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<p>Except for <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20200131234126/https://beakerbrowser.com/install/">Beaker Browser. Because it only distributes 64-bit AppImages</a>. And you can't run it from source, either, because <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20200131234227/https://github.com/nodesource/distributions/blob/master/README.md">Node.js dropped support for 32-bit in the 10.x series</a>. And I can't use an alternative client to update the Dat mirrors of my websites, because <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20191213040841/https://docs.datproject.org/docs/dat-server"><em>those</em> are written in Node.js too</a>!</p> <p>Except for <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20200131234126/https://beakerbrowser.com/install/">Beaker Browser. Because it only distributes 64-bit AppImages</a>. And you can't run it from source, either, because <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20200131234227/https://github.com/nodesource/distributions/blob/master/README.md">Node.js dropped support for 32-bit in the 10.x series</a>. And I can't use an alternative client to update the Dat mirrors of my websites, because <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20191213040841/https://docs.datproject.org/docs/dat-server"><em>those</em> are written in Node.js too</a>!</p>
<p>There is no technical reason I can think of why Node.js can't support 32-bit anymore. The most information I've found to absolve their decision is <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20190831054244/https://github.com/nodejs/build/issues/885"><em>one</em> Github issue</a> where an incompatible CentOS dependency is cited as the reason why they can no longer support... <em>all</em> the Linux distros they used to be able to. There <em>is</em> an <a href="https://unofficial-builds.nodejs.org/">unofficial build page</a> where there appear to be 32-bit binaries, but there's little to no quality testing to ensure that the binaries actually... work.</p> <p>There is no technical reason I can think of why Node.js can't support 32-bit anymore. The most information I've found to absolve their decision is <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20190831054244/https://github.com/nodejs/build/issues/885"><em>one</em> Github issue</a> where an incompatible CentOS dependency is cited as the reason why they can no longer support... <em>all</em> the Linux distros they used to be able to. There <em>is</em> an <a href="https://unofficial-builds.nodejs.org/">unofficial build page</a> where there appear to be 32-bit binaries, but there's little to no quality testing to ensure that the binaries actually... work.</p>
<p>"But why can't you just update the Dat mirror when you're on a 64-bit machine?" I hear a strawman say. And the answer is twofold: executive dysfunction, and because <em>I shouldn't have to.</em></p> <p>"But why can't you just update the Dat mirror when you're on a 64-bit machine?" I hear a strawman say. And the answer is twofold: executive dysfunction, and because <em>I shouldn't have to.</em></p>
<p>Executive dysfunction is a bitch. It's hard enough to keep my focus to remember to manually copy everything over to the ZeroNet mirror every time I update something on my site or add something new. It's part of why I killed the Gopher mirror. Having to remember to go onto my ThinkPad after every time I shut down the desktop, boot <em>that</em> machine up, and then copy everything over is a bunch of undue mental strain that disincentivizes me from updating the website at all.</p> <p>Executive dysfunction is an asshole. It's hard enough to keep my focus to remember to manually copy everything over to the ZeroNet mirror every time I update something on my site or add something new. It's part of why I killed the Gopher mirror. Having to remember to go onto my ThinkPad after every time I shut down the desktop, boot <em>that</em> machine up, and then copy everything over is a bunch of undue mental strain that disincentivizes me from updating the website at all.</p>
<p>And, frankly, it's quite ridiculous that my 32-bit machine is capable of fulfilling all the tasks that my 64-bit machines are, and yet it can't. It's not for <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20190619012348/http://ask-leo.com/are_64bit_pcs_more_secure_than_32bit_machines.html">security reasons</a>, as the only major non-Windows-specific difference between 32- and 64-bit security-wise I've been able to find is <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_space_layout_randomization">the implementation of address space layout randomization</a>.</p> <p>And, frankly, it's quite ridiculous that my 32-bit machine is capable of fulfilling all the tasks that my 64-bit machines are, and yet it can't. It's not for <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20190619012348/http://ask-leo.com/are_64bit_pcs_more_secure_than_32bit_machines.html">security reasons</a>, as the only major non-Windows-specific difference between 32- and 64-bit security-wise I've been able to find is <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_space_layout_randomization">the implementation of address space layout randomization</a>.</p>
<p>"But what about the aging machines you decried a month ago? Isn't this the same situation, where you were left out in the cold because your machine was too old?" I hear another strawman say. And the answer to that: these two situations are <em>nothing</em> alike.</p> <p>"But what about the aging machines you decried a month ago? Isn't this the same situation, where you were left out in the cold because your machine was too old?" I hear another strawman say. And the answer to that: these two situations are <em>nothing</em> alike.</p>
<p>In the Gopher situation, these were machines that <em>couldn't</em> participate in the modern internet. Either they couldn't handle the modern encryption ciphers, or they didn't have the resources to run anything but the most lightweight of browsers, or they simply didn't understand the concept of a protocol more advanced than plain Gopher. The experience of using one of these machines would be vastly different than using one of my own devices. Either they <em>couldn't</em> be updated, in which case there's no point in continuing support, or they could and the owners refused to for the sake of the "retro experience", in which case they're not entitled to support just for their sole enjoyment.</p> <p>In the Gopher situation, these were machines that <em>couldn't</em> participate in the modern internet. Either they couldn't handle the modern encryption ciphers, or they didn't have the resources to run anything but the most lightweight of browsers, or they simply didn't understand the concept of a protocol more advanced than plain Gopher. The experience of using one of these machines would be vastly different than using one of my own devices. Either they <em>couldn't</em> be updated, in which case there's no point in continuing support, or they could and the owners refused to for the sake of the "retro experience", in which case they're not entitled to support just for their sole enjoyment.</p>

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<h1>Separatism: Redux</h1>
<p>published: 2022-08-01</p>
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<p>More than three years ago, I wrote <a href="../../2019/june/separatism.html">a post about female separatism</a>, or the concept that only by women divesting themselves of the need, or even the presence, of men in their lives and by working to build female-only institutions and otherwise centering women in their lives can they truly achieve liberation from the male-built structures, most of which fall under the term <em>patriarchy</em>. Because many of the structures in today's society require interacting with males- to name a few, college professors, plumbers and other home maintenance professionals, businesses- with no viable alternative, it is considered the work of every female separatist to contribute in some way to providing female-owned equivalents. At the time, after considering the concept, I ultimately rejected it because I was still struggling to reconcile my individualist belief that no person should be held responsible for crimes they did not commit with the radical feminist truth that men as a class are responsible for almost all problems faced by women. I only wanted to see the world as a collection of unrelated and coincidental events that <em>maybe sometimes</em> had deleterious effects in my life instead of burdened by an unconscious machination working to keep every woman oppressed at all costs. I stated that, if I were to flee to a separatist land, a Second Realm, I would choose one ran by libertarians (despite their <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20220727005549/https://www.agoristnexus.com/seasteading-case-studies-learning-from-the-failed-attempts-of-the-past-practical-liberated-lifestyles-on-the-high-seas/">continued failures</a>) rather than by women, radfem or not, because I believed that lip service to the concepts of freedom and bodily autonomy would be enough to keep me safe from said misogynist machinations that employ every man alive.</p>
<p>But after having spent time in online women-only spaces and of pouring effort into the friendships with the women in my life, I think I have changed my mind.</p>
<p>The Internet as it currently stands is no place for a woman, no matter her mental fortitude. I have gone through many a social media site throughout my time in this hellscape, from mainstream places like Twitter to the Fediverse to "Reddit runoff" link aggregators like Ramble to <a href="../june/purity.html">indie forums</a>. Inevitably what happens is some male comes in, convinced that he knows better than me despite, from his words and the way he conducts himself, having <em>clearly</em> misinterpreted my argument, and starts "dick-swinging" until I get tired of attempting to put out the flames of his tantrum or arguing with a brick wall and decide to go do something more productive with my time, at which point he declares himself the "winner" of the "debate". As I have gotten older and less desperate for validation on the Internet, I have found myself opting for this "walk away" approach more and more. <em>Every</em> social media site that is not explicitly for females is rife with misogyny: Reddit's <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20220726231916/https://www.reddit.com/r/BanFemaleHateSubs/wiki/index/">legion porn subreddits</a> and <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20220726232429/https://ovarit.com/o/TransLogic/121648/first-thing-i-saw-on-r-actuallesbians">male infestation of formerly female-centered places</a>, "tradcaths" and "coomers" on Twitter and Tumblr, blatant calls to violence against women on literally <em>every</em> imageboard I've ever seen...</p>
<blockquote>All space becomes male space unless females maintain a concerted effort to mark a space for themselves.<br>- Sheila Jeffreys</blockquote>
<p>For a long <em>long</em> time I have wished for a female-only lowercase-I internet. Even just a darknet, an overlay network a la Yggdrasil, a place no man could ever traverse. (Of course, it would be difficult without some kind of centralization to verify that only females are accessing the network, but this post is not concerned with implementation details.) A place without the cruft and scum and constant fighting for recognition of my worth as a person that defines the male-dominated Internet. From what I have seen of the few spaces like this on the clearnet I have found, I can extrapolate what this new network would look like: far less (maybe even no) pornography being spammed everywhere, less needless software complexity in the name of "dick-swinging" to pad out one's programming portfolio or resume, less soulless corporatist minimalism, fewer threats of violence, less harassment (sexual or otherwise), less SEO spam and blog chum... kinder interactions, more vibrant personality on personal websites...</p>
<p>Less energy spent "proving" my worth as a (physically) human being.</p>
<p>As far as socializing with strangers online goes, I have within the past few months taken up refuge in Ovarit (and ThePinkPill when the former doesn't have an appropriate "circle" for what I want to post or when said thing has already been posted but the discussion is dead and archived). In the process, I have discovered that <strong>I don't hate social media, I'm just tired of interacting with men.</strong> I have literally never had an argument on Ovarit in my time there. Plenty of disagreements and differences in opinion, sure, but no actual <em>fights</em> in the same way I did on an obscure forum in June when some "moid" was insultingly dismissive of my anxiety over the fall of <em>Roe v. Wade</em>. All my interactions on Ovarit have been respectful, if not warm and friendly and supportive. The archetypal social media user who only logs on to stir up shit and be a contrarian has a hard time taking root, quickly banned as a troll uninterested in arguing in good faith or contributing to a productive conversation. The women there (and maybe outside, if I were brave enough to share some of my writing away from the keyboard) just seem to understand my writing in a way that men appear to be fundamentally incapable of: the latter maybe a few key concepts here and there, but rarely, if ever, in its complex totality.</p>
<p>It's funny the respect among users that naturally forms when you're surrounded by people who have already implicitly agreed on the value of your life and your words and your <em>personhood</em>.</p>
<p>Despite it being a public website, I feel safe there in a way I haven't felt online in a long time. It is the same overwhelming feeling of sudden safety oft documented by women entering womyn's festivals for the first time (I think specifically of <a href="ipfs://QmUT6pjdhn6tC3GD1am64TAzpoqPD7hmjbG8hBGncyTkaY"><em>The Disappearing L</em> by Bonnie J. Morris</a>) and every time thereafter. Being in an environment of all women when one has been living in the world of men all their lives, suddenly cognizant of the male voyeur implanted in their brains since birth demanding they stay "pretty" and "consumable" all the time and how utterly useless it is there. It fills me with sorrow and yet hope at the same time: hopeful because the safety and camaraderie and solidarity expressed in the journals and snippets within prove that female separatist micro-societies <em>can</em> in fact function without men, sorrowful because many of them were shuttered before I came out and ever knew of them, but hopeful again because what once was can be yet again - and <em>is</em>, now, today, in many places throughout the world.</p>
<p>What levels of freedom can I not even conceive of because of the weight of misogyny I've carried all my life? What does a truly liberated female who has never known male-caused violence, male-caused sexualization, male-caused <em>dehumanization</em> look like?</p>
<p>I may never know in my lifetime.</p>
<p>And it <em>infuriates</em> me.</p>
<p>I'm tired of this world of men. Of being caught in the tangle of their lives. And even if I am never able to leave the Golden Cage of the house of my parents, what with the climate crisis and the housing bubble and an unlivable wage and the simple fact of me being incompatible with this world, I wish to build this female Second Realm (which exists <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20220727005918/https://www.vice.com/en/article/jpmdky/whos-killing-the-womens-land-movement">now</a>, despite everything) in the ways that I can with the knowledge that I have. To build this world that does not question my basic worth, that does not ask me to live in servitude to any person, that wholeheartedly seeks my development and fruition as a whole and complete person in and of myself free from the bonsai-esque trimming male society imposes on every woman.</p>
<p>After all, in the end, I can only save myself. And this world of men offers no true salvation.</p>
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<p align=right>CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 &copy; Vane Vander</p>

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<h1>Blog Posts</h1> <h1>Blog Posts</h1>
<p>"The first time you meet an angel, you get a horrible beating." - Terry A. Davis</p> <blockquote>"The first time you meet an angel, you get a horrible beating."<br>- Terry A. Davis</blockquote>
<p>"I am deliberate and afraid of nothing." - Audre Lorde</p> <blockquote>"I am deliberate and afraid of nothing."<br>- Audre Lorde</blockquote>
<p>The list items marked with a star are the posts I feel are the most written and should be considered a kind of "greatest hits".</p>
</div> </div>
<hr> <hr>
<div class="box"> <div class="box">
<h2>2022</h2> <h2>2022</h2>
<ul> <ul>
<li>July 11 - <a href="./2022/july/android_darknet.html">The state of darknet access on Android</a></li> <li class="based">August 1 - <a href="./2022/august/separatism-redux.html">Separatism: Redux</a></li>
<li>July 7 - <a href="./2022/july/web3.html">Broke Dumbass Attempts To Web3</a></li> <li class="based">July 11 - <a href="./2022/july/android_darknet.html">The state of darknet access on Android</a></li>
<li class="based">July 7 - <a href="./2022/july/web3.html">Broke Dumbass Attempts To Web3</a></li>
<li>June 16 - <a href="./2022/june/mistakes.html">I Love Deleting Things, Actually</a></li> <li>June 16 - <a href="./2022/june/mistakes.html">I Love Deleting Things, Actually</a></li>
<li>June 9 - <a href="./2022/june/purity.html">Purity Spiral</a></li> <li>June 9 - <a href="./2022/june/purity.html">Purity Spiral</a></li>
<li>June 3 - <a href="./2022/june/MUHWEBSITE.html">Having a website is not revolutionary</a></li> <li>June 3 - <a href="./2022/june/MUHWEBSITE.html">Having a website is not revolutionary</a></li>
<li>May 18 - <a href="./2022/may/terf.html">There's no such thing as a TERF</a></li> <li class="based">May 18 - <a href="./2022/may/terf.html">There's no such thing as a TERF</a></li>
<li>May 9 - <a href="./2022/may/divide.html">State of the Divide</a></li> <li>May 9 - <a href="./2022/may/divide.html">State of the Divide</a></li>
<li>April 11 - <a href="./2022/april/blood.html">Rivers of Blood</a></li> <li class="based">April 11 - <a href="./2022/april/blood.html">Rivers of Blood</a></li>
<li>March 14 - <a href="./2022/march/digital-immortality.html">The quest for digital immortality</a></li> <li>March 14 - <a href="./2022/march/digital-immortality.html">The quest for digital immortality</a></li>
<li>February 27 - <a href="./2022/february/spanish.html">Seven Spanish verbs to make your future-wife cry with</a></li> <li class="based">February 27 - <a href="./2022/february/spanish.html">Seven Spanish verbs to make your future-wife cry with</a></li>
<li>February 19 - <a href="./2022/february/SHUTUP.html">SHUT UP AND MAKE SOMETHING</a></li> <li>February 19 - <a href="./2022/february/SHUTUP.html">SHUT UP AND MAKE SOMETHING</a></li>
<li>January 30 - <a href="./2022/january/sappho.html">Sappho Was A Right-On Woman</a></li> <li class="based">January 30 - <a href="./2022/january/sappho.html">Sappho Was A Right-On Woman</a></li>
<li>January 10 - <a href="./2022/january/vow2.html">Vow II</a></li> <li class="based">January 10 - <a href="./2022/january/vow2.html">Vow II</a></li>
<li>January 6 - <a href="./2022/january/pendulum.html">I don't trust technomancy</a></li> <li>January 6 - <a href="./2022/january/pendulum.html">I don't trust technomancy</a></li>
<li>January 3 - <a href="./2022/january/worth.html">Worth</a></li> <li>January 3 - <a href="./2022/january/worth.html">Worth</a></li>
</ul> </ul>
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<h2>2021</h2> <h2>2021</h2>
<ul> <ul>
<li>December 17 - <a href="./2021/december/exhausted.html">exhausted</a></li> <li>December 17 - <a href="./2021/december/exhausted.html">exhausted</a></li>
<li>December 4 - <a href="./2021/december/copywrong.html">Copyright Accelerationism</a></li> <li class="based">December 4 - <a href="./2021/december/copywrong.html">Copyright Accelerationism</a></li>
<li>September 28 - <a href="./2021/september/nosimp.html">No Simp September</a></li> <li>September 28 - <a href="./2021/september/nosimp.html">No Simp September</a></li>
<li>September 26 - <a href="./2021/september/not-harmful.html">Considering software harmful considered harmful</a></li> <li>September 26 - <a href="./2021/september/not-harmful.html">Considering software harmful considered harmful</a></li>
<li>September 19 - <a href="./2021/september/fire.html">Fire Walk With Me</a></li> <li class="based">September 19 - <a href="./2021/september/fire.html">Fire Walk With Me</a></li>
<li>July 29 - <a href="./2021/july/whoami2.html">whoami: redux</a></li> <li>July 29 - <a href="./2021/july/whoami2.html">whoami: redux</a></li>
<li>July 23 - <a href="./2021/july/home-again.html">You Can't Go Home Again: Redux</a></li> <li>July 23 - <a href="./2021/july/home-again.html">You Can't Go Home Again: Redux</a></li>
<li>July 8 - <a href="./2021/july/political.html">The Personal Is Not Political</a></li> <li>July 8 - <a href="./2021/july/political.html">The Personal Is Not Political</a></li>
<li>June 1 - <a href="./2021/june/unsung.html">The Name Unsung</a></li> <li>June 1 - <a href="./2021/june/unsung.html">The Name Unsung</a></li>
<li>May 16 - <a href="./2021/may/rebirth.html">Rebirth</a></li> <li class="based">May 16 - <a href="./2021/may/rebirth.html">Rebirth</a></li>
<li>March 16 - <a href="./2021/march/harmful.html">Academic writing considered harmful</a></li> <li>March 16 - <a href="./2021/march/harmful.html">Academic writing considered harmful</a></li>
<li>February 4 - <a href="./2021/february/javascript-good.html">JavaScript Is Good, Actually</a></li> <li>February 4 - <a href="./2021/february/javascript-good.html">JavaScript Is Good, Actually</a></li>
</ul> </ul>
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@
<li>July 12 - <a href="./2020/july/html.html">What happens after HTML?</a></li> <li>July 12 - <a href="./2020/july/html.html">What happens after HTML?</a></li>
<li>June 20 - <a href="./2020/june/homo.html">Gemini Means Homogenization</a></li> <li>June 20 - <a href="./2020/june/homo.html">Gemini Means Homogenization</a></li>
<li>June 16 - <a href="./2020/june/speech.html">"Free speech" kinda sucks, actually</a></li> <li>June 16 - <a href="./2020/june/speech.html">"Free speech" kinda sucks, actually</a></li>
<li>April 30 - <a href="./2020/april/vow.html">Vow</a></li> <li class="based">April 30 - <a href="./2020/april/vow.html">Vow</a></li>
<li>April 25 - <a href="./2020/april/immortality.html">Immortality</a></li> <li>April 25 - <a href="./2020/april/immortality.html">Immortality</a></li>
<li>April 20 - <a href="./2020/april/outside-intro.html">The Outside: An Introduction</a></li> <li>April 20 - <a href="./2020/april/outside-intro.html">The Outside: An Introduction</a></li>
<li>April 4 - <a href="./2020/april/give-me-your-story.html">Give Me Your Story</a></li> <li>April 4 - <a href="./2020/april/give-me-your-story.html">Give Me Your Story</a></li>
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<h2>2019</h2> <h2>2019</h2>
<ul> <ul>
<li>December 14 - <a href="./2019/december/death-of-a-gopher.html">Death Of A Gopher</a></li> <li>December 14 - <a href="./2019/december/death-of-a-gopher.html">Death Of A Gopher</a></li>
<li>November 19 - <a href="./2019/november/masthead.html">A New Masthead</a></li> <li class="based">November 19 - <a href="./2019/november/masthead.html">A New Masthead</a></li>
<li>November 13 - <a href="./2019/november/possession.html">Possession</a></li> <li>November 13 - <a href="./2019/november/possession.html">Possession</a></li>
<li>November 9 - <a href="./2019/november/other-world.html">A World Just Beyond My Grasp</a></li> <li class="based">November 9 - <a href="./2019/november/other-world.html">A World Just Beyond My Grasp</a></li>
<li>October 3 - <a href="./2019/october/cameras.html">Cameras</a></li> <li>October 3 - <a href="./2019/october/cameras.html">Cameras</a></li>
<li>September 29 - <a href="./2019/september/sign-of-life.html">Sign of Life</a></li> <li class="based">September 29 - <a href="./2019/september/sign-of-life.html">Sign of Life</a></li>
<li>September 5 - <a href="./2019/september/roophloch.html">Neurodiversity <b>(ROOPHLOCH 2019)</b></a></li> <li>September 5 - <a href="./2019/september/roophloch.html">Neurodiversity <b>(ROOPHLOCH 2019)</b></a></li>
<li>August 14 - <a href="./2019/august/consumption.html">Consumption</a></li> <li>August 14 - <a href="./2019/august/consumption.html">Consumption</a></li>
<li>June 21 - <a href="./2019/june/separatism.html">Separatism</a></li> <li>June 21 - <a href="./2019/june/separatism.html">Separatism</a></li>

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# MayVaneDay ASS (https://tilde.town/~dzwdz/ass/) feed # MayVaneDay ASS (https://tilde.town/~dzwdz/ass/) feed
2022-08-01 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/august/separatism-redux.html Separatism: Redux
2022-07-11 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/july/android_darknet.html The state of darknet access on Android 2022-07-11 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/july/android_darknet.html The state of darknet access on Android
2022-07-07 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/july/web3.html Broke Dumbass Attempts To Web3 2022-07-07 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/july/web3.html Broke Dumbass Attempts To Web3
2022-06-18 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/poetry/r/reciprocada.txt Reciprocada 2022-06-18 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/poetry/r/reciprocada.txt Reciprocada
2022-06-16 http://yggdrasilmayvaneday.org/blog/2022/june/mistakes.html I Love Deleting Things, Actually 2022-06-16 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/june/mistakes.html I Love Deleting Things, Actually
2022-06-14 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/poetry/n/none-nuns.txt None Nuns 2022-06-14 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/poetry/n/none-nuns.txt None Nuns
2022-06-11 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/poetry/m/mitad1.txt Mitad-marida I 2022-06-11 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/poetry/m/mitad1.txt Mitad-marida I
2022-06-09 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/june/purity.html Purity Spiral 2022-06-09 http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/june/purity.html Purity Spiral

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@ -10,6 +10,30 @@
<email>vanevander@mayvaneday.org</email> <email>vanevander@mayvaneday.org</email>
</author> </author>
<title>Separatism: Redux</title>
<link href="http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/august/separatism-redux.html" />
<summary type="html"><![CDATA[<article>
<p>More than three years ago, I wrote <a href="http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2019/june/separatism.html">a post about female separatism</a>, or the concept that only by women divesting themselves of the need, or even the presence, of men in their lives and by working to build female-only institutions and otherwise centering women in their lives can they truly achieve liberation from the male-built structures, most of which fall under the term <em>patriarchy</em>. Because many of the structures in today's society require interacting with males- to name a few, college professors, plumbers and other home maintenance professionals, businesses- with no viable alternative, it is considered the work of every female separatist to contribute in some way to providing female-owned equivalents. At the time, after considering the concept, I ultimately rejected it because I was still struggling to reconcile my individualist belief that no person should be held responsible for crimes they did not commit with the radical feminist truth that men as a class are responsible for almost all problems faced by women. I only wanted to see the world as a collection of unrelated and coincidental events that <em>maybe sometimes</em> had deleterious effects in my life instead of burdened by an unconscious machination working to keep every woman oppressed at all costs. I stated that, if I were to flee to a separatist land, a Second Realm, I would choose one ran by libertarians (despite their <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20220727005549/https://www.agoristnexus.com/seasteading-case-studies-learning-from-the-failed-attempts-of-the-past-practical-liberated-lifestyles-on-the-high-seas/">continued failures</a>) rather than by women, radfem or not, because I believed that lip service to the concepts of freedom and bodily autonomy would be enough to keep me safe from said misogynist machinations that employ every man alive.</p>
<p>But after having spent time in online women-only spaces and of pouring effort into the friendships with the women in my life, I think I have changed my mind.</p>
<p>The Internet as it currently stands is no place for a woman, no matter her mental fortitude. I have gone through many a social media site throughout my time in this hellscape, from mainstream places like Twitter to the Fediverse to "Reddit runoff" link aggregators like Ramble to <a href="http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/june/purity.html">indie forums</a>. Inevitably what happens is some male comes in, convinced that he knows better than me despite, from his words and the way he conducts himself, having <em>clearly</em> misinterpreted my argument, and starts "dick-swinging" until I get tired of attempting to put out the flames of his tantrum or arguing with a brick wall and decide to go do something more productive with my time, at which point he declares himself the "winner" of the "debate". As I have gotten older and less desperate for validation on the Internet, I have found myself opting for this "walk away" approach more and more. <em>Every</em> social media site that is not explicitly for females is rife with misogyny: Reddit's <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20220726231916/https://www.reddit.com/r/BanFemaleHateSubs/wiki/index/">legion porn subreddits</a> and <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20220726232429/https://ovarit.com/o/TransLogic/121648/first-thing-i-saw-on-r-actuallesbians">male infestation of formerly female-centered places</a>, "tradcaths" and "coomers" on Twitter and Tumblr, blatant calls to violence against women on literally <em>every</em> imageboard I've ever seen...</p>
<blockquote>All space becomes male space unless females maintain a concerted effort to mark a space for themselves.<br>- Sheila Jeffreys</blockquote>
