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2021-11-13 02:02:11 +00:00
school-mandated poetry: day 5 / abecedarian
Anybody is capable of aspiring to
Become something more, but it is something few
Captive souls aspire to. Why? Is it this
Doddering old coot at the steeple with words of
Enmity? A
Fear of freedom? The stereotypical image of a nuclear family
Gaily partaking in a Sunday stroll to the local meadow to picnic?
Hate is not necessarily a bad thing
It is a strong emotion, yes, a naturally destructive one
but Joy can just as easily spring from a reversal, a
Kind word spoken on a
Lonely street. A
Maternal protection. A
Nauseous copulation between lovers, the
Open horizon of Sol and Luna constantly
Pitting one against the other. A
Queen from a
Ruddy and trashy neighborhood,
Slaving through learned dependence and a
Turmoil of emotions not yet equipped to deal with.
Unless I escape this golden-gilded cage, I will suffocate under a
mirror reflection of
misplaced Vanity and
something something something
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander