<pclass="p-note">My guiding principles draw from disability justice and the ethics of care. These principles are connected to current sociopolitical issues (e.g., mass incarceration) and my dedication to social change.</p>
<imgclass="u-photo photo"src="/me.jpg?v2"alt="Photo of an East Asian man standing in front of a brick wall while looking away from the camera."title="{{ .Site.Params.author }}"/>
<p>As an advocate for digital rights and free culture, I maintain <ahref="/resources/">a page with useful resources</a>. I am currently serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA member, building capacity in data analysis and visualization.</p>
<p>📢<ahref="/links/">I found these current events and recent articles interesting</a>. 📢</p>
<p>📆<ahref="/now/">I regularly write updates on what I'm doing now</a>. 📆</p>
<p>📙<ahref="/resources/">You can browse my recommended resources</a>. 📙</p>
<p>📚<ahref="https://ethan.yoois.me/">I created a personal wiki</a>. 📚</p>
<p>📌<arel="me"href="{{ .Site.Params.authorMastodon }}">I use Mastodon, a federated alternative to Twitter</a>. 📌</p>
<p>🙌 This website is a member of <ahref="https://512kb.club/"><b>The 512KB Club</b></a> and <ahref="https://nojs.club/"><b>The NoJS Club</b></a>! 🙌</p>
<aclass="link-000"href="https://ForTheBadge.com/"><imgsrc="/img/built-with-love.svg"alt="This site was built with love, using Git and Hugo."title="I also used Git and Hugo."/></a>
<aclass="link-000"href="{{ .Site.Params.license }}"><imgsrc="/img/CC-BY-SA.svg"alt="Original content by {{ .Site.Params.author }} is licensed under {{ .Site.Copyright }}"title="{{ .Site.Params.copyrightMessage }}"/></a>