Fork 0

41 lines
951 B
Executable File

Public Disservice Announcement
Imagine thinking that a senile
rapist pedophile
is coming to save you.
You can shout and scream
at freedom-lovers like me
until your face turns red or blue,
but in the end, it's the same
state-inflicted pain
from the boot that stomps on our throats.
Would that the state did not impede
my and others' quest to secede
whether homesteading land or seasteading on boat,
for I want a life all my own
where I reap the full rewards of the seeds I have sown
and the consequences of the actions I take.
But you statists won't leave me in peace:
you keep demanding I get on my knees
and your totalitarian future to make!
"The convenience you demanded is now mandatory."
I am a fool to ever expect a sorry
for inheriting a future so bleak,
but no matter how much you beg me to be soft,
I won't blind myself to that axe hanging aloft:
I refuse to die mewling and weak!
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander