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2021-11-13 02:02:11 +00:00
# Poetry
## A
=> a/a-birthday-every-day.txt a birthday every day
=> a/a-smearing-of-galaxies.txt a smearing of galaxies
=> a/dang-trees.txt all these dang trees everywhere
=> a/artisto.txt artisto
=> a/access.txt A New Page
=> a/a-royal-color.txt a royal color
## B
=> b/bukedo.txt bukedo
=> b/blizzard-girl.txt blizzard girl
=> d/deadend.txt Breaking Down The Dead-End Sign
=> b/better-version.txt Better Version
## C
=> c/corner-witch.txt CORNER WITCH
=> c/corner-witch-2.txt CORNER WITCH II
=> c/comer-beber.txt comer, beber
=> c/confectionery-contempt.txt confectionery contempt
=> c/crescendo.txt crescendo
=> c/choco.txt That Ain't Chocolate, Son
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=> c/carmine.txt Carmine Red
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## D
=> d/daybreak.txt daybreak
## E
=> e/edell.txt Edell
=> e/earthbound.txt earthbound
## F
=> f/falantaj-folioj.txt falantaj folioj
=> f/fantomurbo.txt fantomurbo
=> f/felicxa.txt felicxa, sana, elkore
=> f/forgesitaj-memoroj.txt forgesitaj memoroj
=> f/forgive-me-marcel.txt forgive me, Marcel
=> f/fatali.txt fatali
=> f/firebrand.txt firebrand
=> f/feverdream2009.txt Fever Dream 2009
=> f/flickering.txt Flickering Out
=> f/father-no-longer.txt Father No Longer
## G
=> g/gemini.txt Gemini
=> g/garden-gym.txt a garden in the corner of a gym
=> g/the-golden-cage.txt The Golden Cage
=> g/green.txt green
## H
=> h/haru.txt Haru
=> h/hoarding.txt Hoarding
## I
=> i/irantaj.txt irantaj, irantaj, irinta
## J
=> j/junaj.txt junaj plenkreskuloj
=> j/jugo-vs-juego.txt jugo vs juego
## K
=> k/kafejo.txt kafejo
=> k/kie-2.txt kie ajn vi estas, parto du
=> k/kubla-clam.txt Kubla Clam
=> k/killing-calvin.txt Killing Calvin
=> k/konton-no-tsukai.txt Konton no Tsukai
## L
=> l/la-somero-de-amo.txt la somero de amo
=> l/lumo-en-vivo.txt lumo en vivo
=> l/luna.txt Luna
=> l/luna2.txt Luna II
=> l/lovesmenot.txt loves me not
## M
=> m/melia.txt Melia
=> m/messymessy.txt messymessy
=> m/montana1.txt Montana I
=> m/montana2.txt Montana II
=> m/montana3.txt Montana III
=> m/montana4.txt Montana IV
## N
=> n/nil.txt Nil
=> n/nomadic.txt nomadic
=> n/neniam-mian.txt neniam mian
=> n/novatore.txt novatore sang in the sun
=> n/state.txt No Sustained State Has Ever Existed (All Empires Fall Eventually)
=> n/nosteponsnek.txt no step on snek
=> n/not-found.txt not found
=> n/namesake.txt Namesake
## O
=> o/october-7-2018.txt october 7, 2018
=> o/old-bunk-house.txt an old bunk house built for two
=> o/oracle.txt ORACLE
=> o/one-less-box.txt One Less Box
## P
=> p/perdition-eden.txt Perdition from the Garden of Eden
=> p/prayer-dark.txt prayer to dark
=> p/prayer-light.txt prayer to light
=> p/prepari.txt prepari
=> p/pressed-flower-petals.txt pressed flower petals
=> p/psa.txt Public Disservice Announcement
## R
=> r/reakirante.txt reakirante
=> r/regnant.txt regnant
=> r/rondiro.txt rondiro de lukso
=> r/rugxa.txt rugxa kresto
## S
=> s/sakura.txt Saint Sakura
=> s/sanktulo.txt sanktulo de nuboj
=> s/school3.txt school-mandated poetry: day 3 / free verse
=> s/school4.txt school-mandated poetry: day 4 / acrostic
=> s/school5.txt school-mandated poetry: day 5 / abecedarian
=> s/school6.txt school-mandated poetry: day 6 / terza rima
=> s/school7.txt school-mandated poetry: day 7 / triplet
=> s/school8.txt school-mandated poetry: day 8 / ballad
=> s/sedation.txt Sedation In Alliteration
=> s/seris.txt Seris
=> s/serpenton.txt serpenton
=> s/skin.txt skin
=> s/sleepover2011.txt Sleepover 2011
=> s/somnolence.txt Somnolence
=> s/sweet-summer.txt Sweet Summer
=> s/strange-proposal.txt A Strange Proposal
=> s/strawberry.txt Strawberry Pound Cake
## T
=> t/the-rebirth-of-memory.txt the rebirth of memory
=> t/the-tomb.txt the tomb
=> t/the-urban-witch.txt the urban witch
=> t/todo-los-dias.txt todo los dias
=> t/to-luce.txt To Luce
=> t/to-velouria.txt To Velouria
=> t/treatise.txt A Treatise between Koriel and Solstice
=> t/twenty-one.txt Twenty-One
=> r/ridge.txt The Ridge
=> t/two-two.txt Two Two
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## U
=> u/uncharming.txt uncharming veneer
## V
=> v/viaje.txt viaje
=> v/victor.txt victor
## W
=> w/warning.txt warning
=> w/watershed.txt watershed
=> w/wip.txt WIP
=> w/withering.txt withering
=> w/wme.txt (w/m)e
## Y
=> h/home.txt You Can't Go Home Again