# Git ` git init ` Initialize git ` git status ` Get status ` git add ` add file to version control ` git add . ` add all files to version control ` git commit [-m "commit message"] ` commit the changes to version control ` git log ` get the log related to git i.e. version committed ` git reflog ` lists all the log ` git branch ` get the branches present locally ` git checkout ` checkout/reset the file ` git checkout ` checkout the branch ` git checkout -b ` create a new branch and check it out ` git merge ` merges the source branch into currently checked out branch ` git remote add origin ` add remote repo uri ` git remote -v ` lists the remote URIs ` git diff ` list all the changes ` git reset [/] ` reset the current status to given snapshot