let chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
id += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length));
return id;
const exportCSV = () => {
const confirmDeleteSelected = () => {
const deleteSelectedProducts = () => {
let _products = products.filter(val => !selectedProducts.includes(val));
toast.current.show({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Successful', detail: 'Products Deleted', life: 3000 });
const onCategoryChange = (e) => {
let _product = { ...product };
_product['category'] = e.value;
const onInputChange = (e, name) => {
const val = (e.target && e.target.value) || '';
let _product = { ...product };
_product[`${name}`] = val;
const onInputNumberChange = (e, name) => {
const val = e.value || 0;
let _product = { ...product };
_product[`${name}`] = val;
const leftToolbarTemplate = () => {
return (
<div className="my-2">
<Button label="New" icon="pi pi-plus" className="p-button-success mr-2" onClick={openNew} />
<Button label="Delete" icon="pi pi-trash" className="p-button-danger" onClick={confirmDeleteSelected} disabled={!selectedProducts || !selectedProducts.length} />
const rightToolbarTemplate = () => {
return (
<FileUpload mode="basic" accept="image/*" maxFileSize={1000000} label="Import" chooseLabel="Import" className="mr-2 inline-block" />
<Button label="Export" icon="pi pi-upload" className="p-button-help" onClick={exportCSV} />
const codeBodyTemplate = (rowData) => {
return (
<span className="p-column-title">Code</span>
const nameBodyTemplate = (rowData) => {
return (
<span className="p-column-title">Name</span>
const imageBodyTemplate = (rowData) => {
return (
<span className="p-column-title">Image</span>
<img src={`assets/demo/images/product/${rowData.image}`} alt={rowData.image} className="shadow-2" width="100" />
const priceBodyTemplate = (rowData) => {
return (
<span className="p-column-title">Price</span>
const categoryBodyTemplate = (rowData) => {
return (
<span className="p-column-title">Category</span>
const ratingBodyTemplate = (rowData) => {
return (
<span className="p-column-title">Reviews</span>
<Rating value={rowData.rating} readonly cancel={false} />
const statusBodyTemplate = (rowData) => {
return (
<span className="p-column-title">Hi Status</span>
<span className={`product-badge status-${rowData.inventoryStatus.toLowerCase()}`}>{rowData.inventoryStatus}</span>
const actionBodyTemplate = (rowData) => {
return (
<div className="actions">
<Button icon="pi pi-pencil" className="p-button-rounded p-button-success mr-2" onClick={() => editProduct(rowData)} />
<Button icon="pi pi-trash" className="p-button-rounded p-button-warning mt-2" onClick={() => confirmDeleteProduct(rowData)} />
const header = (
<div className="flex flex-column md:flex-row md:justify-content-between md:align-items-center">
<h5 className="m-0">Manage Products</h5>
<span className="block mt-2 md:mt-0 p-input-icon-left">
<i className="pi pi-search" />
<InputText type="search" onInput={(e) => setGlobalFilter(e.target.value)} placeholder="Search..." />
const productDialogFooter = (
<Button label="Cancel" icon="pi pi-times" className="p-button-text" onClick={hideDialog} />
<Button label="Save" icon="pi pi-check" className="p-button-text" onClick={saveProduct} />
const deleteProductDialogFooter = (
<Button label="No" icon="pi pi-times" className="p-button-text" onClick={hideDeleteProductDialog} />
<Button label="Yes" icon="pi pi-check" className="p-button-text" onClick={deleteProduct} />
const deleteProductsDialogFooter = (
<Button label="No" icon="pi pi-times" className="p-button-text" onClick={hideDeleteProductsDialog} />
<Button label="Yes" icon="pi pi-check" className="p-button-text" onClick={deleteSelectedProducts} />
return (
<div className="grid crud-demo">
<div className="col-12">
<div className="card">
<Toast ref={toast} />
<Toolbar className="mb-4" left={leftToolbarTemplate} right={rightToolbarTemplate}></Toolbar>
<DataTable ref={dt} value={products} selection={selectedProducts} onSelectionChange={(e) => setSelectedProducts(e.value)}
dataKey="id" paginator rows={10} rowsPerPageOptions={[5, 10, 25]} className="datatable-responsive"
paginatorTemplate="FirstPageLink PrevPageLink PageLinks NextPageLink LastPageLink CurrentPageReport RowsPerPageDropdown"
currentPageReportTemplate="Showing {first} to {last} of {totalRecords} products"