<p>For a long <em>long</em> time I have wished for a female-only lowercase-I internet. Even just a darknet, an overlay network a la Yggdrasil, a place no man could ever traverse. (Of course, it would be difficult without some kind of centralization to verify that only females are accessing the network, but this post is not concerned with implementation details.) A place without the cruft and scum and constant fighting for recognition of my worth as a person that defines the male-dominated Internet. From what I have seen of the few spaces like this on the clearnet I have found, I can extrapolate what this new network would look like: far less (maybe even no) pornography being spammed everywhere, less needless software complexity in the name of "dick-swinging" to pad out one's programming portfolio or resume, less soulless corporatist minimalism, fewer threats of violence, less harassment (sexual or otherwise), less SEO spam and blog chum... kinder interactions, more vibrant personality on personal websites...</p>
<p>Less energy spent "proving" my worth as a (physically) human being.</p>
<p>As far as socializing with strangers online goes, I have within the past few months taken up refuge in Ovarit (and ThePinkPill when the former doesn't have an appropriate "circle" for what I want to post or when said thing has already been posted but the discussion is dead and archived). In the process, I have discovered that <strong>I don't hate social media, I'm just tired of interacting with men.</strong> I have literally never had an argument on Ovarit in my time there. Plenty of disagreements and differences in opinion, sure, but no actual <em>fights</em> in the same way I did on an obscure forum in June when some "moid" was insultingly dismissive of my anxiety over the fall of <em>Roe v. Wade</em>. All my interactions on Ovarit have been respectful, if not warm and friendly and supportive. The archetypal social media user who only logs on to stir up shit and be a contrarian has a hard time taking root, quickly banned as a troll uninterested in arguing in good faith or contributing to a productive conversation. The women there (and maybe outside, if I were brave enough to share some of my writing away from the keyboard) just seem to understand my writing in a way that men appear to be fundamentally incapable of: the latter maybe a few key concepts here and there, but rarely, if ever, in its complex totality.</p>
<p>It's funny the respect among users that naturally forms when you're surrounded by people who have already implicitly agreed on the value of your life and your words and your <em>personhood</em>.</p>
<p>Despite it being a public website, I feel safe there in a way I haven't felt online in a long time. It is the same overwhelming feeling of sudden safety oft documented by women entering womyn's festivals for the first time (I think specifically of <a href="ipfs://QmUT6pjdhn6tC3GD1am64TAzpoqPD7hmjbG8hBGncyTkaY"><em>The Disappearing L</em> by Bonnie J. Morris</a>) and every time thereafter. Being in an environment of all women when one has been living in the world of men all their lives, suddenly cognizant of the male voyeur implanted in their brains since birth demanding they stay "pretty" and "consumable" all the time and how utterly useless it is there. It fills me with sorrow and yet hope at the same time: hopeful because the safety and camaraderie and solidarity expressed in the journals and snippets within prove that female separatist micro-societies <em>can</em> in fact function without men, sorrowful because many of them were shuttered before I came out and ever knew of them, but hopeful again because what once was can be yet again - and <em>is</em>, now, today, in many places throughout the world.</p>
<p>What levels of freedom can I not even conceive of because of the weight of misogyny I've carried all my life? What does a truly liberated female who has never known male-caused violence, male-caused sexualization, male-caused <em>dehumanization</em> look like?</p>
<p>I may never know in my lifetime.</p>
<p>And it <em>infuriates</em> me.</p>
<p>I'm tired of this world of men. Of being caught in the tangle of their lives. And even if I am never able to leave the Golden Cage of the house of my parents, what with the climate crisis and the housing bubble and an unlivable wage and the simple fact of me being incompatible with this world, I wish to build this female Second Realm (which exists <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20220727005918/https://www.vice.com/en/article/jpmdky/whos-killing-the-womens-land-movement">now</a>, despite everything) in the ways that I can with the knowledge that I have. To build this world that does not question my basic worth, that does not ask me to live in servitude to any person, that wholeheartedly seeks my development and fruition as a whole and complete person in and of myself free from the bonsai-esque trimming male society imposes on every woman.</p>
<p>After all, in the end, I can only save myself. And this world of men offers no true salvation.</p>
<entry> <entry>
<title>The state of darknet access on Android</title> <title>The state of darknet access on Android</title>
<link href="http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/july/android_darknet.html" /> <link href="http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/blog/2022/july/android_darknet.html" />
@ -310,55 +334,4 @@ Do you love me now?
</article>]]> </article>]]>
</summary> </summary>
</entry> </entry>
<title>Mitad-marida I</title>
<link href="http://yggdrasil.mayvaneday.org/poetry/m/mitad1.txt" />
<summary type="html"><![CDATA[<article>
Cold summer. A cold heart
beats in my chest
as I from my house depart,
legs stiff, left arm
Father spoke, "You are going to kill this tree."
It slipped
from his lips
like a prophecy.
Dogs outside my bedroom window gnawing
on the Velouria Bush, Nidhogg,
portent of the Eschaton.
Too short, too squat,
too weakened from the bark not
there anymore
to hang myself from branch's ledge
in hopes of gaining the knowledge
to see this world through to its bitter end.
