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Rest Is Resistance | +Tricia Hersey | +Casual | +
...enslaved people worked twenty hours a day in the blazing sun. The reports of working from 4 a.m. until midnight, every day is unimaginable and earth-shattering to me... I remember once sitting outside on a hot summer day, barely able to breathe and thinking about the brutality of working for twenty hours straight in this level of heat every day. My throat became tight as tears rolled down my face imagining my Ancestors bearing this madness. To learn that my Ancestors' bodies were pushed to a machine-level pace of production, as plantation owners experimented with what a human body could sustain, is a grief I will probably hold forever in my heart and in my body. | +
On the Clock | +Emily Guendelsberger | +Casual | +
Do not listen to this nonsense. Don't be cruel, but be firm. Escape is possible; things don't have to be like this. The current way we've arranged our society is not inevitable, and it's far from natural. America got this way because we spent the past half century outsourcing the running of society to technology, data, and free markets - even though none of those things can tell if everyone's miserable. | +
Do Nothing | +Celeste Headlee | +Casual | +
It's time to stop viewing your off-hours as potential money-making time. It's not worth it. You can't put a monetary value on your free time, because you're paying for it in mental and physical health. Do not let corporate values determine how you spend your days and what your priorities are. |
Write For Your Life | +Anna Quindlen | +Casual | +
When the Marquis de Sade was in prison, they punished him by taking away his pen and paper, which was the greatest punishment they could effect. | +
No Is Not Enough | +Naomi Klein | +Casual | +
Every single minute he is president, his brand value and the value of his ongoing businesses is increasing, and he is therefore directly and significantly profiting from public office - precisely what conflict-of-interest rules are designed to prevent. | +