% Exponente de Hurst en anillos de Saturno % Programa para estudiar exponente de Hurst y dimensión fractal de la estructura de anillos % Trabajo de Tesis - UNLP % Horacio Daniel Salomone % Start %Image reading AS1=imread('PIA22418.jpg'); %Correct to a circle image(AS1), axis image; %Shows the figure subplot(2,2,1); imshow(AS1),title('Imágen Original-Cassini - Anillos de Saturno 5'); %Cuts the figure and shows the cut AS2=imcrop; subplot(2,2,2); imshow(AS2),title('Imagen Recortada-Anillos de Saturno 5'); %Loop to get the grayscale profiles %image size AS2 sz=size(AS2); n=sz(1,1); %Intensity profile Perfil='Vectores Perfil Intensidad.txt'; fid=fopen(Perfil,'a+'); formatSpec='%9.5f\r\n'; %Int vectors for i=1:n Int=improfile(AS2,[1 1018],[1 (0+i)]); %Recorta ceros del vector Int Int(isnan(Int))=0; %Int(Int==0)=[]; l=1; while Int(l)==0 l=l+1; end L=length(Int); r=1; while Int(L-r)==0 r=r+1; end Int(L-r+1:L)=[]; Int(1:l)=[]; end %Hurst exponent calculation for i=1:120 m=floor(L/(2*i)); for j=1:i r=Int(1+(j-1)*m:j*m); M=mean(r); x=(r-M); V=cumsum(x); R(j)=max(V)-min(V); S(j)=std(r); end tau(i)=m; RS(i)=mean(R./S); end %Linear regression to obtain Hurst subplot (2,2,3); plot(log10(tau),log10(RS),'+') xlabel('log(\tau)','FontSize',12) ylabel('log(R/S)','FontSize',12) hold on q=polyfit(log10(tau),log10(RS),1); t=0.5:0.1:3; y=q(1)*t+(q(2)); plot(t,y,'r','LineWidth',2) %text(1,2,['y =' num2str(q(1)),' x ' num2str(q(2))],'FontSize',12) hold off