globalFilter={globalFilter} emptyMessage="No products found." header={header} responsiveLayout="scroll">
<Column selectionMode="multiple" headerStyle={{ width: '3rem'}}></Column>
<Column field="code" header="Code" sortable body={codeBodyTemplate} headerStyle={{ width: '14%', minWidth: '10rem' }}></Column>
<Column field="name" header="Name" sortable body={nameBodyTemplate} headerStyle={{ width: '14%', minWidth: '10rem' }}></Column>
<Column header="Image" body={imageBodyTemplate} headerStyle={{ width: '14%', minWidth: '10rem' }}></Column>
<Column field="price" header="Price" body={priceBodyTemplate} sortable headerStyle={{ width: '14%', minWidth: '8rem' }}></Column>
<Column field="category" header="Category" sortable body={categoryBodyTemplate} headerStyle={{ width: '14%', minWidth: '10rem' }}></Column>
<Column field="rating" header="Reviews" body={ratingBodyTemplate} sortable headerStyle={{ width: '14%', minWidth: '10rem' }}></Column>
<Column field="inventoryStatus" header="Status" body={statusBodyTemplate} sortable headerStyle={{ width: '14%', minWidth: '10rem' }}></Column>
<Column body={actionBodyTemplate}></Column>
<Dialog visible={productDialog} style={{ width: '450px' }} header="Product Details" modal className="p-fluid" footer={productDialogFooter} onHide={hideDialog}>
{product.image && <img src={`assets/demo/images/product/${product.image}`} alt={product.image} width="150" className="mt-0 mx-auto mb-5 block shadow-2" />}
<div className="field">
<label htmlFor="name">Name</label>
<InputText id="name" value={product.name} onChange={(e) => onInputChange(e, 'name')} required autoFocus className={classNames({ 'p-invalid': submitted && !product.name })} />
{submitted && !product.name && <small className="p-invalid">Name is required.</small>}
<div className="field">
<label htmlFor="description">Description</label>
<InputTextarea id="description" value={product.description} onChange={(e) => onInputChange(e, 'description')} required rows={3} cols={20} />
<div className="field">
<label className="mb-3">Category</label>
<div className="formgrid grid">
<div className="field-radiobutton col-6">
<RadioButton inputId="category1" name="category" value="Accessories" onChange={onCategoryChange} checked={product.category === 'Accessories'} />
<label htmlFor="category1">Accessories</label>
<div className="field-radiobutton col-6">
<RadioButton inputId="category2" name="category" value="Clothing" onChange={onCategoryChange} checked={product.category === 'Clothing'} />
<label htmlFor="category2">Clothing</label>
<div className="field-radiobutton col-6">
<RadioButton inputId="category3" name="category" value="Electronics" onChange={onCategoryChange} checked={product.category === 'Electronics'} />
<label htmlFor="category3">Electronics</label>
<div className="field-radiobutton col-6">
<RadioButton inputId="category4" name="category" value="Fitness" onChange={onCategoryChange} checked={product.category === 'Fitness'} />
<label htmlFor="category4">Fitness</label>
<div className="formgrid grid">
<div className="field col">
<label htmlFor="price">Price</label>
<InputNumber id="price" value={product.price} onValueChange={(e) => onInputNumberChange(e, 'price')} mode="currency" currency="USD" locale="en-US" />
<div className="field col">
<label htmlFor="quantity">Quantity</label>
<InputNumber id="quantity" value={product.quantity} onValueChange={(e) => onInputNumberChange(e, 'quantity')} integeronly />
<Dialog visible={deleteProductDialog} style={{ width: '450px' }} header="Confirm" modal footer={deleteProductDialogFooter} onHide={hideDeleteProductDialog}>
<div className="flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
<i className="pi pi-exclamation-triangle mr-3" style={{ fontSize: '2rem' }} />
{product && <span>Are you sure you want to delete <b>{product.name}</b>?</span>}
<Dialog visible={deleteProductsDialog} style={{ width: '450px' }} header="Confirm" modal footer={deleteProductsDialogFooter} onHide={hideDeleteProductsDialog}>
<div className="flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
<i className="pi pi-exclamation-triangle mr-3" style={{ fontSize: '2rem' }} />
{product && <span>Are you sure you want to delete the selected products?</span>}
const comparisonFn = function (prevProps, nextProps) {
return prevProps.location.pathname === nextProps.location.pathname;
export default React.memo(Crud, comparisonFn);