I kneel before the now-fenced-in stump
and reach forward. My limbs falter.
A bramble or some other thorn from Dead End Shrine
draws a gash through my skin, nature's penknife.
Rivulets of blood stream
down without recognition of pain,
carmine trickles, a river, a flood,
guided by the soft-falling rain
before the altar.
And I pray,
let us reconcile before closes this day.
Dead-End King,
lead me to victimless iniquity.
Lead me to damnation
without hurting a single being
</feed> </feed>

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@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ ijust remember how there's a world only you can perceive
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# Welcome to MayVaneDay Studios! # Welcome to MayVaneDay Studios!
``` ```
before, in your grief, you declare before, in your grief, you decree
"my time on this earth is done; I have no more need for air" "my life is over; there's no one left to be"
just remember how you swore to with your own hands the heavens tear just remember how there's a world only you can perceive
``` ```
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<p>THE ORACLE SPEAKS: <a href="./poetry/f/firebrand.txt">[FIREBRAND]</a> <a href="./poetry/w/watershed.txt">[WATERSHED]</a> <a href="./poetry/e/earthbound.txt">[EARTHBOUND]</a> <a href="./poetry/a/airborne.txt"><b>[AIRBORNE]</b></a></p> <p>THE ORACLE SPEAKS:</p>
<p><a href="./poetry/f/firebrand.txt">[FIREBRAND]</a> <a href="./poetry/w/watershed.txt">[WATERSHED]</a> <a href="./poetry/e/earthbound.txt">[EARTHBOUND]</a> <a href="./poetry/a/airborne.txt"><b>[AIRBORNE]</b></a></p>
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<p>My books:</p> <h3>My books:</h3>
<ul> <ul>
<li><a href="./books/mm_tac.epub">Mori's Mirror and The Adoration Corporation</a></li> <li><a href="./books/mm_tac.epub">Mori's Mirror and The Adoration Corporation</a></li>
<li><a href="./books/h.epub">Hydra</a></li> <li><a href="./books/h.epub">Hydra</a></li>
<li><a href="./books/mm_tpf.epub">Mori's Mirror and The Poetry Factory</a></li> <li><a href="./books/mm_tpf.epub">Mori's Mirror and The Poetry Factory</a></li>
<li><a href="./books/is.epub">In Separation</a></li> <li><a href="./books/is.epub">In Separation</a></li>
<li><a href="./books/tvsc.epub">The Viridian Shipping Company</a></li> <li><a href="./books/tvsc.epub">The Viridian Shipping Company</a></li>
<li><a href="./books/tdom.epub">The Duality Of Mankind</a></li> <li><a href="./books/tdom.epub">The Duality Of Mankind</a></li>
@ -38,27 +48,29 @@
<div class="box"> <div class="box">
<h3>Announcement Box</h3> <h3>Announcement Box</h3>
<ul> <ul>
<li>2022-07-17: You told me to "respect his culture". You told me to respect someone who <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20220718022420/http://loureads.com/2020/08/07/lou-reads-189-biblical-gender-roles-and-how-to-follow-them/">[fundamentally sees me as lesser]</a>. These people want me dead. I will not return the favor of respect.</li>
<li>2022-07-02: You wanna know what <a href="https://deadendshrine.online/few/">[500 hours of autism]</a> gets you?</li> <li>2022-07-02: You wanna know what <a href="https://deadendshrine.online/few/">[500 hours of autism]</a> gets you?</li>
<li>2022-06-21: Went to the doctor today. I am officially non-cancerous. It unfortunately appears I will be alive longer than expected.</li> <li>2022-06-21: Went to the doctor today. I am officially non-cancerous. It unfortunately appears I will be alive longer than expected.</li>
</ul> </ul>
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<p><a href="./cli.html">The Terminal Life</a></p> <p><a href="./cli.html">The Terminal Life</a></p>
<hr> <p><a href="./women.md">The big list of women who did things</a></p>
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<p><a href="./public.gpg">My GPG key</a></p> <p><a href="./public.gpg">My GPG key</a></p>
<p><a href="https://letsdecentralize.org">Let's Decentralize</a></p> <p><a href="https://letsdecentralize.org">Let's Decentralize</a></p>
<p><a href="https://deadendshrine.online">Dead End Shrine Online</a></p> <p><a href="https://deadendshrine.online">Dead End Shrine Online</a></p>
<p><a href="https://cheapskatesguide.org" title="A friend's site. Not ran by me.">Cheapskate's Guide</a></p>
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nomad.md Executable file
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# A Nomadic Manifesto
## or, Survival on the Modern Internet
1. Modern corporations in the technology sector exist mainly due to being able to monetize their users' data.
2. Staying in one place on the internet for too long encourages cruft to build up and a data profile to be more easily made.
3. For those who do not consent to the most intimate details of their life being commodized, there is no permanent safe haven for us in this world. We are condemned to wandering forever.
Do not be afraid of death, for rebirth follows after.
[original inspiration](http://web.archive.org/web/20200224225900/https://gopher.tildeverse.org/grex.org:70/0/~papa/pgphlog/2018/alm-Antisocial_Media_Manifesto)

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# A Nomadic Manifesto
## or, Survival on the Modern Internet
1. Modern corporations in the technology sector exist mainly due to being able to monetize their users' data.
2. Staying in one place on the internet for too long encourages cruft to build up and a data profile to be more easily made.
3. For those who do not consent to the most intimate details of their life being commodized, there is no permanent safe haven for us in this world. We are condemned to wandering forever.
Do not be afraid of death, for rebirth follows after.
(Note: I wrote this before I got my own domain and server, back when I was relying on shared hosting and disreputable subdomains- which I would understandably get kicked off of or choose to leave after a while and couldn't take with me.)
[original inspiration](http://web.archive.org/web/20200224225900/https://gopher.tildeverse.org/grex.org:70/0/~papa/pgphlog/2018/alm-Antisocial_Media_Manifesto)

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# The big list of women who did things
Unfinished, obviously.
Last updated: 2022-07-16
## Art
- [Diemoth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diemoth): 12th-century recluse who transcribed at least forty-five manuscripts; notable for her "beautiful handwriting"
- [Enheduanna](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enheduanna): first known poet
- [Herrad of Landsberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herrad_of_Landsberg): 12th-century nun who wrote an early pictoral encyclopedia, *Hortus deliciarum*, to teach the women in her convent about the sciences of the time
- [Murasaki Shikibu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murasaki_Shikibu): wrote the first novel, *The Tale of Genji*
## Computers
- [Ada Lovelace](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace): the first computer programmer
- [Margaret Hamilton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Hamilton_(software_engineer)): lead programmer on the Apollo project
- [Grace Hopper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_Hopper): created the first compiler
- [Hedy Lamarr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr#Inventor): invented Wi-Fi
## Industry
- [Tabitha Babbitt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabitha_Babbitt): invented the circular saw
- [Katharine Burr Blodgett](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katharine_Burr_Blodgett): invented non-reflective (invisible) glass
- [Josephine Cochrane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephine_Cochrane): invented first commercially successful dishwasher
- [Margaret Knight](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_E._Knight): invented the paper bag machine
- [Stephanie Kwolek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephanie_Kwolek): invented Kevlar
## Medicine
- [June Almeida](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/June_Almeida): discovered the coronavirus group of viruses
- [Leila Denmark](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Leila_Denmark): synthesised the first vaccine for pertussis (whooping cough)
- [Rosalind Franklin](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosalind Franklin]: discovered the double-helix formation of DNA
- [Barbara McClintock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_McClintock): discovered that genes can move between chromosomes
- [Rita Levi-Montalcini](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rita_Levi-Montalcini): discovered nerve growth factor
- [Candace Pert](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Pert): discovered the opiate receptor in the brain
- [Mildred Catherine Rebstock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mildred_Rebstock): first person to synthesise chloromycetin (an antibiotic)
- [Trota of Salerno](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Trota_of_Salerno): first gynecologist
- [Nettie Stevens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nettie_Stevens): discovered that chromosomes determine sex
- [Flossie Wong-Staal](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Flossie_Wong-Staal): proved that HIV causes AIDS
## Science
- [Patricia Bath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Bath): inventor of the Laserphaco Probe
- [Ethel Bauer](https://web.archive.org/web/20220716220051/https://www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/history/ethel-heinecke-bauer.html): planned lunar trajectories for the Apollo program, critical to 13's safe return
- [Jocelyn Bell Burnell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jocelyn_Bell_Burnell): discovered first pulsar
- [Annie Jump Cannon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Jump_Cannon): developed the first stellar classification system; classified almost 400,000 stars
- [Mary Jackson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Jackson_(engineer)): NASA's first Black female engineer
- [Mae Jemison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mae_Jemison): first Black woman in space
- [Katherine Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_Johnson): mathematician crucial for the success of the first USA spaceflights
- [Mary Kenner](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Kenner): inventor of the menstrual pad; holder of the record for the most patents awarded to a Black woman in the USA
- [Inge Lehmann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inge_Lehmann): discovered the Earth has a solid inner core
- [Lise Meitner](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Lise_Meitner): discovered nuclear fission
- [Mary Sherman Morgan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Sherman_Morgan): invented hydyne (a liquid rocket fuel)
- [Cecilia Payne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecilia_Payne-Gaposchkin): discovered what the universe and sun are made of
- [Clarice Phelps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarice_Phelps): part of the team that discovered element 117 (tennessine); first Black woman involved with the discovery of a chemical element
- [Vera Rubin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vera_Rubin): discovered dark matter
- [Seondeok of Silla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Seondeok_of_Silla): set up first astronomy tower in Asia
- [Donna Strickland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donna_Strickland): winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics for the practical implementation of chirped pulse amplification
- [Judy Sullivan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judy_Sullivan): biomedical engineer for the Apollo 11 spaceflight
- [Maria Telkes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A1ria_Telkes): co-built first solar-power-heated heated home with Eleanor Raymond
- [Marie Tharp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Tharp): mapped the floor of the Atlantic Ocean; proved the theory of continential drift
- [Chien-Shiung Wu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chien-Shiung_Wu): first woman to become president of the American Physical Society; worked on the Manhattan Project and proved that parity is not conserved
## Social Change
- [Judith Heumann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Heumann): held the longest sit-in in a government building for the enactment of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (civil rights protection for disabled people)
## Misc
- [Marie Van Brittan Brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Van_Brittan_Brown): co-invented home security surveillance
- [Elizabeth Magie](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Lizzie_Maggie): created the progenitor to the *Monopoly* board game